WWE TV Shows - Other CUPACH'S WWE MAIN EVENT TV RESULTS 6/26: Jericho vs. Rhodes tests The Theory, Christian vs. Shield, Players vs. Funk
Jun 26, 2013 - 10:02:06 PM
WWE Main Event TV results
June 26, 2013
Taped 6/25/13 in Columbia, S.C.
Aired on Ion Television
By Michael Cupach, PWTorch contributor
-WWE open.
-Main Event music video and no pyro, just Josh Mathews welcoming everyone to Main Event on Ion. Chris Jericho’s pyro goes off and he makes his way out. Apparently this is Jericho’s first time competing on Main Event.
-This week, it is just Josh and The Miz on commentary.
-Cody is out next with his bro-stache and normal wrestling tights. Bruce Mitchell had a theory in his Summer Mitchell Mojo that Cody lost on Raw because he was wrestling in his underwear, but when he wrestled in normal tights like he did two weeks ago, he won. Let’s put that theory to the test tonight!
Jericho rallies early and sends Cody to the floor, and Chris follows up with a baseball slide. Jericho retrieves Cody and tosses him back into the ring. Jericho tees off on him in the corner and when the referee pulls Jericho off him after a five count, Cody thumbs Chris in the eye. Cody snapmares Jericho and tries a running boot to the face, but Jericho ducks and rolls Cody up for a two count. Jericho shoots Cody into the ropes, then puts his head down for a backdrop, but Cody telegraphed it and boots Jericho in the head and sends him shoulder-first into the steel post. Chris Jericho falls to the floor and Main Event cuts to its first commercial break!
Back to action, Cody has Chris in a chinlock and the announcers play up that Jericho is blind in one eye after the eye gouge earlier in the match. Jericho fights out, but walks into a drop toehold. Cody shoves his forearm into the eye socket, then a front face suplex gets another two count for Rhodes. Jericho tries to mount some offense, but the eye keeps him blinded and Cody is able to connect with a picture-perfect moonsault for another two count! Submission hold by Cody, then Jericho comes back with an axe handle from the top rope. He tries the Walls of Jericho, but Cody counters and hits with the Disaster Kick right to the eye for a two count.
Cody runs into a boot from Jericho, then goes up top and connects with a cross-body block for another two count. Chops from Jericho. Jericho whips Cody to the far turnbuckle, Cody reverses, Jericho tries floating over him, but gets caught in a Alabama Slam from Rhodes! Northern Lights suplex from Jericho out of nowhere, bulldog onto Cody, Jericho tries the Lionsault, but Rhodes rolls through and nails Chris with Cross Rhodes for a two count! Must be "Rhodes finisher kickout" day!
Codebreaker out of nowhere by Jericho, but Jericho takes too long crawling to a cover and Cody drapes a leg on the bottom rope to break the count! Jericho is fired up now, so fired up that he audibly calls a spot and then kicks out of a small package by Rhodes. Jericho catches a thigh kick from Rhodes and locks on the Walls. Cody taps out!
WINNER: Chris Jericho by submission in 12:08.
Mike's Reax: Solid match from these two, but I didn’t like the nonchalant kicking out of three finishers during the course of the match. Hitting finishers and kicking out of them has become a trend/shortcut to pop the crowd these days like the guys think that every match is taking place at WrestleMania or something.
-Skit for WWE Studios's “The Call” is shown. Again.
-Still to come, Christian vs. Dean Ambrose!
-Teaser video for the return of Rob Van Dam is played.
-Antonio Cesaro and Zeb Colter make their way out. Zeb cuts a promo about Cesaro being the newest “real American.” Colter takes a shot at the name “Gamecock” and why it is a mascot of a prestigious university. Colter claims he is here to help wake America up and mentions that on Smackdown there will be a Dublin Street Fight and a Del Rio Fiesta and he wonders if he is still in America. Zeb is all over the place because next he riffs on outsourcing customer service to India. Zeb might be all over the place, but he is riling up the crowd, so kudos to him! Zeb then calls Antonio Cesaro more American than 95 percent of the people in the crowd.
Cesaro takes the microphone he says that he doesn’t have a sense of entitlement and isn’t waiting for a handout, he works hard for what he gets and came to the United States the right way. He says what he does is the American way, not that anyone there knows what it is anymore. Cesaro embraces freedom and that makes him the “person-fication” of the American dream. We the people.
-Up next, Christian vs. Dean Ambrose.
-I think WWE's presentation of The Shield is getting lazy. They come out of the same section every week and the camera locks onto it before they come out. At least pretend like you don’t know where they will be. Lie to me cameraman, lie to me!
-A little back-story concerning Christian and The Shield is shown. Their back-story is a week old, so it doesn’t take long!
2 - United States champion DEAN AMBROSE vs. CHRISTIAN – non-title match
Dean exits the ring and Christian gives chase. Ambrose enters the ring and baits Christian in, then lays the boots to him. Ambrose chokes Christian in the corner, then tries whipping him into the turnbuckle, but Christian reverses and goes for the Killswitch early, but Ambrose bails. Ambrose lays Christian out on the floor and then trash-talks him as the referee administers the ten count.
Back in the ring, Ambrose chokes Christian on the middle rope and then unloads a series of blows to the chest of Christian. He ties Christian up in the ropes and nails him with a running dropkick! Ambrose works the mid-section of Captain Charisma and then puts him in an Indian Deathlock. Christian powers out, Ambrose tries a side suplex, but Christian wiggles out, mule kicks Ambrose in the stomach, and tries a sunset flip for a two count. Christian goes to the far corner and climbs the turnbuckle, but The Shield run in and push him off to cause the DQ!
WINNER: Christian by DQ in 3:28.
-Post-match, The Usos make the save for Christian and The Shield run off.
-Raw Rebound featuring the C.M. Punk and Paul Heyman drama.
-On Smackdown, Miz will do a MizTV segment and his guest will be Paul Heyman. Also on Raw this Monday, Punk will team up with Curtis Axel to take on The Prime Time Players.
-Speaking of which, The Prime Time Players are out, they have a match tonight. If they win their match against Tons of Funk tonight, the fans are supposed to believe that they are a team on-par with Punk and Axel and forget that the PTP haven’t been treated like jobbers for the last 12 months.
Breaking News: Christian and The Usos take on The Shield in six-man tag action on Smackdown. Also, Del Rio will have a fiesta to celebrate his World Title win.
-The Funkadactyls and some other girl sing Brodus Clay's theme to bring out Tons of Funk. They all dance and have a good time because that is what it is all about, I guess. Random girl has a good voice, I’ll give her that. Cameron and Naomi…I don’t know about, they are kind of mumbling. Josh introduces the random girl as Jo-Jo and she will be on "Total Divas" when it debuts this summer.
Early on, Clay and Tensai play ping-pong knocking Darren Young in and out of the ring. Young makes a desperate tag to Titus who runs into Tensai, but can’t knock him down. Tensai shoulderblocks Titus and takes him down. Titus works him over and then quick-tags Young and suplexes him on top of Sweet T! Young puts the boots to him and then tags O’Neil back in. They double-team Sweet T, Titus barks like a seal, and then he big splashes Tensai in the corner.
Titus tries another splash, but Tensai moves out of the way and dumps Titus to the floor. Tensai crawls to his corner to tag Clay who comes in a house of fire. He suplexes Titus across the ring and then splashes him in the corner. Powerslam by Clay. He tries the pin, but it is broken up by Young. Brodus misses a charge in the corner, then Young slams him shoulder-first into the turnbuckle and Titus gets an awkward pin on Clay to pick up the win. Well all right.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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