WWE NXT Report JAMES'S WWE NXT REPORT 8/5 - Week 174: Samoa Joe vs. Rhyno main event, Kevin Owens & Finn Balor sit-down interviews, Charlotte vs. Bayley, Brooklyn hype, more
Aug 5, 2015 - 11:03:26 PM
WWE NXT Results
August 5, 2015
Taped at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor
Charlotte and Bayley are out for their match that was arranged a few weeks ago.
An unproductive lock-up. More back-and-forth action. Charlotte grabs Bayley's head with her legs and throws her all over the ring. Bayley to the ropes to recover, but she sends Charlotte through the ropes when Charlotte tries to follow up. Bayley puts Charlotte on the mat a few times, then attacks in the corner but Charlotte bounces out with a big boot for two.
[ Break ]
Bayley with a leaping Sunset Flip, then Charlotte with a Figure-Four attempt. Uppercut from Bayley sets up the second rope flying elbow and they are both down. Bayley is hobbling but she has the energy to deliver a strong of running back elbows in the corner and a suplex. Top-rope huracanrana gets a nearfall for Bayley. Spear draws a nearfall for Charlotte, who covers for two.
Charlotte locks in the Figure-Four, but Bayley turns it over, and Charlotte gets to the ropes. Giant chops, but Bayley turns the momentum into a backslide for two. They maintain the hold, then Charlotte pushes to the corner. Bayley flips over using the turnbuckle, and Bayley hits her trademark suplex, but Charlotte kicks out. Incredible sequence.
German Suplex almost pins Charlotte. Bayley charges, eats a boot, then gets school-girled into the turnbuckle. Charlotte sets up a Natural Selection from the second rope, but Bayley blocks, climbs up, and nails a Bayley-to-Belly from the second rope, and it was good for the win.
WINNER: Bayley in 9:12. Really exciting match here. The last few minutes were very intense, especially with the very rare finisher kickout. Giving Bayley the win cements her as the obvious #1 contender, and the right choice to beat Banks at "Takeover: Brooklyn" and carry the title.
[Q2] Sit-down, in-ring interview between Kevin Owens and Michael Cole. Cole questions the sincerity of Owens's apology to William Regal. Owens gets upset. Cole points out that Regal said after the apology that he wants to see Owens get beat. Owens admits to having seen that too, and he's angry because Regal is supposed to be impartial and now he may get screwed. He needs the title back because it means more money and he misses not having a title to carry.
Owens said he has watched WWE for years and knows Regal's history of not being a fair player. He used to respect it, but now it puts him in a position to hurt Owens. Owens proposes to make the re-match a ladder match to ensure that Regal can't screw him and no referee can screw him. Cole asks if Owens can beat The Demon. Owens thinks, then takes off the mic and tosses it at Cole, and walks out.
- Elsewhere, Bull Dempsey is watching his Bull-Fit video from last week. He's disappointed with himself. He vows to do it right this time. He gets to the gym and tries to work out like the other folks. He gets pinned under a 185 lb. bench press attempt. "To be continued..."
[ J.J.'s Reax: Wait, this is actually taking a positive, non-fat-shaming turn? ]
Cutler lands a punch, then gets knocked down by one. End of Days.
WINNER: Baron Corbin in 0:23. It's getting so bad with Corbin, they have to use jobbers that they already fed to him.
Backstage in Regal's office, Bayley comes in and he congratulates her. She is nervous. Regal acknowledges her win streak. Bayley asks for a title match. Regal says she deserves it, but she isn't the only one. He books a #1 contender match for next week against Becky Lynch, and the winner gets the title match at "Takeover: Brooklyn."
Tyler Breeze is out to face an unknown.
Breeze immediately takes Sola to the corner and stomps on him. Breeze is angry that he is given such poor competition. Beauty Shot out of nowhere for the win.
WINNER: Tyler Breeze in 0:55. Good to see Breeze booked strongly.
Post-match, Breeze is celebrating when Regal's music hits. Regal says he is ready to give Breeze the match he deserves. Breeze is impatient to find out who it is. It's Jushin Thunder Liger! "Holy S---!" from the crowd.
[Q3] Video package on Liger. Great package to generate immediate interest in Liger for folks who are not familiar with him.
Byron Saxton with a sit-down interview with Finn Balor. Balor says it has been an emotional year in NXT. He believes in NXT's mission to redefine pro wrestling, and it is a huge honor to be champion.
Saxton asks about Balor's view on Owens hitting Regal. Balor says he used to be friends with Owens but Owens' actions have made him unsurprised at the way Owens behaved. Owens has shown "no class, no respect." Saxton asks about Owens's "provide for my family" mantra. Balor says that Owens is filled with words and they aren't trustworthy.
How do the injuries to Sami Zayn impact Balor's mindset? Zayn has helped Balor to prepare for the match and not underestimate Owens. Balor rejects the notion of revenge for Zayn or what he has said about Balor. Balor is not shocked that Owens wants a specialty match. Balor will prove that his win was not a fluke, and he will gladly do a ladder match. Balor promises a renaissance at Brooklyn. Saxton asks if we will get The Demon in Brooklyn, but Balor is shy.
Dawson and Rawley mix it up on the mat to start. Rawley gets the crowd hyped, then feeds Dawson to Ryder. The announcers pretend they are on Raw and discuss the Breeze-Liger match. Ryder gets isolated. Dawson with lots of his hard-hitting offense. Slingshot suplex gets a two count for Ryder.
Ryder breaks free and tags in Rawley. Rawley gets hyped on Wilder. Double splashes, then a fireman's carry slam. He sets up the second-rope Rough Ryder for the win.
WINNERS: The Hype Bros in 3:35. Interesting booking here, since Dawson and Wilder just got a win.
Post-match, Dawson and Wilder ambush The Hype Bros. and end up standing tall. Ryder takes The Shatter Machine.
[Q4] Backstage, Regal tells the Vaudevillains that he saw what happened last week. Regal empathizes with them. He gives them a re-match at "Takeover: Brooklyn." He advises them to find a way of "curtailing" Alexa Bliss.
"Tale of the Tape" comparing Samoa Joe to Rhyno.
- Continuation of the Bull-Fit. He was able to complete the bench press. He's exercising and getting better. he tries to flip a tire, and everyone stops to watch him and encourage him. He is finally able to do it, and stands on the tire for the Rocky finish.
Lock-up and they break. Joe with a wristlock, then Rhyno reverses into it. Rhyno tries a shoulder block, but Joe shrugs it off, then again. Rhyno shoves Joe, who creams Rhyno with a shoulder block of his own, then lands punches in the corner. Joe sends Rhyno over the ropes, then hits a suicide dive. Rhyno is able to get the advantage on the outside. Joe reverses a whip, lands a back elbow then an enziguiri. "Joe is gonna kill you!" from the crowd. The announcers are still hung up on Breeze-Liger, by the way. Rhyno with a sudden spinebuster for two.
[ Break ]
Rhyno is in control out of the break, but Joe suddenly recovers with punches. STO puts both big men on the mat. Double count from the ref, and they recover at seven. Joe with an atomic drop, running big boot, and running senton for two. Rhyno with a Samoan Drop for a nearfall. Joe fights out of the corner, then hits a jumpkick from the second rope. Joe wants a choke, but Rhyno throws him off. Rhyno calls for the Gore, but eats a boot. Joe locks on a choke, but Rhyno rams him into the turnbuckle and hits a clothesline for two. Rhyno to the second rope, but Joe hits an enziguiri to set up a Musclebuster for the win.
WINNER: Samoa Joe in 8:59. Decent match with a surprising amount of motion for two very big men. It feels like Joe vs. Breeze for the #1 contender spot is inevitable.
Final Reax: Good episode, setting up more matches for Takeover. Lynch-Bayley next week should be good, and the Breeze-Liger official announcement is huge.
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He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
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