PPV REPORTS KELLER'S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 8/18: Undertaker vs. Khali, Finlay vs. Lashley, SSlam hype
Aug 20, 2006 - 7:00:00 PM
By Wade Keller, Torch editor
AUGUST 18, 2006
-A recap aired of the Undertaker-Khali feud.
-After the Smackdown opening, Michael Cole and JBL introduced the show and plugged Bobby Lashley challenging Finlay for the U.S. Title.
Batista came out to the ring first and played to the crowd. Sylvan stepped onto the stage with a mic and said he's going to beat the hometown hero of the fans. As soon as he entered the ring, Batista speared him. He finished him quickly. JBL said, "King Booker is not some worthless idiot from Quebec."
WINNER: Batista in 1:00.
[Commercial Break]
-Clips aired of Sylvester Terkay beating up various opponents. JBL said he is Big Foot and Sasquach. Cole said he is impressed with Terkay's credentials.
2 -- SYLVESTER TERKAY (w/Elijah Burke) vs. SCOTTY 2 HOTTY
JBL defended Terkay's post-match attacks by saying the way to stop it is to simply beat him. Cole referred to Scotty as a veteran. That's better than "very capable veteran."
WINNER: Terkay in 3:00.
STAR RATING: 1/2* -- Just as squash. Turkay looks tough, but he seems to have arrived in pro wrestling 20 years past when he might have had a chance to draw money. He just doesn't show the personality of money-drawing heels at this point. He's got to cut a promo and do more than huff and puff.
-JBL and Cole talked about Eddie Guerrero. JBL said Eddie knew how to solve a problem with his fists, and Chavo Guerrero and Rey Mysterio need to do the same. They went to a video feature on the Rey-Eddie dynamic.
[Commercial Break]
-Krystal interviewed Brian Kendrick & Paul London backstage. Kendrick addressed losing to K.C. James & Idol Stevens. He said they thrive on competition. London said it was a non-title match,. Then Idol & Stevens attacked them as Michelle McCool barked out commands. We still know nothing about James & Stevens. WWE can't just put two guys with a diva and expect them to get over as heels or draw. At least they gave 90 seconds of ever-so-valuable Friday night TV time to an angle involving the tag champs.
WINNER: Kennedy in 7:00 after an eye rake, a low blow, and pull on the trunks. Tatanka yelled at the ref again this week.
[Commercial Break]
-A video feature aired on Chavo and Eddie's history together in WWE.
-Vickie Guerrero approached Teddy Long backstage. "In the name of Eddie, this has got to stop," said Vickie, as she begged Long to cancel the match. Long said as G.M. he has to make tough decisions, and this is one of them, but since both men want to fight, the match remains scheduled.
-At ringside, JBL disagreed with Vickie, saying that Eddie would have wanted them to fight. He said Long did the right thing.
-Ring introductions took place for Khali vs. Undertaker.
[Commercial Break]
4 - GREAT KHALI (w/Daivari) vs. UNDERTAKER - Last Man Standing
They joined the match in progress. Khali took control early, but Taker came back by hotshotting Khali's chest over the top rope, then battering on him as Khali lay on the ring apron. Taker guillotine legdropped Khali. Taker then applied a triangle choke while Khali was tied up in the bottom rope. Taker then asked the ref to begin a count on Khali to see if he could get up. Khali stood. Daivari then injected himself. Taker beat him up on the stage. Khali followed, and went after Taker. Daivari gave Taker a low-blow, setting up a string of offense by Khali. He set up a chokeslam, but Taker blocked it and set up his own chokeslam. Daivari interfered again, giving Khali a chance to take over. He tossed Taker off the stage and onto a table and cables below.
The ref began a count on Taker. Khali raised his arms, predicting victory. JBL yelled, "This is it! I can't believe Khali is beating Undertaker." That confirmed that Taker would rise before the count. Taker, of course, did. They cut to another break.
[Commercial Break]
Khali dragged Taker down the aisle toward the ring. In the ring, Khali tied Taker in the ropes and chopped him in the head several times. The ref counted to nine, but Taker then sat up. Khali went back on the attack, but Taker made a comeback. He clotheslined Khali over the top rope to the floor. Khali reversed Taker at ringside into the steps, then threw the steps into the ring. Taker, though, grabbed them first and hit Khali with them. Daivari entered with a chair. Taker KO'd Daivari before he could use and then smashed a now bloody Khali with the chair as he lay over the steps. The ref began to count as Taker caught his breath. Taker hit Khali from behind once Khali rose, and hit him with a chair again. After another chairshot, he chokeslammed him. Khali began to get up, but fell again just as the ref reached ten.
WINNER: Undertaker in 16:00.
STAR RATING: ** -- That could have been much, much worse. They managed to orchestrate a match that masked Khali's weaknesses and even provide some drama for those who didn't figure ahead of time the inevitability of Taker's win. Still, Khali's limitations made it mostly a one-man magic show with Daivari trying to add some motion and energy a couple times.
-Raw Rebound aired.
[Commercial Break]
-Cole and JBL ran down the line-up for Summerslam.
They showed Vito walking near some D.C. landmarks in his dress. Cole talked about what a great guy Vito is, how he likes to talk sports, and how he's entertaining. JBL said he isn't entertaining. As Vito flashed Fowler, JBL said he deserves hazard pay. JBL said: "If we can pass a gay marriage amendment, we should be able to pass a law about a man wearing a dress in a wrestling ring in front of me." Cole said he should run for office with that as his platform and he'd probably get laughed out of congress. After Vito won, JBL shouted, "His nipples are showing!"
WINNER: VITO in 4:00.
[Commercial Break]
6 - FINLAY vs. BOBBY LASHLEY -- U.S. Title match
A few minutes into the match, Regal came to ringside distracting Lashley, leading to Finlay throwing Lashley into the ringpost. They cut to a break.
[Commercial Break]
Finaly controlled Lashley with mat work, mostly focused on his left arm, for several minutes. Lashley came back at 12:00, but again Regal's distraction gave Finlay a chance to regain control. Finlay was about to throw the little green guy at Lashley in the ring, but Lashley speared Finlay and the little guy fell to the mat. Lashley then gave Finlay a running powerslam and went for a pin. Regal yanked the ref out of the ring before three, then attacked Lashley. The ref called for the DQ. The little guy hit Lashley with the stick from behind. Finaly swung a chair at Lashley, but he ducked and the chair hit Regal. Lashley then made a comeback and backdropped Finlay and clotheslined him out of the ring. He then threw the chair at him, and it hit Finlay in the head.
WINNER: Lashley via DQ in 13:00 so Finlay retained the U.S. Title.
[Commercial Break]
-Booker T cut a mid-ring promo about defending his title against Batista. He talked for several minutes, making a case that Batista doesn't really want to face him. He said option A is beating him up at Summerslam. He called Batista to the ring to listen to option B. Booker told Batista he could get out of the match by getting on his knees and kissing his royal feet. "What kind of option is that?" asked Cole. JBL replied: "Just shut up, Michael. Let the King be a King." Sharmell then took off Booker's shoes and socks. "You're witnessing Royal Toes!" said JBL. Batista stared at them, leaned down as if he were considering it, plugged his nose, and stared at the feet. JBL told him to kiss the toes to save himself the beating. Batista instead stomped on his feet. Booker bailed out of the ring and limped to the back. Batista put on Booker's king robe as Sharmell and Booker trash-talked.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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