WWE Raw Report CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 10/21 (Hour 3): Bryan-Orton contract signing with HBK, Hunter, Steph, Big Show, Edge, Jericho, RVD, Taker, Lesnar, Rock, Ted Turner involved
Oct 21, 2013 - 10:09:11 PM
WWE Raw TV Results
October 21, 2013 - Episode #1,064
Live in Memphis, Tenn.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell (@JCTorch), PWTorch assistant editor
Third Hour Raw Results
This Wednesday: Seth Rollins vs. WWE tag champion Goldust in singles action on Main Event. Interesting, two straight weeks of Main Event plugs.
In-ring: Tons of Funk were dancing in the ring in anticipation of the Real Americans emerging for tag action. Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger charged the ring to chuck their flags into the ring before Cole went back to Friday's Smackdown when El Torito gored Zeb Colter on the entrance ramp.
After an inset promo from El Torito aired, Zeb Colter joined commentary to diss the mini bull. In the ring, Tensai started off with Swagger. Swagger tagged out to Cesaro, who dropkicked Tensai to take control of the match. On commentary, Colter ranted about Los Matadores, which allowed Lawler to insert a joke about "Jose" and "Hose B." In the ring, Clay tagged in and Cesaro put him in the Big Swing. Swagger then tagged in and slapped the Patriot Lock on a dizzy Clay, who weakly tapped out to end his night.
Post-match: Zeb Colter took the mic and said he has something to say. Colter said he knows how to handle this situation (presumably with El Torito), so he pulled out a bull whip and cracked the whip on the mat. Colter then asked for everyone to join in: "We The People." Colter shook hands with his victorious tag team duo to end the segment.
WINNERS: Real Americans via submission at 3:34.
[Q10] Hype: Del Rio vs. Cena for the World Title on Sunday. Up next, another look at John Cena, this time "his extraordinary career," according to Cole.
[Commercial Break at 10:16]
Back live, Cole announced a HIAC PPV pre-show match of Big E. Langston vs. IC champion Curtis Axel. That explains the hype behind Langston.
Announcers: Lawler pulled out a John Cena brawling buddy and beat Cole over the head with it while the announcers shouted "impact" over and over. This led to a video package on Cena's career, starting with Cena approaching current TNA star Kurt Angle on Cena's first night in WWE. This segment sponsored by Spike TV, apparently. The video then went through Cena's career highlights before stopping on a soundbyte from Cena, who said he "won't blame the audience for getting complacent" with him. Huh? "But, I won't change who I am," Cena said. "He Is John Cena. And He Returns Sunday," the video dramatically concluded.
Back to the announcers. Lawler said he hopes Cena is healthy and not coming back too soon. JBL said he thinks Cena is making a bad move. Cole then fed to portions of Del Rio's promo from Smackdown when Del Rio called Cena a nobody before taking out announcer Josh Mathews to demonstrate his cross arm-breaker. "Oh, it's just Josh Mathews," JBL heelishly reasoned.
In-ring: A remixed combination of Goldust's 1990s theme and Cody Rhodes's "smoke and mirrors" theme played to bring out the new WWE tag champions for their first appearance of the night. Cole said the tag champs will be on commentary for the #1 contender match up next.
[Commercial Break at 10:26]
Smackdown Plug for Friday: The Miz's MizTV returns with special guest Randy Orton to plug his WWE Title match on Sunday.
[Q11] In-ring: The Shield was introduced through the crowd. Included was an angry and hurting Dean Ambrose following his loss to Daniel Bryan in the opening match. As Shield hit the ringside area, the Rhodes Bros. stood up at the announce table to stare down The Shield. After an uneasy, non-physical confrontation, The Usos were introduced to face the former tag champs.
8 -- THE USOS vs. THE SHIELD (SETH ROLLINS & ROMAN REIGNS w/U.S. champion Dean Ambrose) -- #1 contender match to WWE Tag Titles -- winner gets Tag Title shot at the HIAC PPV
As the bell sounded, Cole decided this was the hill he wanted to stand on and be mad at The Authority for. His reasoning was The Usos won a #1 contender match a few weeks ago and shouldn't have to beat The Shield to get a Tag Title shot. But, Shield is in-line for a Tag Title re-match, anyways, after dropping the titles last week. As the match unfolded, JBL picked on soft-toned Cody Rhodes, angered by Cody talking from a babyface perspective. Cody then got bold saying their brotherly duo is "definitely better than the Briscoes." Leading to break, Shield took control by bumping Uso off the ring apron into the announce table.
[Commercial Break at 10:38]
Back from break, Shield retained control of the match over Uso while Ambrose picked up a conversation with the Rhodes Bros. ringside. Hot tag to Uso, who cleaned house before measuring Reigns for a corner butt bomb, but Reigns popped out of the corner and exploded on Uso with a clothesline.
[Q12] All four in the ring with the action breaking down. Uso with a Samoan Drop to Rollins, but Reigns dumped him to the outside. Reigns with a powerslam, but Reigns missed a corner attack. Uso then climbed to the top rope for a Superfly Splash, but Reigns got his knees up to block. Meanwhile, Cody had enough of Dean Ambrose ringside. A brawl broke out ringside as the action continued in the ring. Suddenly, the Usos came flying into the ringside action, followed by the other Shield members. The ref eventually just threw out the match.
Post-match: Shield beat down Goldust in the ring until Cody made the save. Wild action that spilled in and out of the ring before The Usos clotheslined Rollins over the top rope to the outside. "Who's the #1 contender?" JBL asked. As the dust settled, Rhodes Bros. and The Usos stood tall in the ring as The Usos's music played while Shield bailed through the crowd.
WINNERS: No Contest at 14:15. Okay main event. Expected set-up for a three-team Tag Title match at the PPV.
Up Next: WWE Title contract signing.
[Commercial Break at 10:49]
Back from break, WWE confirmed a three-team Tag Title match at Hell in a Cell - Rhodes Bros. vs. The Shield vs. The Usos.
WWE Title Contract Signing
In-ring: Triple H and Stephanie McMahon were standing by in the ring to oversee the WWE Title contract signing. Justin Roberts then followed orders introducing "The Face of WWE," Randy Orton. Orton swaggered down to the ring as Hunter and Stephanie applauded his presence. Next out was Daniel Bryan, introduced without a fancy title. Bryan entered the ring and Hunter perhaps sarcastically applauded Bryan.
Hunter then picked up the mic and said the special guest referee needs no introduction. But, he will give him one anyways (a transparent attempt by Hunter's character to butter up his best friend in advance of refereeing the title match on Sunday). After Hunter utilized several labels for Michaels, the special ref was introduced to the ring. Hunter had a good ol' time hobnobbing with Michaels and laughing it up before everyone settled down.
With everyone in the ring, Stephanie spoke. But, she was interrupted by an "HBK" chant. Steph gave the floor to Orton first to speak. Orton said he will give Bryan props for getting up from every beating he's given him, but Bryan will not be getting up from the beating he gets on Sunday. Pause. Orton said he has survived The Undertaker at HIAC, beaten Sheamus and John Cena, and he can say with the utmost confidence that Bryan has no idea what he's getting into.
After staring down Bryan, Orton signed the title match contract on the contract table before handing it over to Bryan. Bryan laughed before saying he would expect nothing less from Orton than threats like that. He said Orton has pushed him to his limit every time, but they know if that if it were not for The Shield, The Authority, and Triple H, he would be standing here right now as WWE champion. "Yes!" chants from the crowd.
Bryan continued that both of them know he is more than capable of smashing in the so-called "face" of WWE. He offered two words for him: no, not those two words. "Thank you," he said. Bryan thanked him for being a corporate patsy and exposing The Authority as spoiled, narcissistic, spoiled brats. Bryan signed the contract as Hunter and Stephanie glared.
[Q13 -- over-run] Hunter responded by saying Bryan is like Jericho, Edge, and Rob Van Dam who have all the talent, but come and go. "Never were they were The One," he said. Hunter said if any of them were the Face of WWE, they would be working for Ted Turner (WCW) right now. The crowd oohed. Hunter said Bryan is never going to amount to anything more than a B-Plus player.
Bryan responded that Hunter talks big hiding behind his suit, but he should trade it in for wrestling gear. Hunter smirked and said this is what Bryan doesn't get. Hunter said that he is more than capable of wrestling, but Bryan isn't a star. Hunter said he fights guys like Taker, Rock, and Brock Lesnar. Stars. He added that those guys want to fight stars like him, and wouldn't give him the time of day.
Hunter said Michaels shouldn't have wasted his time training Bryan. "Whoa, whoa," HBK interjected. He said Bryan is good and definitely worth his time. HBK asked Hunter what happened to him. The guy who drove the tank into WCW and played strip poker with him on WWE TV. Michaels said he doesn't care that Hunter is the COO or that he trained Bryan. What he cares about these people voted for him to guarantee them a new WWE champion on Sunday. "And that's exactly what I'm going to give them," he said.
Orton shouted that Michaels has an agenda against him. Hunter then got in HBK's face and told Orton that's not the case. "At the end of the day, Shawn will do what's right," Hunter said. HBK replied that Hunter is right. "I'm going to do what's best for the business I love and the business they love," he said. HBK asked what Hunter he has against Bryan. Michaels asked if it's the size, beard, marches to the beat of a different drum, or if it's because after everything Hunter has thrown at him and put him through, it's turned out that Bryan proved Hunter wrong. Ooohs from the crowd. Hunter smirked. "Yes!" chants followed.
Hunter backed away from Michaels, then Orton told Bryan that he can't beat him. "This Sunday, Dan, I'm going to take this A-Plus player straight to hell," he said. Bryan had enough and moved the contract table to get physical. Suddenly, a big truck was moving on the Titantron. The truck drove through the parking garage toward the arena, driven by Big Show.
Big Show drove the vehicle into the arena, then stood up and did "Yes!" chants toward The Authority. The camera stayed on Show, missing Bryan taking out Orton with a running knee. Bryan did the "Yes!" in Hunter's face before leaving the ring. Bryan's music played, then Bryan jogged over to the truck to join Show. Bryan stood on the hood of the big truck doing "Yes!" chants as Orton recovered in the ring, Hunter pointed toward Big Show, and Show smiled with Cole giving the final sales pitch for HIA. Raw signed off nine minutes past the top of the hour.
FINAL THOUGHTS: A lot of messages in the final segment leading to the PPV. WWE labeled one-half of their PPV main event as not a star, they teased Hunter wrestling again down the road (but not at Sunday's PPV), Big Show reinserted himself into the mix to continue the over-arching story of tormenting The Authority, Michaels was more interested in figuring out why Hunter is not fun anymore, and someone in WWE is mad at Jericho, RVD, and Edge. The only potential pay-off match to the last item is Jericho eventually returning to face someone from The Authority since Edge is retired and RVD is just RVD.
Overall, it comes down to two things: did the immediate message of Orton-Bryan resonate with enough fans to generate PPV buys and did not enough people not order Battleground and/or forgive WWE for the BGround non-finish three weeks after BGround?
We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of PWTorch.com. To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to pwtorch@gmail.com .
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