PPV REPORTS 6/9 TNA PPV review: Keller's ongoing "virtual time" coverage of live event
Jun 9, 2004 - 8:58:00 PM
By Wade Keller, Torch editor
JUNE 9, 2003
-Kid Kash, with Dallas, told viewers if they were stealing cable, he was going to hunt them down, kick in their trailer park door, and take the money himself.
-After clips aired of last week's NWA World Hvt. Title win, Mike Tenay and Don West introduced the show. They showed Raven sitting in the corner of an empty ring. Tenay said Raven had challenged Sabu to an empty-arena match later.
-Red carpet was rolled out as Jeff Jarrett walked to the ring in an old style tux. Four men played trumpets in center ring to celebrate his arrival. Jarrett gave the Eric Bischoff-style phony "thank yous" and smiles to the crowd. Fans chanted "You Still Suck!" at Jarrett. He said he was crowned "first ever in the history of professional wrestling King of the Mountain" along with becoming a three-time NWA World Hvt. Champion. He told Vince Russo to come out and strap the belt around his waist. He said Russo would do the same for Chris Harris and even Raven. Russo came out to the completely inappropriate entrance music (why does the babyface "Director of Authority" have entrance music, anyway?). Russo reluctantly strapped the belt around Jarrett's waist. Russo asked, "Why?" I can't believe they're still delusional enough to think the Jarrett-Russo dynamic has any life left. Would they just get married and go sail off together already. Russo recounted the history of TNA including last week's network television debut. "We all did this together," Russo said. Jarrett interrupted him and complained about Russo talking about a "team." He said it's been his blood, sweat, and tears that made the company. "It was me, me, me and you know it." Russo said he's never withheld credit. Oh my god is this as boorish a segment as I've seen. Seriously, haven't we seen this a dozen times before in various forms in the last two years. They just went on and on and on. It's like two former lovers working out their differences on Dr. Phil. Jarrett said everyone was laughing at him, but now he's King of the Mountain. He claimed Russo was now jumping on his cape. "I'm the King and you're standing in my castle," Jarrett said. Jarrett grabbed Russo by the throat and took Russo to his knees. 3 Live Kru ran out and saved Russo and attacked Jarrett. Jarrett fled the ring. Killings called for a 3LK Triple Jeopardy match.
-Hudson interviewed Elix Skipper backstage and congratulated him and Christopher Daniels for getting voted into the NWA World Tag Team Title match. Hudson said Daniels was injured in Japan last week and couldn't accept the vote of the fans. Skipper said they have to wait because he'll be out of action a month to six weeks. Trinity interrupted and said she doesn't want to hear his whining. Johnny Swinger told Glenn Gilberti they could win the tag belts on his own. Gilberti told Skipper to watch them win the tag titles. Line of the night: "Ninety percent of what we do we do because we want to, and the other half we do because we can." Gilberti must not be a math genius.
-Highlights aired from Impact of AMW winning the NWA Tag Titles from Kid Kash & Dallas with a brief (and very generic) post-win promo from AMW.
Tenay and West talked about the debut of Impact. West said he felt bad for the hundreds of fans who were turned away from the arena because it was sold out. The two teams brawled at ringside in the opening minute. Tenay and West acknowledged the six sided ring. Tenay said it adds eight extra impact points with six extra turnbuckles and two extra ringposts. I wouldn't say that's the best selling point of the ring. Gilbert yanked Chris Harris's arm around a ringpost, and I have it on good authority that it's one of the extra ringposts that wouldn't have been there if not for the six-sided ring, so the six-sided ring already dramatically changed the course of the match. Inside the ring, Swinger applied an armbar and Harris reached for a tag, but couldn't reach James Storm. Tenay said because of the extra space inside the ring, it was tougher to cut off the opponent from making a tag. Harris caught Gilberti with a boot as he charged, but Gilberti regained control quickly and continued to work over Harris's arm. Swinger leaped off the ropes with a forearm onto Harris's arm for a two count. Harris hot-tagged Storm at 5:30. Gilberti also tagged in Swinger. Harris beat on Swinger and took down with an enzuigiri. He then punched Swinger in the corner. Gilberti interfered, but Storm rolled him up. The ref counted even though Gilberti wasn't legal in the ring (unless I missed a tag). Harris made the save, but he got knocked to ringside and landed on his sore shoulder. Gilberti and Swinger doubled on Storm. Gilberti hit a Russian Leg Sweep, but as he apparently went for a People's Elbow, Storm rose up and superkicked him. When Trinity was going to interfere, Desire stopped her. Storm then pinned Gilberti.
WINNERS: AMW at 7:13 to retain the NWA World Tag Team Titles.
STAR RATING: *1/4 -- Nice, energetic tag match. Fundamental, kinda like a Tim Duncan hook shot. Basic, but effective.
-After the match, Trinity and desire brawled to the back. Eventually Swinger and Gilberti and Swinger held Desire over a table as Trinity climbed up the rafters. Just as she was about to leap onto Desire, Pat Kenney and Sonny Siaki made the save. Kenney chased Gilberti, Swinger, and Trinity into the crowd as Siaki checked on Trinity.
-Hudson interviewed Kash with Dallas. Hudson asked Kash when they were going to get a tag title rematch. Kash said he's tired of being discriminated again because he's too good and "oh so pretty" or because of his attitude. Kash said TNA is going to find out how easy it is to get some gold. Hudson asked him what he meant. Kash told him to watch and learn.
-They went again to the empty arena where Raven was calling for Sabu to join him in the ring.
-They showed Sabu pacing backstage. They have not done nearly enough character defining for Sabu for fans to really care about him. Sabu sat and looked at a picture of the Original Sheik (Ed Farhat), his uncle whom he worshipped.
Sabin dominated early including a springboard dive onto Shane at ringside. Tenay said Shane Douglas was on his way to the remote location where Raven was to get a word from him. They actually interrupted the match with Douglas saying he was on his way to see Raven. The wrestlers stopped in their tracks when Douglas's voice boomed throughout the arena. When Sabin tried to skin the cat back into the ring, Shane dropkicked him. Nice spot. Shane applied a chinlock. Sabin fought out of it quickly, but Shane wheelbarrow suplexed Sabin to the mat. When Tracy tried to interfere, Sabin forced a kiss on her. Shane, though, surprised Sabin with a superkick for the clean three count at 5:56.
STAR RATING: Shane at 5:56.
STAR RATING: * -- Too short to amount for much, but certainly fine while it lasted. They need to do more to establish character traits of these two. Talking about the length of their... previous X Title reigns doesn't count as character development.
-Douglas interviewed Raven, who said not once has there ever been a singles match between him and Sabu, two of the premier headliners in wrestling history. Raven said matter of factly the reason they've never wrestled is because Sabu is terrified of him. Raven said he begged Paul Heyman in ECW to let him face Sabu. He said in brought Sabu to TNA with the goal being to have a singles match with him. Raven said if Sabu accepts his House of Fun challenge, he will retire from the sport. "Welcome to the terror dome. Quote the Raven, nevermore."
-Highlights aired from Impact.
-Sonjay Dutt told Sabu that as soon as his match was over, he'd tell everyone what he said. Dutt is now Sabu's spokesman? Tenay wondered what Dutt was doing in Sabu's locker room.
-Hudson interviewed David Young and asked him about his 0-53 record. He said after debuting on national TV last week, wrestlers from all over want his spot. D-Ray 3000 walked into the picture and asked, "Anyone know where da ring at?" Young said if he doesn't know where the ring is, he can't take his job. I'd pay to see those two team up. Hudson shouted to D-Ray as he left that the ring has six sides, but it's in the same place. I was wondering if that was what confused D-Ray.
D-Ray has the best entrance music in wrestling. He's the wrestler most likely to be signed by WWE first among all TNA wrestlers. The crowd chanted "D-Ray, D-Ray." West said Dutt may have lost the two-out-of-three series to Amazing Red, he doesn't have anything to prove. After opening with Dutt vs. D-Ray, Young tagged himself in at 1:00. Dutt used a huracanrana to yank Young into the ring at 3:00. Young then spinebustered Shark Boy. D-Ray made the save, but Young gave him a spinebuster for a near fall. Dutt then sunset flipped Young for the three count.
WINNER: Dutt at 3:59.
STAR RATING: * -- It was what you'd expect. A fun match because of the mix of characters and hot moves, but in four minutes, it didn't ultimately add up to much. Dutt had to win because he's in a class above the other three as far as X Division star potential.
-Hudson interviewed 3 Live Kru. Konnan remains one of the most credible street promos in wrestling, especially when he has something to talk about. They explained the 3LK challenge with Jarrett having to wrestle Konnan, James, and then Killings one after another in their style matches. James's match was a Trailer Park Trash match. Killings said his is a Ghetto Justice Match.
4 -- TEAM CANADA (Bobby Roode & "Showtime" Eric Young & Petey Williams w/Scott D'Amore) vs. HEAVY METAL & HECTOR GARZA & JERRY LYNN
Lynn charged to the ring last and jump started the match. He chased D'Amore into the crowd. That left Young vs. Garza in the ring. Metal and Garza cleared the ring of Team Canada and then dove onto them at ringside. When D'Amore returned to ringside, Lynn attacked him from behind, then entered the ring. Tenay said the span between the ringposts was just 12 feet instead of 16 feet, meaning there was more snap to the ropes when wrestlers bounce into them. Roode came back against Metal in the ring at 6:00 as Garza dove onto Young at ringside. Lynn then entered to save Garza during a pin attempt. Lynn catapulted Roode over the top rope to the floor. Lynn then chased after D'Amore again. D'Amore, though, snuck in the ring and hit Metal. Roode lifted Metal and gave him a sitout powerbomb. Metal didn't take it well the first time, so it had to be redone. Team Canada attacked Lynn, Metal, and Garza after the match. D'Amore tore up the NWA flag afterward. Sabin and Skipper ran out to make the save.
WINNER: Team Canada when Roode pinned Metal at 7:20.
STAR RATING: * -- Just a chaotic brawl with Metal still making most everything look fake, but much less so than during the World X Cup.
-They went to Dutt who told Raven that Sabu told him to tell him there would be no match because he is respecting the promise. He didn't specify what the promise was before Raven attacked him. He DDT'd Dutt in mid-ring, then handcuffed him to a ringpost. The segment looked so dated in one of those old four-sided rings. Raven screamed for Sabu. He told Dutt to tell Sabu, "Promises are made to be broken." Sabu came to Dutt's aid. Why doesn't anyone in TNA introduce Sabu's character and address why he doesn't talk.
-Hudson interviewed Jarrett about the 3LK challenge series and how it feels to have the deck stacked against him. Jarrett said last week the deck was stacked against him and he walked out with the NWA Title. He said the same thing would happen this week.
5a -- JEFF JARRETT vs. KONNAN - Strap Match
They had a point system for whips and after throwing powder into Konnan's eyes, he got to ten points first. Jarrett continued beating on Konnan as the bell rang, then B.G James came out. They kept showing a woman watching from the sidelines. Tenay called her Mensa, I think. She looks like a cross between Sable and Jeanie Clark Williams.
WINNER: Jarrett at 2:02.
5b -- JEFF JARRETT vs. B.G. JAMES - Trailer Park Trash match
James said, "If you can bring it, you can use it." He brought a trash can full of weapons to ringside. He hit Jarrett with the trash can lid to start. Then he went to a mailbox. They fought at ringside, in the ring, and then on the announcers' table. Jarrett pinned James after ramming him into the security railing.
WINNER: Jarrett at 3:10.
5c -- JEFF JARRETT vs. RON KILLINGS - Ghetto Justice Match
Killings took control of Jarrett at the start. There's something not right about the heel having the odds staked against him like this. How do you have sympathy for Killings when he's fresh while fighting the heel who already fought (and beat) two others. Mesna began making her way to ringside. Jarrett used a trash can against Killings, then applied a sleeper. Killings suplexed out of it and took control. He signalled to the crowd and then went for a second rope axe kick, but Jarrett moved. Jarrett then grabbed a guitar Killings brought to the ring. When the ref tried to take it away. Jarrett hit with the guitar. Killings then cradled Jarrett from behind and a second ref made the count. The babyface can't even win more decisively after Jarrett had to fight two others first?
WINNER: Killings at 4:33.
STAR RATING OVERALL: * -- Pretty much just a bunch of stand-up brawling that didn't do anything to either humiliate the heel or add credibility to Killings, so what was the point other than filling ten minutes? At least 3LK showed they're actually wrestlers again.
-A Goldy Locks promo aired with her talking on videotape from a home office with bad acoustics. She told Russo she doesn't need to steal because she can make her own money. Goldy said if Watts wins against Abyss, he gets all of the money. If Abyss wins, though, Goldy gets Watts's contract. "Or do you need to talk to your wife about that, Erik," she asked. She said their feud started over love, but is ending over money.
-Back in the ring, Jarrett threw a fit for losing to Killings. Tenay and West smiled at ringside and then plugged next Wednesday's PPV. They announced a flag match with Team NWA vs. Team Canada, The NYC vs. Pat Kenney & Sonny Siaki in an Ultimate Humiliation match, and America's Most Wanted vs. Monty Brown & Abyss in an NWA World Tag Team Title match. Highlight clips aired again of TNA Impact. Tenay said the premier received rave reviews from fans, wrestling journalists, and nationally syndicated radio shows. "It wasn't just a homerun, it was a grand slam," he said.
-A vignette aired on D-Lo Brown, stating he was "Returning Soon."
-Hudson interviewed Styles about his X Title match. Styles said he isn't taking Kazarian lightly. He said all he needs is a three second mistake and then he'll be all over him. He said he fully intended to become a three-time X Division Champion.
6 -- FRANKIE KAZARIAN vs. A.J. STYLES -- X Title match
The match began with around 20-25 minutes left in the PPV time. During ring intros, when Kazarian got on his knees to pose with the belt. Styles yanked the belt off of him from behind. They had a staredown early, then a lock up. They circled each other, then Styles went into an armbar. Kazarian punched out of it. The match had a nice slow build with Styles kicked at Kazarian's legs. Kazarian bailed out to ringside. When he returned, Styles attempted an early Styles Clash. Kazarian escaped, but then Styles hit him with his great dropkick. He followed with a diving kneedrop. At 6:30 Kazarian took over offense. He hit a nice neckbreaker followed by a top rope springboard legdrop. Styles made a brief comeback, but Kazarian fired back by dropkicking Styles hard into the corner. He followed with a flip basement dropkick. Kazarian then shifted to a chinlock with a knee to the back. Styles escaped quickly, but Kazarian dropkicked Styles again at 11:15. Kazarian followed Styles to ringside and threw him into the ring apron, then back into the ring. Kazarian yanked Styles's neck over the top rope, but then slipped on a swinging move over the top rope toward Styles. They both tried to climb to the top rope. After exchanging some punches, Styles won the battle and suplexed Kazarian off the top rope to the floor at 13:30. Styles turned it up into third gear for the first time all match and scored a quick two count. Styles nailed Kazarian with the Bicycle Kick or Pele Kick soccer-style. Styles set up the Styles Clash, but Kazarian kicked out of it and then rolled up Styles with a yank of the tights for a near fall. Kazarian nailed Styles with a superkick as he came off the ropes. Great bump by Styles. Kazarian went for a huracanrana off the top rope, but Styles blocked it. Kazarian the gave Styles "The Future" DDT for a two count. Styles kicked out of his finisher at 17:30. Kazarian signalled for a Styles Clash of his own, but Styles escaped and discus clotheslined Kazarian at 18:00. Styles was exhausted and slow to get up. When Styles climbed to the top rope, Kazarian dropkicked him. He followed up with an attempt at a top rope suplex, but Styles shoved Kazarian to the mat. Styles, looking groggy, mounted the top rope, then went for a twisting moonsault Spiral Tap, but he completely missed Kazarian. Missed him completely. He went for a cover anyway. The ref counted, Kazarian said something to Styles, then he kicked out at two, but the bell rang because that was the planned finish, and the ref signalled it was a three count and awarded Styles the match. He didn't even notice the kickout by Kazarian. Just a terrible, terrible, embarrassingly bad finish. I assume they were worried about limited PPV time, so they decided not to call an audible, but it was bad. Styles looked half out of it as the ref raised his hand.
WINNER: Styles at 19:29.
STAR RATING: **3/4 -- This match was always solid, but didn't shift out of first or second gear until the end. Then, the confusing pinfall took a half star off the match overall. Kazarian is a good all-around wrestler, but he still doesn't have any particular asset or trait that stands out enough to warrant being the top dog in the important X Division.
-Dallas attacked Styles in the ring. Styles fended him off, but when he made his way up the ramp, Kash attacked him. Kash dragged Styles back to the ring. They double-teamed him, including a frog splash by Kash. Kash laid the X Title belt over Styles's chest. I'm all for a Kash vs. Styles feud for the X Title since Kash adds a real dose of true heel personality to the X Division, plus he's a really good worker.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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