WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 6/18: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including McIntyre vs. Teddy Long
Jun 18, 2010 - 9:00:40 PM
WWE Smackdown review
June 18, 2010
Taped 6/15/10 in Raleigh, N.C.
Aired on MyNetwork TV
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
- WWE Open.
- Clips aired of Kane’s breakdown following…well, whatever happened to the Undertaker, as well as his attacks on various Smackdown superstars since then.
- Smackdown Open.
- Fireworks shot off from inside the arena at North Carolina State University. Todd Grisham and Matt Striker intro’d the show and discussed the tag match main event later tonight, featuring the four men in the Fatal Four-Way match this Sunday: Rey Mysterio & Big Show vs. C.M. Punk & Jack Swagger. Also, Teddy Long will face Drew McIntyre, and Long will be fired if he refuses to compete.
- But first, C.M. Punk came out with a microphone, but without the rest of his Straight Edge Society. He predicted a fourth title reign for himself after this Sunday. He said the only thing that would make that win sweeter would be if The Undertaker were around to see it. He insulted the fans, calling them high-school dropouts and how they’ve no doubt lost numerous brain cells from drug and alcohol use. He reminded them that he was one of the few to ever make The Undertaker tap out. Punk assumed many of the fans are familiar with vegetative states, given how they look, and said that the SES had nothing to do with Taker’s state at this point. In fact, he wished he was responsible for it. Punk promised that the entire WWE landscape, the universe, has been better sans Undertaker.
But Punk tempted fate a bit too much there, as the lights flickered, then went out. When they came on, someone dressed as the Undertaker was standing in the ring, but facing away from the hard camera, so you knew it wasn’t him. Punk got over his initial fear and pushed Taker around, since he wasn’t responding. Then, Taker turned around, took off the hair and hat, and it was revealed to be Luke Gallows. They laughed at the fans in the arena for falling for it. “You suck” chants after Punk put the hat on. Then, he stomped on it. What a heel! Almost on cue, pyro went off and Kane’s music hit. He walked to the ring with purpose, but as he did, Jack Swagger attacked him from behind. The rest of the SES joined in on the beat-down. Kane attempted to fight back once they got him in the ring, but it didn’t last long. Swagger gave Kane the Vader Bomb, and a second one. Finally, Rey Mysterio and Big Show ran in to chase off the offenders. Kane got to one knee near the ropes, and Mysterio gave him the 619. Show followed up with a chokeslam. Crowd didn’t quite know what to make of that. Mysterio left the ring as Show stared him down. Show got in Kane’s face as the Big Red Monster writhed on the ground, saying he had nothing to do with what happened to Taker.
[Commercial Break]
- September 25, 2009: Mr. McMahon personally signed, then introduced, Drew McIntyre to the WWE Universe.
- Tonight, McIntyre faces Smackdown GM Teddy Long, as ordered by Mr. McMahon.
The babyface team were individually attacked by Archer and Hawkins the past two weeks. Apparently, Archer and Hawkins have gotten a contract extension, according to Striker. The faces wasted no time in taking the punishment to the newcomers. MVP fought out of the heel corner with a face-buster for Hawkins and a big boot to Archer. He then threw Hawkins over the top and he and Christian landed stereo cross-body blocks onto the heels. However, Archer threw MVP into the ring steps as Hawkins and Archer took over just before break.
[Commercial Break]
Hawkins and Archer still had the advantage out of the commercial, and Hawkins registered a near-fall on MVP. They double-teamed MVP and worked the left arm. At least Striker is attempting to get Archer’s character over, even if WWE doesn’t seem to be interested in doing so. Archer took out Christian to prevent a tag from MVP. MVP kicked Hawkins away to finally create some separation and tag Christian. He cleaned house on Hawkins and gave a big knee to Archer. To the top, flying cross-body for two, pin broken up by Archer. MVP evened the odds, but Hawkins threw him shoulder-first into the ring post. Killswitch, but Archer made the save and landed his finisher on Christian while the ref checked on MVP. Elbow off the top by Hawkins, and he pinned Christian.
WINNER: Archer and Hawkins, at 7:41. Good showcase for the heel team. I’d like to learn a little more about them, though. I guess I should just be happy there’s another real tag team on the scene.
MVP tried to fight back against Archer and Hawkins, but Archer gave him his finisher as well, and so did Hawkins.
- A stoic Kaval held the Women’s Titles while Layla and Michelle McCool discussed a makeover. Rosa Mendes walked up to them and said she can be famous and flawless too. The champions didn’t seem to agree and Layla told Rosa the Joker called and wanted his makeup back. McCool asked when the last time Mendes won a match was. Layla told Mendes to re-evaluate her career, and her look. They told her she needs a lot of training, and Rosa was nearly in tears as she walked away. Then they turned their attention to trying to turn Kaval’s frown upside-down.
- Still to come: Big Show & Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger & C.M. Punk.
- March 5, 2010. McIntyre got his first loss, to Kane, expunged from the record. McIntyre faces Long tonight.
[Commercial Break]
- Vickie Guerrero was backstage, with her new black hair, when Chavo Guerrero walked in, praising them being back together. She then told someone off camera how good they look. It was Dolph Ziggler, in tight, short jeans, with a tool-belt hanging off them. Vickie shooed Chavo away by telling him to get ready for a match he didn’t know he had. Ziggler asked about the tool belt, but Vickie changed the subject to a picture of the two of them she had taken and blown up that she wanted to hang on the office wall. It was all done so Vickie could ogle Dolph. Chris Masters then walked in to try to talk to her about a match, but she ignored him, so he left. That was odd.
- The announcers went over the World Championship Match at Fatal Four-Way.
- Another plug for McIntyre vs. Long for tonight. May 7, 2010: McIntyre and Matt Hardy’s brawl, where McIntyre was subsequently fired by Teddy Long. At least I get to hear the McIntyre theme a ton tonight with these previews.
- JTG came out for his match. It’ll take place on the other side of the break.
[Commercial Break]
Guerrero to the ring wrapping his wrists in tape, as he was just told of this match before he came out. Striker told Grisham that you don’t show up to the arena in your wrestling gear. Years of wrestlers being on TV without wrestling say otherwise. JTG got the best of Chavo at first, but Guerrero with a rolling Liger kick (as called by Striker) gave Chavo time to work on tying his boots. Chin-lock by Chavo. JTG made a comeback with a shoulder tackle and a dropkick. Mug Shot from the former Cryme Tyme member, but Chavo managed to kick out. He missed a corner splash and JTG capitalized with Da Shout Out for the win.
WINNER: JTG, at 2:34. Fine mid-card match that keeps JTG on TV until they have some idea for him.
After the match, JTG celebrated in the ring with a couple kids who all danced like him.
- Josh Mathews was backstage with the I.C. Champion, Kofi Kingston. Mathews mentioned that he’d be defending his title on Sunday against Drew McIntyre. He asked if the deck would be stacked against him. Kingston said regardless, it’s going to be a fight. He said he does have a problem with Long being in a match against McIntyre, saying nothing good will come of it. But this Sunday, he said he’d walk in as champion and walk out as champion. That line is getting a bit overused, it would seem.
- May 14, 2010: Kingston won the I.C. Title in Buffalo against Christian, but McIntyre was reinstated and once again made the champion. He faces GM Teddy Long next.
[Commercial Break]
- June 11, 2010: Drew McIntyre told Teddy Long of his match with him this week, and Kofi Kingston came to Teddy’s aid in the ring.
- McIntyre made his entrance for his match with Teddy Long. Striker mentioned Long leading Doom to tag team championship gold (in WCW). Nice pop for Teddy coming out. Well, he didn’t actually come out at first, so McIntyre asked for a mic. Mac reminded Long that if he doesn’t face the music, he’s fired. So they played his music again and he came out, but not exactly dressed to wrestle. He wasn’t wearing his glasses though. “Teddy, Teddy” chant when he got into the ring. McIntyre said he didn’t care what Long was wearing, he’s still going to tear him apart. But before he does, to ensure there’s no shenanigans from Kofi or Matt Hardy, he enlisted his own private security force. Generic security dudes walked out, and McIntyre asked Charles Robinson to check Long to make sure he doesn’t have any foreign objects. McIntyre practically begged Long to hit him. He told Long that his manhood was on the line. He also said a lot of Teddy’s family was watching, and a lot of them are unemployed. He asked Teddy if he wanted to end up like them. McIntyre told Teddy to get down on his knees, saying it was an opportunity to save him. Long went down to one knee and McIntyre told him to get down on both knees. Mac said he hasn’t won yet…so he wanted Long to say that McIntyre was the chosen one. Long obliged. Long made the mistake of getting back up, and McIntyre said he didn’t give Long permission to get off his knees. McIntyre got down eye-level with Long and told him to lay on his back in the middle of the ring. Lot of homoerotic undertones to this one. Long crawled to the center of the ring as McIntyre told Long to do it for his lovely wife. He said Long was pathetic and told the ref to ring the bell.
Mac put his boot on Long’s chest and told the ref to count. He did so.
WINNER: McIntyre, at :12.
Long was practically in tears as he tried to leave the ring, but McIntyre grabbed him by the collar. He was about to give Long his finisher when Kingston ran out. Security held him back, allowing McIntyre to reign down blows on Kingston. Suddenly, Matt Hardy appeared out of the crowd and attacked McIntyre. Security was able to reel him in too, and McIntyre aggressively went after Hardy with right hands and head-butts. He put Hardy in the ring and gave him the double-arm DDT. Then, security tossed Kingston into the ring, and he received the same treatment. McIntyre surveyed the damage, and raised his arm in the air before walking out of the ring.
- Big Show & Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk & Jack Swagger is still to come.
[Commercial Break]
Michelle McCool came out with Layla (but no Kaval) and Tiffany accompanied Kelly. Side headlock to start from Layla. Striker hit the way-back machine to tell of Extreme Expose, where Kelly and Layla danced together early in the rejuvenated ECW. Kelly with a Thesz Press, then she kicked Layla out of the ring. Layla choked her on the middle rope to regain control. Head-scissors by Layla after she got two on a pin. Double-leg takedown into a Jackknife pin by Kelly but only got one. Kelly whipped Layla into the buckle, but missed her handspring back elbow. She did kick Layla in the face though. McCool distracted Kelly, allowing Layla to take over in the ring. Tiffany tackled McCool on the outside, and Layla kicked Tiffany through the ropes. Out of nowhere, Kelly hooked on her K2 Fame-Asser-like legdrop for the pin.
WINNER: Kelly, at 2:22. Simply Flawless play their part so well. WWE needed to start building babyfaces to challenge them though, so this was an OK start.
- Mathews was backstage with Jack Swagger. Swagger recited a parable about being four years old and competing in a Track and Field Championship. His daddy told him that no one remembers silver. He said he won four gold medals that day – he’s a winner, always has been and always will be. He said it was fitting that it’ll be Father’s Day on Sunday. He dedicated his (presumptive) win to his daddy. Oh, that means he must be losing. He said no one will forget his name.
[Commercial Break]
- Vickie Guerrero walked out, doing her “Excuse Me!” bit. She introduced, and heaped compliments on, Dolph Ziggler. She also came to the ring with him for his match.
Hard shoulder tackle by Masters immediately got to show off Ziggler’s selling prowess. That was about all Masters could muster in the opening minute. Grisham talked about these two squaring off a month ago on WWE Superstars. Masters picked Ziggler off in mid-air and flipped him into the corner. Atomic drop, followed by a clothesline. He signaled for the Masterlock, but Ziggler slipped out. He had to settle for a sidewalk slam instead. Masters picked Ziggler up on his shoulders for a powerslam, but Ziggler hooked in the sleeper hold. Masters went down to one knee in the middle of the ring. He powered out of it and went for the Masterlock. Ziggler struggled and reached the ropes after Masters got it. Ziggler kicked a knee, then hit the Zig Zag That was enough to pick up the victory.
WINNER: Ziggler, at 3:01. I’m not thrilled with another heel being paired with Guerrero, but it’s keeping Ziggler in the spotlight at least.
- The main event tag match is coming up next.
[Commercial Break]
- The Raw Rebound aired.
- The announcers previewed the Fatal Four-Way card.
- Rey Mysterio came out for the tag team match. It will take place following the break.
[Commercial Break]
The first lock-up took place 40 seconds after the bell actually rang, so they didn’t appear in a hurry here. Swagger picked Rey up and placed him in the heel corner. Punk tagged in and took over where Swagger left off. Striker called Punk “Friday night’s Henry Rollins.” Snap-mare by Mysterio, then a legdrop for a quick cover. Things went back-and-forth between the bitter rivals until Rey went for Punk’s mask. Punk escaped to ringside, where Luke Gallows ran over Mysterio with a clothesline while the ref’s attention was diverted. The show went to its last break at this point.
[Commercial Break]
Punk went after Rey’s mask as a note on the bottom of the screen gave special thanks to the North Carolina Film Office, just as they did on Raw and NXT. Mysterio got a shot in on Swagger, but ran into a powerslam from punk for two. Swagger tagged in as Grisham noted that Big Show has yet to make an appearance in the match. Vader Bomb by Swagger for a near-fall. He returned to working the neck and arm area of Mysterio. Swagger put Mysterio up in the air, but Mysterio came down with a face-buster. He tagged Big Show, who came in with a series of clotheslines. Soon after, he wanted a chokeslam. He booted Punk off the apron, but Swagger countered the chokeslam with that awful DDT that Show always takes. Mysterio flew off the top after a tag, but missed Swagger. Jack picked him up for a Gutwrench powerbomb, but Rey did a crazy double-arm back-breaker counter and got the three-count.
WINNERS: Mysterio and Show, at 9:47. Good main event tag to preview the match on Sunday.
Post-match, Kane walked out to wreak havoc. He hit his signature and finisher moves on everyone, including a Tombstone on Mysterio. He got the mic and said that one of them is already in Hell and doesn’t even know it. He called this Sunday, “a fatal night for the guilty party.” How does he know one of them did it? Or is this just more of crazy accusatory Kane? Kane’s music played and he looked up at the empty casket that all of a sudden sat on the stage. The show ended with a wide shot showing Kane in the ring and the casket.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
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