WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 5/11: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including Sheamus & Orton vs. Del Rio & Jericho
May 11, 2012 - 9:00:26 PM
WWE Smackdown review
May 11, 2012
Taped 5/8/12 in Roanoke, Va.
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- WWE Open.
- Clips aired of Sheamus & Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio & Chris Jericho from this past Monday’s Raw, followed by the announcement made backstage of a Fatal Four-Way World Title match for Over the Limit.
- In the arena, Sheamus came out with the title around his waist. The tag rematch will start off the show.
Booker T, Michael Cole, and Josh Mathews were shown at ringside during Jericho’s entrance. No car for Del Rio, but Cole covered for him saying he didn’t want to soil his beautiful car in such a dirty city. Orton began the match, but at :43, slapped Sheamus on the shoulder to tag him in. The partners shared a few choice words before Sheamus went after Jericho. Sheamus made a hard tag himself to Orton. Jericho got the upper hand long enough to tag Del Rio. Orton missed a running knee-drop, and ADR immediately began setting up for the cross arm-breaker. A conventional tag was made to Sheamus after Orton broke out of a rest-hold. Sheamus hit the ropes, but Jericho pulled down the ropes and Sheamus fell to ringside. He kicked the injured shoulder of Sheamus for good measure. Back in the ring, Del Rio kicked the arm of Sheamus, then tagged Jericho. Jericho continued to brutalize the arm and shoulder. Booker rightfully countered Cole’s “25 percent chance to retain” claim by saying Daniel Bryan beat the odds a few months ago when people said he had little chance to retain. Orton set up for an RKO, but Jericho countered. Standing dropkick for two, broken up by Del Rio. Sheamus went after Del Rio and Jericho attacked Sheamus. The referee called for the bell, apparently a double disqualification.
WINNERS: Double disqualification, at 5:17. Fine build-up for the title match at Over the Limit, allowing fans to believe these guys will lose all control at the PPV and do whatever it takes to win since this match got so heated.
Referees came out to try to break things up. Things cooled down before they went to break.
[Commercial Break]
- The finish of the first match was replayed, as was the post-match brawl.
- On-camera, Michael Cole announced that Eve Tweeted (during the break), that Orton will now take on Del Rio and Sheamus will face Chris Jericho tonight, per the GM.
2 – AJ vs. KAITLYN
As AJ entered the ring, they showed AJ’s backstage segment with Kaitlyn last week. After showing a look of concern for her opponent, AJ tackled Kaitlyn at the bell and the two began to brawl. AJ dodged a clothesline and dropkicked Kaitlyn in the leg. Running knee to the face, then a cover for three.
WINNER: AJ, at :33. AJ’s path of rage continues, but it’s actually helping her win matches.
AJ went after Kaitlyn after the bell, but stopped when Daniel Bryan’s music played and he came out. Bryan said he was impressed by AJ’s passion and gusto. He didn’t know she could be so ruthless. Bryan said he got the message and is seeing her in an entirely new light. He talked about the angst and tension between them since Wrestlemania. He said he’s ready to move past it all and at Over the Limit, after he becomes the new WWE Champion, he’s looking forward to moving on. AJ tried to contain her excitement and Bryan nodded, but he said he’s moving on to Kaitlyn. Bryan laughed and AJ began to huff and puff, then just walked past Bryan and out of the ring. Why would Bryan pick a loser like Kaitlyn? Or was he just saying that to get under AJ’s skin?
- Big Show vs. Daniel Bryan is next. “Yes” chants by the crowd could be heard in the background.
[Commercial Break]
- Cole thanked Thousand Foot Krutch for “War of Change,” the official Over the Limit theme.
Fists to the gut of Bryan, then chops, then more punches. Bryan jumped off the second rope and kneed Show in the chest. But Show splashed Bryan in the corner. Bryan turned the tide with a dropkick to the knee. Bryan put Show in the Yes Lock and the bell rang before Show submitted. Turns out, John Laurinaitis had the hammer and he rang the bell, announcing Bryan as the winner via submission.
WINNER: Bryan, via submission, at 1:17. You could tell by the pace they were going early on that it would be short.
Laurinaitis entered the ring to go face-to-face with Show. Laurinaitis confronted Show about how Show made fun of him and his voice on Monday. Show backed off and said what he did wasn’t funny, but Laurinaitis kept demanding more. “No sir,” Show said when asked if what he did was funny. Laurinaitis delivered the money line Eve delivered on Raw about Show not having a place outside wrestling. Laurinaitis said Show better apologize this week on Raw…and it better be a good one.
Laurinaitis left the ring, but on the ramp, he promised to shock the world at Over the Limit and shake WWE to its foundation. “People power!” he shouted.
- Still to come, Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio.
[Commercial Break]
- Heath Slater was in the ring with a mic out of break. He wanted to tell the fans about his opponent. He said the guy looks like a caveman with a little pea brain. He said you can hear the man’s brain rattle. Besides, he hasn’t beaten anybody! Slater said to bring him out to see what he’s got.
Mathews: “Do you like Slater’s chances here?” Booker: “I like the chances of Slater getting the hell beat out of him.” Slater tried a neck-breaker, but Ryback just shrugged it off. He slammed his shoulder into Slater’s gut in the corner, then hit a unique powerslam. Hard running clothesline followed that. After his finisher, the pin was academic.
WINNER: Ryback, at 1:18. As long as he keeps bringing different moves to the table (like the powerslam), he should continue to do well in these squashes.
- Still to come, Sheamus vs. Chris Jericho.
[Commercial Break]
- Teddy Long was introduced as the special guest ring announcer for the next match. He still had his name-tag.
Long was forced to introduce Cesaro with numerous superlatives. Aksana came to the ring with Cesaro. Headbutt, forearm, then a running boot in the corner by Cesaro. Cover got two. Dropkick attempt by Riley, but Cesaro held the ropes. Cesaro showed off his raw power with a suplex, then kicked Riley in the back. Riley was grounded with Cesaro grabbing the shoulders and keeping his arms behind him. “USA” chant by the fans. It never fails. Riley fired back with right hands and made a babyface comeback. Spinebuster, but Cesaro grabbed Riley’s ear to break it. Then he hit his finisher for the win.
WINNER: Cesaro, at 2:23. Interesting that WWE places Ryback and Cesaro’s virtual squashes back-to-back.
Aksana said there’s no hard feelings between her and Teddy. She said Antonio is her lover, then she made out with him in front of Long again.
- John Cena’s Make-a-Wish article in USA Weekend was spotlighted via a video package. The crowd was then shown reacting to the video.
- Orton and Del Rio were shown walking backstage in a split-screen. Their match is next.
[Commercial Break]
Both men were in the ring out of break, with Orton’s entrance just finishing up. Orton hammered away on ADR in one corner, but Del Rio came back and neutralized Orton in the opposite corner. Orton with a slingshot that sent Del Rio throat-first under the bottom rope. The back-and-forth continued with Del Rio bringing Orton’s arm down over the top rope. Cole noted that Ricardo has been antsy and jumpy at ringside. Slam by Del Rio with Orton’s arm behind his back. Things broke down into a fist-fight, and Orton came out on the better side of that. Powerslam, but he ended up clutching the shoulder. Orton attempted his rope-assisted DDT, but he ended up on the apron and Del Rio hit an enziguiri for two at 3:36. Del Rio brought Orton’s arm across his knees. He positioned Orton for the cross arm-breaker, but Orton side-stepped it. Del Rio went to the top but Orton knocked him on his kiester. Orton then DDT’d Del Rio from that position. Rodriguez went to the top rope as Orton readied for the RKO. Rodriguez came flying off, and Orton RKO’d him in mid-air. The ref called for the bell.
WINNER: Orton, via disqualification, at 5:17. They’re blowing through two weeks of hype in one with the tag match, then singles matches amongst the four competitors.
Del Rio applied the cross arm-breaker after the match and once again refs ran down to break it up. Once they did, the replay of the mid-air RKO was shown, as was Del Rio’s post-match attack.
- Sheamus vs. Jericho is yet to come.
[Commercial Break]
Truth was accompanied by Kofi Kingston; Swagger had Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero with him. At Over the Limit, it’ll be Kofi & Truth vs. Swagger & Ziggler. Hip-toss by Truth after Swagger missed a corner charge. Jumping leg-drop after much dancing by Truth. AW, Rosa Mendes, Epico, Primo and Mason Ryan were all shown watching this match backstage. The announcers were unsure of Ryan’s role there. Wheelbarrow suplex by Swagger, then a forearm to the small of the back. Truth fought back with a DDT. Truth’s comeback went into motion at 2:05. Roll-up for two, then more thrusting. Lie Detector for two. Ziggler jumped into the ring and pulled Truth off the pin. Somehow, the ref missed this. Kingston defended his man on the outside. Coming back into the ring, Swagger was knocked out by a Kingston kick. Truth hit his finish for the win.
WINNER: Truth, at 3:19. With Ziggler’s win over Kingston on Raw, predictably, the one-on-one matches are even heading into the PPV. Of course, there’s still another week of hype left.
- The announcers discussed John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis, set for Over the Limit. Cole tossed it to parts of Cena’s promo from Raw. They also showed Laurinaitis’ response earlier tonight.
- This coming week on Raw, Cena and Laurinaitis will go face-to-face in the ring.
- Santino Marella made his entrance and awkwardly hugged Lilian Garcia. Santino is in tag-team action next.
[Commercial Break]
Marella and Ryder did an inset interview disagreeing on the name for their team. Santino couldn’t avoid O’Neil, who bodyslammed Marella. He peppered Young with rights, but Young gave Marella a neck-breaker. The heels were wearing matching aqua-colored tights. Hard European uppercut by O’Neil, then a quick tag to Young. Ryder made the hot tag and took care of Young and O’Neil. Broski Boot connected. Cover got two. O’Neil tripped Ryder as he ran the ropes, allowing Young to take over. Santino threatened use of the Cobra, but Titus bopped him. Ryder took out O’Neil and went back into the ring. Young stopped Ryder’s momentum, then O’Neil came in with a back-breaker and Young finished him with an elbow off the middle rope. “Ghetto Blaster!” shouted Booker.
WINNERS: Young and O’Neil, at 3:04. To make a sports analogy, Smackdown feels like it’s in rebuilding mode with all these new superstars.
Titus made Garcia announce them again as winners and told her to put more stank on it. O’Neil said they’d be future tag team champions. Young grabbed a mic and said the difference between them and every fan in the arena is millions of dollars. At least WWE isn’t portraying their wrestlers as being broke like TNA did with Mexican America. The highpoints of the match were shown.
- Damien Sandow was backstage. Matt Striker asked him about his refusal to compete last night. Sandow apologized for his point flying over Striker’s head last week. He called himself “the bright beam of enlightenment” in WWE. “This concludes our interview,” he said. But then he finished with “you’re welcome.”
- Tonight’s main event is Sheamus vs. Chris Jericho.
[Commercial Break]
- Mathews plugged WWE’s original YouTube shows, such as WWE Download.
To completely kill whatever fun aspect was left of Clay’s gimmick, Cole was shown at ringside doing the dance. Hunico came to the ring explaining what his name meant. He rode on the back of a bike driven by Camacho. Hunico and Camacho attacked before the bell, sending Clay’s dancers screaming. The referee finally gained control and sent Hunico to the opposite of corner. Clay jiggled and gyrated his way to his feet. The ref rang the bell and Hunico tried to attack. Clay no-sold a few shots and headbutted Hunico in the chest. Back body-drop on Hunico. Camacho was headbutted off the apron. Overhead throw by Clay. Big splash finished off Hunico.
WINNER: Clay, at :56. Another thing this show highlights is just how many non-wrestlers there seem to be around ringside these days that cause some sort of interference during matches.
- Tonight, Jericho vs. Sheamus.
- Next, an update on the condition of Triple H and the future of Brock Lesnar.
[Commercial Break]
- The announcers sent it to a video of Brock Lesnar assaulting Triple H on Raw two weeks ago. Then they aired a part of Paul Heyman’s promo from Raw, reading Lesnar’s letter on-air.
- This Monday, we’ll hear from Triple H.
I wonder when the last time was that Smackdown had ten matches on one show. They again showed the video from earlier of the opening tag match ending in a schmozz. Sheamus got the upper hand in the opening few seconds. Jericho got his boot up on a charge and hammered away on Sheamus. Jericho missed a dive in the corner and Sheamus proceeded to pound on his chest with forearms. Jericho was knocked off the apron and to ringside. They cut to break at 1:21 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 4:16 and Sheamus still in control. On the apron, Sheamus tried to suplex Jericho out of the ring, to no avail. Jericho took a page out of his partner from earlier tonight’s book, bringing Sheamus’ arm down across the top rope. Jericho continued the beating outside the ring, pushing Sheamus shoulder-first into the steel post. In the ring, Jericho again focused on the taped-up arm and shoulder of the World Champion. Lionsault missed but he landed on his feet. That didn’t help as Sheamus got into an offensive groove. Jericho attempted the Walls of Jericho a few times, locking it in on the second try. He sat back and Sheamus reached desperately for the ropes. Sheamus reached the bottom rope to break. Jericho argued with the ref and was then back-dropped to ringside. Alberto Del Rio ran out and tossed Jericho into the steps for the DQ.
WINNER: Jericho, via DQ, at 8:40.
Del Rio then entered the ring and applied the cross arm-breaker to Sheamus. Orton ran out to make the save, unloading on Del Rio with rights. Sheamus shoved Orton off to punish Del Rio himself. Orton was offended by this and the two began arguing. As they were, Jericho ran in, hit the Codebreaker on Del Rio, then ran back out while Orton and Sheamus just stood there. RKO for Del Rio, then Orton went to glare at Sheamus again. Del Rio got up and was put down with a Brogue Kick. Orton and Sheamus went face-to-face again to end the show.
What do you think? If you saw this show, we invite you to send your thoughts. Send your name, hometown, a 0-10 score rating the quality of the show, your picks for best and worst segments, and then a brief paragraph of thoughts on the show that we can publish in the Reader Reax segment later tonight or tomorrow. Send to pwtorch@gmail.com.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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