WWE PPVs KELLER'S WWE SURVIVOR SERIES REPORT 11/21: Orton vs. Barrett with Cena as ref, Edge vs. Taker, Bryan vs. DiBiase, Sheamus vs. Morrison, more
Nov 22, 2010 - 9:48:59 AM
NOVEMBER 21, 2010
-They opened with an excellent video package chronicling John Cena's difficult dilemma headed into tonight's main event. It had narration from Cena saying he'd do the right thing, clips of Roddy Piper trying to shame Cena into doing the right thing, and dramatic music in the background.
-Pyro blasted in the arena as the camera panned the crowd and Michael Cole introduced the Survivor Series as the second-longest running PPV series. He was joined by Matt Striker and Jerry Lawler.
1 -- DANIEL BRYAN vs. TED DIBIASE (w/Maryse) -- U.S. Title Match
Cole said DiBiase took Maryse shopping on South Beach last night. A lot banter out of the gate from Cole about Daniel being a nerd. He called his intro music "nerd music." Lawler asked if Striker if he could afford to take Maryse shopping if he were still on a teacher's salary. Cole laughed. Striker said he'd mortgage his house. Lawler said Maryse wouldn't hang out with an Average Joe. Striker laughingly said Bryan said he was honored to have Jim Ross call his match on Old School Raw. Cole brought up various countries watching Survivor Series. The lights darkened briefly. It wasn't a glitch, not the Raw G.M. chiming in.
Bryan knocked DiBiase to the floor with a thrust kick to the chest. Striker said DiBiase's knowledge of submissions shouldn't be doubted considering he was trained by Harley Race. DiBiase backdropped Bryan over the top rope to the floor at 1:00 to take control. He rolled him onto the apron and bashed him with forearms, then leaped off with an elbow to his chest as Maryse looked on from a few feet away. DiBiase scored a two count back in the ring. Bryan fought back with an uppercut. DiBiase cut off his comeback and applied a headlock. Bryan fought out of it at 3:00, but DiBiase gave him a backbreaker and his high standing dropkick, then went back into a headlock. Bryan came back at 4:00 and hit a running dropkick. Both were slow to get up.
Bryan hit some rapid-fire kicks and a flying clothesline. Bryan dove onto DiBiase on the floor, but landed on his shoulder and clutched it in pain afterward. He hit a top rope dropkick for a near fall seconds later, but continued to clutch his shoulder afterward. Bryan threw roundkicks to a kneeling DiBiase's chest and then small packaged him for a near fall. DiBiase flipped Bryan with a clothesline at 7:00 for a two count. DiBiase applied the cobra clutch, but Bryan blocked Dream Street. Bryan went for a leverage pin, but DiBiase held on to the cobra clutch. He then hit a spinebuster for a two count.
DiBiase back suplexed Bryan off the top rope and catapulted him into the corner for a near fall. Bryan then managed to apply the Lebell Lock out of nowhere for the tapout win. Cole said: "Somehow he keeps winning. I don't get it."
WINNER: Bryan to retain the U.S. Title in 10:00.
STAR RATING: *** -- Good match. Nice to see Bryan getting legit wins that show a faith in him. If he becomes a long-running U.S. Champion who has three star or better opening matches on PPVs, that's a pretty good career start in WWE.
-Afterward, The Miz hit Bryan with the Money in the Bank briefcase as he celebrated on the stage. Alex Riley kneeled down and trash-talked Bryan as Miz strutted to the ring. Miz cut a promo on the Miami Heat and took digs at Lebron James. The lights flickered briefly again at the start. He said he is a proud resident of Cleveland, Ohio. He said like the Heat, Nexus are overrated, despised by millions, and hopelessly mediocre. He said Lebron feels entitled to a title just like Wade Barrett. Fans chanted "Let's Go Heat." Miz said Lebron should apologize to everyone in Cleveland for what he did. Miz said he's tiring of carrying the Money in the Bank briefcase around and issued a warning that it's a matter of if, not when, he cashes it in. He closed with his catch phrase and the lights flickered again.
-They showed the announcers at ringside briefly and then scenes of Miami Beach.
-After a video package on the Sheamus-John Morrison feud, Josh Matthews interviewed Sheamus backstage. Sheamus said Morrison is jealous that he's a former and future World Champion, which he never will be. He said he's going to break his will and break his body tonight.
During Sheamus's ring entrance, Lawler said he knew a bully in school that everyone wanted to see get his comeuppance, but it never happened. He said he hopes Morrison stops Sheamus's bullying. Cole said Morrison should mind his own business. Lawler said Sheamus is deceptively big. Morrison dropkicked Sheamus to the floor in the opening minute and then corkscrew dove onto him. Morrison pounded on Sheamus at ringside. Sheamus shoved Morrison into the ring barrier, though, and then took control inside the ring. Similar structure to the start of the Bryan-DiBiase match. Sheamus methodically beat on Morrison including a headlock and armbar. Lawler said, "Sometimes they say size doesn't matter." Striker said, "To you they don't." Lawler had a set-up to make a comment about Striker there, but wisely didn't.
Morrison blocked a superplex attempt at 5:00 and hit a crossbody block, but Sheamus rolled through and lifted Morrison and powerslammed him for a two count. Morrison made a full comeback at 7:00 and scored a soft two count. Sheamus cut him off with a backbreaker a minute later for a two count. Sheamus set up his finisher, but Morrison blocked it and catapulted Sheamus into the corner and then his a side Russian leg sweep for a two count. The structural similarities between this and the opener continued. Lawler wondered what Morrison would have to string together to get a three count on Sheamus. Sheamus took over again and leg whipped Morrison over his shoulder for a two count. Morrison yelled, "What?! Three!" at the referee. Sheamus applied a half crap and tried to get Morrison to submit. Morrison lunged to the bottom rope to force a break. Sheamus blocked a Starship Pain at 10:00. He then set up the High Cross again, but Morrison slipped free and then roundkicked Sheamus in the face. He followed with his running knee to the head for the clean win. Cole called it a "surprise." Cole said Morrison called out Sheamus for being bully, and then he delivered. Striker said Morrison showed a great example of what to do in the face of a bully - always fight back as Morrison did.
WINNER: Morrison in 11:00.
STAR RATING: **1/2 -- Good match. The reports on the house show matches these two were having were good, and this was evidence that they have some chemistry.
-A commercial aired for Big Show's movie.
-Backstage R-Truth told John Cena not to look at him like that. Cena said everything going on with him and Nexus was none of his business. Truth said he might have a solution for him. Truth said he's not officially at ringside for the match, but Nexus is. He said there's nothing stopping him from coming to ringside and something accidentally happens to Randy Orton. "Accidents happen," he said. "You get to keep your job, you get the 1-2-3, and it's guilt free." Not really guilt free if he endorses it in front of cameras. Cena mockingly agreed, then said if he did that he couldn't look himself in the mirror. He said nobody around there can even look him in the eye anymore. He said he promised everyone that he would call this down the middle. Truth said he'll believe it when he sees it. Cena gulped and exhaled.
3 -- DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. KAVAL -- Intercontinental Title Match
Cole gave a "major league shout-out" to the men and women of the American Armed Forces. Lawler, Striker, and Cole each gave shout outs to specific brigades in Germany, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Cole interrupted Striker as he listed a bunch of family and friends of service members on behalf of Kaval. Cole said Kaval won NXT because of "the Internet crowd." Striker said there are 1.9 billion people using the Internet. Cole said Kaval is an "Internet darling."
Kaval went on offense out of the gate including some hard chops to Dolph's chest. Striker said Kaval has "unique international offense." Ziggler took over at 1:00 and wrapped himself around Kaval with a mathold. Kaval caught Ziggler with a boot at 5:00. Kaval went on rapid-fire offense. Lawler said he's as entertained by Vickie's reaction to Kaval's offense as the moves themselves. When Striker pointed out that Kaval calls himself the "World Warrior," Cole replied: "I call myself the greatest announcer in WWE history. Not everybody believes that. Some people."
Kaval caught Ziggler in the corner with a handspring roundhouse kick to the face leading to a two count. That was cool looking. Striker called for and got a replay afterward. Ziggler knocked Kaval off the top rope and then applied the sleeper hold on Kaval while standing on the second rope. Kaval punched free and knocked Ziggler to the mat. Kaval went for a spinning flip move, but Ziggler moved. Kaval managed to still land on his face. They exchanged near falls and got some "ohhs" and "ahhs" from the crowd. Both were slow to get up. A minute or so later, Ziggler rolled through on a Kaval roll-up attempt for a leverage three count.
WINNER: Ziggler in 10:00 to retain the IC Title.
STAR RATING: **1/2 -- Another nice ten minute PPV match between two wrestlers with some good chemistry, even if it didn't seem like an obvious match-up before they feuded.
-Grisham interviewed Jack Striker who said as the only former World Champion on the Smackdown team, the team should be named after him, "the All-American Americans." He said they're not in Miami, they're in Little Cuba. Cody Rhodes walked in and said he caught Striker trying to get into a club and he was rejected because of his shoes. Striker said those shoes were his grandfathers and are vintage. Cody said he doesn't know what it's like to stand behind ropes at a club entrance. Alberto Del Rio walked into the picture and mocked Cody and Swagger, then called them to unite for war and destroy Rey Mysterio and his friends. He said if they do that, he'll buy the beers later. Tyler Rex and Drew McIntyre stood behind Del Rio and listened. They seemed to be on his side. Cody said, "I hate to admit it, but he's good."
Striker said this elimination styles match could easily become five-on-one. Rey got in some offense on Del Rio early, then tagged in MVP. Relatively fast tags in and out continued with various match-ups for several minutes. MVP was the first out when Drew pinned him at 6:00. Next was Masters, then Rhodes, then Reks, then Kingston, then Swagger, then Drew. Mid-match Del Rio was KO'd by Show and helped to the back, but he was never pinned nor did he submit. Rey hit Drew with the 619 and Show then finished Drew with a chokeslam.
WINNERS: Show & Rey were the sole survivors in 18:00.
STAR RATING: **3/4 -- Good action and enough time alloted so the eliminations didn't seem rushed.
-A commercial aired for the TLC PPV featuring pencil animation with stunts including someone hitting someone else a half dozen or more times with a chair, plus lots of high dives off ladders and tables being broken.
-Backstage Matthews approached a pensive Orton. He asked him for his take on Cena. Orton interrupted and said he's sick and tired of talking about Cena. He said he "feels for the guy and all, but John Cena did this to himself." He said he's not thinking of Cena, he's thinking about Barrett. He said he's going to beat Barrett tonight and retain the WWE Championship. He said Cena knows him well enough to know that being fired is the best situation to be in because if he screws him over, he knows what he'll do to him. He said he doesn't care about Cena, Barrett, or the Miz. He said he cares about walking out as the champion. He said tonight isn't about "Cena: Free or Fired," but rather it's about "Wade Barrett: A Punt to the Skull or an RKO." Good promo to at least get his point of view on the major storyline of this show.
5 -- LAYCOOL (Layla & Michelle McCool) vs. NATALYA -- Unified Divas Title
After being outnumbered early, Natalya applied a sharpshooter on McCool for a quick tapout. Striker said Natalya inspired many girls and women who aspire to be Divas Champion some day. Cole said he dreams of Striker being quite for just five seconds tonight.
WINNER: Natalya in 4:00 to capture the Unified Title.
STAR RATING: 3/4* -- Too short to amount to much.
-As Natalya celebrated emotionally, LayCool attacked her. ayla held her as McCool slapped her. "Glamazon" Beth Phoenix's music played and she charged to the ring, making her return from injury. She knocked McCool out of the ring and then gave Layla her face plant finisher. Phoenix held Natalya on her shoulders afterward for a real celebration.
-A video package aired on the Kane-Edge feud.
6 -- KANE vs. EDGE -- World Hvt. Title Match
The announcers said Kane's head can't be in the game since Edge kidnapped Paul Bearer, who is still missing. Edge pushed a wheelchair to the ring to taunt Kane. Kane battered Edge early. Lawler wondered if Bearer was bound and gagged somewhere, or forced to watch this match locked in a room somewhere. They fought back and forth for the body of the match. Kane signaled for a chokeslam, but Edge kicked out of it and gave Kane a DDT. Edge charged at Kane after signaling for the spear, but Kane caught him with a boot to the face and then chokeslammed him for a believe near fall. Kane signaled for the Tombstone, but Edge escaped and hit a spear. Edge draped his arm over Kane, but he was on his back and Kane also had his arm draped over Edge. The ref counted to three, and the ring announcer declared Edge the new winner as his music played. The ref waved off the ring announcers' assumption. Striker asked, "Wait, whose shoulders were down." The ref explained to ring announcer Tony Chimel what happened - that both competitors' shoulders were down for the three count. That meant it was a tie and Kane retained the title. Edge grabbed his hair in frustration. Lawler said he was just watching Kane's shoulders. Kane attacked Edge afterward. Edge fought back, put Kane in the wheel chair, and shoved him into the ringside barrier.
WINNER: No contest in 13:00 so Kane retained the World Title.
STAR RATING: ** -- Some okay action and well paced, but the lack of a clean finish hurt, as did the manufactured feel of this feud. However, the crowd made up for some of that by being more into the match that I'd anticipated.
-Barrett sat next to Cena in the locker room backstage. He asked Cena if he remembered that arena and being in it on June 7, 2010. He said this is where the Nexus chose to make their mark on history and gave him the worst beating of his career. "We left you a broken, battered, shallow man." He said it's ironic they're back here and it's gone full circle and he's now part of Nexus. He asked if he ever thought he'd be instrumental in making him the WWE Champion. He said the only reason he didn't fire him after the stunt he pulled on Raw "is because I chose not to." He told him to do his job, do the right thing, and he'll be free of Nexus forever. Cena said he remembers every single thing that Nexus has ever done to him. He told him to remember that tonight, no matter what happens, when the time is right, he knows exactly what he's doing - referencing his promise to beat up Barrett after the match no matter what.
7 -- HEALTH SLATER & JUSTIN GABRIEL (w/David Otunga, Husky Harris, Michael McGillicutty) vs. SANTINO MARELLA & VLADIMIR KOZLOV -- Unified Tag Team Title Match
Kozlov took a beating the majority of the match until hot-tagging Santino who went on a flurry. Santino set up the Cobra, but Otunga distracted him. That freed up Slater to surprise Santino from behind and get the pin.
WINNERS: Slater & Gabriel in 5:00 to retain the Unified Tag Team Titles.
STAR RATING: * -- Not bad, but just a filler to give Nexus a chance to get some time before the main event.
-Afterward the Nexus members attacked Santino and Kozlov. The Raw G.M. chimed in. Cole stood at the podium and said he wanted to remind Nexus that they're banned from ringside in the main event. If any member of Nexus attempts to interfere, the entire group will be indefinitely suspended. We have learned that "indefinitely" is a vague term that could mean a week or less. Nexus fussed over the announcement before leaving.
8 -- RANDY ORTON vs. WADE BARRETT -- WWE Title Match
John Cena was introduced first as special guest referee. The crowd was relatively muted for his entrance. Lawler said Cena surely can't wait to get this night behind him no matter what happens. Lawler reminded everyone that Cena said he can't not be in WWE. Barrett walked up to Cena and pointed at him and shot instructions at him. Cena looked away sheepishly and Barrett turned and smiled. Orton then came out. Orton and Barrett opened at a slow pace, feeling each other out with tests of strengths and sort spurts of offense. Cena pulled Orton off of Barrett in the corner. Orton turned to protest. Barrett surprised Orton with a boot to the face. Barrett then went on offense. Lawler said he didn't think Cena intentionally distracted Orton. Cole said Orton has to keep his emotions in check and not argue every time Cena makes a decision he doesn't like. Cena showed objectivity by pulling Barrett away from Orton after a similar situation in the corner. Orton caught a protesting Barrett with a dropkick.
Orton went on offense, including stomping on Barrett's head. Cole said Cena has to be secretly enjoying any offense Orton gets on Barrett. Barrett beat on Orton at ringside, and then scored a two count in the ring at 6:00. Cena reenforced with Barrett that it was just a two count. At 9:00 Orton fought back with uppercuts and a clothesline and snap powerslam. Orton then clotheslined Barrett over the top rope to the floor. Barrett shot Orton into the ringpost, but as Barrett reentered the ring, Orton kicked him. At 11:00 Barrett slammed Orton from an abdominal stretch position. Cena counted to two. Barrett shot Cena a look. Cena said Orton lifted his shoulder. Cole said Barrett wants a faster count. Lawler said Barrett expected the match to be over by now. Cena again counted only two. Barrett got in Cena's face and threatened him. That gave Orton a chance to recover. He hit Barrett with an uppercut. The crowd competed with loud chants of "Let's Go Cena!" and "Cena sucks!"
Orton pounded the mat and went for an RKO, but Barrett rolled to the floor. Orton clotheslined Barrett at ringside and then threw him back into the ring. Barrett kicked Orton as he entered the ring and gave Orton the Wasteland finisher. Barrett made the cover, but Orton grabbed the bottom rope just before three. Orton almost missed the rope and reacted too late (known as "pulling a Jeff Hardy" these days). Barrett again got in Cena's face. Cena reiterated that he was going to call it right down the middle. Barrett shoved Cena hard. Cena took a deep breath and then shoved Barrett right into Orton's RKO. Orton made the cover and Cena counted to three, pausing only slightly before counting the third time. "Cena's free!" said Striker. Cole said, "Cena's fired." Striker said, "You're right, I'm sorry." What was that by Striker? He said he got caught up in the moment.
WINNER: Orton in 15:00.
STAR RATING: **1/2 -- Serviceable main event. It wasn't about the match between Orton and Barrett as much as it was anticipation for how Cena would act when the time came to make a three count. It was good in that respect, with a somewhat surprising finish, although they spent the 2.5 hours before the match began trying to eliminate various other possibilities in terms of interference and such.
-Afterward Orton looked at Cena like he almost didn't believe what he did. Cena soaked up the ramifications of the situation. Orton's celebration was a little held back. Cena yanked off his referee shirt. The rest of Nexus charged at Cena in the ring. Orton helped clear the ring of Nexus. Nexus helped Barrett to the back. Cena presented Orton with the title belt and they briefly embraced. Orton stood on the second rope and looked over at Cena, who was leaning in the corner, despondent over the situation. Orton left the ring as his music played. He turned and left and seemed choked up over what Cena sacrificed in the name of integrity. The camera stayed on Orton as he finally turned and held his title belt in the air while on the stage. The crowd didn't pop much as they were also soaking up the situation.
They went to a wide shot of the ring, then a close-up of Cena still leaning in the corner. Cena took off his purple wristbands and set them in the middle of the ring. A chant of "Cena! Cena!" broke out. Cena gulped, looked around at the crowd, saluted three sides of the arena, and then walked over and hugged Cole (while totally ignoring Lawler, which was strange). Cena hugged some fans and walked to the stage. He looked back at the crowd, raised his arms, and began to leave - leaving fans of his wondering if he was really leaving as Shawn Michaels did after WrestleMania. Cena then walked into the crowd and shook hands with fans. It was eerie in that there was no music, not announcer reaction, just a camera following him walk through the crowd. He finally walked off the stage.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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