WWE Raw Report CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 8/26 (Hour 1): Hunter-Bryan confrontation starts Raw, intense Punk-Heyman angle
Aug 26, 2013 - 10:04:41 PM
WWE Raw TV Results
August 26, 2013 - Episode #1,056
Live in Phoenix, Ariz.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell (@JCTorch), PWTorch assistant editor
WWE Raw opened with a shot of The Shield standing ringside. Michael Cole introduced the show before Justin Roberts introduced Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins from left to right.
After a pause, Triple H's "Motorhead" theme played to bring out Hunter on-stage. Hunter came out on-stage in a suit with a normal look on his face. Hunter then smirked as he walked past Shield into the ring. On commentary, Cole said it appears Hunter has hired Shield as his personal security.
Once in the ring, Hunter took everyone back in time to the Beginning of a New Era at Summerslam. Cole then narrated a video package on Daniel Bryan winning the WWE Title from John Cena before Triple H delivered a Pedigree to Bryan, allowing Randy Orton to cash in MITB to win the WWE Title from Bryan.
Back in the ring, Hunter labeled that "business." Hunter said there was nothing personal about that, just business. Hunter then took everyone back to the end of last week's Raw. The video package showed Hunter teasing Bryan to enter the ring, which was a set-up for Shield to beat down Bryan before Orton finished Bryan with an RKO. On commentary, Cole said none of the wrestlers on-stage got involved because they were afraid of repercussions from Triple H, which essentially emasculated the entire roster. Why would anyone pay to see any of them fight ever again?
Back in the ring, Hunter said that was personal embarrassing and humiliating Bryan. Hunter accused Bryan of making it personal when he insulted his wife and family at the beginning of Raw last week. Hunter said he is willing to be the bigger man and move on. "I am willing to be a businessman with you," Hunter said. "The choice is yours."
Hunter then addressed the crowd that the ratings were up last week, plus social media buzz was strong. Hunter said business is booming and it's all due to one man. The New Face of WWE. Randy Orton. Orton's music played to bring out the WWE champion as Hunter applauded.
Hunter continued with congratulations to Orton for breathing new life into WWE and the WWE Title. Hunter said that as the COO of the company, he likes to reward people who excel. People like Orton. Hunter said he got Orton a little gift over "No!" chants from the crowd. Hunter paused before sarcastically saying, "Yes." He did give Orton a gift. Hunter said it's from his own pocket, not a corporate expense. He said he wants to bring it out right now.
Off-stage, a Cadillac Escalade pulled off and Orton sold like a kid on Christmas. "I don't know what to say," Orton said off-mic. Orton thanked Hunter for the "very generous gift" before thanking him for the vision and business acumen to realize the only man worthy of being called WWE champion and the Face of WWE is him. Before Orton could check out his new ride, Daniel Bryan's music interrupted.
Bryan walked out on-stage dressed to wrestle. Bryan had a good laugh checking out the Cadillac sitting off-stage, then mockingly said that's a sweet ride. "Well deserved!" Bryan told Orton. Bryan said he has a few thank-yous of his own to deliver. Pause for a "Daniel Bryan" chant. Bryan said now would be an opportune time to thank everyone in the arena and everyone watching because he might not be as pretty as "Twinkle Toes" Orton in the ring, but they have supported him all the way.
Secondly, Bryan said he would like to thank John Cena. Loud mix of boos and cheers. Bryan thanked him for the opportunity to wrestle in the main event of Summerslam for the WWE Title because clearly someone like Hunter never would have given him the shot. Lastly, and most importantly, he would like to thank Triple H. Boos. Bryan said he would like to thank Hunter for ending this charade and showing his true colors at Summerslam. He thanked Hunter for being as narrow-minded and misguided as Vince McMahon.
[Q2] Bryan told everyone to look at Hunter - the former rebel who thumbed his nose at authority is just a sell-out in a suit. Orton told "Dan" to think about who he's talking about right now, noting that Hunter is the COO of WWE and he is the WWE champion. Orton reminded Bryan that he is the Face of WWE. Bryan interrupted before asking the crowd to give it up for Orton. Bryan said at Night of Champions, he is going to re-arrange Orton's face. He also vowed to re-arrange Hunter's vision for the future and become WWE champion again.
Bryan led the crowd in "Yes!" chants before Hunter interrupted. Hunter knelt down and said that's a sweet little fantasy. He sang about as good as he boxes about Bryan wishing upon a star, but in the real world, Bryan is not an A-Player. "Randy Orton is an A-Player. You, my friend, are nothing more than a B...at best," Hunter shouted toward Bryan.
Hunter said if Bryan wants to prove himself and live his dream and have his little fantasy in the ring tonight with Seth Rollins. And, by the way, since Bryan is so big on his work ethic, if Bryan makes it past Rollins, he faces Dean Ambrose. And if he limps away from Ambrose, he gets Roman Reigns tonight. "I am going to give you the gift of The Shield in a gauntlet match!" Hunter shouted. Hunter said he's giving him this gift because he believes in Bryan and he believes this is what is best for business. Hunter's music played as Bryan nodded along on-stage. On commentary, Cole said the deck is obviously stacked against Bryan tonight, while Lawler said this seems more personal than business.
On-camera, Cole flashed back to last week's Raw when C.M. Punk fought IC champion Curtis Axel while Paul Heyman watched from a safe distance. Tonight, it's Punk vs. Axel non-title tonight. Cole then added a stipulation via App Vote - (a) Heyman banned from ringside, (b) Heyman special ref, or (c) if Punk wins, Heyman forced to get in the ring with Punk.
[Commercial Break at 8:21]
Back from break, Cole plugged Rob Van Dam vs. Alberto Del Rio in non-title action tonight. Cole said RVD is trying to work his way into the World Title picture.
In-ring: Like last week, Cody Rhodes is opening the in-ring action following a 20-minute opening segment. On commentary, Damien Sandow commented on his World Title MITB briefcase before Fandango's music played. Summer Rae led out Fandango, then the announcers recapped Fandango's recent run-ins with The Miz.
1 -- CODY RHODES vs. FANDANGO (w/Summer Rae)
Less than a minute in, Fandango's music played. Suddenly, Rosa Mendes emerged on-stage with Miz, who was dressed like Fandango. Miz did some awful dancing to distract Fandango, allowing Rhodes to roll up Fandango for a quick three count.
Post-match: Fandango angrily beat down Rhodes, then Sandow joined the beat-down from the commentary position. Miz hit the ring and delivered some left hands to clear the ring, sending the heels to the floor. Raw GM Brad Maddox then came out and offered some dance-related puns before noting everyone can see what he's going to announce next - Rhodes and Miz vs. Fandango and Sandow. Maddox said it's next.
WINNER: Rhodes at 1:07. Miz was even awful intentionally trying to be awful. WWE has his character trying way too hard.
[Commercial Break at 8:28] [...Q3]
2 -- CODY RHODES & THE MIZ (w/Rosa Mendes) vs. DAMIEN SANDOW & FANDANGO (w/Summer Rae)
Back from break, the match was in progress. Cole recapped all of the participants in and out of the ring, including a returning Rosa in a face role. Cole then accused Miz of wearing an outfit from the 'N Sync reunion last night, prompting JBL to note he's repeating his material from during the commercial on the App. Cole proceeded to cancel out the simultaneous "second-screen experience" by saying it's a different audience, so he can repeat himself. Isn't the whole point of WWE's App marketing for Raw to continue during the commercial break so you "never stop watching Raw?"
A few minutes in, Fandango and Summer Rae decided to walk out on Sandow, leaving Sandow alone in the ring. Miz capitalized by dropping Sandow with Skullcrushing Finale for the pin and the win. In the ring, Fandango, Rhodes, and Rosa stood tall before Fandango introduced himself from on-stage. Fandango's music played as Miz mockingly "danced" in the ring.
WINNERS: Rhodes & Miz at 2:57.
Still to come: Punk vs. Axel with the match stipulation selected by the audience. Jerry Lawler tried to sway the audience by saying he wants to "C" their vote. "C" being the option for Paul Heyman to get in the ring if Punk beats Axel.
[Commercial Break at 8:37]
Vignette: Back from break, WWE ran another vignette for Los Matadores, focusing on the highs and lows of being a bullfighter. Now, two men have emerged to re-ignite the flame. "Coming Soon."
Backstage: Josh Mathews brought in Christian for an interview. Mathews asked Christian for his thoughts on Triple H. Christian said it seems like any time someone says something about this new regime, they suffer dire consequences. Christian said he has the battle scars from the McMahon-Helmsley Era to prove it. Randy Orton interrupted and vowed to give Christian an RKO in the ring. Christian laughed and said it appears Hunter has found a new tool to work with. The crowd laughed, then Orton turned his shoulders and said he'll see him out there in the ring.
On-camera: Michael Cole pulled out his phone to display a Tout from Paul Heyman reacting to the App-Voted stipulations for Punk vs. Axel tonight.
App During The Break: C.M. Punk shot down Option B in the App Vote and pitched for Option C, saying he wants to give it to Paul Heyman bad tonight.
Locker Room: Paul Heyman was shown glaring at a TV monitor with disdain on his face while Axel smiled to himself and patted the IC Title belt around his waist. Heyman complained about the App Vote deal, then Axel calmed him down and said he's got this situation under control. Axel asked Heyman if he believes in him. Heyman didn't seem confident, but then raised his head and said, "As if my life depends on it." Heyman offered a slight smile.
On commentary, Lawler said Punk vs. Axel with the App Vote is next. Lawler again said he wants to "C" their votes. Cole called the audience "fans" leading to break.
[Q4] [Commercial Break at 8:46]
Back from break, Curtis Axel was already in the ring. Cole noted Paul Heyman is not out here since he's waiting for the App Vote results, then Cult of Personality played to bring out C.M. Punk. Once Punk entered the ring, an already-existing referee was in the ring. Heyman then walked out on-stage to hear the results of the App Vote. At the commentary position, Lawler revealed the results... 81 percent for Heyman in the ring with Punk if Punk wins, 12 percent banned from ringside, and 7 percent special referee. On-stage, Heyman sold concern over this. The bell then sounded to begin the match.
3 -- C.M. PUNK vs. IC champion CURTIS AXEL -- non-title match -- If Punk wins, Paul Heyman must enter the ring
Punk teased a GTS one minute in, but Axel escaped and hit the ringside area to catch a breather. Punk then slid out of the ring like a cat before running up the entrance ramp to try to get Heyman, but Axel chased him down on the entrance ramp. Axel dragged Punk back into the ring and put the boots to him.
Axel's control allowed Heyman to take a few steps closer to the ring, feeling safe. Punk then took control and Heyman backed up the ramp. Punk wanted a top-rope elbow, but Axel again rolled out of the ring to avoid. Punk then re-assessed the situation and splashed Axel on the outside. Punk in control heading to break.
[Commercial Break at 8:55]
Back from break two minutes before the top of the hour, Heyman adjusted his suit and tie as Axel regained control on Punk. Axel then held up Punk's head as if he just be-headed Punk and bragged to Daddy Heyman, who walked down the ramp for a closer, approving look. Axel tried to catapult Punk into the turnbuckles, but Punk landed on his feet like a cat and delivered a turnaround splash, but Axel rolled through and retained control.
[Q5 -- second hour] Axel continued to work on Punk as Heyman shouted from ringside that they're done with one more move. Axel delivered a rolling suplex, then stalked Punk like a cat eying his prey. Meanwhile, Cole said Brock Lesnar is probably watching this right now. No one's buying that. Punk then made a comeback before climbing to the top rope. Punk wanted a Macho Man elbow and he connected for a close two count.
At 10:00, Punk teased the GTS, causing Heyman to sell concern, but Axel blocked and suplexed Punk for a two count. On the stage, Heyman just shook his head and tried to calm himself down. Axel tried to follow with a power move, but Punk slipped right out and delivered a GTS for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Punk at 10:52.
Post-match: Heyman's eyes lowered and he remained standing in a State of Shock as Punk smiled at his good fortune in the ring. Heyman tried to back up the entrance ramp to run away as Punk collected himself in the ring. Heyman then backed away to the curtain, but two referees dragged Heyman back out. By the way, where does all of this fit in the McMahon Family Heel Regime storyline? WWE is apparently trying to keep the two stories separated.
Heyman again tried to run away, but five black-shirted "security guards" dragged Heyman back out on-stage. As the crowd popped, security fed Heyman to Punk, who dragged Heyman back into the ring. Punk got his hands on Heyman, but Axel snuck back into the ring to chop-block Punk and take out his knee. Axel smiled and shook hands with Heyman as the crowd chanted, "You Suck!"
Heyman pulled out handcuffs from his pants pocket and Axel cuffed Punk's hands behind his back. Heyman proceeded to slap around Punk before vowing to do "this" to him. "Fight me!" Heyman shouted down at Punk. Punk then stood up and right-foot kicked Axel in the head. Punk then leg-swept Heyman and kicked him a few times before Axel re-entered with a chair shot to the body. Axel followed with a forearm smash to the clavicle before helping Heyman recover. Axel then left the ring and went looking for more weapons. Axel found a Kendo Stick to his liking and banged the ring apron to indicate his intentions.
Back in the ring, Axel measured Punk for a Kendo Stick shot, but then slowly handed the stick over to Heyman, who got That Look in his eyes. Heyman clutched the Stick as Punk shouted defiantly at Heyman to make them count. Heyman delivered a shot to the back, then Axel held Punk in the ropes. Heyman proceeded to cane Punk in-between one-liners about caring about Punk, Punk being everything to him, and fathering Punk.
Axel wasn't done. Axel dragged Punk out of the ring and punched him against the announce table. Heyman caught his breath in the ring while Punk continued to sell on the floor. Heyman, now with a broken stick, left the ring and caned Punk (and the announce table swinging and missing a few times) over and over. Heyman then got on his belly and shouted at Punk that he broke his heart. "I loved you!" Heyman shouted. The crowd taunted Heyman with a "walrus" chant before referees and medics spilled out to check on Punk. Across the ring, Heyman put his head in his hand and cried a little after what he did to Punk. Axel, smiling and laughing it up, then joined Heyman on the entrance ramp and left up the ramp. Ringside, Punk was tended to by the medic before Raw cut to break with the picture speaking volumes.
[ JC's REAX: Excellent performances, all-around. Even Axel was bearable here. But, what's the pay-off? People aren't going to pay to see Punk vs. Axel, who isn't at that level despite the rub he's getting from this angle, so will WWE eventually book a Punk vs. Heyman match? ]
[Commercial Break at 9:12]
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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
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