WWE Raw Report CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 7/15 (Hour 3): Punk-Heyman epic promo exchange, Jericho vs. RVD, Cena picks his Summerslam PPV opponent
Jul 15, 2013 - 10:09:00 PM
WWE Raw TV Results
July 15, 2013 - Episode #1,050
Live in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell (@JCTorch), PWTorch assistant editor
Third Hour Raw Results
Punk-Heyman Promo Exchange
Raw returned from break one minute before the top of the hour with Cult of Personality playing to bring out C.M. Punk dressed in street clothes. For Punk, that meant a hoodie, black t-shirt, black shorts, and sneakers.
[Q9 -- third hour] Punk, selling emotional pain to go with physical pain, limped to the ring selling the effects of the MITB ladder match as the crowd cheered him into the ring. Once in the ring, Punk took the mic and waited out a "C-M-Punk" chant. Punk opened by saying he knows Paul Heyman is in the building. Boos. And he knows Brock Lesnar is in the building. Cheers. Punk said he's not waiting anymore, so come on out.
Punk stood his ground in the ring, then Heyman walked out on-stage sans music. In the ring, Punk shook his head as Heyman stopped on the stage. Heyman said he's looking at an empty ring right now. Why? Because in his world, Punk does not exist. Big boos. Heyman asked Punk if he's lying when in 2005, WWE had no vision for Punk. "C.M. Punk was a figment of Paul Heyman's imagination," Heyman said. "And what did I do? I took you in. I befriended you. I taught you. I martyred my entire career for you. And then we reached the Holy Grail together. We were the reigning, defending champion for 434 days. We were the longest-reigning WWE champion of the last 25 years. We came within an inch of breaking The Undertaker's Streak at WrestleMania. We, C.M. Punk, were the Best...in the World."
Heyman said without him, there is no "we," and without him, Punk is not the Best in the World. Heyman said people have accused him of being a Judas, but here is the truth. "The truth is a lot harder pill to swallow, Mr. Straight Edge, than a spin on things. The truth is you failed us when you couldn't defeat The Undertaker," Heyman said. Heyman said Punk went home, found himself, and came back to WWE thinking he's better than him. Heyman said he lied to Punk, manipulated him, and played him because Punk can never claim that Heyman dumped him because history will write that Paul Heyman dumped C.M. Punk.
Heyman continued that the truth is Punk has no family. He said he's estranged from his own mother and family. "You have no wife. You have no children. All you have is them," Heyman said. On commentary, Lawler said this is getting too personal. Heyman said all Punk has is the crowd's respect, admiration, and affirmation as the crowd picked up its cheers for Punk. Once the crowd quieted down, Heyman said all Punk wants and craves and needs is the WWE Title. "You took my best friend away from me and I took your chance at the WWE Title away from you and each and every one of them," Heyman said.
Heyman said Punk is going to find out how much worse he is personally than professionally. Punk even made Heyman swear on his children that he was telling the truth, but Heyman's own children made him see the light that Punk doesn't listen to him like Brock Lesnar does. Heyman said why he double-crossed Punk is the harshest truth of them all. "I betrayed you because...pause...C.M. Punk, you can't beat Brrrrrrock Lesssssnar," Heyman said.
After a pause, Punk lowered his hood as the crowd rallied behind him with a "C-M-Punk" chant. Punk wiped his head where Heyman smashed him with a ladder last night, then asked Heyman if he's done. "You wanna talk about the truth?" Punk asked. Punk said maybe he should have seen it coming, but he trusted Paul. And now all he has to show for it is 13 staples in his head. But another truth is that Heyman knows him better than anyone. He said he will not stop until he gets what he wants. "And the truth is Paul, I'm going to get you," he said in a low tone. "This time, I swear on your children that I am gonna get you." Punk said he will get every single one of Paul's associates with had knowledge of it, enjoyed it, or conspired against him. Clients, family, friends, anyone. "I will get my hands on them, I will rip apart, and I will hurt," Punk said as Heyman snorted to no-sell Punk's tough talk.
"You want the truth? The truth is you don't have a future because I'm going to burn down everything around you and I'm going to keep you alive long enough to hurt you the most of all," Punk said. "So tell me you son-of-a-(bleeped), am I lying?" Punk asked. Heyman replied that Punk is not lying, but he has Punk's immediate future in-mind. Heyman then bent down and circled the ground before doing Punk's "It's clobberin' time" shout.
Cue up Brock Lesnar's theme music. The crowd popped as Lesnar bounced out on-stage as Heyman stood in the middle of the entrance ramp. Lesnar then bounced down to the stage and led Heyman toward the ring while Punk stood his ground int he ring. Punk readied to smash Lesnar with a mic as Lesnar bounced up and down ringside. Heyman then slid in behind Punk and smashed him from behind.
Punk fell to the outside and nearly took an F5, but Punk fought out. Punk and Lesnar brawled ringside with Punk trying to fight back against the bigger Lesnar. But, Lesnar chucked Punk across the floor by his hood. Punk got up and tried to fight back, but Lesnar chucked Punk across the announce table. Punk then stood up and tried to jump on Lesnar, but Lesnar caught him and rammed him back-first into the ringpost. Punk wasn't getting up this time as the announcers sold concern for Punk's health. Lesnar then scooped up Punk and F5'ed him onto the announce table.
[Q10] After Punk slid to the floor, Lesnar stood on the announce table and stared down at Punk, who sold pain on the floor. "Stay out of my life! Stay out of my way!" Heyman shouted down at Punk as Lesnar's music played. Heyman and Lesnar then embraced ringside as the announcers checked on Punk. The ringside medic also checked on Punk, who sat up and refused help. Lesnar and Heyman eventually disappeared to the back as Punk tried standing up ringside. Punk shoved the medic away, then cleared the announce table to try to stand up. Punk fell down, though, and Raw cut to break.
[ JC's Reax: That was a money promo exchange and segment to remember. More career-defining work from Heyman, while Punk showed a new side to his face character by vowing to go on journey through each business and personal associate until he gets the boss. WWE effectively outlined the journey, set up Punk-Lesnar for Summerslam, and provided a visual to Punk's words that he will be the most resilient foe that Heyman and Lesnar have come across. ]
[Commercial Break at 10:17]
Moments Ago: WWE recapped Punk's resiliency fighting back against Lesnar before Lesnar ultimately got the upper-hand by sending Punk into the announce table with an F5. Back to the announcers, Cole noted Punk has vowed to burn down everyone around Heyman until he gets to Heyman. Only, Brock Lesnar is standing in the way.
The announcers then transitioned to a long-form video package hyping the premiere of "Total Divas" in two weeks. Which of course showed the Bellas and Cameron & Naomi hanging out a few segments after fighting on the TV show.
Backstage: John Cena was approached by Great Khali, who wanted to face Cena at Summerslam. Cena replied in Khali's native tongue, which made Khali light up like a Christmas Tree as Cena walked off.
Backstage: Raw GM Brad Maddox was interrupted by Stephanie McMahon. Brad wanted a hug, but Steph went for a handshake instead. Stephanie asked Brad what he thinks about his first day on the job. Brad said it's gone swell, then Triple H entered the shot. Hunter said he thinks Brad is doing a great job...so far. He did have a question, though. Did he talk to Vince McMahon today? Brad said he couldn't find him. Hunter said that's typical. He then asked Brad about leaving it up to the Superstars to decide on something as big as John Cena deciding his WWE Title opponent for the second biggest PPV of the year. Brad seemed confused.
Hunter continued that they are concerned that if Cena picks who they think he will pick, Vince won't like it. Hunter then took a dump on Brad by saying the only reason why he got picked for the GM spot is because he was the only man standing there after Vickie was fired. Hunter wished him well in his future endeavors, then bailed. Steph bailed, too.
In-ring: Rob Van Dam's music played to bring out a returning RVD for the first time on Raw in six years. The crowd cheered as RVD made his entrance leading to commercial.
[Commercial Break at 10:27]
[Q11] Back from break, Rob Van Dam was in the ring playing to the crowd, then Chris Jericho's music played to bring out Jericho for one of his final Raw appearances before heading back on the road with Fozzy.
Feeling-out process early on. then RVD paused to remind the crowd that he's "Rob...Van...Dam." The crowd picked up a "You Still Got It" chant that quickly died out. This was followed by an "E-C-Dub" chant. RVD scored with a standing moonsault, then Jericho popped him in the head with an enziguiri for a nearfall. This got a loud "Y2J" chant, which Jericho acknowledged. Jericho kicked RVD in the head again leading to a mid-match commercial.
[Commercial Break at 10:36]
Back from break, RVD was working on Jericho with a mid-ring leg vice submission. Jericho countered with a Walls of Jericho tease, then tried to catapult RVD into the corner, but it didn't work out and RVD crashed to the mat. Jericho then dropkicked RVD to the floor and wiped his hands of the match. Jericho tried to bring RVD back into the ring with a suplex, but RVD landed on his feet and roundhouse-kicked Jericho in the face for a nearfall.
RVD went back to the leg vice submission at 10:00, which drew a slow clap from the crowd. Jericho blocked and transitioned to a lift-up powerbomb attempt, then got it on the second attempt, dropping RVD on the back of his head. Moments later, RVD wanted Rolling Thunder, but Jericho rolled to the outside. So, RVD hopped to the ring apron, kicked Jericho, and landed a moonsault to the floor. Raw cut to break with both men selling on the floor.
[Q12] [Commercial Break at 10:44]
Back from break at 14:30, Jericho was controlling RVD with a mid-ring submission. Suddenly, RVD popped Jericho in the chest with a leg whip that rocked Jericho in the corner. RVD made a comeback, but Jericho cut him off. Both men sold being exhausted, then Jericho went for a Lionsault and apparently missed it when RVD kind of moved. RVD followed with Rolling Thunder, which got a nostalgia pop from the crowd. But, it was only good for a nearfall.
At 17:00, Jericho planted RVD into the mat with a DDT, but RVD kicked out of a pin attempt. Jericho called for RVD to get up, then he dropped him with a Walls of Jericho tease, but RVD whipped him away. More counters and reversals, then RVD missed with a split-legged moonsault. So, Jericho answered with a Lionsault for another nearfall. But, RVD came back with a kick to the head. He wanted a Five-Star Frogsplash, but Jericho crotched him. But, RVD kicked Jericho to the mat and came off the top with a flip dive splash that popped Cole on commentary. It was only good for a two count, though.
At 20:00, Jericho caught RVD coming off the ropes and slapped on the Liontamer. RVD teased tapping out as blood trickled from the cut from MITB last night, but he reached the bottom rope for a break. Jericho couldn't follow up, then RVD kicked Jericho in the head in the corner. RVD seized the opportunity to climb to the top, do the R-V-D pose, and came crashing down on Jericho with a Five-Star Frogsplash. RVD sold the effects, then shared a word with Jericho, and pinned him for the win. On commentary, Cole declared that RVD is back.
WINNER: RVD at 21:37. The match accomplished what they set out to do, but RVD looked rusty in a standard, 20-minute-plus match without being able to depend on weapons and stipulations. It will be interesting to see how RVD looks in the future when he's working with someone who is not a seasoned pro like Jericho who can help bring him along in a long-form, standard match.
Up Next: John Cena makes his Summerslam match opponent.
[Commercial Break at 10:56]
This Friday on Smackdown: Miz TV. Special guest is Paul Heyman.
One minute before the top of the hour, WWE showed most of the roster standing on-stage waiting for John Cena. Included were Jericho and RVD still catching their breath from the main event. And the Brooklyn Brawler.
[Q13 -- over-run] After a pause, John Cena's music played to bring out the WWE champion. The sea of wrestlers parted for Cena to walk half-way down the entrance ramp, then walk into the ring to address the locker room. Once in the ring, Cena said it's time for him to announce his opponent for Summerslam.
But, Cena said he cannot make the pick because he has not made his decision yet. Cena said he has listened to Superstar after Superstar make a pitch, but he's left out the most important voice in it all, the WWE Universe. Cena said he knows they don't see eye-to-eye and the crowd is tough on him, but the reason why their voice is so important is because the toughness is honesty. And, he would like to make a decision for a match they want to see. The crowd started doing the "Yes!" chant for Daniel Bryan. Cena said the crowd is getting the hang of it.
Cena said this is going to be simple - he will list some names and the crowd lets him know how they feel about these names. Heath Slater was named because it's his birthday. Boos. How about anyone in 3MB? Boos. What about Randy Orton? Mix of boos and cheers. What about Khali? Boos. How about Del Rio? Loud boos.
Cena then asked about Jericho. Loud cheers. How about Rob Van Dam? Louder cheers for RVD. Cena thought it over as the crowd chanted Van Dam's name. Cena then asked about Fahn...Dang...Oh, which drew a mix of a lot of noise. Cena said he doesn't have his own Hotline, but there's Sheamus, which drew boos that made Cena react. Cena asked about Ryback, which drew loud "No!'s"
Cena finally asked who he's forgetting about. "Yes!" chants from the crowd. Cena said there are a lot of great selections, but he's made his decision. Cena said this individual deserves his opportunity. But, he was interrupted by a "Daniel Bryan" chant. Cena seemed annoyed by the crowd interrupting him. Cena said he respects the beard, then continued. He said he thinks this will make Summerslam an awfully-special occasion. He said if this man chooses to accept his challenge, then he selects...to face me for the WWE Title at Summerslam...I select Daniel Bryan. The crowd popped big, then Bryan's music played.
Bryan marched out on-stage past the roster, then hit the ring doing "Yes!" chants with the entire arena. Bryan stood opposite Cena and Yes!'ed in Cena's face as the ring bounced up and down beneath Cena's feet. Cena stood his ground as Cole joked that he thinks Bryan accepts the challenge. Bryan then posed in the corner as the crowd kept Yes!ing. Cole said you have to credit Cena for picking the hottest Superstar in WWE today. Raw then signed off at 10:09 with Bryan continuing to shout with the crowd.
FINAL THOUGHTS: What happened to #1 contender's being established by winning matches? Sure, Bryan was on a winning streak over top foes in recent weeks, but that was not the determining factor in establishing Bryan as Cena's next opponent in this segment. It wasn't even incorporated into The Decision. It felt more like WWE's insecurity issues coming into play as they seek validation from the audience, acting like they've given up on telling the best stories and just ask the crowd what they want to see. Cena vs. Bryan is a strong PPV title match at this point - and the crowd reaction is there to back up Bryan as the #1 contender - but the way they got there reeked of Bryan winning a contest or sweepstakes - a la how TNA presented Chris Sabin getting a TNA Title shot - instead of Bryan "earning the title shot," AND THEN the crowd going nuts because Bryan was clearly the best choice to face Cena.
We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of PWTorch.com. To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to pwtorch@gmail.com .
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
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