WWE PPVs KELLER'S WWE SUMMERSLAM LIVE PPV BLOG 8/14: Ongoing coverage of Punk vs. Cena, Christian vs. Orton live from L.A.
Aug 14, 2011 - 10:24:04 PM
By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor
AUGUST 14, 2011
-Ring announcer Justin Roberts introduced Adam Jones from "Tool" on stage to play the U.S. National Anthem.
-A video introduction aired hyping Summerslam's main event.
-The show opened with pryo and a camera panning the crowd and Cee Lo's song played.
-The stage had big puffy cloud-like letters that said "Awesome!" Michael Cole said justice was served and Miz was added to the show. Booker T told Cole to take out his pompoms to celebrate.
-The Miz said: "Back by popular demand, the most must-see WWE Champion of all-time, The Miz has returned to Summerslam." Not much crowd response. Miz thanked the fans for insisting he be on the card. Truth interrupted. Truth talked about a conspiracy, how he hates spiders, and because spiders start with the letter S, he hates Summerslam, too.
-Del Rio made his ring entrance next. Booker praised him. Cole said he's a bandwagon jumper. Cole also bragged that Adam Jones is a fan of his. Booker said, "Why am I not surprised that a band by the name Tool is a fan of yours."
-After several minutes of rapid-paced action, Rey hot-tagged in at 8:00 and scored the pin on R-Truth a minute later despite attempted interference from Del Rio.
WINNER: Mysterio at 9:35. (**1/4)
-Backstage John Laurinaitis told C.M. Punk he wanted a public apology for kicking him last Monday because he would not allow Punk to "impugn his integrity" or "challenge his authority." Punk broke into a smile, coughed, and then delivered an over-the-top insincere apology. Laurinaitis corrected him when he got his title wrong. Laurinaitis didn't look pleased with the apology, but couldn't do anything about it. Stephanie McMahon walked into the picture. She wished Punk luck tonight. Punk said he finds it hard to believe. He told her to wish her daddy luck or go be with her husband, the new COO. She said they both wish him luck, too, as well as Cena. She said, "What would I know I'm just Vince McMahon's clueless daughter." Punk said that's true, but he called her idiotic. She extended her hand and wished him luck. He refused to shake her hand. "I would, but I know where that hand's been." The crowd erupted at that line.
-They showed a street scene from L.A., then they went to the announcers at ringside. Cole read poll results that only 38 percent of WWE fans believe Hunter will call it down the middle. Lawler wondered what Punk was thinking with those insults since Hunter is referring his match later.
-Cole said Henry isn't a bully because he's not picking on people smaller than him. Lawler didn't agree. Cole listed Big Show, Kane, and Vladimir Kozlov as examples of men bigger than hi (at least taller).
-Henry dominated the first five minutes including an inverted body vice. Sheamus made a comeback and took control for the next few minutes.
-When they fought to ringside, Henry shoved Sheamus back-first into the ringpost and then powered him through the ringside barrier. They nearly knocked into several fans in their chairs, and one guy was overacting so much I have to assume he was a plant, perhaps one of several, as it seems WWE wouldn't put fans at risk like that without taking precautions or putting up a wall of employees or plants to keep real fans away from their path. If the plants who overacted were paid for their role, they should not be paid. That was awful overacting to the point of being comical and ridiculous.
-Sheamus crawled back toward the ring, but was counted out.
WINNER: Henry in 7:00 via countout. Decent big-man brawling, a start of a feud I assume will be going for a while. (*3/4)
-Josh Mathews interviewed Christian backstage. He asked him about the news that Christian claims will change everything at Summerslam. He said he found himself an insurance policy and the entire WWE is the beneficiary. He said the match is no holds barred, so anything goes. He said the match will be like an epic summer blockbuster filled with action, and he's the hero like Harry Potter, capable of magic with his every move. He said Randy Orton is like the movie "Cowboys and Aliens," an overproduced, overrated, overmatched flop. Christian was very satisfied with himself.
-A commercial aired for "Killer Elite." I suppose that's one way to make up for sagging PPV buys - earn extra money with commercials. UFC has been doing this for years, and as much as it irks people, it's a bathroom break and cuts an arbitrary segment out of a show that has a soft end point, so it extends the show a minute or two, but doesn't shorten it.
-Cee Lo came out and sang "Bright Lights, Bigger City" and then a modified "F--- You!" Dancers joined him on stage for this song. They cut to crowd shots of people singing along and dancing. Being in L.A. and having Cee Lo there does give the show more of a big-event feel, especially with the Staples Center setting in Los Angeles.
-Then another commercial break. This time for Slim Jim and 7-Eleven. One was barely okay. This is now going to really upset people.
3 -- KELLY KELLY (w/Eve Mendez) vs. BETH PHOENIX (w/Natalya) -- WWE Divas Title Match
-Kelly dove to the floor early with a body press onto Phoenix.
-Back in the ring Phoenix dominated for several minutes. She teased a comeback at 3:00, but Phoenix lifted her and set her upside down in the corner. She charged at her, but Kelly lifted herself up and schoolgirled Phoenix for a near fall. Booker said someone is working with Kelly on her technical skills. Cole said she's the Divas Champion, so someone was working with her long before tonight. Booker tried to cover for himself and said she's improved a lot over the last six months.
-When Phoenix set up a Glam Slam, Kelly rolled through for the win. When Cole called it a huge upset, Booker asked what he was talking about. Booker said, "She's the champion, and now we know why." Lawler said Cole has to eat crow now. Cole agreed to give Kelly deserved credit.
WINNER: Kelly in 5:00 to retain the Divas Title. (*)
-They showed Stephanie McMahon walking out of John Cena's locker room. Lawler wondered what was going on inside there.
-Backstage R-Truth said they had a bond, so there's no way they should have lost the match earlier. he asked Jimmy Hart, making his return to WWE TV, what he thinks. Hart said Truth needs someone to help him get to the top. He listed his resume with Money Inc., the Hart Foundation, and Honky Tonk Man. He told Truth he needs him because he needs to think big. Truth said he makes a lot of sense. "Think big and not little, Jimmy," he said. He then freaked out and wondered if Hart was "Little Jimmy." He asked if he talked to him or knew where he was. "Little Jimmy conspiracies everywhere," he said. They showed Ron Artest with his daughter looking on. Truth asked who he was looking at.
-Another commercial aired, this for Twix. Okay, this is a little much now. If they offered a discount in exchange for dealing with several commercial breaks, that'd be one thing.
-The announcers talked about Bryan being a vegan again. Booker softened his stance, saying it works for Bryan so it's okay with him. He used to say he didn't agree with his vegan "lifestyle." He said he saw him eating tofu, pasta, and greens earlier. Lawler wondered if that's a meal. Cole said he needs to eat some protein (as if gorillas, who are also vegetarians, need to eat other animals to get their protein so they can be muscular). The myth that meat and dairy are the only, much less best, way to get protein as a human is insanely uninformed. I know, I know, Cole's being a heel, so at least the heel is the doofus here.
-Bryan and Barrett stole the show so far with well-paced, hard-hitting action.
-Bryan transitioned into a Lebell Lock for a near tappet, but Barrett reached the bottom rope.
-Bryan climbed to the top rope and mounted Barrett. Barrett shoved him off and then clotheslined him to the mat hard. Barrett followed with Wasteland for the win.
WINNER: Barrett in 12:00. (***)
-They showed footage of Staples Center on the outside, then military personnel at ringside. Lawler expressed appreciation for all the troops do.
-A long video package aired on the Christian vs. Randy Orton feud.
-Christian's ring entrance took place. Then he made his major announcement from mid-ring. He said unlike Orton, Teddy Long, or Triple H, he is a man of integrity and always keep his promise. He then welcomed the man who will be in his corner tonight, "my best friend, the Rated-R Superstar, Edge." Edge's music played and the crowd popped. Edge danced onto the stage, looking a lot thinner, but healthy. Actually, a little Darryl Hall (of Hall & Oates), circa 1983. Lawler said this changed the complexion of the championship match. I was hoping for Tyson Tomko, actually, as he and Christian have a nice chemistry, but obviously Edge being present adds star power and storyline possibilities to this match.
Edge took the mic and said, while catching his breath, "That was fun. Thank you." He said as much as it was a bitter pill to swallow when the doctor delivered the news that he couldn't wrestle again, he felt he was passing the torch to Christian and he kicked the door down. He said he felt it was unfair Long made him defend the title five days after a ladder match. He said he complained about it the next week, and the week after that, and the week after that, and the week after that, and so on and so on. "You whined and moaned," he said. He said he won back the title and is now a two-time champion, "but you did it by disqualification?" Edge said he did some horrible, heinous things in the ring, but he always did it with style and panache. He said he didn't hide behind lawyers and suits and clipboards. Christian looked crestfallen. He said somewhere along the line he became a disgrace to himself. He said he's better than that and he knows it. He said he'll love him until the day he dies and that will never change, but he needs to hear it from him because he won't listen to anyone else. He said, "I didn't know my best friend would become a whining, moaning, crying little bitch." He dropped the mic and walked to the back. Christian yelled at him.
-Cole said maybe Christian needed to hear that, but for Edge to deliver that news under these circumstances, right before his title defense, shows he's an egomaniac. Booker said he said exactly what he's wanted to say for a long time. What stopped Booker from saying it, exactly?
-Booker, who's been good skipping the cliches lately, said Christian is a late-game-breaker and late in the game he "steps up and hits a home run every time." Lawler agreed with him. Really, the guy who lost time after time to Orton "hits a home run every time"?
-At 4:00 they brawled at ringside. Orton met Christian on the announce table and went for an RKO. Christian blocked it and grabbed his title belt from ringside and bailed out into the crowd. Orton chased him down and the referee followed.
-Back in the ring, Orton mounted Christian and punched away at him in the corner. When he backed off then charged at Christian, Christian moved. Booker said he's been in the ring with Christian and he is the most underrated talent in WWE. He said that wasn't an accident, it was by design, that Christian moved.
-Christian pulled a kendo stick out from under the ring. In the ring he beat on Orton with the stick, then shoved the butt end of the stick into his throat on the mat. That was good for a two count.
-Orton took control a few minutes later and at 12:00 he pulled a ladder out from under the ring. The fans cheered. Orton pulled out another. Christian recovered, meanwhile, and shoved Orton into the ringpost. He then set up a table. Orton shoved Christian onto the table face-first, then superplex Christian onto the table in mid-ring. Have I seen that before?
-Orton assessed the damage to the table, which was cracked in the middle where Christian landed. He set the table up in the corner. As Orton was going to throw Christian into it, Christian got up and gave Orton an inverted neckbreaker. Christian then went for a spear, but Orton leapfrogged him. Christian then threw Orton to the floor.
-At 15:00 Orton reverse-whipped Christian into the ringside steps. Christian flipped over the steps and landed hard on the other side. Orton grabbed the top of the steps and leaned it against the side of the ring. Christian reversed Orton into the steps.
-Christian set up an RKO on the table at ringside, but he took too long and Orton countered with his own RKO. The Spanish announce table collapsed underneath them.
-In the ring at 19:00 Christian blocked an Orton RKO attempt and hit the Kill Switch for a convincing near fall. Christian had a look of disbelief.
-Christian brought a chair into the ring and swung at Orton. Orton moved and then used the chair to jab Christian in the gut and then smash it across his back. He then charged at Christian and knocked him off the ring apron and through the table set up at ringside.
-Orton threw everything he could find into the ring - garbage cans, sticks, tables, steps. Orton stood on the steps in mid-ring and then stepped on Christian's head. When he went for a stomp, Christian moved. Orton came back with a snap powerslam into the table propped in the corner. Lawler: "I don't know if that was the table snapping or Christian's back."
-Orton DDT'd Christian off of the second rope onto a trash can. He then signaled for the RKO. Christian, though, picked up the kendo stick and hit Orton. Orton recovered quickly and caught Christian flying off the second rope with an RKO onto the steps for the three count.
-Excellent match. That was a suitable PPV main event, easily. These two really are at the top of their game, and it's great to see Christian getting a chance to have epic matches like this that will be remembered (and talked about, come Match of the Year list-making time). This match also shows how effective these weapons and objects can be in a big match with the right build-up when they don't pollute TV shows and PPV undercards with tons of gimmick-filled matches.
WINNER: Orton to capture the World Hvt. Championship in 24:00. (****1/4)
-A video package aired on Summerslam Fan Axxess including various celebrities.
-A roving camera showed Triple H and Stephanie having a conversation, then kissing, before Triple H walked away to head to the ring.
-The long video package that aired on TV also aired here recapping the Cena-Punk saga.
At 11:30 ET join us live for the PWTorch Livecast post-Summerslam edition at blogtalkradio.com/pro-wrestling-torch. You can listen live or click on that link to listen to the archive if you can't listen live. We'll be taking your calls for a full hour.
5 -- JOHN CENA vs. C.M. PUNK - WWE Title vs. WWE Title.
-Triple H came out first with the referee shirt on.
-C.M. Punk came out next to "Cult of Personality." That song was made to be a pro wrestling ring entrance theme. Triple H glared at Punk. Punk sat in the middle of the ring, as usual, and waited for Cena while breathing deeply.
-Cena's music played. The crowd erupted with boos and cheers. He looked at the camera and said something about how this is where it started and he used to walk the concourse of this arena as a kid, or something to that effect. Lawler declared, "The champ is here!"
-Cole wondered which of them would be defending the WWE Title at the next PPV at Night of the Champions in Buffalo. Lawler said whether or not you like Cena, everyone respects him.
-This isn't Chicago. Punk got a pop, but nothing close to his pop in Chicago and nothing close to what Cena got seconds later. It was a real mix of cheers and boos, too. Cena got that reaction. Punk mock applauded as Cena was introduced.
-Booker talked about ten years ago facing The Rock at Summerslam.
-Triple H held up both belts as the bell was about to ring. Lawler said this is the first time this has happened in the history of WWE.
-Booker, who earlier said pro wrestling is all about money, while titles are just icing on the cake, revised his opinion and said, "Titles, that's what it's all about." Does he not keep track of anything he says at all?
-The bell rang 20 minutes into the third hour, plenty of time for another classic if they have it in them.
-The crowd stumbled with the chants early as when they tried to get the "Let's Go Cena / Cena Sucks" thing going, C.M. Punk fans tried to chant his name. Eventually the "Cena / Cena" chant took hold.
-Matwork early by Punk. Cena countered and settled into a chinlock. Punk came back with a body scissors. Several more minutes of mostly matwork followed.
-Cena went for a side slam, but Punk rolled through on it and then caught Cena with a knee to the chin against the ropes. Punk then put Cena in the Anaconda Vice. Cena eventually countered into an attempted STF at 13:00. Punk reached the bottom rope before it was fully locked on.
-Punk dumped Cena over the top rope with a backdrop and both men caught their breath. Punk then dove through the ropes and tackled Cena into the security wall. Both men were slow to get up. Triple H picked up Cena and threw him into the ring. Then he threw Punk into the ring. Lawler said Hunter would not let the match end with a double countout.
-The crowd cheered as Punk and Cena exchanged kicks and punches. Actually, Punk fans cheered Punk's blows and booed Cena's blows. Cena went for an Attitude Adjustment, but Punk slipped out. Cena then nailed Punk with a dropkick. Lawler said it was the best dropkick he's ever seen Cena throw. Cena then hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena went for another AA, but Punk slipped into a sunset flip for a two count. Cena jackknife covered Punk for a one count. The both stood and a backslide turned into Punk kicking Cena in the back of the head for a two count.
-Cena escaped a Punk attempt at an AA at 17:00 and then slammed Punk for a two count.
-When Cena climbed to the top rope, Punk ran up and kneed him in the face. Booker declared this one of the best matches he has ever seen. Punk then bulldogged Cena off the top rope for a two count.
-Another pro-con Cena chant broke out as Punk climbed slowly to the top ring apron and then launched himself at Cena. Cena side-stepped him and applied the full STF. The hole showed too much light as Punk had room to move in there and also yell. Cena needs to apply that 75 percent not 25 percent compared to really trying to choke someone out. Punk eventually reached the bottom rope.
-Cena went for an AA, but Punk countered with a GTS attempt. Cena countered with an AA for a convincing near fall at 20:00. Cena rolled over and absorbed the ramifications of Punk kicking out of his finisher. The crowd fell nearly silent as Cena checked with Hunter that it was only a two count. He eyed Hunter as if he was slow with the count.
-Cena finally walked over to the top rope and launched with a legdrop attempt. Punk moved and then gave Cena the GTS. Cole ruined it by declaring it over before the ref counted, and sure enough, Cena kicked out just before three.
-Punk got up and hit a top rope elbow drop for a near fall. Cena kicked out. The crowd chanted "Randy Savage! Randy Savage!" as a tribute to the top rope elbow. The announcers didn't acknowledge it. After Punk questioned Hunter's count, Cena small packaged him for a near fall.
-Cena threw a series of punches and kicks next, then let out a roar for the crowd. Punk kicked him again and then gave him a high knee to the jaw against the ropes. Punk then delivered another GTS, but Cena had his foot on the bottom rope. Hunter didn't see it or ignored it. Punk's music played as Hunter called for the belt to present to Punk. Cole yelled, "Cena's foot was on the rope!" Punk's "Cult of Personality" played as the crowd stood in stunned silence, waiting for the next chapter.
-Cena protested Hunter's decision, then left. Hunter offered a handshake to Punk. Punk refused. Hunter raised his arm in victory.
-Another excellent match between those two. This wasn't going to live up to last month's first PPV match since that had the Chicago crowd and the novelty of seeing these two do a lot of similar near falls spots and reversals the first time, but this was a very worthy sequel.
WINNER: Punk in 24:00 to unify the dual WWE Championships. (****1/4)
-As Punk continued to celebrate and Cole began to do the sign-off, Kevin Nash (yes, Kevin Nash) entered the ring and clotheslined Punk. Then he gave Punk a Jackknife powerbomb. Cole called him Kevin Nash, not Diesel. Nash then walked out of the ring and through the crowd. Hunter walked back to ringside, stunned at what he just saw. Alberto Del Rio then walked out. Cole exclaimed, "Oh my God!"
6 -- C.M. PUNK vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO -- WWE Title Match
-Del Rio kicked Punk in the head and scored the pin.
WINNER: Del Rio in five seconds to capture the WWE Championship.
-The show closed with Del Rio celebrating in the aisle, Punk holding his skull in his hands on the mat, and Hunter absorbing the happenings. It's fun to have a major character like Nash back in this mix and see where he settles. Could there be a WrestleMania match in this, or is this very short term?
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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