TV REPORTS 8/1 WWE SMACKDOWN: Parks's Ongoing "Real-Time" Coverage of the CW Show
Aug 1, 2008 - 9:00:30 PM
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Contributor
WWE Smackdown review
August 1, 2008
Taped 7/29/08 in Hershey, PA.
Aired on the CW
Report by Greg Parks, Torch Team Contributor
-WWE Open.
-A recap of the last few weeks of the Edge-Vickie mess.
-Smackdown Open.
-JR previewed the show, calling it a “provocative” one, including the Cutting Edge with a very special, unknown guest.
-Jeff Hardy came out to do guest commentating with JR and Mick Foley for the first match.
MVP chastised Hardy once again on the mic before the match. He said he’d show Hardy how a champion operates. MVP dominated the match, save for a few spurts by Yang. MVP took a soft whip into the corner and Yang hit him with a spinning heel kick. He made a mistake coming off the top, and Montel Vontavious Porter turned it into a gut-buster. Straight kick to the head by MVP ended it.
WINNER: MVP, at 2:30. Good showcase match for MVP.
Hardy got the mic, saying he took MVP’s verbal beating like a man last week, and MVP was out talking about it again. Hardy warned MVP that if he ever got personal again, Hardy would take him out. He then hit the Twist of Fate on MVP. Good intensity shown by Jeff, something that’s been lacking during his WWE tenure, past and present.
-Hardy will be back out later, in a match against Great Khali.
[Commercial Break]
-Chavo was wheeling Vickie down the hallway when they came upon Alicia Fox, talking to someone else. Vickie didn’t seem happy that she was still around.
After Kennedy got some offense in, Shelton took a break on the outside. Both JR and Foley noted Kennedy’s lack of wins lately. Lots of basic back-and-forth action. Kennedy stayed on the left arm of Shelton. Kennedy hit his roundhouse kick, but Shelton tripped him up on a running kick attempt. Shelton pulled his arm right into the post, injuring the shoulder.
[Commercial Break]
Benjamin had Kennedy in Chris Jericho move #973 (arm-bar) upon return from break. Cross arm-breaker by Benjamin. Kennedy found a body part to work on, himself- the leg of Shelton. Crowd doesn’t seem to be enthralled with the pace of the match. Cross-body out of nowhere by Shelton for a near-fall. Mic Check by Kennedy put things away.
WINNER: Kennedy, at 14:07. There goes Shelton’s momentum. This match shouldn’t have even been made. Kennedy needed a win, yes, but Shelton also needed to keep winning, so people won’t think it’s another start-stop-start push with him. Just a bad match-up all-around.
Eve Torres went to ringside to interview Shelton after the match. He said he wasn’t going to make excuses, but he shouldn’t have been out there tonight, suffering from an acute case of bronchitis, and just not feeling well.
-Ryder & Hawkins were jamming backstage when Chavo came in. He asked if they knew what Alicia was still doing here, then asked who Edge’s special guest is. They pleaded ignorance, and Chavo told them to tell him right away if they find out.
-Jeff faces Khali tonight.
[Commercial Break]
Kendrick did some mic work before the match, saying he hasn’t changed his personality at all. He talked about teaming with Paul London, putting on a fake smile to get his foot in the door. He then tore down the fans. Kendrick used his feet to his advantage and put Richards in a type of Dragon Sleeper. Boston Crab applied by Kendrick. No offense in the first two minutes from Stevie. The Kendrick missed a splash and Stevie was a fireball of offense. Lo-Down from Stevie for two. Richards kicked Kendrick in the head, right off the apron and into the arms of Ezekiel. Kendrick draped Richards throat-first over the top rope, then hit The Kendrick for the win.
WINNER: The Brian Kendrick, at 3:46.
After the match, Ezekiel put Richards in the Torture Rack to finish him off for good.
-Edge was walking backstage, set to host The Cutting Edge later tonight.
[Commercial Break]
Hardy tried attacking Khali up high for some reason, and ended up running into a clothesline. Khali worked over Hardy in the corner, with elbows and boots. Another elbow from Khali. One-armed bodyslam by Khali. Hard slap to Hardy’s chest in the corner. Hardy fought back, but got sent over the top rope by Khali, where he lay on the mat on the floor as they went to break.
[Commercial Break]
Khali brought Hardy back in, as JR noted he didn’t want to win by count-out. Nerve hold applied by Khali. Hardy fought back again, and hit Whisper in the Wind, then the Swanton. MVP came down to ringside and Hardy dropkicked him through the ropes, then hit a plancha onto him. Hardy fought it out with MVP as Charles Robinson used his discretion to let things go. Khali pulled Hardy back the head. Vice grip applied, and that’s all she wrote.
WINNER: Khali, at 11:34. Fine for what it was, but Khali makes an 11-minute match feeling like 21 minutes.
-Another R-Truth video aired. He talked about spending time in prison.
[Commercial Break]
This is Maria’s Smackdown debut. Waist-lock take-down by Victoria to start things off. Victoria got a one-count on a pin attempt. She really laid in the trash talking. Maria caught Victoria coming back into the ring, but she couldn’t fully take over offense. Scoop slam by Victoria for two. Full-nelson from Victoria and Maria began to fade. Maria backed Victoria into the corner to break the hold. Sunset flip by Maria for two. Maria got the pin on a clothesline off the top that.....let’s say “gently grazed” Victoria.
WINNER: Maria, at 3:19. Not an impressive return to the ring for Maria.
-Edge and Alicia talked backstage. He said he didn’t want her backstage, but rather, in the crowd. That’s why he bought her a ticket, after all. He said he wanted her to see his guest up-close and personal. She agreed.
[Commercial Break]
-A Triple H video aired.
-JR and Foley discussed the SummerSlam card.
-The Big Show came out for his match, which is next.
[Commercial Break]
-Toby Keith hyped Jenny McCarthy’s appearance on Saturday Night’s Main Event.
Show deposited Domino to the outside immediately. Show face-planted Domino, who then got mad and threw his shirt in Show’s face. Just makes it easier for Show to slap Domino in the chest. Chokeslam, goodbye Domino.
WINNER: Show, at 1:17.
Umaga came out after the match. He and Big Show circled each other, but didn’t do any damage.
-Backstage, Chavo confessed that no one knows (or no one will tell him) who Edge’s guest on the Cutting Edge is. He said they’d have to find out like everyone’s next.
[Commercial Break]
-Edge came out for The Cutting Edge. With the lights down low, Edge took a seat in the ring and said all week, he’s been looking for inner peace. He seemed barely able to control his emotions as the crowd cheered for Undertaker. He said every time he closes his eyes, all he sees is the Undertaker. He said tonight, he has surrounded himself with HIS instruments of destruction- tables, ladders and chairs. Edge said he found the person that will survive and thrive in Hell in a Cell...a person who knows Undertaker better than anyone in history. That person is the guest tonight on the Cutting Edge. That person is....Mick Foley. I had a feeling he was going there. Foley had no idea he was the guest. I refer you to my latest blog posted on the Torch website as to my feelings about this.
Foley obliged Edge and entered the ring. Edge told Foley to look past their history because there’s something eating away at Foley. Edge had a video package ready to show Mick what he was talking about. The video package talked about the year 1998, and WWE’s Attitude Era. The video then talked about, and showed, the Hell in a Cell with Foley vs. Taker. The narrator of the video asked if that night would be the legacy of the Hardcore Legend.
Edge told Foley his body feels that match every day still. Edge said Foley doesn’t walk the same as he did before the match happened. Edge said he still sees that fire burn inside Mick. Edge implored Mick to help him, and thus exorcise the demons Foley is still feeling. Foley said there’s a part of him that would like to help Edge, but the last few weeks, Edge hurt Foley’s credibility. Foley said he’s built up his bond with fans, and he has often said Edge is the greatest superstar in WWE. He said the problem is, the fans think he sucks. Foley said Edge has cheated to win and hurt Foley’s credibility. He said he can’t help, but one other person can....Edge himself. Foley said he needs to find the Edge that made Foley call him the greatest superstar in WWE. Foley told him to find the Edge that took Foley himself to the limits in a hardcore match. Foley made fun of Edge and what he has done to woo Vickie. Foley said if he brings that Edge to SummerSlam, and Undertaker would tear him apart. Edge said he understood, then sucker-punched Foley. Foley fought back on the outside and went under the ring for a chair. Edge kicked it into Foley’s face though. He then speared Foley, and Mick’s head bounced off the steel steps, though not with the force I’m sure he would’ve liked. Foley climbed back into the ring and applied the mandible claw. Edge low-blowed him, then placed him on the table. Edge came off the ladder, steel chair in hand, and onto Foley. They showed replays of what just happened as Edge stood over the prone body of Mick Foley.
Greg Parks has been covering Smackdown for since February of 2007. You can also hear him every-other-week in the post-Raw audio show Monday nights in the Torch VIP audio section and read his blog, updated weekly on the site. Comments, questions and feedback is welcome, and can be sent to
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