MCNEILL'S TAKE McNEILL's NWA Showcase on Dish Network Revue (2/20): Nicho And The Man
Feb 22, 2008 - 12:15:37 PM
By Pat McNeill, Torch Columnist
Welcome to NWA Wrestling Showcase on Colours TV on the Dish Network. Episode Five begins with David Marquez previewing tonight's show in front of a blue screen. He thanks Colours TV for their help and thanks the fans for crashing the Colours TV server. Tonight, it's Mike Quackenbush defending the NWA Junior Heavyweight Title, Amazing Kong defending the NWA Women's Title, and the Real American Heroes defending the NWA Tag Titles against Los Luchas. To the ring!
Todd Kennelly, Ricky O & Kris Kloss have the call from the Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas.
(1) Mike Quackenbush vs. Cassandro – NWA Junior Heavyweight Title. Ricky O explains the "Rules of the NWA". I copied them.
- Matches can only be won by Pinfall, Submission, Countout, Referee Stoppage, DQ or Knockout.
- Wrestlers who leave the ring will have a count of 10 to re-enter, or Countout rule will be enforced.
- Wrestlers knocked off of their feet will have a count of 10 to regain their footing or KO rule will be enforced.
- Tapout/Verbal acknowledgement of surrender will trigger the Submission Rule.
- Throwing your Opponent over the top rope to the main floor is an automatic DQ.
- Wrestler will have a count of 5 to release any hold when their opponent makes contact with the ropes or corner pads. Failure to disengage will result in a DQ.
- Any Wrestler standing on the ropes or corner pads will have a count of 5 to dismount. Failure to do so will result in a DQ.
- Referee is in charge of the action. His/her ruling is final.
Back in the ring, the effeminate babyface Cassandro gets the early advantage. Quackenbush goes for the mounted position, but Cassandro's enjoying it too much for Mike's tastes. Cassandro wants a surfboard, but Quack armdrags his way out of it. Cassandro misses a charge in the corner and flies through the ropes to the carpet. Cassandro barely beats the ten count to get back into the ring. After a criss-cross spot and some Quackenbush armdrags, Cassandro takes over with a series of chops. Caasandro does a ropewalk armdrag and nails Quack with a Greco-Roman liplock. Quackenbush flips out and takes a powder. Mike then responds with an offensive flurry and locks Cassandro in a pendulum submission. Another series of near falls, and Mike hits the Quacker Splash in the corner. Cassandro offers Quackenbush his rear end and takes over again. Cassandro catches Quackenbush with a Gory special into a pinning predicament for a nearfall. A missile dropkick by Cassandro sends Quackenbush all the way out to the floor. Cassandro performs a suicide dive onto Quackenbush, neither man can answer the bell, and both men are counted out at 10:32. Ricky O narrates the highlights on the replay. Since we're not building to a pay-per-view, hopefully we'll see a return match on a future episode.
Nick and Matt Jackson introduce themselves in front of the blue screen. They're the Young Bucks, and their match will take place…after the break!
(2) The Young Bucks vs. Alkatraz & Derrick Jannetty. Alkatraz is the bald guy in the orange jumpsuit. Derrick is the small guy who doesn't look like Marty Jannetty. The Bucks are dressed like the Rockers in matching neon green tights, so Ricky O compares them to The Hardy Boys. Alkatraz is too powerful for Matt Jackson at the start, but Matt uses his quickness to catch Alkatraz off guard with a (horrible-looking) flying back elbow. Tag to Derrick, who is outgunned. One Buck moonsaults onto Jannetty's outstretched, the other cannonballs from the top rope onto the arm. Double hiptoss, double dropkick, and a double baseball slide when the heels take a powder. The Bucks hit a double flip plancha, and there's a train wreck on the floor. Alkatraz gives Nick Jackson a knee to the back and the heels get the heat on the younger Buck. Now Ricky O compares the Bucks to the Rock 'n Roll Express. Alkatraz tags in for a bit and gets a near fall off a big elbow drop. Jannetty gets a near fall off a vertical suplex. Nick rallies with a sunset flip and makes the hot tag. The Jackson Boys hit their "More Bang For the Buck" finisher on Jannetty for the pin at 9:10. It's a Finlay roll into a top rope senton, followed up by a moonsault from Matt Jackson.
"Amazing" Kong will defend the NWA Women's Title, after the break.
(3) Amazing Kong vs. Candice LeRae – NWA Womens' Title. Candice is a slender blonde from PWG. Kong no-sells all of Candice's offense, hits her with the running splash in the corner, and puts her in a giant swing. Tree slam by Kong. Candice goes up to the second rope for a crossbody, and Kong catches her and slams her. Kong misses a butt splash, and LaRae hits a basement dropkick for a near fall. Kong hits the spinning backfist, and the referee awards Amazing Kong the match by knockout at 3:52. A fine squash match from a fine wrestler. Kong finishes off LaRae with a sitout powerbomb after the match. Good work by LaRae, who knew her role.
The NWA World Tag Team Titles are on the line, after the break.
We return with someone named Peter Goodman at the NWA Update desk. Paul Atlas & Brian Anthony won the NWA North American Tag Team Titles in North Carolina. Damian Wayne is the first NWA Continental Champion, and has a shot coming up at Adam Pearce's NWA World Title. We then get a lengthy list of upcoming NWA live events. This was nice. To the break!
Earlier tonight, Mark Thompson interviewed the Real American Heroes and manager C. Edward Vanderpyle in front of a black screen. To sum up the interview, they don't like Mexicans.
(4) Real American Heroes (Joey Ryan & Karl Anderson) vs. Los Luchas (Phoenix Star & Zokre) - NWA World Tag Team Titles. C. Edward Vanderpyle is managing the Heroes, and is out on the floor. The Luchas have a Mexican flag in their corner. Ricky O calls the champs the greatest tag team of the last twenty years. Kennelly and Kloss aren't even buying that one. The Heroes attack before the bell. The Luchas battle back and the fight spills out of the ring and into the aisle. Star and Ryan take in back into the ring as the camera shows Nicho (Psicosis) sitting at ringside. Phoenix Star hits a tumbleweed over the top rope onto Ryan and lands awkwardly. Nicho goes over to check on Star. Zokre misses a charge and takes a ringpost to the shoulder, and the Heroes work the arm. Nicho makes his way to the Luchas' corner and start rallying the crowd. Karl Anderson gives Zokre a hammerlock slam. Anderson distracts the ref so that he misses Zokre tagging Phoenix Star. Ryan gives Zokre a Northern Lights suplex and stomps the arm. Armbreaker by Anderson, who spits on Phoenix Star. Zokre finally hits a headscissors on Ryan and makes the hot tag. Star spears Ryan and gets a two count. The Luchas hit Anderson with a slingshot into a blockbuster, but Ryan makes the save. Phoenix Star kicks out of Anderson's spinebuster. There's a round of Everyone Hits His Finisher, and all four men are down. Vanderpyle jumps up on the apron to distract the ref, and Nicho crotches Phoenix Star on the top rope. Anderson then pins Phoenix Star with a top-rope superplex for the win at 13:21. Nicho celebrates with the tag team champs, and we go to break with Ricky O in mid-sentence.
When we return, Adam Pearce has joined the other heels in the ring. Pearce hands Nicho a wad of bills and says that with Nicho in their stable "the future is now." Ricky O compares the dudes in the ring to the Four Horsemen. Well, there are four of them.
Back in front of the blue screen, Marquez promises us that Rob Conway, T.J. Perkins and Pepper Parks will be wrestling next week. And we're out.
My rating? 7.5 out of a possible 10. A very hot show, even though it was in front of a small crowd. Los Luchas and the Young Bucks can probably move up the ladder into a non-WWE promotion based on their work on this show.
The full show can be viewed on the NWA Wrestling website.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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