WWE Smackdown Report CALDWELL'S WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS 10/19: Complete "virtual time" coverage of Syfy show - chaotic Lumberjack main event
Oct 19, 2012 - 9:00:20 PM
WWE Smackdown TV Report
October 19, 2012
Taped 10/16 in Memphis, Tenn.
Aired on Syfy
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
This week's WWE Smackdown episode opened with the usual Smackdown intro video followed by Josh Mathews introducing the show and noting JBL will be on commentary with him tonight. Lilian Garcia then introduced Miz TV to start the show.
In-ring: Miz was sitting dejected on his Miz TV couch. Miz said Kofi Kingston got lucky Wednesday on "Main Event" and announced he will invoke his re-match clause at Hell in a Cell. Miz continued to look straight ahead with a blank look and vowed to win back the IC Title, then make Kofi's life a living hell. Speaking of which, his guests tonight are the tag champs Team Hell No. Out first was Daniel Bryan, who was interrupted by Kane's pyro. Mathews and JBL argued about the tag champs, then everyone settled in in the ring.
Miz questioned their separate entrances, then called them egomaniacs. Kane tried to explain, but Bryan quietly cut him off and said he will separate Miz's teeth from his mouth. Miz smirked and asked, "Really?" a few times before noting his goatface. Miz then brought up their NXT relationship and said Bryan doesn't get along with anyone. "It's obvious, Daniel. You are the problem," he told him. Miz then noted the big-red monster with a mask on is actually the sensible one. Miz then told Bryan he will be the reason why they lose the Tag Titles at Hell in a Cell. Bryan tried to speak, but Kane put his hand over Bryan's mouth and told Miz that no one cares what he thinks.
Kane noted he's won Tag Titles with giants, psychopaths, and even The Deadman himself, and said he is the solution. Bryan corrected him that Kane is nothing without the world's toughest vegan, which drew boos. Kane mocked the label, which brought Miz back into the discussion. But, the tag champs shouted, "No!" at Miz to cut him off. Bryan and Kane then began arguing as Miz became more frustrated in the background. Bryan and Kane then began arguing about who the tag champs is (are), which brought out Big Show.
Show, who was dressed to wrestle, marched down to the ring as Kane began arguing with a frustrated Miz in the background. In the ring, Show told Kane that he doesn't have a problem with him and they have a match Monday on Raw; his problem is "little man" Daniel Bryan. Show glared down at Bryan and said he thought Bryan learned his lesson on Raw. Show said if he hears Bryan open his mouth one more time about taking the title from him in 45 seconds, he's going to knock him out. Show then vowed to do it right now, which drew cheers. Instead, Bryan shuffled behind Kane, who told Show that they don't have to wait for their match on Raw.
Suddenly, Dolph Ziggler's music played to bring out Dolph flanked by Vickie Guerrero. "Everyone wants to be on Miz TV," JBL declared. On the way to the ring, Ziggler said Bryan cashing in MITB on Big Show is so last year because the only thing that matters is the current MITB holder, himself. In the ring, Ziggler noted Sheamus and Big Show are going to destroy each other, then he's going to steal the show by cashing in his World Title briefcase. Ziggler said it doesn't matter if Show wins because if Bryan could do it, then it's easy. Bryan interrupted, which angered Show. Miz then began flipping out with his show breaking down into chaos once again.
Suddenly, Booker T's music played to bring Booker out on-stage. He told them to chill out, but Miz sarcastically shouted at Booker that he's going to make a main event match with everyone in this ring. Miz mocked the anticipated Teddy Long booking, which drew an icy glare from Booker on-stage. Booker said actually he was not going to say that. He said he has an announcement to make.
Booker booked two main event-caliber matches tonight. First, Team Hell No vs. Ziggler & Big Show. Booker started to leave, but Miz sarcastically noted Booker said two. Booker said Miz is right because he almost forgot about him. He then pointed to the back before disappearing to the back. Suddenly, Randy Orton's music played to a huge pop. Miz leaned against the ropes selling a combination of frustration and anger as Orton slowly walked out on-stage to glare into the ring. Orton, looking different with grown-out hair for his WWE movie role, slowly walked toward the ring as Miz just stood in the ring in a state of disbelief. WWE replayed recent events with Orton and Alberto Del Rio before plugging Orton vs. Miz up first.
[Commercial Break]
Sat. Slam plug: Zack Ryder is in action. Plus, an in-depth look at snake-related WWE characters and Daniel Bryan vs. Tyson Kidd.
The first of two main events was joined in-progress returning from break. Orton controlled the action before WWE suddenly went to a camera shot from a luxury suite skybox. WWE pulled back to reveal Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez watching the match from a safe distance. Orton continued to control as ref Jack Doane paced the ring wearing medical gloves in the event of Miz's forehead starting to bleed again following Kofi Kingston's kick to the head from Raw. Miz then cut off Orton and bumped him off the ring apron to the floor. In the ring, Miz tried to regain his bearings as blood trickled from his forehead leading to break.
[Commercial Break]
Back on the air, Miz was working on a chinlock. Orton broke free, but Miz dropped him with a backbreaker for a two count. Mathews then went to Matt Striker in the skybox to get comments from Del Rio. Ricardo cut off the questioning and asked Striker about the beating Kane gave him on Raw. Del Rio smiled before claiming Orton is afraid of Del Rio. Meanwhile, a match was happening in the ring. Well, not much was happening with Miz still working a chinlock that showed a lot of light.
Miz lost control of the match at 8:35 when Orton crotched him on the top turnbuckle. Orton landed right hand blows to Miz's forehead before setting up for and delivering a superplex. Orton was slow to make a cover, though, allowing Miz to escape a pin attempt. Orton then came to his feet and delivered a signature powerslam before looking into the skybox to stare down Del Rio. Orton followed with a dropkick to Miz for a two count, but Miz stunned him with a snap DDT for a two count of his own.
Miz tried to follow with a big boot, but Orton ducked, swung Miz to the second rope, and delivered a snap DDT. Orton then entered That Place and wanted the RKO, but Miz blocked. Miz wanted the Skullcrushing Finale, but Orton shoved him off, Miz rebounded into Orton, and Orton dropped him with the RKO. Orton scored a three count for the win. Post-match: Orton took a nice, long look into the skybox, where Del Rio ranted and raved before Orton posed in the ring. Ortont hen called down to Del Rio, who removed his jacket and feigned doing something about this. Suddenly, Del Rio had a live mic. Del Rio told Orton that they will do this on his terms in Atlanta (at Hell in a Cell).
WINNER: Orton at 11:26. Solid TV match. Miz went 0-3 on TV this week, but continues to grow as a character showing more fire and intensity. It seems like he's heading in the right direction.
Backstage: Sheamus was shown walking down the hallway and bumped into Teddy Long. Sheamus said he's not one to complain, but he has a request. Sheamus said he's had some massively-good scraps with Wade Barrett the last few weeks, but Big Show has ruined the matches. Sheamus said he wants to face Barrett again, so Long said he would talk to Booker T about it. But, in the next breath, Long went ahead and booked the match, plus added a Lumberjack stip. Sheamus and Long fist-bumped, then parted ways. Suddenly, Eve appeared in the background. The camera focused on Eve's reaction as he spied on Long.
[Commercial Break]
Back on Smackdown, the Rhodes Scholars were on their way to the ring. JBL shouted out to U.S. military bases overseas before Mathews plugged Rhodes Scholars's tag tournament finale against Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara this Monday on Raw. Already in the ring for action tonight were Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel.
Kidd & Gabriel took control early on, so Sandow yanked Rhodes to the outside to a breather. But, Gabriel landed a double splash to take out the heels. However, Rhodes quickly regained control in the ring, setting up Sandow to big-boot Gabriel against the ropes. Sandow followed with the Elbow of Disdain on Gabriel, who then tagged in Kidd moments later. Kidd blasted Sandow with offense, but Rhodes blind-tagged into the match. Rhodes the blasted Kidd in the back of the head and pinned him for the win. Post-match: Rhodes and Sandow celebrated.
WINNERS: Sandow & Rhodes at 3:15. Fine tune-up match before the tournament finals on Raw.
GM Office: Booker T was talking to Eve, then Teddy Long interrupted. Long said he has a great idea for tonight: Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus in a Lumberjack match. Booker shot Long a look, then Eve said Teddy must have overheard her since that was her idea last week. Booker believed Eve and told Long to get with it. Booker walked off to a meeting and Eve said she would follow. Eve left behind her Spy Device (iPad), though, and Long picked it up to take a look at what's on her iPad (presumably seeing if there's information on whether Eve attacked Kaitlyn at Night of Champions or other items of interest).
Tonight: Raw Rebound focusing on Punk vs. Ryback at Hell in a Cell next Sunday. Plus, Bryan & Kane vs. Ziggler & Big Show in the second of two main events.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break, the participants in the other "main event" were already in the ring without advanced notice. Very inefficient.
3 -- WWE tag champions DANIEL BRYAN & KANE vs. BIG SHOW & DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) -- non-title match
Plenty of back-and-forth early on as all four men got a turn in the ring. Show slowed things down by cornering Kane and rocking him with right hands, but Kane retorted with a slap to the face. Bryan then tagged in and chopped down Big Show with "No! Kicks." Bryan tried a KO blow, but Show blocked and press-slammed Bryan into the air before dropping him clear over the top rope to the floor. That's a tough fall. Bryan clutched his arm and shoulder to sell an injury as Kane checked on him leading to break.
[Commercial Break]
Back on Smackdown, Ziggler was in control of the action working on Bryan, who was trying to shake feeling back into his arms. Show tagged in and wanted a frying pan chop, but Bryan ducked, only to take a punch to the face. Show then teased a chokeslam, but Bryan countered with a mid-air front facelock into a DDT. Bryan tried tagging in Kane, but Ziggler cut him off and landed a neckbreaker. Ziggler followed with multiple elbow drops before showing off again. Show returned to the ring and proceeded to apply The Claw to Bryan's midsection, which prompted a Fritz Von Erich reference from JBL.
[Second Hour] At the top of the hour, Bryan broke free of Show's vice grip, but walked into a sidewalk slam from Show. Ziggler told Show that he's got this, and asked for a tag. Suddenly, Bryan got a burst of energy to pop Show, then Ziggler before tagging in Kane, who came off the top turnbuckle with a clothesline to Ziggler. Kane followed with a sidewalk slam, then wanted a chokeslam, but Bryan tagged in and declared that he's the tag champs.
Now legal in the ring, Bryan charged Ziggler for a clothesline before measuring Ziggler for a flying corner dropkick. Suddenly, Kane big-booted Show off the apron and Ziggler tried to get at Kane, but Bryan grabbed Ziggler and slapped on the No! Lock. Ziggler fought the hold for a few moments, but tapped out.
WINNERS: Kane & Bryan at 13:07.
Post-match: Bryan and Kane argued about who won the match and who the tag champs is (are). On the stage, Bryan made his case, but Kane tried to drown him out. Suddenly, Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow jumped them from behind. Kane fell off the stage to the floor below, then Rhodes and Sandow delivered a beat down to Bryan. Rhodes Scholars stood tall as the crowd booed; the announcers stressed that Sandow & Rhodes believe they will win the tag tournament to face Kane & Bryan at the PPV in nine days.
Still to come: Another "main event" with Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett in a Lumberjack match.
[Commercial Break]
Back on Smackdown, Lilian Garcia recognized representatives in the crowd for breast cancer awareness.
In-ring: U.S. champion Antonio Cesaro made his way to the ring. WWE then went to a video from earlier today when Cesaro went to Sun Studio in Memphis. Awesome, historical building. Cesaro said he's visiting historic landmarks in the U.S. and said people need someone else to honor because people like Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis are nobodies. Cesaro said he would tear down Sun Studio in his America. Back on Smackdown, Ted DiBiase was in the ring, receiving a jobber entrance and zero fanfare for his first match back on Smackdown in several months.
4 -- U.S. champion ANTONIO CESARO vs. TED DIBIASE -- non-title match
Mathews noted DiBiase is recovering from a shoulder injury and a fractured ankle as Cesaro dominated DiBiase. Mathews also noted Cesaro has vowed to never lose another match to an American wrestler. JBL questioned DiBiase taking this match when he's just trying to knock off some ring rust. DiBiase made a comeback with a spinebuster, but Cesaro escaped a pin attempt.
DiBiase tried to follow with a second-rope move, but Cesaro intercepted with a mid-air European Uppercut. The ref rightly sold that DiBiase was seriously injured and checked on him before Cesaro slowly lifted up DiBiase for a Neutralizer. It was good for the win. JBL covered for DiBiase, saying he's going to be okay and just bit off too much in his first match back on Smackdown.
WINNER: Cesaro at 2:45. Best-case scenario has to be "USA Guy" Derrick Bateman returning to TV to pick up an actual feud with Cesaro. That's potential for great television.
[Commercial Break]
Raw Rebound: Last Monday, John Cena deferred to Ryback to give C.M. Punk a beating at Hell in a Cell. The video initially focused on C.M. Punk running down Vince McMahon and their "fight" two weeks ago on Raw.
Back on Smackdown, Mathews plugged Punk vs. Ryback for the WWE Title at Hell in a Cell. He then introduced a clip from "WWE '13" featuring a simulated Punk vs. Ryback match inside the Cell.
In-ring: Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre, and Jinder Mahal (3MB) were in the ring. After a replay of 3MB putting the boots to Zack Ryder and Santino last Monday on Raw, Slater introduced the group. McIntyre screeched a line about being the three-man band, then Mahal said they make beautiful music and rule the game. Are they parodying a parody of themselves? Brodus Clay's music then played to bring out Clay and his dancers.
5 -- BRODUS CLAY vs. HEATH SLATER (w/Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal)
Clay landed headbutts to Slater's back before delivering a snap suplex into an elbow drop. McIntyre decided to get a closer look, which drew a look from Clay. Slater used the slight distraction to deliver a dropkick, then applied a front facelock. Clay escaped via a toss before landing successive clotheslines.
Clay stomped around the ring, then measured Slater for a running headbutt. But, Mac hopped on the apron to distract Clay again. Mahal then distracted Clay, who proceeded to take a kick to the knees followed by a neckbreaker from Slater. Yes, Slater with a pin for the win. Afterward, Naomi and Cameron sold annoyance ringside as 3MB celebrated on the ramp. JBL noted the three members of 3MB were horrible individually, but they've found their groove collectively.
WINNER: Slater at 1:54. It feels like a classic "WWE losing streak" storyline for Clay before he "gets serious" and turns his career around. WWE doesn't have a good track record turning these into successful follow-up stories, though.
Locker Room: Striker brought in Wade Barrett for an interview. Barrett said he's still not convinced that Sheamus is tough, and Sheamus has to face Big Show at Hell in a Cell. But, Barrett thinks Sheamus isn't even concerned about being World champ anymore because he's going to destroy Sheamus before he even gets to the Cell. Therefore, Barrett wants to cash in a favor of receiving a title shot when Big Show becomes World champ thanks to his work tonight. Basic promo with the villain promising destruction to the babyface; tune in to see if he backs it up or is full of empty threats.
[Commercial Break]
Back on Smackdown, Natalya's music was playing and Divas champion Eve was on commentary with JBL and Mathews. Layla's music then played to bring out the former Divas champion. Once the bell sounded, Natalya was the aggressor. But, that was short-lived, as Layla came back with a convincing win. Post-match: Layla indicated to Eve that she wants another shot at her Divas Title.
WINNER: Layla at 2:15.
Backstage: Kaitlyn was texting on her phone. Teddy Long then walked in with Eve's iPad and told Kaitlyn to watch some footage he found. Kaitlyn sold shock, then snapped a photo of what was on Eve's iPad so she had record of it. Kaitlyn told Long to put it back where he found it. (Assumption being that none of the 2.5 million people watching the show will tell Eve or that she won't watch the show on delay.)
Back in the arena, generic Smackdown music played to bring out nearly all of the warm-bodied wrestlers in the locker room to play lumberjacks for the main event. Absent were Kane & Daniel Bryan.
Raw on Monday: C.M. Punk's quest for respect has led to this...Ryback. The voice-over man asked if Punk can escape Ryback's insatiable appetite before Hell in a Cell.
[Commercial Break]
Back on Smackdown, WWE went around the ring showing all of the lumberjacks surrounding the ring. Great shot of Big Show leaning against the guardrail with casual interest in this. Wade Barret then came out first for the main event. Barrett walled past fellow European Antonio Cesaro, who welcomed him into the ring. After a pause, Sheamus's music played to bring out the World Hvt. champion 15 minutes before the top of the hour. WWE went to a shot of Show sarcastically applauding Sheamus upon entrance before JBL shouted out to Fit Finlay because Fit and Sheamus both love to fight.
7 -- World Hvt. champion SHEAMUS vs. WADE BARRETT -- non-title Lumberjack match
Sheamus and Barrett went back and forth as the lumberjacks surveyed the action from ringside. Barret then whipped Sheamus hard into the corner turnbuckle, drawing applause from Big Show. Barrett scored a nearfall and they cut to break.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break seven minutes before the top of the hour, Barrett had Sheamus in a chinlock. Sheamus broke free and landed a clothesline into a rolling gutbuster. Sheamus followed with ten big forearm strikes as the babyface lumberjacks counted along. He then wanted White Noise and connected center-ring. For his next step, Sheamus wanted the Brogue Kick, but the heel jacks yanked Barrett to the outside. So, Sheamus delivered a splash to Barrett and the 3MB group.
Back in the ring, Sheamus delivered a shoulder tackle, but Barrett rebounded with a clothesline into a standing sidekick for a two count. Sheamus suddenly went for the Brogue Kick, but Barrett ducked and dumped Sheamus over the top rope to the floor. On the outside, Barrett picked a fight with the babyface jacks, which brought everyone over for a giant brawl. Where are the fake biker dudes to make this a TNA Impact special? Suddenly, Kane's pyro shot off to restore order. Kane and Daniel Bryan came down to ringside to pick a fight with the heel lumberjacks, then tried to get at Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow following their sneak attack earlier in the show. Suddenly, back in the ring, Sheamus smashed Barrett with the Brogue Kick. In the chaos, Sheamus pinned Barrett for the win.
WINNER: Sheamus at 10:56. This didn't get to the level of the match Monday on Raw, but it wasn't designed to.
Post-match: Kane and Bryan chased Rhodes Scholars through the crowd to the back of the floor seating area. Bodies were strewn everywhere ringside, but Big Show stood tall and sold annoyance. As Sheamus celebrated his victory, Dolph Ziggler snuck into the ring. Ziggler dropped Sheamus with the Zig-Zag, then teased cashing in his MITB briefcase, but Show came out of nowhere to put Ziggler to sleep for the night with a big KO Punch. Great sell by Ziggler. Show then casually hopped off the ring apron and walked up the ramp as Ziggler sold unconsciousness and Sheamus recovered in the ring.
WWE went to a replay of the chaotic ending to the main event, Ziggler's attempted cash-in, and Show destroying his tag partner from earlier in the night. Back to real-time, Show took a mic on-stage and told Sheamus to wake up. Show continued that Sheamus needs to take a look at Ziggler because that will be his fate at Hell in a Cell. Show vowed to take his title, then his music played. Show disappeared to the back and Sheamus sold concern in the ring to conclude the show.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Sheamus vs. Show continues to be an intriguing, breath of fresh air for Smackdown, even if most of the build-up has been concentrated on Raw, which needs three hours of content every week. Also, the Kane & Bryan vs. Rhodes Scholars feud has some intrigue and could be a nice long-term program for the tag division. Overall, the middle of the show dragged, but there are some things budding on Smackdown. The problem is Smackdown feels inconsequential following three-hour Raws and now a Main Event show on Wednesdays.
We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Smackdown Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of PWTorch.com. To contribute your thoughts on Smackdown, email pwtorch@gmail.com .
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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