PPV REPORTS KELLER'S TNA TURNING POINT PPV REPORT 12/10: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage
Dec 10, 2006 - 9:50:00 PM
By Wade Keller, Torch editor
DECEMBER 10, 2006
Hosts: Mike Tenay and Don West.
-A video package opened the event without the James Earl Jones imitator doing a voiceover. It was a more upbeat, less deeply dramatic introduction than usual.
-Mike Tenay and Don West introduced the show.
Kevin Nash joined Tenay and West at ringside. He threw a series of dry one-liners and sarcastic comments out there, as usual. Tenay said this PCS Tourney would take place over the course of several weeks, testing various X Division wrestler in various ways. Throughout the match, Shelley and Starr argued and tested their loyalty to each other, but then worked together. Dutt hit Shelley with a DDT for a near fall after a brief argument between Shelley and Starr. Starr dove out of the ring, at which point Nash asked Tenay if Starr's style reminds him of his style. Dutt then applied a camel clutch in center ring. Shelley crawled to the bottom rope. Senshi entered the ring. As the ref entered the ring to push him back to his corner, Starr entered the ring and dragged Dutt back to center ring so Shelley couldn't reach the bottom rope. Shelley tapped out, so he was eliminated. Tenay said that was a case of Starr trying to prove he's better than Shelley. Nash said that proves how big of a deal this competition is that two guys who love each other like brothers would turn on each other. After Lethal took Dutt down, Senshi entered and dropkicked Lethal and scored a pin. That left Starr, Dutt, and Senshi. Dutt went on a flurry of offense, then shook the top rope. Nash made another Jim Hellwig comparison. After Dutt flipped onto Starr, Tenay said he's never seen Hellwig do that. Dutt put Starr in a camel clutch. Senshi entered and attacked Dutt. Tenay said he didn't know why Senshi did that, "but there must be something behind it." They established earlier that if you score a pin or submission, you gain two points on this ongoing competition, so Senshi wouldn't want Dutt scoring two points. Starr came back with his 450 splash for the pin on Dutt. "It's like watching myself out there," said Nash. "Put some black leather pants on that guy and it's me." That left Senshi and Starr. Starr climbed tot he top rope, but Shelley distracted him. Then he missed with another 450 attempt and Senshi small packaged him for the win.
WINNER: Senshi in 15:00.
STAR RATING: **1/4 -- There were some good spots in there. The dominant storyline was between Shelley and Starr, and it was a lost opportunity to do something, anything, to advance the personalities of the other three.
-Jeremy Borash interviewed Eric Young regarding the bikini contest. Borash told Young that Miss Brooks revealed earlier she'd do anything to win including getting naked.
-A video package aired on the Young-Traci storyline.
-Miss Brooks (w/Robert Roode) and Young had their in-ring bikini contest, which was MC'd by Jeremy Borash. West estimated Brooks's cup size. Brooks went first. Then Young took off his robe and revealed a big t-shirt with a "perfect figure" of a woman in a bikini airbrushed on it. Roode protested and said that's not a legal bikini. Young said he wasn't done yet and asked for the music to be turned on again. young then took off the t-shirt and revealed Sponge Bob Squarepants shorts. The ref said that is not a bikini, so Brooks would be the winner. Young said he wanted one more try. He actually got the fans to chant that, which mean he was going to take off his Sponge Bob shorts. Young then stripped down to male bikini briefs. Tenay made some air conditioning quips. The winner was left up to the crowd. The crowd cheered more for Young. Roode attacked Young. Young escaped quickly and celebrated his win. You cannot promote this segment at the same time you're running a major storyline where VKM are mocking "Kiss My Ass" segments and the naked, fat, sweaty guy dancing guy, Big Dick Johnson, on WWE TV. Roode then chewed out Brooks and told her she has to do whatever it takes to get Young to sign a contract with Robert Roode Inc. He said the fans love Young, and when Young signs with Robert Roode Inc., the fans will love him, too. He said if she doesn't get him to sign the contract, she may be the one who's fired.
-During the pre-PPV show, the blond interviewer lady approached a limo, assuming it was Kurt Angle's. She opened the door to get an interview and she was handed a sledgehammer. She said she may be new around here, but she knew that wasn't really who they were pretending to be (Triple H). She laughed and said it's going to be good later. In this segment, she approached the locker room of "Michael Hickenbottom and Paul Levesque." As she knocked, a Big Dick Johnson look-a-like tried to barge past her, then when he got no answer at the door, he asked if anyone knew where catering was. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. A fat guy asked where catering was! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Get it. He's fat. He likes food. Ah ha ha ha ha haaaa waaaaaa!
-A video package aired on Chris Sabin and Christopher Daniels.
Jerry Lynn was special referee. Normally, I'd complain about the X Division Title match being in a "prelim" slot on the card, but since they didn't really promote the match or the wrestlers involved in TV recently in anything to build up the match, it's probably in the right spot. It's just a shame that the X Title is barely getting better treatment than the Cruiserweight Title in WWE these days. It's hardly worth having the division because no title slotted in the second match of the night is going to draw money. At 9:00 Daniels dove off the second rope onto Sabin with an elbow on the floor. Back in the ring, Sabin came back immediately, but did a nice job grabbing at his chest to sell the elbow from a minute earlier. Daniels hit a Death Valley Driver for a two count at 11:00. He slipped on a submission hold next. Sabin reached the ropes to the force a break. Daniels blocked a springboard by Sabin with a palm thrust, then he hit the BME for the pin. Afterward, Lynn lectured Sabin and told him that tonight Daniels was the better man, so he ought to be a man and lose with some dignity and shake Daniels's hand. Daniels told Lynn he doesn't need any respect from Sabin. Lynn yelled at him and slapped him. Several other refs intervened and kept them apart. Tenay said he wasn't prepared for Lynn slapping Daniels, but he's all about mutual shows of respect.
WINNER: Daniels in 13:00 to retain the X Title.
STAR RATING: **3/4 -- Satisfactory match. Not great, but solid.
-West and Tenay plugged the big three matches remaining on the show. He said fans didn't get enough of Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe last time, so they'll get more of it tonight. They kept stressing that Angle gave Joe a rematch, and that it was the final match between those two.
-Jim Cornette stood in mid-ring and introduced MLB players, A.J. Perzynski and Dale Torborg, then David Eckstein. Perzynski brought an X Title belt to the ring with him. Cornette let Esktein plug his kids book, "Have Heart." Eckstein then talked about his favorite wrestlers, Rhino and Lance Hoyt. Torborg began ripping pages out of Eckstein's book. Perzynski then cut a promo on Eckstein. "You're not Dr. Seuss. What's next? A movie?" West said no wonder Perzynski is the most unpopular player in baseball. Torborg punched Eckstein. Hoyt came out and cleared the ring of Perzynski and Torborg. It was relatively well done for non-wrestlers doing a bit where they pretend to be wrestlers. They left the bumps to those with wrestling experience (Torborg, Hoyt). Perzynski is a natural heel, so he came across believably.
-A video package aired on Rhino vs. A.J. Styles. Then Borash interviewed Rhino, who yelled into the camera about beating sense into Styles. Styles jumped Rhino on the interview set, then shoved the camera with his palm, knocking the cameraman down.
3 -- A.J. STYLES vs. RHINO
They showed them brawling in the concourse with fans cheering them on. They brawled into the parking lot. Rhino suplexed Styles onto a mailbox. They eventually brawled into the arena where they fought among fans in the rafters. Styles threw Rhino into a wooden wall, cracking it. The fans chanted "Holy sh--." Styles charged at Rhino, but Rhino backdropped him into the aisle. They fought into the ring after several minutes of brawling, marking the official start of the match. Styles scored with a dropkick and showed nice intensity and fire afterward. Styles flew at Rhino at ringside, but Rhino caught him and belly-to-belly suplexed him onto the floor. Back in the ring Rhino hit a spinebuster. The crowd chanted, "This is awesome!" Rhino backdropped Styles over the top rope and Styles hit the security railing hard. Styles clutched at his knee, then called for the ref. The ref made the "X" sign with his forearm, which now means "we want fans to think it's real" (it used to be the "secret" sign that someone was really hurt). Styles told a trainer he heard it pop, then looked to be on the verge of tears. Tenay said, "I know we've been bad-mouthing Styles, but you just don't want to see something like this happen to any of the TNA athletes." Styles tried to stand, but his leg gave out and he collapsed. The referees conferenced as Styles was helped up. As the ref talked to Dave Penzer at ringside, Styles ran into the ring and surprised Rhino with a schoolboy for the win. Styles then hopped and danced on the ramp, celebrating outsmarting Rhino. Rhino chased Styles to the back.
WINNER: Styles in 7:00 (actually 12:00 counting the pre-bell brawl).
STAR RATING: *** -- Best match of the night so far. Good intensity and big spots, mixed with a variety of styles of action.
-That blond lady talked to some guy in a suit and a wig pretending to be Mr. McMahon. It was impossible to tell who he was supposed to be until he yelled, "You're fired!" He held up a chicken in a cage, then did the McMahon strut. The blond lady said, "Only in TNA."
-Rhino and Styles brawled back to the ring. Security separated them.
-Borash interviewed LAX. He said the fans are going to be forced to stand and salute a flag that stands for honor, decency, and respect. Homicide got in a quick line in Spanish.
4 -- LAX (Homicide & Hernandez w/Konnan) vs. AMERICA'S MOST WANTED - Flag Match
Gail Kim moonsaulted Homicide at ringside early on. Konnan stopped Chris Harris from grabbing the U.S. flag a minute later. They went into a sustained period of non-stop action and some big spots. West put over Hernandez as the most powerful wrestler in TNA, and he showed off that power throughout the match. At 7:00 Kim dropkicked Homicide off the top rope. Tenay justified Kim's interference by saying she has to be fed up with Konnan's constant interference. Kim grabbed the U.S. flag and set up a ladder mid-ring to hang it. Konnan entered the ring and knocked her down. Then he shifted the ladder over to the corner with the Mexican flag. Petey Williams ran out and stopped Konnan. Hernandez clotheslined Petey before he could give Konnan the Canadian Destroyer. Hernandez then dove onto James Storm at ringside. Harris and Homicide climbed each side of the ladder at the same time. They each hung their own flag. The winner would presumably be the first to knock the other's flag down. Storm then climbed the ladder and hit Harris, his partner, with a bottle, but was apparently aiming at Homicide. Harris grabbed at his eyes. Hernandez pulled down the American flag and properly hung the Mexican flag to win. Kim checked on Harris's eye at ringside afterward. Petey confronted Storm about the miscue. Storm shoved Petey. Kim screamed at Storm.
WINNERS: LAX in 12:00.
-Konnan said this is the first time in the history of the pro wrestling that a team representing the American side lost a flag match. Konnan asked West and Tenay to show some class and stand for the Mexican National Anthem. Tenay said he doesn't respect LAX, but he'll stand out of respect for the country of Mexico. West said they won the match and earned it, so he'd stand. Homicide held a white towel to the back of his head to catch the blood. Just an awkward angle, because it's booked in a way where viewers are supposed to hate the idea of the national anthem of our neighbors to the south playing, so you have to be racist or jingoistic to react the way they want you to. At least Tenay addressed that.
-Borash asked Storm if Harris is okay. Storm said Harris is okay and he quit. He said he wasn't really hurt. He told Harris he had until Thursday to apologize to him and every American who had to put up with the crap of listening to the Mexican National Anthem.
-B.G. James and Kip James came out dressed up as Triple H and Shawn Michaels, respectively. The make-up jobs weren't that bad, actually, for intending to be intentionally bad but recognizable. B.G. said, "Let's get ready to stop it!" Circus music then played and out came an imitation of the Spirit Squad. They charged into the ring. They took bumps from DX that showed a lot of light, purposefully. The fat oily guy then came out. Their version was way worse than WWE's version. The fat oily guy superkicked a Squad member. B.G. said, "Cut the music. Sometimes in our business people have trouble differentiating between parody and reality TV. Let us draw the line tonight. What you just saw was parody. What you're about to see is reality TV." They yanked off their make-up and wigs. B.G. said they're VKM. He said at first they were having a good time, "but apparently somewhere along the line, you had a drastic change of heart, Vinnie Mac." He said a senior member of the organization said Vince McMahon didn't give a damn what they were doing in TNA. But that's when the drastic change of heart came, he said. "We caught wind that you wanted us to stop doing what we were doing." He said that was ironic, because it was the same damn thing they wanted. He said when he worked for them, McMahon ordered them to drive to CNN Center and then a WCW "house show." He said magically, they made us write "WCW sucks" right over the WCW headquarters. "My god, if you're going to sue us a for a parody, this is the one to do it for." The crowd chanted, "Screw you, Vince." He said it was time to get serious and issue "The Million Dollar Challenge." He said this would test the size of his grapefruits. B.G. said since he wants them to stop, and they want him to stop, they have a problem and thus a proposition. "It's legitimate and one you can't refuse," said B.G. He said it doesn't matter whose house it's in, they will put up one million dollars for a match against his two boys (DX). He said this wouldn't be a damn wrestling match. "No angles, no spots, no finish, just men versus just you two pussies, so if you've got what it takes, you bring that crap. Vince McMahon, let's see how big your balls are. You accept our challenge or you prove to the world you're a gutless piece of sh--." Tenay said, "He wasn't kidding. They had some fun, and it just turned serious. A million dollars worth of serious." West apologized for their language.
-After a video package aired hyping the World Title match, Borash interviewed Christian Cage and Tyson Tomko backstage. (Is Christian talking about "angles, spots, and finishes" or something "real"?) Christian said Sting and Abyss cannot stop him, only hope to contain him.
-Tenay again said the million dollar challenge is "legit, it's real."
5 -- ABYSS (w/James Mitchell) vs. STING vs. CHRISTIAN CAGE (w/Tyson Tomko)
Christian came out, then Sting, then Abyss. Borash did the formal ring introduction. The match began just a minute or two into the third hour. Tomko went after Sting at ringside a minute into the match, throwing him into the security railing. The ref didn't see it. Christian then bashed Sting's face into the ringside steps. Abyss had control of the match at 2:00, knocking Sting to the floor as soon as he crawled onto the apron. Christian caught Abyss with a DDT off the second rope for an early two count. Christian knocked Sting off the apron again. Sting returned to the ring at 5:00 just in time to execute a Tower of Doom as Abyss was about to superplex Christian. Sting splashed by Christian and Abyss in the corner, then set up Christian for a Scorpion. Christian raked Sting's eyes. Sting reversed Abyss into Christian in the corner, then schoolboyed Abyss for a two count. Sting clotheslined Abyss over the top rope to the floor. Tomko gave a big boot to Abyss's face as Christian distracted the ref. Sting then put on the Scorpion Deathlock. Mitchell distracted Sting. Christian grabbed the title belt as the ref scolded Mitchell. Sting turned in time to sling-shot Christian into Abyss, then he gave Christian the Scorpion Deathdrop. The ref yanked the ref out of the ring during the pin count. Then he clotheslined Sting and beat him relentlessly in the corner. Christian got up and Abyss rejoined the action. Abyss went after Tomko, then Sting. Mitchell brought the bag of tacks into the ring. Abyss had to think for a few seconds before he accepted the bag. Abyss dumped the tacks onto the mat, then grabbed Sting by the throat. Christian ran into the ring. Abyss lifted him instead. Tomko kicked Abyss, saving Christian from landing on the tacks. Tomko then stomped Abyss's face onto the tacks. Then Sting knocked Mitchell off the ring apron. Sting bent over and tried to talk sense into Abyss. Then he applied the Scorpion Deathlock, but Christian hit right away across the back with a chair. Tomko shoved the ref into the ring. Abyss knocked Christian out of the way as he gave Sting a Black Hole Slam just to the side of the tacks leading to the pin.
WINNER: Abyss in 11:00 to retain the NWA World Hvt. Title.
STAR RATING: **1/2 -- It was what it is was - a garbage brawl with all the bag-o-tricks on display. About what you'd expect. Not bad.
-Borash interviewed Angle backstage in the locker room. Angle said he beat him last time they wrestled; he said he made him tapout. He said win, lose, or draw, this will be the last time he wrestles him. He said every TNA wrestler will know who the better wrestler is. They went to the video package hyping Angle-Joe again.
Joe gave Angle a long, intense staredown during his ring intro. The match began at 10:23 p.m., giving them time for a maximum 30 minute match bell to bell. On an early break, Angle gave Joe an extra stomp to the face with his boot. Joe fired back with a rapid-attack of punches and kicks and elbows in a corner. His gameface was great. At ringside at 5:00, Angle made a comeback with an uppercut. He jumped into the ring to break the ref count and then dove over the top rope right away onto Joe at ringside. It wasn't exactly a graceful dive. Then he rammed Joe's head into the ringside steps. Joe made a comeback, screaming with every swing of his fist at Angle. Back in the ring, Angle caught Joe with stomps, then knocked him to the mat in a collision mid-ring. After a vertical suplex, Angle went for a pin, but Joe kicked out at one. Joe reversed Angle on the mat and went for a keylock. Angle fought it and reversed Joe onto his shoulders for a pin attempt. Angle ended up on top with an armbar. Nice sequence. Joe went for a clothesline to knock Angle over the top rope, but Angle moved, and Joe hit the ropes hard. Angle then went on offense, including a chinlock and a bearhug. Joe stood up and tossed Angle over his head, popping the crowd. The crowd chanted, "This is awesome." Joe then applied his rear naked choke. Angle headbutted out of it and then hit three consecutive German suplexes. Angle went for an Olympic Slam at 12:00. Joe quickly escaped and went for the rear naked choke again. Angle avoided it and applied an anklelock, which he used to beat Joe last time. Joe flipped out of it quickly and sent Angle head-first into the turnbuckle. Then he hit Angle with a running knee and set up a Muscle Buster. He leaping roundkicked him, then lifted Angle for the Muscle Buster. Angle slipped out into a sunset flip and an anklelock in center-ring. Joe rolled out of it again to break it. Angle then gave Joe an Olympic Slam for a near fall at 23:00. Angle lowered his straps and applied another Anklelock. Joe went for a tuck and roll escape, but Angle hung on. Joe then slipped on the rear naked choke. Angle teased tapping out, but instead he slipped out of it and applied the anklelock again. Joe screamed in agony and went for another reversal, yanking Angle down into another rear naked choke. Angle again motioned toward a tap, but stopped short of it. His hand began going limp. Angle then grabbed Joe's ankle and reapplied an anklelock. Angle scissored Joe's leg and torqued Joe's leg. Joe crawled toward the bottom rope and grabbed it at 16:00 to force a break. Well orchestrated, dramatic sequence. Angle tried to suplex Joe off the second rope, but Joe headbutted out of it. Angle recovered and ran up to the ropes and suplexed Joe to the mat for another near fall at 17:00. Angle gave Joe an Olympic Slam, but mid-move Joe turned it into an armdrag. As Joe stood, Angle charged. Joe caught him with an elbow, and Angle fell backward, knocking the ref down. With the ref down, Angle applied a sleeper. Joe immediately escaped and applied his rear naked choke. Angle tapped out, but the ref didn't see it. Joe released his grip and checked on the ref. Angle kicked Joe from behind between the legs. Tenay said he never expected to see that from Angle. Angle then walked over and grabbed a chair. He swung it at Joe, but Joe ducked and the chair bounced off the top rope into Angle's face. Joe yanked Angle by his singlet into the rear naked choke again. Angle teased tapping out, but instead reached for Joe's ankle. He couldn't grip it, and Angle tapped out.
WINNER: Joe in 20:00.
STAR RATING: ****1/2 -- Great match. That lived up to expectations. Great story, great execution, and efficient. There weren't unnecessary spots or moves that made you cringe and begin subtracting years or days off of Angle's career.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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