WWE TV Shows - Other CUPACH'S WWE MAIN EVENT RESULTS 12/26: Who won a Battle Royal to face Cesaro next week?, 3MB in "main event" slot
Dec 26, 2012 - 8:04:35 PM
WWE Main Event Results
December 26, 2012
Taped 12/19/12 in Rochester, NY
Aired on Ion Television
By Michael Cupach, PWTorch contributor
-WWE open.
-Main Event opening music video followed by pyro. Michael Cole welcomes everyone to the show, and they go right to the battle royal after a few entrances. Antonio Cesaro is on commentary, and he will face the winner next week.
1 - 20-MAN BATTLE ROYAL – winner receives U.S. Title shot next week on Main Event
Great Khali eliminates Yoshi Tatsu right off the bat. Santino tries teaming with Santino, but Cody pulls him away from the Punjabi Playboy. Primo is eliminated by Brodus Clay, and he holds his knee after he lands. On commentary, Cesaro reiterates that a American will never beat him. He also argues with The Miz about his resume, Miz shows him up, but Cesaro says that he is no longer any of those things, so why does it matter! Ouch!
Three minutes in and Santino narrowly avoids elimination as Great Khali and Brodus Clay dominate their sides of the ring. Tyson Kidd eliminates Drew McIntyre at the four-minute mark, he then pulls Tyson Kidd over the top. Jinder Mahal and Justin Gabriel both get eliminated shortly after. The four eliminated men brawl at ringside as Main Event goes to a break at 4:30.
[Commercial. Promo for the return of The Rock at the Royal Rumble.]
Main Event returns at 7:00 with Cody Rhodes avoiding elimination at the hands of former tag team partner Ted DiBiase. Wade Barrett eliminates one of the Usos at 7:50. Damien Sandow tosses William Regal at 8:20 right after Cesaro talked about what an honor it would have been to face Regal. Santino skins the cat and catches Epico to eliminate him at 9:20.
Khali and Brodus face off in the middle of the ring, and for some reason Clay is the one who has to create movement for Khali and bump around for him. Khali gingerly gets rid of Brodus at the 10:00 mark. Santino dukes it out with Titus O’Neal in the corner as Khali chops away on Dibiase. Zack Ryder knocks the other Uso off the apron to get rid of him at 11:15.
[Q2] Khali cleans house in one of the corners by chopping each guy across the chest. Main Event goes to a break after Zack Ryder saves himself from elimination!
Khali tries to corner the Prime Time Players when Main Event returns, but they get him in the middle and double-team him to the mat. Khali fights to his feet and fights off both men. Santino almost eliminates Cody, Sandow helps Cody avoid elimination. Khali tosses both Players at 15:55 and then gets rid of Cody a few seconds later. Sandow is gone next at the hands of Great Khali! Khali is (sadly) dominating by standing in place and letting guys fly off him like bullets fly off Superman. Final four are Team Cobro, Wade Barrett, and Great Khali. Zack Ryder nails Wade with the Broski boot and then Santino dumps Ryder. Ryder and Santino stare each other down and Barrett eliminates Santino.
Barrett chops Khali down to size and tries dumping him, but Khali is too much to get over. Khali backs Barrett into a corner and chops away on him. Khali tries eliminating Barrett, but he catches himself on the apron, Great Khali turns around and then chops him between the eyes to get rid of Barrett and earn a U.S. Title shot!
WINNER: Great Khali at 18:48.
-Khali dances in the ring to celebrate, then Antonio Cesaro joins him in the ring. Cesaro offers to shake his hand, Khali is apprehensive, but they end up shaking hands and Cesaro leaves the ring to let Khali get back to dancing. Next week Cesaro will defend his title against Khali. On a totally unrelated note that has nothing to do with the idea of a long Great Khali match, but next week I am going to busy washing my hair, so don’t expect me to watch this...
-Matt Striker is backstage with Great Khali, and he asks if he is thrilled with his victory. Before he can answer, Antonio Cesaro cheapshots Khali. Cesaro decides to give a speech while standing over Khali, but Khali shoves Cesaro down, so Antonio runs off. Khali picks up the U.S. Title and says, “Happy New Year!”
-Raw Rebound time. Last Monday, Santa got run over by a BMW, coming home from my house Christmas Eve. Some people there is no such thing as Santa, but as for me and grandpa, we believe. Santa made a comeback the likes of which I haven’t seen since Steve Austin and helped John Cena beat Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez.
-3MB are out, they are in action, next!
-The Muppets appearance on MizTV on Tribute to the Troops is shown almost in its entirety. Considering that The Muppets on the show are like the ninth most (least) newsworthy thing to happen on the show, I’d say they are filling time with this package.
-Back in the ring, Heath Slater is having trouble speaking. As a result, 3MB will have to postpone their New Year's Eve concerts. Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal then blame Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel from ruining their rock and roll dream and their chance at winning the U.S. Title, so they will face them tonight. Makes sense to me.
Tyson and Jinder start things off. Jinder attacks Tyson and tags in Drew quickly. Tyson retreats and tags in Gabriel. Drew backs him into a corner and gives him some lifters.
[Q4] Drew stomps away on Gabriel, Gabriel counters an arm drag into a monkey flip. Kidd is tagged back in, and he kicks Drew in the chops and tries a pin, but Drew kicks out. Gabriel is tagged back in. He tries a sunset flip, but Drew kicks out again. Mahal is tagged in, he misses a clothesline and gets dropkicked. Tyson is back in, both men double-team Mahal with a series of kicks. Armbar by Kidd, and Mahal quickly powers out and ends up getting hurricanrana’d over the top rope. Tyson knocks Drew to the floor as well. Gabriel and Kidd dive over the top rope onto 3MB as Main Event takes a break at 3:45.
Back on Main Event, Gabriel has Drew in a submission hold. Kidd is tagged in, and he tries a victory roll. Dropkick by Kidd. He tries the Sharpshooter, but Jinder breaks it up. Drew blocks a dropkick and slams Kidd to the mat. Meanwhile, Miz and Cole are discussing Jillian Hall and the Boogeyman. Jinder is in, he chokes Kidd in the heel corner, Slater chepashots Kidd when the refs back is turned. Submission move by Mahal, Kidd armdrags out of it, he goes to tag out, but Jinder breaks it up.
They build to Justin Gabriel hot-tagging and nailing Drew with a Tornado DDT for a close two count. Moonsault from Gabriel misses. Big boot from McIntyre almost puts Justin away. Drew cheapshots Kidd on the apron and then tags in Jinder Mahal. Mahal knees Gabriel, then tries a full nelson slam, but Gabriel counters into a powerbomb!
Drew breaks up a pin, then Gabriel tosses Drew out of the ring, where Tyson knees him from the apron. Kidd is tagged in and he gets the pin on Jinder after a double-team Buff Blockbuster type move.
WINNERS: Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel in 14:57 by pinfall.
-Next week, Antonio Cesaro defends the U.S. Title against Great Khali.
Thank you for reading, make sure to check out my reviews of Smackdown each and every week, also follow me on Twitter @MJCupach where I tweet live during Raw and WWE PPVs. I am also a frequent guest on the FTWPodcast, go to FTWPodcast.com for more details!
[Torch photo credit Dave Campbell (c) PWTorch.com]
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