TV REPORTS 4/14 MLW TV: Raven, Lynn, Funk, Corino, Kojima
Apr 15, 2003 - 10:47:00 AM
MLW Underground TV review
April 14, 2003
Aired on the Sunshine Network (available on DirecTV and Dish Network)
Taped at the Manhattan Center in New York, N.Y.
Report by Larry Craig, correspondent
Your announcer is Joey Styles (need I say more?).
Show opens with the awesome Rise of the Horsemen Metallica "Sad But True" video package. Great stuff. It cuts from there into the first Extreme Horsemen promo, which is pretty good. Corino talks about the legends of Dusty and Funk being erased forever in one night and the Horsemen of today did it. Simon continues with a promo that would make Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard proud talking about being better than the old timers and that it was their time to shine.
MLW Underground TV Opening.
Joey Styles welcomes us to MLW Underground as the cool and gritty Underground music continues playing. Playing the music through out the opening is a nice addition to the production. Styles brings up how Underground comes to us this week from the historic Manhattan Center where greats like Ric Flair and Bret Hart have all wrestled before in the past. The historic notes about the arena adds to the significance of MLW being there. Neat to see as details are important and are often overlooked in other promotions. The one thing I didn't care for was the small banner that appears behind Joey. It seems too small. Joey recaps last week's show while they show clips of Raven's debut and the forming of the Extreme Horsemen. Also, we will find out the brackets for the first round of the "Global Tag Team Crown".
Another production note, MLW has added its logo to the bottom left corner of the screen like WWE has. Good upgrade in production.
(1) "Dr. Death" Steve Williams & PJ Friedman beat "Afterburn" Tim Arson & Giovanni Jobroni (I'm not kidding... that is his name). The opening moments are quick with PJ (who is green) going right after the legs of Arson before tagging in Williams and heading to a break. MLW returns from a break and "Dr. Death" is destroying the jobbers with his patent spots including a Dr. Bomb and sick clothesline. Friedman then hits a Taz-like snap release dragon suplex on Arson (which the crowd eats up) setting up the go ahead for Williams to finish off Jobroni with the backdrop driver in a quick and decisive win. Big pop for Williams and Freedman following the match. The match was masterfully edited to cut down on the length (I believe I saw a report that said it was in the ballpark of 15 minutes), this version was in the 3-4 minute range and I couldn't tell it had been cut up at all. This match served its purpose in getting a new team over in a fast and destructive manner. I am really looking forward to seeing them in the tournament in the coming weeks.
Back to Joey Styles who informs us that the GTC brackets have been drawn up. Williams & Friedman will face "wild card entrants" Jimmy Yang & Mike Sanders while Los Maximos face the Extreme Horsemen (CW Anderson & Simon Diamond). During this, MLW threw up a nice graphic with the brackets. Nice touch adding the graphics while maintaining the gritty underground feel. Between the recap clips and the new MLW logo at the bottom of the TV screen, their production has improved from last week already.
Commercial break.
MLW is going monthly and they announce their first four months worth of events:
-May 9: Orlando
-June 20: Ft. Lauderdale
-July 26: Orlando
-August 23: St. Pete/Tampa
Paul London package. Talk about one hell of a tease with some great music. MLW had some simple, but effective graphics up saying (paraphrasing here): "Paul London. This May At Tabu. Orlando, Florida." This then goes to Styles who puts him over big, discussing how Rudy Boy Gonzales and Dory Funk Jr. trained him and how he is a daredevil using moves such as the Shooting Star press from anywhere at any point in the match.
Cut to Fuego Guerrero (a/k/a Amazing Red) who is sitting and holding one of his masks. In a real deep, from the heart segment, Fuego explains how there was a young promising Japanese junior who once he dawned the mask, redefined the junior style and became its leader. He is talking about Jushin Liger. Fuego talks about how he (Fuego) was Red but now wants to take his game to the next level... worldwide as Fuego. He shows a lot of potential as a good promo person and once again delivers with a strong promo for someone who has only done a handful of indy ones before. Again, whoever is working with this guy deserves an achievement metal as his indy promos in the northeast up until this point haven't been too hot. To say there is a big change up in Red's ability on the mic is an understatement. Kudos to Red on some good promos thus far on Underground TV.
Cut to Joey Styles who informs us that MLW and Zero-One of Japan have come to terms and MASATO TANAKA will be debuting in a MLW ring at Tabu on May 9 against MIKE AWESOME!!! As Joey drops this huge bomb, Tanaka's famous FMW music plays as he discusses the revival of the feud. This is a great move by MLW as Awesome & Tanaka had one of the best feuds in the late 1990s and Tanaka has only improved while wrestling for Zero-One and Awesome looked pretty darn good against Lynn in December. Again, awesome move to really raise the stakes for the May 9th show.
MLW airs a new version of the System of a Down "Psycho" music video chronicling the Sabu/La Parka feud. The music plays in perfect as the footage builds in its intensity. The last shot is a sick one of Parka in the camel clutch with his mask torn up and blood dripping everywhere. The vignette closes with text saying "Extreme Violence is coming to Tabu." I wish they could add effects to the vignettes like ECW used to, but for a first batch of shows, not bad.
Cut to Fonzie cutting a promo in the back of the arena about Sabu and how they would take on La Parka "any time, anywhere." As he begins to blow his whistle, Parka runs up from behind and beats him down and lays in some ultra stiff kicks. He then literally trashes Fonzie by dumping several huge trash cans on Fonze. Parka then talks trash (in Spanish of course) into the camera as a busted up Fonzie lays in a pile of garbage.
Styles then explains how EMTs are taking Fonzie to a hospital for treatment as he has suffered some obvious injuries. Joey then relays (via his headset) that Parka said (in Spanish) called out Sabu. Joey says the match will be a bloodbath. From the clips of the King of Kings show, it looks like we are going down that road. Looks like a great sequel in the making to a classic original. Overall, enjoyable angle and I found the use of the translation of Parka's promo well done and effective in furthering this intense storyline where neither worker actually speaks English (work or otherwise).
Commercial break.
Ad for and Fuego masks amongst other items.
Back from break and Styles reviews the GTC brackets - which starts next week. He puts over the Extreme Horsemen vs. Los Maximos and reminds fans that we will see Terry Funk vs. Chris Candido next.
(2) Terry Funk beat Chris Candido (w/Tammy Sytch). Sytch has sadly seen better days. Funk and Candido start off with some nice old school psychology. Funk is great at getting the small things over. Crowd seemed to really be on Sytch the entire match. Funk was way over with this NY crowd with his crazy old man antics. The match started out technical with some solid groundwork by Candido and insane jabs by Funk before getting going hardcore all over the arena with Funk even hitting a stiff Japanese style drop DDT on the entrance ramp. At this point, both Funk & Candido are busted and begin to use tables and a ladder that takes its toll on both. Funk even piledrives Candido on the stumpy part of the guardrail in a move that probably hurt him more than Candido. The sickest, perhaps most graphic and comical part of the match occurred near the end when Funk took Sunny and lifted her skirt and bit her on the ass, leaving a blood stained cheek. My friends and I all nearly splattered are beer out during this. It was so funny and sick. It made me miss seeing Terry Funk on a regular basis as there is no one as predictable as the Funker. It's great to see him back in wrestling on Monday nights with MLW. This was partially marked out by either Sunshine or MLW as there was a MLW logo over the actual act. Funk eventually went over with a schoolboy in a nice old school finish that made perfect sense. Needless to say this match had the best of all worlds, with some hardcore, mat work, and comedy all mixed in.
We are back with Joey who puts over the "young lions" of MLW, Fuego Guerrero (MLW shows a nice widescreen clip of Fuego's promo from last week) and then discusses at length CM PUNK arriving in MLW~! Punk has yet to wrestle in MLW (obviously, making his debut at the next show), however Joey cleverly gets around that by getting his character over saying he is an outspoken punk who sketches him (Joey) out. I *think* MLW even went as far to use Punk's occasion theme music (L7) during this monologue about the MLW newcomer. I wish MLW would announce Punk's opponent for the show.
Commercial break.
Steve Corino cuts another incredible promo. Folks, get your Tivo and VCRs ready as this is a great one to add to your collection. Corino, as good if not the best I've ever seen him tells an off the charts promo by explaining how he has accomplished everything Funk did in only 9 years. He then adds that Funk needs to defeat Corino to stop Corino from out achieving him. Corino even brings up how he was trained by Dory Funk Jr. (old WWF dojo reference I think?) in what I thought was another brilliant tie in to the feud. He explains how he knows how to wrestle like a Funk since he's been trained by one. Corino makes for a great leader of the Extreme Horsemen. This is an excellent piece of tape I would recommend going out of your way to get.
Joey then says Sabu arrived at the hospital (even naming what I think is a real New York hospital... another good effort in the direction of making it seem realistic and paying attention to details). Joey relays that Sabu went nuts at the hospital and is mad at Parka for attacking his manager and was even carted away while saying he was going to get revenge on Parka (imagine how that would look? Ha!). Joey then turned his attention towards the upcoming junior match between Fuego Guerrero (Red) and Ikuto Hidaka while MLW shows more widescreen clips of both wrestlers. Focused and intense, the clips educated and drew me into the match. I really now am up for this one. I think these two could steal the show... wait there is also Parka/Sabu, Awesome/Tanaka and Funk/Corino. Man!
Commercial break.
Back from break and its time for the main event.
(3) Satoshi Kojima beat Jerry Lynn to retain the MLW Heavyweight Title. Crowd is really into Lynn... until Kojima comes out and they go nuts. There is a million photographers/press snapping photos as Kojima enters the ring from the MLW entrance ramp. By the way, MLW added an impressive entrance with a lit up logo and early Nitro 1995-96 scaffold/lighting set look. The production value continues to improve. In the early moments of the match, Joey puts over each of their key finishing moves and their strengths/weaknesses, an old school, realistic and effective way to get me and probably others into this classic in the making... Solid back and forth match with a lot of stiff moves and strikes by both guys. The match builds like a slightly accelerated New Japan match, which is fun and refreshing compared to the forced WWE style that they make guys like RVD wrestle these days. Some great offense by both, including a flawless tornado DDT by Lynn. Lynn is perhaps the most consistent awesome worker out there right now as he had a great opener for last week's Underground. Kojima hits a brutal falcon arrow and nearly decapitates Lynn with his lariat for the pinfall. MLW clipped out a few dead parts from what I recall in the DVD, but this easily stole the show. Both men worked damn hard and had what I consider keeper in terms of solid matches and main events. Joey then discusses how Kea was to face Kea at King of Kings (however he has since been injured, which I assume will hopefully be explained in future episodes). Kea then appears at the entrance way and stares down Kojima. After the match, the crowd goes literally berserk for Kojima and this leads to what MLW is calling "the encore heard around the world" and while I was skeptical about such occurring, I actually saw it tonight. The fans chanted his name as he was leaving the ring and he re-entered it and cut a rare promo in ~ENGLISH~ thanking the fans and telling them he loved NY (and tempura for some reason?). They crowd then got even louder as he celebrated with them. This was a real genuine moment where you saw a guy totally connecting with the fans in their collective appreciation for one another. The matches on this show really seemed to be full of excitement with the hardcore & comedy (Funk/Candido), awesome technical display (Kojima/Lynn), and getting over of new talent (Doc/Freedman).
Raven (in some dark place somewhere- parts unknown?!) ends the show making his first comments since debuting last week on MLW TV by discussing the Dead Pool. Raven claims how he started it and disbanded it, playing the heel re-writing history role in a clever angle/promo. He then explains how he hasn't heard a word since the Dead Pool split up and (talking down to Vampiro) that he has heard that Vampiro has been talking smack about him to others after being friends for so long. Raven says it means 1 of 2 things: Vampiro is doing it to get Raven's attention because he has a problem or he wants Raven's help. Either way, Raven is looking forward to seeing which one it is... "Quote the raven nevermore!" Wow. In just a few words, Raven established the background for why he is in MLW and the connection to Vampiro and subsequently just kicked off what could be one of the most intriguing and dark feuds in the early days of MLW.
Notes: Another great show with an emphasis on establishing storylines, introducing new young talent, and setting the tone for the next TV taping and house show. Like I said last week, their TV show reminds me of ECW meets Japan - and I like it! It's hip, fresh and downright fun to watch.
MLW dropped another surprise with the arrival Masato Tanaka and the subsequent signing of a match between he and Awesome for May the 9. I guess All Japan isn't the only Japanese company working with MLW, which is great news as this opens up several other dream matches. It seems like MLW is focusing on bringing in and pushing talent that doesn't show up elsewhere very much. Good move as it gives us a reason (like with Tanaka, Parka, Funk, London, etc.) to tune in since these guys aren't on TV anywhere else.
I do wish MLW had info on their video tapes during the show as I want to buy the DVD with La Parka vs. Sabu on it. I hope they address the lack of commercials for videos.
MLW also kicked up the pace of the storylines for La Parka/Sabu (Fonzie getting trashed by Parka and being "sent to the hospital"), Raven/Vampiro (Raven explaining his beef to some extent with Vampiro either needing help or having a problem with Raven... leading to a possibly very complex feud from the sounds of it so far), Funk/Corino (Corino & Horsemen continuing to talk trash), and other strong angles, promos that told a story and went somewhere without the sports entertainment fluff I've seen so much of in WWE in the past few years.
In a smart move they are announcing matches for next week's TV during this week's episode. Wrestling federations seem to often be unorganized about these things so its nice to see MLW giving us something to remember and look forward to for next week.
MLW going monthly is nice as it tells us they are for real and ceasing to run quarterly (which killed the momentum in my book!). Monthly shows will no doubt be exciting as they seem to add more young and established talent with every show in a "dream match" way while getting them over with vastly improved promos by guys like the Maximos and Fuego.
Last but not least, MLW has improved their production values with improved graphics, music packages, recording of the crowds (you could hear the fans popping and going nuts this week), and introducing a slick entranceway with lighting. They do need to mic the crowds or fix something as on the DVD the audio for the crowds is MUCH stronger. I couldn't hear the Kojima chants or the loud pops during the insane Funk-Corino match like on home video. Lets hopet they do fix that, but this is already a good option for fans to tune into on a weekly basis for consistent quality and variety in their wrestling. EM-EL-DUB! EM-EL-DUB! EM-EL-DUB!
Short form match results (all victories by pinfall);
1. Steve Williams & PJ Freedman beat Giovanni Jobroni & Tim Arson in a squash match with a backdrop driver suplex. (Don't rate squashes).
2. Terry Funk pinned Chris Candido with a cradle.
3. MLW World Champion Satoshi Kojima pinned Jerry Lynn by way of a stiff lariat. This is a keeper that I am glad I taped.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
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