WWE Smackdown Report PARKS'S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 12/20: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of Friday show, including The Shield vs. John Cena, C.M. Punk, and Daniel Bryan
Dec 20, 2013 - 9:00:20 PM
WWE Smackdown review
December 20, 2013
Taped 12/18/13 in San Antonio, Texas
Aired on SyFy
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- WWE Open.
- Clips from last Monday aired, focusing on Randy Orton as Unified Champion, and John Cena challenging Orton on behalf of Daniel Bryan because Bryan can’t do it himself apparently. They also showed highlights from the match.
- In the arena, Lilian Garcia introduced Randy Orton, who made his way to the ring. He wore one title belt over each shoulder. Orton took the microphone and bragged about beating John Cena at TLC, becoming the first WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He was disappointed by the lack of reward from The Authority. In a bit of revisionist history (what else is new?), Orton said he beat Bryan on Monday night, then beat down his buddy John Cena. That brought out Cena to retort, and he was all business on his way to the ring.
Orton said Cena was jealous and couldn’t get out of the spotlight. Cena said he was out to stop Orton from being a “damn fool.” Cena put over the title(s), then reminded Orton that he became the center of the universe, just as he wanted. But now, Orton is under the microscope. He asked Orton how he wants to be remembered. Orton said he did what he had to do to win Monday night, but Cena brought Orton back to reality by saying Bryan in fact won, by disqualification. Cena was disappointed Orton took the easy way out on Monday. Orton said Bryan doesn’t deserve another rematch. Then Bryan’s music hit and he came out.
Bryan said he understood why Orton did what he did Monday, and he also understood why Orton won’t give him a rematch: because Orton is afraid. Bryan claimed Orton is not better than him. He said Orton doesn’t deserve to be called WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Bryan said that when Cena “finally” gets his rematch, Cena will win. And then Cena will give him a shot at the title. Orton said he won’t allow them to get a shot at his title, and neither will The Authority. The fans joined in with Bryan to say that, “no!” Orton is not the face of WWE. The Shield’s music then played, and they emerged from the crowd. Orton exited the ring, leaving Bryan and Cena ready to fight, alone. Before The Shield could jump the barricade, C.M. Punk ran out to even the odds. Vickie Guerrero walked out as The Shield was deciding what to do. She said The Authority asked her to come out to announce tonight’s main event: The Shield vs. C.M. Punk, Daniel Bryan, and John Cena. That’s a huge match for Smackdown.
- A graphic plugged The Rhodes Brothers vs. Erick Rowan & Luke Harper for tonight.
[Commercial Break]
Zeb Colter had a “Deport Santa” sign in the ring, but no mic work and no entrance for the Real Americans. Mark Henry accompanied Langston to the ring. As Langston came to the ring, they showed clips of the Langston & Henry vs. Real Americans tag match on Raw. Colter joined the commentary team for the match.
Langston blocked two punches and headbutted Swagger in the chest. Swagger dove and took out the knee of Langston. Short-arm clothesline for two by Swagger at 1:10. Langston broke free from a bear-hug to give a belly-to-belly suplex. The announcers argued about the legality of Santa’s presence in the U.S, and whether or not he’s a mythical “creature.” Antonio Cesaro got on the apron to distract Langston, so Henry nailed him. Running clothesline on Swagger by Langston. Big Ending finished it.
WINNER: Langston, at 2:54. Langston is clearly getting a big push, but WWE is doing it the right way by having him work his way up the ladder and not shooting him right to the moon.
- The six-man tag main event was plugged again.
- A.J. Lee and Tamina were walking backstage. Tamina is in action, next.
[Commercial Break]
No entrances for either participant here. A.J. was on commentary, while Nikki was at ringside with Brie. They showed footage of Tamina superkicking Nikki on Monday, leading to A.J. pinning her for the win. A.J. “If you watch that in slow motion, you can pinpoint the exact moment where Nikki forgets math.” JBL: “All math, or just hard math, like division?”
Tamina slammed Brie once the match began. Tamina threw her jacket at Brie. It missed, but Brie, ever the trooper, sold it anyway. Tamina assaulted Brie outside the ring, then brought her in for a pinfall attempt. Another only got a one-count. On commentary, they teased Tamina possibly wanting a Divas title shot down the line. Brie fired back with a running knee to the face, then a series of dropkicks. Middle-rope dropkick by Brie. The pin attempt got her a two-count. Beautiful superkick by Tamina. Cole asked A.J. about being on Total Divas. A.J’s response: “No, I was hugged as a child, so I’m not starved for attention.” Brie dodged a Superfly splash and surprised Tamina with a pin.
WINNER: Brie, at 3:03. Tamina’s knees are going to be shot in a hurry if she continues hitting the splash the way she does.
After the match, A.J. flipped out at ringside, and Brie shoved her back against the barricade. Tamina’s missed splash and the pie-face to A.J. were replayed.
- Goldust & Cody Rhodes vs. Erick Rowan & Luke Harper is still to come.
[Commercial Break]
New Sin Cara has replaced Original Sin Cara in the Titan-Tron video as well. Cara sent McIntyre to ringside and then dove over the top rope onto him. Springboard cross-body for a two-count. McIntyre took Cara to the mat and stomped on his head. For those keeping score at home, only Jinder Mahal was at ringside with McIntyre: Heath Slater is out of action with an injury. Cara did some high flying hit a Swanton for the win. JBL took shots at Mistico saying it looks like a new Sin Cara and that he’s definitely improved.
WINNER: Cara, at 2:04. It’s too bad things didn’t work out for Mistico as Sin Cara, but I still think the gimmick can work.
- A huge six-man tag is tonight’s main event.
[Commercial Break]
No entrance for either man as WWE stuffed a ton of tapings into a short time here. This is a match where entrances and time given would be worth it. Tensai missed a back splash and Clay splashed Tensai in the corner. No Funkadactyls at ringside. Standing big splash by Clay for two. A second splash by Clay, who then mocked the Funkasaurus dance. As he was about to hit a third splash, the Funkadactyls came out, dancing, with Xavier Woods. They danced on the stage as Tensai rolled up Clay for the win.
WINNER: Tensai, at 1:44. Nice mid-card feud advancement.
Clay attacked Tensai after the match, but Woods made the save with the Honor Roll. Clay retreated after the match. All four babyfaces celebrated by dancing in the ring. Clay shouted to them as he headed up the ramp.
- Cena, Bryan, and Punk vs. The Shield is the main event tonight.
[Commercial Break]
- Michael Cole plugged that The Rock was the #1 grossing movie star in 2013.
- The exterior of the AT&T Center was shown.
Even Goldust seemed confused by Rowan wearing the lamb mask. Hard shoulder tackle by Rowan sent Goldust to the mat. JBL compared Rowan & Harper to Bruiser Brody & Stan Hansen. Goldust corralled Harper and was able to tag his brother into the match. Harper took over on Goldust, and Rowan got in a few licks as well. Knee to the kidney by Rowan kept Goldust grounded. Cole said his sources said Harper used to be a truck driver, a nod to his indie gimmick of “Big Rig” Brodie Lee. Goldust missed a cross-body and ended up outside the ring in front of Bray Wyatt, in his ever-present rocking chair. They cut to break at 6:18 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 9:49 with Harper gator rolling Goldust. Beal out of the corner by Rowan, who missed a follow-up corner charge. Goldust planted Harper with Cross-Rhodes (not named by the announcers), and both men were down. Tag to Cody, who gave Harper a high knee. With Harper reeling, Rhodes hit a top-rope dropkick. Roll-up out of the corner for two. Disaster kick connected, as did a moonsault. Rowan broke up the pin, so Goldust went after him. A double-clothesline sent Rowan over the top and to the outside. Harper tossed Rhodes out and Goldust low-bridged Harper. He somersaulted onto Rowan from the apron, then Harper booted Goldust. Bray Wyatt, on the other side of the ring, rammed Rhodes head-first into the ring post. In the ring, Harper finished off Rhodes with a discus clothesline.
WINNERS: Harper and Rowan, at 14:29. It would make sense for Harper and Rowan to be #1 contenders to the tag titles. More sense than Big Show and Rey Mysterio or Ryback and Curtis Axel, anyway.
After the match, Bray Wyatt was about to deliver some more punishment, but Daniel Bryan came out with a steel chair. He used it on Harper and Rowan, but Harper stopped him from using it on Wyatt. Instead, Bryan tackled Wyatt and punched him over and over again. He took out all three members and forced them to regroup outside the ring.
- The six-man tag main event is still to come.
[Commercial Break]
- Damien Sandow was in the ring with a mic. He derided Christmas and its over-the-top commercialization. He promised to personally cancel Christmas on Monday night. The Miz interrupted – apparently, he’s Sandow’s opponent, but he had a mic as well. Miz said he knows Santa Claus, and Santa was in his corner on Main Event. He said where he comes from, they celebrate the Holidays. And Santa. Oh man is Miz back to being a face? Miz said Sandow couldn’t carry Santa’s sack.
Miz and Sandow brawled to start. Miz got the better of the exchange with a back-breaker/neck-breaker combo. Figure-Four by Miz, but Sandow reached the bottom rope. Sandow kicked Miz away and rolled him up for the win, using the tights.
WINNER: Sandow, at 1:27. Wow, that really sold me on watching Raw Monday night.
- Fandango and Summer Rae were walking backstage. Fandango faces Kofi Kingston, next.
[Commercial Break]
- Cole and JBL talked about the 50 Years of WWE DVD. They showed a short clip from that DVD, focusing on Bret Hart’s title win and the New Generation of stars during that era.
- Fandango was in the ring for his match with Kofi Kingston. Kingston was watching at ringside, having already made his entrance.
Springboard off the middle rope for a dropkick by Kingston. Fandango dodged a monkey flip out of the corner and clotheslined his foe. Back elbow by Fandango for a two-count. Kingston made a comeback and hit the Boom Drop. Trouble in Paradise missed, but Kofi caught him with a dropkick. Fandango tripped up Kofi on the apron, then gave him the legdrop off the top rope as Kofi was partially in the ring. The pinfall followed.
WINNER: Fandango, at 3:36. Basic mid-card match, but Fandango can still generate heat despite being cooled off by the booking.
- Renee Young approached Daniel Bryan backstage. She began a question, but backed off when she saw the Wyats surround Bryan. They beat up as Wyatt, in the foreground, sang “ashes, ashes, we all fall down.” In the background, Harper and Rowan tossed Bryan off of a delivery ramp outside the building.
[Commercial Break]
- The Shield was in the ring. Cole talked about Bryan being ambushed by the Wyatt Family before break. They showed the segment again. A few referees, a trainer, and Jamie Noble checked on Bryan, still lying on the cement outside. After Cena and Punk came to the ring, Vickie Guerrero walked out and said despite what happened to Bryan, the show must go on. She said it’s a two-on-three handicap match. Cole used the same verbiage, but when do you ever list the lower number before the higher number?
For what it’s worth, WWE has been asking fans to use match-specific hash-tags for certain segments tonight. Cena and Punk worked well together to start. Punk landed a middle-rope elbowdrop for a one-count. They cut to break at 1:38 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
The Shield remained in control for several minutes after returning from break. After missing a corner charge, Seth Rollins was able to tag Dean Ambrose, who prevented Cena from making a tag. Cena surprised Rollins by picking him up for the Attitude Adjustment, but Rollins escaped and kicked Cena in the head. Cena turned the tide with a tornado DDT. Tag was made by Cena, and Punk really went to work on Rollins. Punk took his time to hit the top-rope elbow, but it connected anyway. Punk hit a combination neck-breaker/DDT on Rollins and Ambrose. Roman Reigns got involved and all three Shield members attacked Punk. They did not adhere to the referee’s warnings, drawing a DQ.
WINNERS: Punk and Cena, via DQ, at 13:34.
Cena came back into the picture to attempt to fend off The Shield. Reigns ended up spearing Cena, leaving all three Shield members to focus on Punk. They dumped him to ringside, turning their attention back to Cena. Triple powerbomb to Cena. Punk attempted to make the save, but he was beaten down again. Rollins yelled that it’s time for Punk to go to sleep permanently. Before anything could be done, Big E. Langston ran to the ring and took care of The Shield. Reigns came back in to go toe-to-toe with Langston, which is interesting on a few levels. Langston put the straps down and was joined by Punk in a steel chair. Ambrose and Rollins convinced Reigns to fight another day, with all three heading back into the crowd. Cole gave a going-away plug for the Christmas Raw special on Monday night before he signed off.
Did you watch Friday's Smackdown episode? Send your 0-10 score & Reax to pwtorch@gmail.com for our TV Reax feature.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. He is the host of “Moonlighting with Greg Parks,” a PWTorch VIP-exclusive audio show posted each weekend. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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