WWE Raw Report CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 11/19: Complete "virtual-time" coverage of live Raw - Survivor Series fall-out
Nov 19, 2012 - 10:11:01 PM
WWE Raw Supershow Results
November 19, 2012 - Episode #1,016
Live from Dayton, Ohio
Aired on USA Network
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
This week's three-hour Raw opened with the TNA-style overly-dramatic intro video package focusing on Survivor Series events - did Big Show fall victim to the Brogue Kick, did C.M. Punk retain the WWE Title to reach 365 days, and who are the three "vigilantes" who attacked Ryback and who is the mastermind behind it all?
In the arena, Ryback's music played to begin the show. They're wasting no time getting to Ryback seeking revenge on the NXT trio who cost him the WWE Title at Survivor Series. In the ring, Ryback offered some food and food chain-related statements essentially accusing C.M. Punk of employing three men to take a feast out of his mouth. Ryback told Punk and his three men to come to the ring, or else he will tear this whole place apart. "Uh-oh," Lawler said. Ryback followed with a "Feed Me More" chant.
Instead of Punk and Co., though, Vickie Guerrero walked out on-stage. Vickie said she sees it as Ryback blowing two chances to win the WWE Title. She said she does enjoy the way he destroys people, but, tonight, if he destroys anything, he will be subject to a fine or suspension. Vickie repeated that she enjoys watching Ryback destroy people, then Tensai's music played. Tensai stomped out on-stage past Vickie, then hit the ring for another damage control recovery match for Ryback.
On commentary, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler noted that Tensai took out the big Brodus Clay last night at Survivor Series. Ryback feasted on Tensai with an early clothesline, then Tensai responded with a corner headbutt. Ryback came back with a bodyslam before the crowd picked up a "Feed Me More" chant. Cole noted Ryback does not want to anger Vickie because he wants another title shot as Tensai scored successive offense.
Tensai tried to follow up, but Ryback came back with a powerslam. Ryback shook off the cobwebs, then slammed Tensai again before stalking Tensai for a giant clothesline over the top rope to the floor. Ryback then slipped to the outside, called Tensai a punk, and chucked him into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Ryback measured Tensai for a giant clothesline and connected. He then called for the end, went for the Shell Shock, lifted dead-weight Tensai into the air unlike the last time they met in the ring, and connected with Shell Shock. Ryback with the pin for the win, which Cole called blowing off steam. Lawler called it impressive, then Cole said he would not want to be Punk or the three NXT wrestlers who cost Ryback the title last night.
WINNER: Ryback at 3:34. It's the babyface version of the Alberto Del Rio formula - lose a big PPV match, get a decisive victory the next night on Raw, re-build to the next PPV, lose at the PPV, and repeat. Although, the general WWE audience is more emotionally-invested in Ryback as a top face than Del Rio as a top heel right now.
Backstage: The next angry babyface, Sheamus, was shown yelling at the replacement referee who called a three count for Big Show during the chaos of the World Title match. Sheamus called him a disgrace.
Tonight: C.M. Punk celebrates one whole year as WWE champion. Lawler said the celebration will be live in the ring later in the show.
Backstage: Kofi Kingston and Wade Barrett were shown on a split-screen. Cole said if Barrett wins, he could get a future Intercontinental Title shot against Kofi.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: IC champion Kofi Kingston was introduced first for the next match on the show. Cole recapped Kofi's Team Foley coming up short against Team Ziggler, then Wade Barrett - the man who eliminated Kofi from the Survivor Series match - came out to face Kofi.
2 -- IC champion KOFI KINGSTON vs. WADE BARRETT -- non-title match
Barrett controlled early on as the announcers noted C.M. Punk is planning a huge celebration to mark 365 days as WWE champion. Cole then announced Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio in a 2/3 Falls match tonight, which means WWE has officially run out of top star vs. top star matches. Barrett continued to dominate, which the announcers said makes it seem like Barrett is more interested in sending a message to Kofi than winning tonight. Barrett clotheslined Kofi over the top rope to the floor, which led to a commercial.
[Commercial Break]
Back live, Barrett was still in control of the action. Cole noted Barrett is now focusing his attack on Kofi's face to set up for the Bullhammer. Barrett then kicked Kofi through the ropes to the outside, prompting Lawler to question whether Kofi's vision is impaired. On the outside, Barrett bounced Kofi's head off the ring steps before punching him back into the ring. More punishment as Lawler encouraged the ref to check on Kofi to see if he can continue.
At 10:00, the crowd tried to rally Kofi, who was down the equivalent of four TDs at this point. Kofi teased a comeback, but Barrett cut him off. Suddenly, Kofi got a burst of energy to deliver successive offense as Lawler noted that Barrett had a chance to put away Kofi, but did not. Kofi nailed the Boom Drop, but then walked right into an emphatic Winds of Change. Barrett covered, but Kofi kicked out just in-time. Kofi then popped Barrett just above the eyes, then came off the top with a high cross-body splash for a two count.
At 12:10, Kofi hit the SOS for a nearfall. That was Kofi's last gasp, which the crowd sensed. Barrett had enough, so he dragged Kofi's face across the top rope before setting him up for and connecting with the Bullhammer elbow to Kofi's bad eye. It was good for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Barrett at 12:40. Very slow start, but a strong conclusion after they "built up equity" with the audience to get them to buy into Kofi's comeback. Overall, the re-building process for Barrett continues while WWE simultaneously tries to draw out a more aggressive side from Kofi in the ring.
[Q3] Still to come tonight: Orton vs. Del Rio 2/3 Falls, Vickie with more "evidence" in the A.J. "scandal," and C.M. Punk planning a victory celebration. On-camera, Cole said Punk is the luckiest guy in the world after surviving two title matches with help from outside forces. They went to a still-shot of Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns involved in the Survivor Series main event, then Lawler recapped Brad Maddox's involvement three weeks ago at Hell in a Cell.
Video package: The Brad Maddox story, which Ryback thought he ended last week by sending Maddox out of the arena in an ambulance.
Backstage: Paul Heyman was shown talking to two stagehands, showing off a giant C.M. Punk poster ahead of the celebration tonight. Heyman then knocked on Punk's locker room door and out came Punk wearing a "I'm A Paul Heyman Guy" t-shirt. Suddenly, Matt Striker interrupted and asked Punk about his involvement - if any - with Rollins, Ambrose, and Reigns. Punk dismissed the question, then Striker asked Punk about Ryback. "What About Ryback?!" Punk shouted. Heyman smiled and told Striker to get in a more festive mood because everyone is invited to the party - even Ryback. Punk finished the segment by asking Heyman if he could have a word with him.
[Commercial Break]
Back live, Kaitlyn and Aksana were already in the ring for Divas action. Aksana - who tried to take out Kaitlyn prior to the Divas Title match at Survivor Series last night - tried to run away from Kaitlyn once the bell sounded. Aksana then lured Kaitlyn to the outside, where Aksana knocked her down. Aksana controlled the match back in the ring, then Kaitlyn made a comeback and finished off Aksana with a gutbuster for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Kaitlyn at 3:05.
Still to come: The announcers quickly transitioned to promoting Orton vs. Del Rio in a 2/3 Falls match later tonight.
[Commercial Break]
[Q4] Back on Raw, WWE ran a promotional trailer for The Soup's WWE special airing this Wednesday on E!
In-ring: R-Truth was ringside with Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. Truth said Little Jimmy did not accompany him to the ring because he's serious right now and here to scout. Brodus Clay's music then played to bring out Clay, Cameron, and Naomi for the next match. Out next was U.S. champion Antonio Cesaro, who beat Truth in a U.S. Title match last night. On commentary, Truth said he has no excuses because Survivor Series was Cesaro's night, but he's still on the hunt. Before the bell sounded, Cesaro trash-talked Truth.
4 -- U.S. champion ANTONIO CESARO vs. BRODUS CLAY -- non-title match
Cesaro controlled Clay early on, but Clay broke free of Cesaro's slow-it-down offensive attack. Clay tried to go for a corner butt splash, but too long, which allowed Cesaro to move out of the way. Cesaro followed with an uppercut before setting up Clay for the Neutralizer. Cesaro squatted Clay in the air to wow the crowd and announcers, then delivered his finisher for the win. Cole said Cesaro could be the strongest man in WWE. Hm...teaser for "World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry returning to feud with Cesaro?
WINNER: Cesaro at 2:32.
Video package: John Cena's charity work for Make-a-Wish, specifically reaching 300 wishes. Back live, they showed the audience applauding the video package.
Backstage: Vickie Guerrero was shown talking to a random male and female individual. Apparently this is the latest "evidence" in the A.J. Lee scandal, which incorporates A.J. Styles Cena.
[Commercial Break]
Smackdown plug: Finishing off the commercial break, the generic TV ad focused on World Title fall-out on Friday's Smackdown.
A.J. Lee "scandal" latest
Back live two minutes before the top of the hour, Justin Roberts introduced "the managing supervisor of Raw," Vickie Guerrero. Vickie walked out on-stage, followed by the nondescript male and female individuals. Cole recapped Tamina attacking A.J. last night, with a note that Vickie denies any involvement with Tamina.
In the ring, Vickie was drowned out by boos, then noted she would like to set the record straight that she would never put a finger on a WWE Superstar. She continued that some people respect authority, like Tamina, and unlike A.J. and Cena.
[Q5 -- second hour] Vickie said A.J. is accusing her of falsifying their affair, but she has proof - eyewitnesses. Whitney Smith is her first eyewitness. Vickie said she is a waitress at the hotel restaurant where Cena and A.J. had their "business dinner." Vickie asked Smith about the meeting. She said they requested a private table and were very touchy-feely, and appeared to be discussing a lot more than just business. The next eyewitness was a parking attendant identified as Mr. Doug Brady. Brady stammered out a line that Cena and A.J. remained in a parked vehicle for about an hour. He said they were parked next to a family, whose father complained to him about what they saw in the vehicle.
Suddenly, A.J.'s music played. A.J. said she doesn't know how much money Vickie is paying these people, but this is ridiculous. She said she is tired of this so-called scandal, then told Vickie that if she wants to fire her so bad, then fire her. But, if not, then do everyone a favor and "shut the hell up," which popped the crowd. Vickie ignored A.J.'s one-liner and said A.J. just won't admit the truth. She said while Cena was lip-locking Cena, Mr. Brady was taking photos. Vickie claimed to have nude photos of Cena and A.J. in the car. But, before Vickie could present the evidence, John Cena's music played.
Vickie told the "witnesses" to leave the ring as Cena marched out to the ring to confront Vickie. A.J. shot Cena a smile as he entered the ring, then Cena told Vickie that "all this" is garbage and a load of crap. He said Vickie just wants to give people something to talk about, so he'll give everyone something to talk about. Cena removed his cap, approached a blushing A.J. as the females in the crowd cheered, said he hopes A.J. doesn't mind, and kissed A.J. for several seconds.
Cena broke the kiss, then approached Vickie to tell her something else, but A.J. suddenly grabbed Cena and went back for more kissing. It's a Kane/A.J. flashback. Suddenly, Dolph Ziggler barged into the ring to attack Cena from behind, but Cena easily discarded him to the outside. As Ziggler high-tailed it to the back, Cena left the ring, but appeared to injure his ankle or foot. Cena half-ran/half-limped up the ramp to disappear to the back, running past Vickie. A.J. was left at ringside trying to regain her bearings after the kissing scene.
Up next: Cole and Lawler tried to regroup before plugging Orton vs. Del Rio up next.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: Back live, Ricardo Rodriguez was mid-ring to offer a formal introduction for Alberto Del Rio, who emerged off-stage in his vehicle of the week. After Del Rio slowly made his way to the ring, Randy Orton's music played to loud screams from the female audience. Cole said this "is going to be a great one" when they renew their rivalry. As Orton slowly made his way to the ring, Cole and Lawler recapped the previous segment and acknowledged Cena appearing to injure himself running out of the ring. Cole said they hope to get an update later in the show.
5 -- RANDY ORTON vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO -- 2/3 Falls match
Lawler said this is old-school since two-out-of-three falls were "the thing" back in the day, adding that they were designed to settle the score. Loud "RKO" chant from the female contingent as Del Rio controlled early on. As the announcers discussed the family legacies for both men, Lawler brought back his joke from Survivor Series that Ricardo Rodriguez's relatives are Jose and Hose-B.
[Q6] Orton cleared Del Rio to the outside, but Orton left himself vulnerable to Del Rio, who yanked Orton's arm across the middle rope. Del Rio then assaulted Orton's arm, trying to injure Orton in the process. The ref reprimanded Del Rio, then called for a DQ when Del Rio did not adhere to his guidelines. They cut to break after Roberts announced Orton as the winner of the first fall.
*** Orton 1, Del Rio 0 at 3:03 ***
[Commercial Break]
Back from break, Del Rio was working on Orton's shoulder as the announcers discussed Del Rio's strategy in this match. Orton then made a comeback with his one good arm to deliver clotheslines into a powerslam. Orton called to the crowd for support as he prepared for his trademark DDT, but Del Rio pulled him down and slapped on the cross arm-breaker. Orton quickly tapped out to avoid further damage, but Del Rio kept the hold locked in an extra moment or two to continue inflicting punishment.
*** Orton 1, Del Rio at 8:43 ***
After pausing to see if Orton could continue, ref Mike Chioda called for the bell to begin the next fall. Orton tried to grapple Del Rio to frustrate him and survive the match, but Del Rio broke free and assaulted Orton's left arm again. Orton refused to give up, then Orton step-up kicked Orton's shoulder in the corner. Del Rio measured Orton for another move, but Orton ducked and used one arm to back-drop Del Rio. Suddenly, Ricardo Rodriguez tried to trip Orton, but Orton flung him away and the ref booted Ricardo from ringside. In the confusion, Del Rio grappled Orton to deliver a backstabber. He covered, but Orton kicked out.
At 12:00, Del Rio taunted the hot crowd before going down to the mat to mock Orton by doing the RKO tease. Del Rio measured Orton for an RKO, but Orton shoved him into the ropes to deliver his trademark DDT. Orton, with full crowd support, then went to That Place for a real RKO tease. Orton measured Del Rio for the RKO, but Del Rio easily countered into the cross arm-breaker. Orton tried to break up the hold, but Del Rio locked it in. Only, Orton rolled Del Rio onto his shoulders for a close two count.
Del Rio then missed with a big kick when Orton ducked, Orton stalked Del Rio, and dropped him with an RKO that popped the crowd huge. Orton used his one good arm to cover Del Rio and it was good for the win. After Orton recovered, he celebrated in the ring while calling out to the crowd for more cheers.
WINNER: Orton 2-1 falls at 13:33. Solid match with a very hot crowd fully invested. If this was the blow-off, it was a good ending to the feud, although Del Rio is stuck in the same place. (**1/2)
Announcers: Cole and Lawler transitioned to Cena's liplock with A.J. Lee a segment ago before going to a video replay of the events that included Cena kissing A.J., Dolph attacking Cena, and Cena injuring himself running out of the ring. They went to a slow-mo replay of Cena appearing to injury his ankle (making it seem like a work), then WWE cut backstage.
Trainer's Room: John Cena was being taped up by the trainer as A.J. stood next to him. A.J. tried to apologize for what happened, but Cena said it's fine. He told the trainer to take it easy on his leg before they cut to break.
[Q7] [Commercial Break]
6 -- GREAT KHALI vs. PRIMO & EPICO (w/Rosa Mendes) -- handicap match
Back live, Great Khali was dancing in the ring. Hornswoggle's music then played to bring out Swoggle with flowers in-hand. Swoggle stood in Khali's corner, then the bell sounded. Swoggle then slowly approached Rosa at the ringside area as Khali looked confused in the ring. Swoggle eventually made his way over to Rosa and squirted her in the face with water from the flowers. Rosa freaked out, then a confused Khali gave Epico the Punjabi Plunge for the pin and the win. Cue up Khali and Swoggle dancing.
WINNER: Khali at 1:10. What in the world was this? Sure, Raw needs "comedown segments" in the three-hour format, but this was just plain dumb.
Backstage: The Miz was shown walking down the hallway for the next match.
Backstage: A stagehand talked to another stagehand about needing to make sure C.M. Punk's celebration is the biggest ever. Heyman looked over the list of items for the celebration, then noted there are no balloons. This felt like an Office skit at this point, sans Party Planning Committee. Heyman slapped the list out of the man's hands, then shouted "balloons!" over and over.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: Back live, David Otunga was on his way to the ring. Justin Roberts announced a singles match, then The Miz made his way to the ring. Cole noted Miz and Lawler have something in-common - Cleveland Browns fans who were brokenhearted after losing to the Cowboys in Overtime last night. Lawler quipped that it nearly gave him a heart attack before plugging his appearance on "Inside Edition" tomorrow.
As Otunga controlled early on, Cole plugged Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler on "Main Event" this Wednesday on Ion. Otunga delivered an elbow drop, then randomly posed for the hard camera. He followed with a reverse chinlock as Cole claimed he is "rapidly improving" in the ring. Otunga then applied a modified Camel Clutch before continuing the assault while mixing in poses. Lawler joked that Miz's Browns losing yesterday may have taken more out of him than he realized.
[Q8] Miz went for a quick roll-up, but Otunga escaped, then resumed control of the match. Lots of catcalls from the crowd here. Otunga then sat down on Miz's back before reapplying a chinlock. Lawler said this is not looking good for Miz tonight. Miz then tried to fight back with elbows to the gut before sunset-flipping Otunga for a nearfall.
Miz followed with a punch to the top of the head and mounted a comeback that the crowd didn't invest in. The crowd finally came to life as Miz set up for and delivered a corner clothesline. Miz then climbed to the top turnbuckle and delivered a double axehandle smash. He proceeded to parade around the ring before setting up for his Skullcrushing Finale. Miz grappled Otunga and delivered it as Otunga awkwardly fell to the mat. Miz with the pin for the win.
WINNER: Miz at 6:08. Off match and the crowd is still warming up to Miz as a face.
Announcers: Cole and Lawler talked about the World Title match at Survivor Series last night, then went to a slow-mo replay of Sheamus's Brogue Kick smashing ref Scott Armstrong when Big Show pulled Scott in the way. They recapped Sheamus winning via DQ and Show retaining the World Title before Sheamus assaulted Show with a ton of chair shots.
Up Next: Sheamus looks to take out his frustrations on Damien Sandow in singles action.
[Commercial Break]
Earlier Tonight: Ryback noted he is a predator and said Punk and his "three men" are his prey. Before Ryback could "tear this place apart," Vickie booked him in a match against Tensai. On-camera, Cole said they learned later on that Paul Heyman actually invited Ryback to Punk's celebration later tonight.
In-ring: Sheamus's music played to bring out the former World champ with chair in-hand. Cole noted he snapped last night and is out for revenge tonight. In the ring, Sheamus took the mic and said before he KOs his opponent, he would like to speak on Big Show. He said this started as two warriors fighting for the World Title and he wasn't even disappointed when Show beat him at Hell in a Cell, but then Show made it personal. He said Show made it personal by attacking him from behind and taking out William Regal, then pulled the ref in the way to prevent him from regaining the World Title. A loud "What?!" chant followed. Sheamus said Show has shown what type of person he really is by always running away. Now, he's not smiling anymore. He called out Show to bring his "giant arse" to the ring to settle this once and for all, then Big Show's music played.
Two minutes before the top of the hour, Show limped out on-stage and gingerly made his way to the top of the ramp. Show waited out boos from the crowd before Sheamus held up the chair and asked him if he remembers that. Show said he remembers that, but they have nothing to settle because he's still World champion. Sheamus tried to interrupt, but Show screamed at him to shut up. More screaming over each other. Sheamus then flashed the chair in the air with dents before Show screamed that he retained the World Title.
[Q9 -- third hour] "You don't deserve the World Title!" Show screamed at Sheamus before dogging Sheamus's Irish heritage. Sheamus called out Show to come see how barbaric he can be, but Damien Sandow's music interrupted. Sandow slowly walked down to the ring while instructing the referee to have Sheamus's chair removed. Sandow refused to enter the ring until the chair was discarded.
Sandow repeatedly ducked under the ropes to slow down an angry Sheamus. Meanwhile, Cole noted that ref Scott Armstrong was not cleared to officiate tonight after taking the Brogue Kick last night. Sheamus eventually got his hands on Sandow to assault him with body shots before stomping Sandow to the ring apron. Sandow avoided the ten forearm strikes, though, only to take a suplex center-ring. Sheamus then grabbed Sandow around his beard and used the beard to throw Sandow over the top rope to the outside. They cut to break with Sheamus in-control.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break, Sandow was in-control after attacking Sheamus's shoulder during the break. Sandow continued to work on Sheamus as Cole noted that Cody Rhodes is "going to be out of action for a bit" after being dropped on his head/neck last week. Meanwhile, Sandow continued to assault Sheamus while encouraging him to quit. Sheamus teased a comeback, but Sandow threw him down to the mat. Sandow took a bow, then kicked Sheamus in the back before applying a reverse chinlock. Sandow got too cocky, though, and wanted the Elbow of Disdain, but Sheamus grabbed Sandow and delivered the Irish Curse backbreaker.
[Q10] The match continued with both men on their feet. Sheamus delivered multiple knee lifts before trapping Sandow in the ropes to deliver ten big forearm strikes to the chest. This was followed by a suplex. Sheamus then climbed to the top turnbuckle and measured Sandow for a battering ram smash. Sheamus followed with White Noise after walking around the ring, then Sheamus looked around the arena. They wanted it and Sheamus set up for it - a giant Brogue Kick to the face. After connecting, Sheamus turned over Sandow and covered him for the win.
WINNER: Sheamus at 14:49. Solid singles match, but it lost the crowd at times after crowd interest peaked during the Orton-Del Rio match. Three-hour Raws are just too much for an audience to sit through.
Backstage: Vickie Guerrero was with Tamina. A.J. Lee then walked in and said she plans to get to know Tamina a whole lot better in the near future. A.J. then talked to Vickie about setting up John Cena by having Dolph Ziggler attack him from behind. Vickie cackled to herself about A.J. playing tonsil-hockey with Cena in the ring, then A.J. asked Vickie what she's going to do about Cena being hurt. "Nothing," Vickie replied. A.J. said if she's not going to do anything about it, then she will. A.J. walked off.
[Commercial Break. WWE Did You Know: WWE took a dig at UFC, saying Smackdown beat TUF by 10 times in social media activity last Friday.]
Still to come tonight: C.M. Punk's one-year-as-champ celebration. Cole noted even Ryback has been invited.
Suddenly, they cut backstage to show A.J. and Layla walking down the hallway. Layla told A.J. that whatever she is about to do is not worth it. They stopped at the Raw Locker Room sign, then A.J. told Layla to leave her alone. A.J. collected herself, then walked in the locker room, causing everyone to stop what they were doing. She then walked up to Dolph Ziggler and asked who he thinks he is. Ziggler stood up and told A.J. that she's a dime-a-dozen and came from nothing. Ziggler said she's back where she began - all alone, desperate, and pathetic. He said every time someone disappoints A.J., a piece of her is gone. He said A.J. is now sad, weak, and pitiful. (A.J. was welling up with tears at this point.) "Face it, A.J., you're just trash," Ziggler said, then sat back down. A.J. had enough and attacked Ziggler with rights and lefts. Suddenly, John Cena jumped in and tried to pull A.J. away before Ziggler hit him, so Cena fought back. But, Ziggler kicked his bad knee. Ziggler then tackled Cena through a bathroom stall before he was pulled away by the Prime Time Players. Cena sold a knee injury before ref Chioda asked for a doctor. A.J. entered the scene to check on Cena and nervously fidgeted while Cena sold pain.
[Commercial Break]
[Q11] This Wednesday: Miz vs. Ziggler on "Main Event."
Back live, Cole sent the show to "Moments Ago" when A.J. stormed the men's locker room to confront Ziggler, which led to Cena trying to defend A.J. on one bad leg, which only caused more problems for Cena.
Backstage: Josh Mathews was shown outside the trainer's room. Mathews said the speculation is that Cena has a partially torn meniscus and Ziggler's attack may have made things much worse.
In-ring: Sin Cara came to the ring for the next match. Ringside, the Prime Time Players were on commentary. Lawler asked Titus O'Neil about being involved in the backstage altercation, and Titus replied by noting Cena needs to put some money in his pocket for saving his life. Rey Mysterio then came out to join Cara for tag action. WWE tag champion Daniel Bryan was then introduced, prompting a barrage of "Yes!" chants from the crowd. Suddenly, Kane's pyro shot off to bring out the other tag champ.
9 -- WWE tag champions DANIEL BRYAN & KANE vs. REY MYSTERIO & SIN CARA -- non-title match
Cole noted to the Players that if Rey & Cara win this match, they will receive a future Tag Title shot. Titus questioned this decision, then Cole noted Vickie made the call, so Titus vowed to send a sternly-written email to Vickie in the morning. In the ring, Bryan No!-Kicked Cara in the chest before missing with a knee drop from the second rope. Meanwhile, Titus argued with Cole and Lawler about the tag division.
In the ring, Bryan and Kane argued with each other before Kane entered the match to accept right-leg kicks from Rey. Suddenly, Rey set up Kane for a 619, but Kane rolled out of the ring. Rey then changed course with a seated splash on Kane. But, Bryan splashed Rey. But, Cara splashed Bryan. Chaos in the match and chaos on commentary leading to break.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break, Kane was in control working on Cara. Lawler made a crack about Titus's bald head, so Titus blew his whistle at Lawler and called a penalty on him. Titus then asked Lawler if he took his heart medication prior to Raw before noting that Lawler nearly keeled over during his match two months ago. The discussion veered off into national health care as Bryan and Kane continued to work over Cara in the ring.
[Q12] Cara finally broke free from Bryan and hot-tagged Rey while Kane also tagged in. On commentary, D-Young tried to be the voice of reason telling everyone to focus on the match since he wanted to scout the two tag teams. Back in the ring, Kane scored a close nearfall on Rey, who then came back with a 619 attempt and connected. Rey then climbed to the top rope and tried to splash Kane, but Kane grabbed him in mid-air. Suddenly, the Players hit the ring and attacked both teams, causing the match to be thrown out.
Post-match: Sin Cara smashed Titus with a kick to the head before D-Young was set up for a 619. Bryan then set up Titus for a 619, too. So, Rey delivered a double 619. Kane then grappled Titus and delivered a chokeslam simultaneous to Sin Cara top-rope splashing D-Young. "Take that you old washcloths!" Cole shouted, completing the running joke on commentary. Kane's music then played before Bryan argued with Kane, Rey, and Cara that he is the tag champions.
WINNERS: No Contest at 10:56. The running commentary during this match was either amazing or a complete trainwreck. It's a fine line. But, the overall focus on the tag division was solid.
Punk's Locker Room: Paul Heyman gleefully said he is so honored that Punk has allowed him to celebrate his one year as champ. Heyman said he will make sure that no one tarnishes this moment. "Your celebration awaits!" Heyman said. Heyman walked off, then Punk smiled. It was in-between a heelish "I'm so happy to have this celebration" smile and a "Heyman is a goofball and he doesn't know something that I know" smile.
[Commercial Break]
Earlier Tonight: John Cena and A.J. Lee made out in the ring, then Cena injured himself chasing after Dolph Ziggler. On-camera, Cole said Cena may have a partially torn meniscus. They cut back to a replay of Ziggler dressing down A.J. before A.J. attacked him, Cena tried to make the save, and Cena's knee was further injured when Ziggler kicked him low.
C.M. Punk Celebration Main Event Segment
Back live in the arena, Paul Heyman was in the ring standing in front of three posters with action shots of C.M. Punk and a list of longest-reigning WWE champions in WWE history. Heyman told the crowd not to boo him, then accused the crowd of not appreciating him or the WWE champion. Heyman then said perhaps the crowd is mad because they made fun of Jerry Lawler last week. He said the fans tweet about wanting some "attitude" again, but when they give people a taste of "attitude," they don't like it. Heyman said he thinks the WWE Universe has never been able to truly appreciate greatness in front of them in the form of C.M. Punk. Heyman said it's time to put smiles on people's faces by "celebrating 365 glorious days of the consecutive title reign of your reigning, defending WWE champion and Best in the World," C.M. Punk.
One minute before the top of the hour, Cult of Personality played to bring out the WWE champion on-stage. On-stage, Punk took a bow before Cole reluctantly noted Punk has defeated Del Rio, Cena, Miz, Ziggler, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Kane, and Ryback to retain the WWE Title. Cole added that the drawback is how he retains the title and how he carries himself. Lawler said you have to respect the title run and the title, but not the champion.
[Q13 -- over-run] Punk took the mic and named Shawn Michaels. He said Triple H couldn't do it, too. He said Bret Hart could not do it, too. "The Undertaker could not do it," he added. And, Dewey - err, Dwayne, The Rock - could not do it. "It" being one calendar year as WWE champion.
A video package then played spotlighting Punk's journey from Survivor Series 2011 to today, completing a full circuit-to-circuit run as WWE champion. Back live in the ring, Punk and Heyman admired their work. Punk then continued his promo that tonight is not about honoring the past, but looking forward to the future recognizing his spot in history. He said he knows his spot is at the top and now he aims for the bigger list. July 25, 2018 is his date, which will be when he surpasses Bruno Sammartino to become the longest-reigning WWE champion in history.
Paul Heyman spoke next that when he was a photographer running around MSG, he knew Bruno Sammartino. He said Bruno belongs in the WWE Hall of Fame, as does Punk. Heyman then claimed that Bruno could never beat Punk. As a matter of fact, Hulk Hogan could never beat Punk. Punk mocked Hogan's ear cup, then Heyman said "another Paul Heyman guy," Stone Cold Steve Austin could never beat Punk, who mocked Austin drinking beers. And then at the Royal Rumble, it will be proven that not even The Rock can beat Punk. Punk did a mock eyebrow to accentuate the point.
Punk then thanked Heyman for setting this all up. He said a lot of people have asked him about how historical his title reign is. Punk then said beating Ryback and John Cena "singlehandedly" last night was his best victory to-date. He said no one thought he was going to win, and only two people thought he could do it - himself and Heyman. Punk started to say he has cemented his legacy, but Ryback's music interrupted.
Ryback charged down the ramp, but Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns attacked Ryback in the entrance ramp. Ryback fought them off, though, then tried to enter the ring, but they tackled Ryback again. Ryback tried to fight them off in the ring as Punk hid behind his posters. They eventually got Ryback out of the ring to the outside and cleared the announce table. Reigns wanted another powerbomb through the table, like at Survivor Series, and they delivered it.
Reigns, Ambrose, and Rollins then stood their ground and observed their work as Punk and Heyman looked at each other. Punk slowly left the ring to survey Ryback as Team Rollins entered the ring. Punk then leaned down next to Ryback and flashed the WWE Title belt in his face. Punk followed by declaring himself Best in the World as he stood over Ryback. The credits came on and Raw signed off 11 minutes past the hour with Punk standing over Ryback.
We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Raw Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of PWTorch.com. To contribute your thoughts on Raw, email to pwtorch@gmail.com .
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
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