MCNEILL'S TAKE Brotherly Love: McNEILL previews ROH's Best In The World 2013 internet pay-per-view!
Jun 22, 2013 - 9:27:00 AM
By Pat McNeill, PWTorch Columnist
Wake the pets and call the neighbors. It's time for our semi-monthly ROH internet pay-per-view preview column!
DISCLAIMER: Projections are made by myself and for myself with absolutely no assistance from Gary Juster, Nigel McGuinness or The Man With The Lizard Face. Projections are not predictions, because this is the column where everything's made up and the points don't matter. This preview has been sealed in a mayonnaise jar on Funk & Wagnall's porch since noon today. Closed captioning is provided by America Online. Some of our departing contestants will receive a supply of Right Guard by Gillette. Right Guard, because men perspire more. Remember, this is only an exhibition. This is not a competition. Please, please, no wagering. This lineup is based on the best available information as of this writing. These predictions are based on what the columnist would do if he had creative control over ROH, unless a better one-liner comes along.
In a world where C.M. Punk and Chris Jericho have been arguing over which wrestler is the Best In The World, it's fitting that Ring of Honor is having this show this weekend. Would Ring of Honor fans argue that Jay and Mark Briscoe are the "best in the world?" The best tag team, certainly, but the best singles wrestlers? Not sure about that. I *am* sure that Dem Boys will put on a show for the fans in Baltimore. And Ring of Honor has loaded Sunday afternoon's television taping, in order to get people to buy tickets for The Show The Day After The Bigger Show.
As for the storylines, well, why don't you enjoy last week's episode of Ring of Honor television? It was taped in Richmond, Virginia, and you can watch a one-on-one matchup between Kevin Steen and Jimmy Jacobs. Joe Dombrowski and Steve Corino have the call.
And without further ado, let's roll right into this month's Wrestling History Lesson. Twenty years ago, a small indy promotion was running a show in Philadelphia at a bingo haven called "Viking Hall." On June 19, 1993, NWA Eastern Championship Wrestling put on its biggest show to date, an event called the "Super Summer Sizzler." And the show opened with a match for the ECW Television Title, with Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka battling J.T. Smith. Jay Sulli, Tod Gordon & Paul E. Dangerously had the call.
And, as your free gift for viewing this column, let's take you back to February 8, 2003, and the ROH First Anniversary Show in Queens, New York. You'll never guess who fought in this one. Okay, maybe you will. It's the second ROH match between Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe. Chris Lovey and the late Ray Morrow have the call.
On with the projections!
I have no idea what the dark match will be for this show, but I hope Rip Impact is involved.
B.J. Whitmer vs. Mike Bennett (w/ Maria): Mike Bennett is in a holding pattern until he's signed and sent to NXT. B.J. Whitmer is still getting something of a push. Projection Whitmer hits the Adrenaline Spike on the Prodigy for the victory.
American Wolves vs. Adrenaline Rush: Davey Richards is telling people he'll leave Ring of Honor before the end of the year. Davey's threatened to do this in 2010 and in 2012. If he teases his departure for a third time without leaving, that'll make him The Boy Who...well, you know. Projection? Eddie Edwards chops ACH in the face and Richards forces Thomas to tap out to the Cloverleaf.
Michael Elgin vs. Tomasso Ciampa: Congratulations to Michael Elgin, who announced his engagement to former Shimmer champion MsChif. (Elgin, you sly dog.) Projection Unfortunately for the lovebirds, Ciampa needs this win a little bit more than Elgin does. Tomasso hits Project Ciampa and moves on to his big revenge match against Q.T. Marshall and Barrister Evans.
Roderick Strong vs. Adam Cole: This is billed as the return match from "Honor In The Heart of Texas." You know what that tells me? Someone else needs to be naming these shows. (Also, AutoCorrect thought I was going for "Honor In The Heart of Taxes." Go figure.) Projection? Where was I? Oh, yes. Mr. Cole picks up the victory with the Florida Key, and continues antagonizing the ROH faithful.
Kevin Steen vs. Mark Hardy: Kevin Steen has mowed through the rest of S.C.U.M. in his way to getting revenge on Hardy and Steve Corino. Hardy, meanwhile, is cutting the best promos of his career. It's been fun. Projection? The fun doesn't end here. Corino distracts the ref, and Hardy hits a low blow and a Twist of Fate to give Steen a rare loss.
Matt Taven (w/ Hoopla Harry & Ms. Scarlett) vs. Jay Lethal vs. Jimmy Jacobs (ROH Television Title): If nothing else, this is an intriguing matchup. Lethal was a good television champion in his previous run, but Mr. Taven isn't done just yet. Projection? Taven hits the Ambrose Driver...Wait, this is Ring of Honor. Taven hits the Moxley Driver on Lethal to keep the title with the House of Truth.
Red Dragon (Yum!) vs. Rhett Titus & Cliff Compton vs. C&C Wrestle Factory (ROH World Tag Team Titles): I'm still waiting for WWE to sign Bobby Fish, so they can team him with Cody Rhodes as the Mustache Riders. What? No good? Projection? Bobby catches Cliff Compton with the Flying Fish Hook, and the champs keep the tag team titles.
Jay Briscoe vs. Mark Briscoe (ROH World Title): Babyface vs. babyface matches are all the rage lately, especially with WWE's ongoing series between fan favorites Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan. But Dem Boys have a special rivalry. Their previous matches have been compelling, and a little silly Projection? S.C.U.M. tries to disrupt the bout early, and get chased off by Elgin, Whitmer and the other ROH loyalists. Jay Briscoe wins with the Jay Driller.
Aftermath: On Sunday's big television taping, Jay Briscoe survives the challenge of Mark Henry, but S.C.U.M. defeats Mark Briscoe's team in Steel Cage Warfare. The Summer of Corino begins here.
*** Pat McNeill of Richmond, Va. has been a Torch columnist since February 2001. He likes to eat ice cream, and he really enjoys a good pair of slacks.
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