WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SUPER SMACKDOWN REPORT 2/21: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the live Tuesday night special, including Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk
Feb 21, 2012 - 9:01:20 PM
WWE Smackdown review
Feb. 21, 2012
Live in Rockford, Ill.
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- WWE Open.
- Smackdown Open.
- Lots of fire and fireworks shot off inside the arena as Josh Mathews’ voice intro’d the show, talking about the live Super Smackdown and how superstars from Raw and Smackdown would be on the show tonight.
- Michael Cole plugged Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk in a champion vs. champion match tonight.
- Booker T. rounded out the crew by previewing Mark Henry vs. Big Show tonight.
- In the ring, Lilian Garcia introduced Daniel Bryan. Bryan came out with AJ as the announcers discussed Bryan’s Elimination Chamber win on-camera. Bryan reminded fans in July after winning Money in the Bank that he said he was going to main event Wrestlemania, and that no fans believed him. Yet here he is, World Heavyweight Champion, heading to the main event of Wrestlemania. Bryan then touched on Santino Marella, whose name only got a polite pop. He said Marella was channeling Rocky Balboa heading into Elimination Chamber, but he is the true role model and “Rocky” story. He ran down the list of names he beat in the Chamber, then shouted, “yo AJ, I did it!”
Bryan continued, but was interrupted by a “’CM Punk” chant. He said his moment at the Chamber was ruined by Sheamus. He said it’s his turn now, as he’ll ruin Sheamus’ moment at Wrestlemania. He said he will show everyone all over the world that he’ll be victorious, just like tonight, when he’ll be victorious against CM Punk. As he was about to touch on his match with Punk tonight, The Miz’s theme hit and he walked out.
Cole reminded fans that Miz was Bryan’s pro on NXT. That feels like forever ago. “Well look at you,” Miz began. Miz said Bryan is wrong about being the only one who believed in him. He said he knew Bryan had the skill and determination to be World Champion. He said he wasn’t out to ask for thanks or to steal Bryan’s spotlight, but to congratulate him. Miz talked about Bryan following in his footsteps, since he main evented ‘Mania last year. He said after Bryan defeats Sheamus at Wrestlemania this year, the two of them should form a tag team. Before Miz could get any more desperate, Sheamus’ music hit and he walked out.
Sheamus congratulated Bryan…for being a massive arse and a hypocrite. He called Bryan a coward who would rather hide behind a woman’s skirt than stand up and fight like a man. Sheamus insulted Miz too and said after Wrestlemania, no one will be congratulating Bryan; they’ll be saying he got exactly what he deserved. Miz got in Sheamus’ face and said he needs to be taken down a notch or two. Sheamus told Miz to “let the lads who actually have a match at Wrestlemania talk.” Bryan punched Sheamus in the face and ran off. Miz tried to attack Sheamus from behind, but the Irishman fended him off. And that was the end of the segment. Thought for sure we’d get a Sheamus vs. Miz match announcement from Teddy Long there.
[Commercial Break]
Match was joined in progress out of break, as the announcers filled in the blanks of Long making this match after the last segment. Sheamus had Miz in a rest-hold, then rag-tagged him (thanks Booker!) in the chest with forearm blows. Cole talked of how Miz’s lack of a Wrestlemania match this year has started to get to him. Diving shoulder tackle by Sheamus for a two-count. Sheamus rammed the ring-post shoulder first, then Miz continued to work him over outside the ring. Single-arm DDT for a one-count back in the ring. Corner clothesline by Miz found the mark. He went to the high-risk district and came down with a double axe-handle. Top wrist-lock held by Miz, but Sheamus fought out. Irish Curse back-breaker for a near-fall by Sheamus. Miz came back with a back-breaker/neck-breaker combo for two. Brogue Kick missed and Miz rolled him up for a near-fall. Sheamus gave Miz Finlay’s Celtic Cross for the win..
WINNER: Sheamus, 5:52 shown. Sheamus is just building up quality wins to lead into Wrestlemania, which is a smart move on WWE’s part.
- Aksana and Teddy Long were backstage. Aksana said she wants Long to be GM of Smackdown and Raw. She said that on top of every man is a good woman. John Laurinaitis, the ultimate buzzkill, walked in to interrupt things. He called Long’s flirting with Aksana “unprofessional.” David Otunga was with Laurinaitis, and Laurinaitis said what he walked in on is an example of why he should be permanent GM of Raw and Smackdown. Long insinuated that Laurinaitis and Otunga’s office this evening would be in the bathroom. Otunga said Long’s office should be in the dumpster, because he’ll be down in the dumps after Otunga beats Ezekiel Jackson tonight. That was a stretch. The segment ended with Long dismissing Laurinaitis and Otunga.
[Commercial Break]
Vickie Guerrero walked on stage to introduce Swagger and Ziggler. Ziggler once again had his t-shirt sticking out the back of his tights. Apparently Kingston has taken to Twitter to complain about Cole mis-identifying him in the Battle Royal last night, because Cole complained about it here. The heels got the early advantage and Ziggler wore Truth down with a rest-hold. Ziggler missed a splash in the corner, allowing Truth to tag Kingston. Kofi got great height on a springboard clothesline, then knocked Swagger off the apron for good measure. High cross-body off the top for a near-fall, with the pin broken up by Swagger. Truth got involved but Swagger low-bridged him. Vickie screamed at Truth outside the ring. Kingston clotheslined Swagger out and Vickie slipped and fell on her bottom as well. Inside the ring, a thumb to the eye by Ziggler (with the ref apparently looking toward Vickie to see if she was okay) led to the Zig Zag for the pinfall.
WINNERS: Swagger and Ziggler, at 2:44. You could tell in the first minute that this was going to be real short.
They replayed a few key moments in the match, then showed Swagger and Ziggler celebrating afterward.
- Mathews tossed it to clips of the next episode of SyFy’s “Face Off.”
- The announcers discussed the Mark Henry vs. Big Show rivalry, then showed Big Show knocking out Henry last Friday on Smackdown. They go one-on-one tonight.
[Commercial Break]
- The announcers talked about the 2012 WWE Hall-of-Fame inductees, then the video package on the latest inductee, Ron Simmons, aired. The still image of Simmons shown after the package, with the 2012 HOF background, was a lot better than the image they chose for Raw last night.
- Eugene’s music played as we got more hijinks with Santino Marella. He was hiding behind a table with red plastic cups turned over as the Cobra was striking each of the cups for “target practice.” Heath Slater walked in and suggested an easier way for him to clear the table of the cups; then Slater just shoved them all over. Santino said this Cobra isn’t an ordinary Cobra: He then demonstrated by having it spit something in Slater’s eyes not once, but twice.
- Cole talked about the Twitter war between CM Punk and Chris Brown, and told fans to follow the story on WWE.com.
- As for Punk tonight, he faces World Champion Daniel Bryan in singles action.
[Commercial Break]
McIntyre got the “already in the ring” treatment, but when being announced, was actually at ringside yelling at the commentators about having to face Khali. McIntyre shoved Khali, then tried to escape. Khali didn’t fool around, giving McIntyre the brain chop and the Khali Bomb in seconds.
WINNER: Khali, at :33. Long was on the verge of firing McIntyre weeks ago. What’s the storyline reason for him holding onto McIntyre now?
- Clips of the Raw Battle Royal from last night were shown.
- Matt Striker was backstage with Big Show. Show promised to knock Mark Henry out tonight, but also took issue with Cody Rhodes, saying if he gets his hands on him, wherever that may be, he’s going to snap his neck.
[Commercial Break]
Mathews talked about Long reinstating Henry and Cole said that it’s just Long caving to political pressure. Body shots to the torso of Henry from Show. He set up for the punch early on, but couldn’t connect. Henry clotheslined Show, knocking him to the mat. Headbutt by Henry to the back of Show’s head. Henry went for a cover and methodically worked over Show. Henry stood on top of Show and did some trash talking. “I’m the shot caller tonight!” he shouted. Show was whipped into the corner, but got his foot up on a charge. Show came back with clotheslines, then a spear. Show signaled for the chokeslam, but as he did so, Cody Rhodes walked out as his theme played. Rhodes said if Show is going to chokeslam someone, it must not be Wrestlemania. Rhodes brought up Show’s loss to Akebono at Wrestlemania 21, saying he made an ass of himself. On the TitanTron, Rhodes cued up a video package of Show’s “embarrassing Wrestlemania moment,” that being his sumo match with Akebono, complete with close-ups of Show’s bottom. After the video, Show walked into a World’s Strongest Slam and a splash. That only got two. Wow. Show then got to his feet and knocked out Henry. But instead of going for the pin, he went after Rhodes. Rhodes ran to the back as Show headed that way as well. They replayed the punch before the match even ended. Then they went to the announcers.
WINNER: Henry, presumably via count-out, at around 5:35 (no bell). Absolutely ridiculous to not acknowledge a finish. They probably wanted to protect both guys by not revealing a winner, but that does so much more damage by ignoring the fact that there was a match and an obvious count-out. It’s especially harmful because this was a match they had hyped since the show began.
- The announcers sent it to a video of the Taker-Triple H confrontation from last night. It’s official: Undertaker vs. Triple H in Hell in a Cell at Wrestlemania.
- Still to come, CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan.
[Commercial Break]
- Cole plugged WWE’s Youtube show, “Are You Serious,” hosted by Road Dogg and Josh Mathews. They showed a clip of Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood training, with Dogg and Mathews cracking jokes over it.
Teddy Long accompanied Jackson to the ring, while Laurinaitis brought out Otunga. Laurinaitis even danced like Long. Garcia flubbed the introduction of Laurinaitis, and Cole called her out on it. With both men in the ring, an inset interview aired with Jackson, saying he let down Teddy Long, but Otunga is going down tonight. Otunga went after Jackson, but Jackson showed a lot of fire in his comeback. He clotheslined Otunga in the corner, then splashed him. Sidewalk slam followed that, then the Torture Rack. Otunga got to the ropes however, and Otunga brought Jackson down throat-first over the top rope. Back in the ring, spinebuster by Otunga for the win.
WINNER: Otunga, at 1:20. Long really needs to hitch his wagon to someone else’s star.
A replay of the finish was shown and Otunga posed post-match.
- Another clip from “Face Off” was shown.
- CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan, champion vs. champion, tonight.
[Commercial Break]
- As the camera panned the crowd, Mathews revealed that #SuperSmackdown is trending worldwide.
- They showed Eve’s heel turn and in-ring breakdown from last night in a video package that featured footage from previous weeks as well. Cole defended Eve on commentary. Mathews said that WWE.com has promised an exclusive interview with Eve later in the week.
- Matt Striker was backstage with CM Punk. Punk said he’s happy to be back on Smackdown, where they have a competent GM. He said Laurinaitis should go be the spokesmen for Men’s Warehouse, then gave the slogan in Laurinaitis’ voice. He said he’d address Chris Jericho on Raw. As for Daniel Bryan, he equated some of his Straight Edge Society work with Bryan’s current character, but said if Bryan has AJ shave her head, he’s going to sue for gimmick infringement. He said he’d win tonight.
- A video aired plugging Rock’s new DVD, on sale now.
[Commercial Break]
During Punk’s entrance, they showed the front page of TMZ.com on Cole’s laptop, which has the story of the Punk-Chris Brown feud, and Brown’s recent Twitter post in response to Punk’s video. Chain wrestling to start, with neither man getting the advantage. They went to break with both men getting back to their feet on opposite side of the ring, 1:26 in.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 4:47, with Bryan having Punk locked in a side headlock. Running knee-lift by Punk after breaking free. More back-and-forth, but Bryan cut off Punk’s momentum by dodging a top rope cross-body by Punk. Punk sold an injury to his left arm. Bryan dragged Punk to the middle of the ring and worked over the arm. Bryan kicked Punk in the chest, but Punk got to his feet and peppered Punk with forearms. Overhead suplex by Bryan, then he stomped Punk’s elbow. Counter by Punk and both men were down at 8:43. Punk started his comeback by using his feet, but Bryan got out of a Go To Sleep. LeBell Lock countered, and Bryan held the ropes on a kick attempt from Punk. Bryan asked for his title, but Sheamus ran out, grabbed Bryan, and tossed him back into the ring. Punk kicked Bryan in the head to pin him.
WINNER: Punk, at 9:52.
As Punk celebrated, John Laurinaits came out and said that due to outside interference, this match will continue. If he’s acknowledging the interference, shouldn’t it be a disqualification? The ref rang the bell to re-start the match, Laurinaitis got a chair to sit ringside, and they went to break a little more than 10:00 in.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 13:10 of the restarted match. Bryan kicked Punk in the head as Punk was lying on the mat. They showed Punk mocking Bryan during the break by shouting “yes! yes!” after ramming him into the barricade. Bryan rolled Punk up and held the ropes to pick up the win.
WINNER: Bryan, at 13:49.
Teddy Long came out and said he saw what just happened. Long said he wasn’t going to allow it, as Laurinaitis protested. so they restarted the match again. The men traded standing switches, then Bryan was sent over the top and to ringside. Punk hit Bryan with a suicide dive, hitting his head on the barricade in the process. After recent injuries outside the ring in both TNA and WWE, I’m sure management is holding their breath on every move similar to that. Off the top came Punk for a two-count on Bryan. Bryan went back to working on the arm of Punk. Long and Laurinaitis were seated next to each other at ringside, Laurinaitis in a nice leather chair and Long in a steel chair. Dropkick in the corner for a two-count for Bryan. Bryan set Punk on the top rope. Hurricanrana, but Punk held on and rolled Bryan up for two. Bryan missed a kick and Punk rolled him up for two.
Bryan tried a LeBell Lock, to no avail. Monkey flip by Punk sent Bryan into the corner, then he connected with a kick to the head. Cover got two as Bryan put his foot on the bottom rope. Crowd chanted for Punk. Punk went to the top for an elbowdrop, but Bryan crotched him. Bryan grabbed Punk for a superplex, but Punk pushed him off. Bryan was able to go back to the top because Punk was in such pain, he couldn’t capitalize. Superplex, but as Bryan went for the pin, Punk grabbed a leg too. Both men’s shoulders were down and the ref counted three. He didn’t make an announcement though. Of course, both GM’s thought “their guy” won. Crowd was clear in their decision. Laurinaitis and Long argued, but Laurinaitis went into the ring and raised the arm of Daniel Bryan. Long did the same, raising Punk’s arm. Shouldn’t the ref have a say in this? The GM’s got animated in their discussion, with Laurinaitis throwing down his suit jacket and Long throwing his in Laurinaitis’ face. Long walked off as Bryan restrained an angry Laurinaitis as the show closed.
WINNER: None announced, 19:01.
What do you think? If you saw this show, we invite you to send your thoughts. Send your name, hometown, a 0-10 score rating the quality of the show, your picks for best and worst segments, and then a brief paragraph of thoughts on the show that we can publish in the Reader Reax segment later tonight or tomorrow. Send to pwtorch@gmail.com.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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