PPV REPORTS 10/23 TNA Bound for Glory PPV: Caldwell's "Alternative Perspective" review
Oct 23, 2005 - 6:50:00 PM
By James Caldwell, Torch Columnist
TNA Bound for Glory PPV Alternative Perspective Review
October 23, 2005
From Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida
Report by James Caldwell, Torch columnist
Free Countdown Show
Joined in progress with a high spot by Dutt off the top rope on Shelley, the action picked up an intense pace early on. Strong slowed the pace working on Dutt with a stiff chop to the chest grounding Mr. India. Shelley tagged in after Strong dropped Dutt with another chop. Shelley locked on a rocking horse submission hold before Strong broke up another submission. Aries tagged himself in and worked on Dutt before landing a pendulum elbow drop on Dutt's back. Strong hit an Outsider's Edge into an Ace Crusher before slapping Aries, who taunted Strong from the apron. Strong locked in a Crippler Crossface on Dutt; Shelley locked on a figure four on Strong; Aries locked in an ankle lock and head scissors on Shelley creating a sick four-man submission hold. The crowd roared in approval after all four men released the holds. The action broke down with a round of dosey-do leaving four men on the mat following a series of clotheslines. Shelley connected with a Tornado DDT on Strong after spitting in his face before Dutt broke up a pin attempt with a top rope splash. Aries picked up Shelley for a forward roll Samoan Drop before Dutt broke up a pin and hit a strange People's elbow on Aries. Strong took Dutt onto his shoulders and hit a gutbuster before Aries hit a brainbuster on Strong. Aries went up top for a 450 splash, but Dutt blocked Aries. Strong recovered and set up Dutt for a suplex. Dutt shoved Strong off the top before hitting a sick dragon huricanrana off the top rope for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Sonjay Dutt. Fast-paced action with plenty of highspots to get the crowd into the show and sell the PPV better than Shark Boy vs. David Young or some other pre-show match.
- America's Most Wanted and Gail Kim were backstage with Shane Douglas. Chris Harris rolled footage from Impact when AMW won the tag titles from The Naturals. Harris said the belts are back where they belong. Harris said AMW left The Naturals in a pool of their own blood. James Storm, wearing a towel and a belt, stumbled through a statement after going through a bottle of beer. Harris said, "All the power lies with the gold - America's Most Wanted."
- Mike Tenay said Larry Zbyszko has ordered that every TNA wrestler stick around for the main event title match since Kevin Nash isn't available. Raven interrupted the broadcast and called out Zbysko. Zbyszko came to the ring and shouted with Raven. Zbyszko wouldn't grant Raven his title shot so Raven snapped on Zbyszko. Rhino ran to the ring and said Raven isn't the same person he was five years ago when he crucified people and would have killed Zbyszko. (Rhino's timeline is a little off here referring to Raven's ECW days.) Rhino and Raven went at it then Rhino gored Cassidy Riley for good measure. Raven had to be held back by security.
- A.J. Styles was backstage with Shane Douglas to discuss the X Division match against Christopher Daniels. Douglas asked Styles if Daniels is his shadow. Styles looked at Douglas like, "what kind of whack question is that?" Styles said all the energy, blood, and sweat he's shed has involved Daniels. Styles said we'll see if Daniels can step up and be phenomenal. Good promo.
- We saw clips of Samoa Joe's Samoan dance crew warming up backstage. As I was told by someone planning Joe's entrance, the fire entrance should be awesome.
- We saw Jushin Liger warming up backstage before the opening match of Joe-Liger.
Live PPV Review
- The standard TNA grand becoming video package aired with an ending shot of Jeff Jarrett walking up the entrance ramp.
Tenay put over Liger's accomplishments in Japan as the traditional streamers flew from the stands to the ring. We saw a shot of NJPW president Simon Inoki ringside. Tenay put over the NJPW-TNA relationship as the crowd chanted "Liger, Liger." Joe and Liger shook hands before the bell then Liger took Joe in a head lock. Joe ran over Liger with a shoulderblock before Liger told Joe to run off the ropes. Liger took Joe down with a leg trip before landing a double foot kick to the face. Liger threw Joe through the ropes to the outside before Liger teased a flying move. Liger kicked Joe with a baseball slide then landed a top rope splash. Back in the ring, Liger went for a cross body block only to have Joe catch him in mid-air for a Samoan Drop. Joe caught Liger in the face with a running knee. Joe dropped a knee to the face while Liger was on the mat. Joe locked in a reverse chinlock as the crowd roared. Liger fought to his feet then Joe caught Liger off the ropes with a snap powerslam. Joe locked in another reverse chinlock then missed a corner move. Liger landed a kick to the face then went for a suplex, but Joe blocked. Liger kicked Joe's foot then connected with a nice fisherman's suplex. Liger missed with a left arm then Joe connected with a side kick to the head. Joe placed Liger on the top turnbuckle and went for a high-risk move, but Liger countered with a powerbomb from the top. Liger slapped Joe across the face then went up top. Joe caught Liger with a kick to the face then dropped Liger with a Muscle Buster. Joe locked in the Kokina Clutch and the referee dropped Liger's arm three times for Joe's victory.
WINNER: Samoa Joe. Short match, but intense with the crowd into the action. Good start to the show even if it was shorter than expected.
- Shane Douglas was backstage with Simon Diamond, Elix Skipper, and David Young. Diamond gave a pep talk to his Diamonds in the Rough before walking to the ring entrance.
The crowd booed Siaki and Apolo before Shark Boy came to the ring. Diamond worked on Shark Boy early on before Shark Boy bit Diamond in the backside. Apolo came into the ring and worked on Skipper as the crowd booed Apolo. Skipper and Young teamed up for a drop kick on Apolo before going for a double team submission hold working on Apolo's legs. Skipper sent Apolo to the ropes then hit a chop block to Apolo's knee. Skipper went for a move off the ropes, but Apolo caught Skipper for a lift up ace crusher. Siaki tagged in to a chorus of apathetic cheers and hit a Samoan Drop on Young. Skipper broke up a pin attempt. Apolo came back into the ring and hit another ace crusher on Young. Skipper ran off Young's back and landed a leg whip in the corner on Siaki. Shark Boy flew over the top rope with a slingshot cross body block on Skipper. Diamond set up for a high-risk move but ran right into a superkick from Apolo. Trying to win over the crowd, Apolo flew over the top rope with a splash on everyone involved in the match except for Diamond. Back in the ring, Siaki and Skipper battled. Young reentered the ring and hit a spinebuster for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Young & Skipper & Diamond. With the fans apathetic to the supposed babyfaces, the match lost life midway through. TNA's trying to establish Diamonds in the Rough as a legit team, but they need to win more meaningful matches to be taken seriously.
- We saw clips from the pre-show when Sonjay Dutt won a four-man match and Raven battled with Rhino while Raven tried to get an NWA Title match against Jarrett.
- Shane Douglas was backstage with Jeff Jarrett and Gail Kim. Douglas said Kevin Nash is out of the title picture and people are lining up to take Nash's spot. Jarrett said he had to call the hospital to believe that Nash was legit out of the match. Jarrett told Zbyszko to put all the names in a hat and draw one out. Jarrett said, "Screw Jeff Hardy, screw Rhino, screw Abyss, screw Raven." Monty Brown ran into the scene and said Jarrett is scared of Brown. Brown said he would take the NWA Title from Jarrett. Jarrett told Brown to impress Larry Zbyszko against Lance Hoyt because Brown will fall of the mountain if he loses to Hoyt. Brown said, "Hoyt will be tumultuously taken out by the Pounce." So the drama continues.
Brown and Hoyt exchanges shoulder blocks then Brown played to the hard camera. Hoyt ran over Brown with a flying shoulder block then Hoyt appeared to throw Brown to the mat with a flapjack. Outside of the ring, Brown reversed a whip to the ropes and sent Hoyt shoulder-first into the ring steps. Brown sent Hoyt back into the ring then played to the camera allowing Hoyt enough time to recover and hit a slingshot splash over the top rope onto Brown. Hoyt sent Brown back into the ring and walked into clubbing forearms to the back. Brown landed a series of chops to the chest then Hoyt countered with chops and punches. Brown stumbled out of the corner and fell flat on his face. Hoyt went up top for a moonsault, but Brown popped up and shoved Hoyt off the top to the outside. Brown suplexed Hoyt on the floor then took the ticked off Texan back into the ring for another suplex. Hoyt countered a whip to the ropes with a big boot to the face. The anti-Hoyt fans booed while the Hoytamaniacs tried to drown out the boos. Hoyt hit a top rope moonsault and scored a nearfall on the follow-up pin. Hoyt went for a top rope splash, but Brown caught Hoyt in mid-air for a sick Alpha Bomb. Brown scored a nearfall on a pin attempt before walking into a Rock Bottom. Hoyt scored a nearfall on the follow up pin. Brown and Hoyt exchanged right hands then Brown caught Hoyt off the ropes for the Pounce and the win.
WINNER: Monty Brown via pinfall. Just a standard heavyweight match to establish Monty Brown against a credible opponent. The fans continued their slow turn against Hoyt with a growing number of boos against Hoyt.
- Shane Douglas was backstage with B.G. James, Ron Killings, and Konnan. James said something about being tighter than pantyhouse and a three way. Kip James walked into the picture and said he has a good plan. Konnan called out Kip then walked away as B.G., Ron, and Kip discussed a plan.
After Konnan and B.G. James "spoke on it," Konnan started the match against Eric Young. Konnan landed a rolling thunder clothesline then chucked a shoe at Young, sending him over the top rope to the floor. Killings landed a kick to the crotch from the top rope on Roode. We saw Kip James sitting in a chair at the entrance stage wearing a Dave Chappelle as Rick James knock off t-shirt reading: "I'm Kip James, bitch." Killings and B.G. danced in the ring before landing double team elbow drops on Roode. Killings walked into a double team attack in Team Canada's corner then took a heel beat down for a few minutes. B.G. James eventually took a hot tag and ran over Team Canada including left hand punches to Young and Roode. B.G. ran over Eric Young with a big boot then hit a shake rattle n roll elbow drop. The action broke down as Team Canada broke up a pin attempt by B.G. in the ring. D'Amore got on the apron and distracted the referee allowing Roode to crack a hockey stick over B.G.'s back leading to the pin and the win.
Team Canada held Konnan for a chairshot by Kip James, but Kip showed his colors by attacking Team Canada rather than Konnan. Konnan and Kip stared each other down as Konnan wasn't sure what to make of Kip's help.
WINNERS: Team Canada via pinfall. Another typical, hackneyed, over-done, repeated, predictable, ridiculous Team Canada tag match with outside interference leading to the finish. Nothing to this match other than the storyline tease.
- Shane Douglas was backstage with Larry Zbyszko trying to figure out what to do with the NWA Title picture. Zbyszko randomly punched buttons on a phone before screaming into the phone.
Bentley worked on Sabin early on before Sabin hit a huricanrana out of the corner to take the offensive advantage. Petey walked into a spinning elbow to the gut then Sabin began climbing up the cables. Bentley caught Sabin and dropped him with an atomic drop from the top cable. Petey eyed the cables then Traci Brooks distracted Petey from the apron. Traci lured Petey into her breasts causing Petey to lose focus on Bentley as he climbed towards the big "X" in the center of the cables. Sabin yanked Bentley off the cables after knocking Petey down with a kick to the side of the head. Sabin kicked Bentley in the head then hit a tornado DDT all in the same motion. Sabin pumped his fists as he prepared to climb the cables. Bentley yanked Sabin off the cables then sent him to the ropes where Sabin flew over the top rope for a sunset flip powerbomb on Petey. Petey blocked and dropped a leg across Sabin's threat before hitting a huricanrana from the ring to the outside. Back in the ring, Bentley hit a double ace crusher on Petey and Sabin. Bentley climbed the cables and reached the midway point only to find Chris Sabin right behind him. Sabin wrapped Bentley's legs around his head then hit a powerbomb from the top of the cable. The crowd, itching for any cheap spot, chanted "holy s---." Petey and Sabin did battle along the steel post holding up the cables. Petey slammed Sabin headfirst into the steel post before hanging Sabin upside down in the top rope. Petey slowly lowered his boot onto Sabin's crotch to sing "O Canada." Bentley climbed the post leading to the cables, but Sabin shoved Bentley to the floor after knocking Petey to the floor. Sabin shoved Petey off the apron to the floor and hit an Asai moonsault on Bentley and Petey. Sabin reentered the ring and measured the cables before swinging down the cables to the X. Bentley speared Sabin off the cables to the floor causing the "X" to fall from the cables to the mat. The referee called for staff members to reposition the "X" above the ring. After a few minutes of random action while the ring crew set up the "X," Sabin and Bentley began climbing the cables. After shaking the ropes, the "X" fell from the cables yet again. Petey waited underneath the cable and caught the "X" like a centerfielder in the outfield. The referee called for the bell, further creating a messed up situation.
Sabin stormed out of the ring and walked up the entrance ramp while Bentley ripped off his wrist tape and stormed out of the ring. Petey simply stood in the ring while Coach D'Amore cheered the ending.
WINNER: Petey Williams by catching the "X". Definitely the worst Ultimate X match in TNA history. The botched ending was a joke and an example of what happens when you use a foam "X" that was probably purchased at Toys R Us.
- We saw video clips of how America's Most Wanted cheated to win the NWA Tag Titles from The Naturals last night on Impact.
Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas charged the ring before the bell and went right after AMW. The action spilled to the outside before Storm and Stevens took the action back into the ring. Stevens caught Storm on the apron and powerbombed him into the guardrail right in front of Simon Inoki and NJPW brass. The Naturals cornered Chris Harris in the corner and Harris dropped to both knees begging off Stevens and Douglas. Harris fled the ring and took a double team attack by Naturals including a hard Irish whip into the guardrail. Andy Douglas pulled out some athletic tape and choked Harris around the throat. Stevens kicked Harris square in the face then Gail Kim distracted Douglas allowing Harris to throw Douglas into the Ultimate X steel posts. Douglas came up busted open allowing Harris to work on the dizzied Andy Douglas. James Storm tagged in and hit the spinning eye of the storm on Douglas. Harris and Storm exchanged tags before Douglas snuck under Storm and tagged in Stevens. Stevens ran over Harris and Storm with clotheslines and punches before Harris accidentally clotheslined Storm. Douglas and Stevens hit a double team move on Storm and scored a nearfall on a pin attempt. Harris grabbed a handful of powder in a bag and Stevens kicked the powder into Harris's face. Harris, unsure of where he was, slammed Storm with the Catatonic. The Naturals hit AMW's Death Sentence finisher on Harris and made an apparent pin for the win, but Harris kicked out. The Naturals went for the Natural Disaster, but predictably, Gail Kim got on the apron and distracted the referee. Douglas chased Kim outside of the ring but Harris grabbed Douglas and handcuffed him to the railing. Back in the ring, Storm hit Stevens with a beer bottle - an exact repeat of last night on Impact - while Gail Kim distracted the referee. The referee actually saw the shards of glass on the mat, but believed AMW's explanation that a fan threw the beer bottle in the ring. Good Lord. AMW hit the Death Sentence on Stevens for the pin and the win as Douglas could only watch while handcuffed to the ringpost.
WINNERS: America's Most Wanted via pinfall to retain the NWA Tag Titles. Just ridiculous match with the same finish from last night on Impact including more incompetent officiating.
- We saw a video package saying the wrestlers in the Monster's Ball match - Abyss, Rhino, Sabu, and Jeff Hardy - have been locked in seclusion since midnight. But wait, Rhino came out during the pre-show. How did he escape the seclusion?
Rhino, Sabu, and Abyss brought a plethora of weapons to the ring while Jeff Hardy came to the ring with just himself and his armpaint. Rhino jumped Hardy as Hardy was posing on the ringposts. The action broke down early on with Sabu hitting a cannonball splash on Rhino over the top rope. Hardy, who received the mixed cheer treatment usually reserved for John Cena, hit a springboard leg smash on Abyss in the corner. Hardy spilled a trash can of weapons across the ring then walked into a Torture Rack slam by Abyss. Sabu, after hitting a splash on Rhino outside of the ring, reentered the ring and attacked Abyss with a chair. Rhino picked up the chair and smashed everyone in the ring with chairshots. Hardy flew off Sabu's back and hit a leg smash on Abyss in the corner. Hardy went down to one knee for the same move, but Sabu kicked Hardy in the gut rather than flying off Hardy's back. Rhino smashed everyone in the ring with a kendo stick then Sabu grabbed a table from under the ring. Hardy recovered and grabbed a ladder from under the ring. Abyss smashed the ladder into Hardy's gut near the broadcast table then grabbed a wooden table and set it up near Hardy's fallen body. Sabu set up a table in between the ring and guardrail on the other side of the ring. Hardy smashed Abyss with a chairshot then placed Abyss on a double stack of tables. Sabu placed Rhino on the table propped in between the apron and the guardrail then hit a springboard leg smash from the ring through the table on Rhino. On the other side, Jeff Hardy placed Abyss on the table and climbed up the Imapct zone set. Hardy, from about 15 or 20 feet away and having a ledge to jump over, landed a splash on Abyss through the table. Abyss, who had to wait on the table for an eternity, took the splash as the crowd went into an uproar. Hardy held his knee as James Mitchell checked on Abyss's condition. Not even a minute later, Abyss walked into the ring fresh as a daisy - not selling anything - and threw Sabu over the top rope through a table. Rhino finished off Hardy with a piledriver from the top turnbuckle and scored the pin as Sabu nearly broke up the pin.
WINNER: Rhino via pinfall. Same ole' carwreck match with no long-term selling and too many highspots that didn't mean much at the end of the day. Hardy had the spot of the night with a sick Sentaun bomb, but Abyss killed the spot by getting right up and walking to the ring without selling the move.
- Shane Douglas was backstage with Larry Zbyszko. Zbyszko said there will be a ten-man battle royale to determine the #1 Contender for Jeff Jarrett's NWA Title match. Jarrett stormed in and complained about being screwed again. Jarrett asked for the names of the ten participants. Zbyszko wouldn't reveal the people then stormed away.
- We saw a video clip setting up the X Division Title match going back to the iron man match between A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels from "Against All Odds" where Styles won in overtime.
Daniels attacked Styles before the bell, but Styles came back with a high-flying attack. Styles sent Daniels to the outside and jumped over the guardrail for a flying splash on a surprised Christopher Daniels. Back in the ring, Styles applied one of the first wrestling moves of the show with a nice side headlock. Styles cinched it in and teased breaking the hold before locking it back in. The fans clapped for Styles's solid wrestling move. After trying to break the hold for a few minutes, Daniels countered with a wristlock. Styles turned the wristlock into an arm bar then locked in the side headlock once again. Daniels missed with a drop kick off the ropes and took a dropsault kick to the chest. Styles worked on Daniels by sending him headfirst into the corner turnbuckle. Daniels slumped to the middle turnbuckle and Styles held Daniels's legs out before kicking him between the legs in the gut. Styles dropped Daniels on his stomach and locked in a nice Muta Lock, bridging backwards to wrench Daniels's neck upwards. Daniels broke the hold so Styles sent Daniels to the ropes and Daniels hopped over the top rope before Styles clotheslined Daniels from the apron to the ring. Daniels regained the offensive advantage and locked in the Koji clutch, which Styles nearly passed out to at the end of regulation during Iron Man I. Styles powered up to his knees then broke the hold by grabbing the ropes. Styles countered a whip to the ropes at 15:00 with a nice back flip reverse DDT. Styles grappled Daniels with a hammerlock before lifting Daniels up on his shoulders for a side suplex. Styles landed a gut buster before Daniels recovered up top and hit the Fall from Grace for a very close nearfall. Styles and Daniels reversed offensive momentum with Styles going for another reverse DDT, but Daniels countered with an STO. Styles went for a torture rack, but couldn't keep Daniels in the hold long enough to make him submit. Daniels slipped out and shoved Styles through the ropes to the outside. Daniels flew through the middle ropes with a suicide dive on Styles sending both men crashing to the floor. Daniels sent Styles back into the ring and went for a move on the apron, but Styles landed a soccer kick to the head. Styles flew over the top rope with a somersault dive on Daniels. The action returned to the ring at 25:00 with both men staggering around the ring trying not to get pinned. Styles landed a series of punches then Daniels went for a quick roll up Styles, scoring a pinfall. Styles went for a roll up of his own, but Daniels slipped out. Styles missed with a soccer kick and Daniels rolled up Styles for a nearfall. Daniels caught Styles off the ropes as he tried a springboard back elbow and hit a German Suplex. Styles popped right up and hit a discus clothesline for a nearfall. Exasperated, both men lay on the mat at 28:00. Daniels reversed a whip off the ropes with a quick roll up and tried to hook the tights for a pin, but Styles kicked out. Both men exchanged right hands as Daniels crumbled to the middle rope. At 29:00, Styles went for a suplex, but Daniels blocked and took a side kick to the head. Styles made a cover but Daniels kicked out at two. Daniels came right up and scored with a side kick to the head. Daniels and Styles exchanged nearfalls then Daniels went for Angel's Wings, but Styles countered with an overhead bridge suplex. Daniels countered with another Angel's Wings attempt, but Styles set up Daniels for the Styles Clash and connected at 29:51. Styles slowly rolled Daniels over and scored the first - and only - pin of the match at 29:58 to win.
WINNER: A.J. Styles 1-0 to retain the X Division Title. Good match, but not quite at the level of Iron Man I. However, definitely the match of the night with some good wrestling holds and believable nearfalls.
Samoa Joe started things off with Ron Killings. Killings mocked Joe's Samoan dancing moves then took a stiff right hand to the face. Joe nearly punted Killings's head to the stands with a running knee to the face. Joe delivered a face wash and running kick to the face before Killings came back with a Blockbuster from the top rope. After a two minute interval, Sabu came to the ring holding his ribs and wearing bandages on his face. Sabu threw a chair at Killings before Joe slammed Sabu in the corner. Hoyt came into the ring and exchanged right hands with Joe. Hoyt landed a big boot to Joe's face then worked on Sabu. Abyss came into the ring and went nose-to-nose with Joe. Abyss landed chops and Joe responded with harder chops. Jeff Hardy limped to the ring and kicked Sabu. Monty Brown stormed the ring and Pounced Sabu in the middle of the ring. Brown caught Hardy against the ropes and threw himself and Hardy over the top rope to the floor. With Brown and Hardy gone, Hoyt and Abyss went at it in the corner. Covered in blood, Rhino came to the ring as Hoyt was eliminated. Kip James ran to the ring and went after Samoa Joe before A.J. Styles limped to the ring as the final competitor leaving Killings, Rhino, Styles, Joe, Kip James, and Abyss. Kip fell off the apron and appeared to be eliminated. Kip tried to save Killings from elimination, but Joe shoved Killings off the apron to the floor. Abyss grabbed Joe and Styles and threw both of them over the top rope leaving Rhino and Abyss. Rhino gored Abyss then threw him over the top rope, eliminating Abyss.
WINNER: Rhino by eliminating Abyss. Slow paced, pointless match.
- Tito Ortiz ran to the ring to officiate the NWA Title match between Jeff Jarrett and Rhino. Before the match, Jarrett had a casket wheeled to the ring.
Jarrett ran to the ring and attacked Rhino, who was on his knees trying to catch his breath. Jarrett took Rhino to the outside and slammed him into the casket. Jarrett sent Rhino into the ring and flew off the top rope with a clothesline as the crowd booed heavily. Jarrett landed another flying clothesline as Don West said Jarrett just needs to end the match already. Jarrett went up top one more time, but this time, Rhino caught Jarrett in mid-air for a clothesline. As Rhino set up for a gore, Gail Kim walked to the ringside area. Rhino went for a gore, but Jarrett sidestepped. Gail Kim went for a top rope splash, but Ortiz caught Kim and threw her over the apron to the floor. Predictably, Jarrett brought a guitar into the ring and smashed it over Rhino's head. Jarrett made a pin, but Rhino kicked out even though Ortiz dropped his arm three times. AMW came to the ring and handed Jarrett another guitar. Jarrett missed with a second guitar shot and Rhino gored Jarrett for the pin and win to capture the NWA Title.
Afterwards, AMW and Team Canada hit the ring and attacked Rhino. 3 Live Kru came to the ring and was quickly knocked down by AMW. Jarrett brought the casket into the ring and placed Rhino inside, but the Dudleys hit the ring and cleared AMW and Jarrett. 3 Live Kru magically recovered just in time to help Team 3D in a 2-on-8 battle. Eric Young was left in the ring to take a 3D from the Dudleys before he was shoved in the casket after Rhino escaped. Rhino placed Young in the casket then stood on the casket as Jarrett tried to scramble outside of the ring. We closed with Rhino holding the NWA Title while the Dudleys and Kru stood next to him.
WINNER: Rhino to capture the NWA Title. Where to begin with this one. A cluster match ends with Rhino - a perennial mid-carder who was last champion when ECW was dying - winning the NWA Title. Fittingly, a bad close to a bad PPV.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
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He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
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