Other News Torch Indy Weekend Report: Low Ki in IWA, Hero in CZW, Lynn in MN, Strong in PWG
Feb 13, 2007 - 3:55:00 PM
By Chris Vetter, Torch Contributor
Torch Indy Reporter Chris Vetter travels thousands of miles each year to see dozens of indy shows all over the Midwest. His reports covering the entire U.S. Indy Scene are usually published exclusively here at PWTorch.com every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
The weekend began with a big show for IWA-Mid South in Plainfield, Ind., where Chuck Taylor retained his title by defeating Davey Richards. Also on the show, Low Ki defeated Drake Younger, and Jimmy Jacobs defeated Colt Cabana. Results of that show are below.
On Saturday, PWG headed to Van Nuys, Calif., where El Generico & Quicksilver defeated Roderick Strong & Davey Richards to retain the PWG tag titles. Fans described the match as “fantastic and brutal,” and Strong apparently bled hardway near his eye.
Also on Saturday, DJ Hyde defeated Chris Hero in Philadelphia to win the CZW Ironman title. Results of that show are below.
A fund-raiser show in Elk River, Minn., drew a legit 500 fans to the high school to see Jerry Lynn and Lenny Lane in action. Sounds like a good show, but I was at a party for my brother, who just returned home from his deployment overseas.
In other news…
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla will be back in action on Feb. 24, with Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin vs. El Generico & Quicksilver. For more on this show, check out www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com.
And you can always reach me with your indy results at chrisjvetter@hotmail.com. I request that you remember to say date, location (including building, city & state!), and full name of the promotion.
IWA-Mid South, Feb. 9, Plainfield, Ind.: Ricochet defeats Marcus O’Neall and Zach MacGuire and OMG and Jack Thriller and Nate Webb in a six-way, CJ Otis defeats Vortekz, Billy Roc defeats Jimmy Shalwin, Jimmy Jacobs defeats Colt Cabana, Brandon Thomaselli defeats Tarek the Great, Low KI defeats Drake Younger, Chuck Taylor defeats Davey Richards, Drake Younger wins a hardcore rumble to become new IWA Death Match champion.
Northern Wrestling Federation, Feb. 9, Cincinnati, Ohio: Ice vs. Pompano Joe ended in a time-limit draw, Dr. Melvin Winkleman defeats the Crybaby, Danny Montgomery defeats the Warlock, Jesse Hyde defeats Bodacious, The Thugs defeat Tiny Tim & Christopher Michael Lotus, Stewie Backlund vs. Ryan Stone ended in a no contest.
Georgia Wrestling Promotions, Feb. 9, Ellijay, Ga.: Tank defeats Ryan Michaels, Shawn Tempers defeats Kid Ego Jr., Traci Taylor defeats Melissa Coates, High Impact defeats the Hollywood Brunettes, Adrian Hawkins defeats Sal Rinauro, Ranger Ross vs. Nightmare ends in a double DQ, Tank defeats Johnny Swinger.
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, Feb. 10, Van Nuys, Calif.: Ronin defeats Scott Lost, Karl Anderson defeats Disco Machine, Joey Ryan defeats Frankie Kazarian, Zokre & Phoenix Star & TJ “Puma” Perkins defeat Super Dragon & Rocky Romero & Bino Gambino, Chris Bosh defeats Claudio Castagnoli, Kevin Steen vs. Human Tornado went to a draw after outside interference, Human Tornado defeats Joey Ryan, El Generico & Quicksilver defeat Roderick Strong & Davey Richards.
Combat Zone Wrestling, Feb. 10, Philadelphia, Penn.: Metro Sickness defeat the Wild Stallions, Grim Reefer defeats Javi-Air, the Great Blazini defeats Ryan McBride, Niles Young & Derek Frazier defeat Hallowicked & Jigsaw, Toby Klein defeats Mitch Ryder & Maven Bentley in a handicap match, Sabian & Ruckus defeat Lucky & JC Ryder and Andy Sumner & Drew Gulak, DJ Hyde defeats Chris Hero to win the ironman championship, Drake Younger defeats Vortekz and Danny Havoc, Justice Pain defeats Nick Gage.
Insane Wrestling Federation, Feb. 10, Dearborn, Mich.: N8 Mattson & Truth Martini & Zach Gowen defeat Danny Daniels & Trik Davis & Tyler Black, Eddie Venom defeats Jeff Brooks, the Cold brothers defeat Chris Hybrid & Rosco Jennings, Jimmy Jacobs defeats Tracy Smothers, CJ Otis defeats Conrad Kennedy III, Jeff King defeats D-Ray 3000, 2 Tuff Tony & Corp. Robinson & the DBA defeat Ian Decay & Rik Matrix & Necro Butcher, the Soul Shooters defeat Pat Tanaka & Dylan Knight, Colt Cabana vs. Chris Sabin ended in a 30-minute draw.
NWA Upstate, Feb. 10, Rochester, N.Y.: The Dustytaker defeats Johnny Kayfabe, the McCloud Brothers defeat Da Barrio Boyz, Brandon Thurston defeats Ivan Radske and Rip Impact and JPG in a four-way, Cody Deaner defeats Colin Olsen, Mark Krieger & Dewey & Chip Stetson defeat the Dynasty, 21st Century Fox defeats Synndy, Pepper Parks defeats Sweet Lou and D to the Icky and Gabe Saint and Spazz and Joe Sloan in a six-way, Steve Corino & Ricky Landell defeat Sterling James Keenan & Larry Sweeney, Mastiff defeats Eric Everlast, Rhythm & Booze & JP Black defeat The Roadies & Van Atlas, Bobby Fish defeats John McChesney, Jimmy Olsen defeats Brodie Lee and Cloudy.
Lethal Wrestling Alliance, Feb. 10, Affton, Mo.: Brian Ladd defeats Johnny Vinyl, Dingo defeats Jordan Lacey, Nick Tyson defeats Evan Gelistico and K.C. Karrington in a three-way, Dorian Victor defeats Brandon Espinosa, Billy McNeil defeats Steven Kennedy, Shorty Biggs & CJ McManus defeat Adam Raw & Bryan James, Gary the Barnowl defeats Dan Velten.
American Wrestling Federation, Feb. 10, Elk River, Minn.: Cory & Cody O’Neill defeat Angel Armoni & Major Mayhem, Thoruf defeats Johnny Parks, JB Trask & James Thomas & Big Daddy Hoofer defeat Mason Quinn & Chris Jordan & John Johnson, Lenny Lane defeats Black Stallion via DQ, Jerry Lynn defeats Mitch Pardise, Tony DeNucci defeats Pete Huge & Joey Envy in a handicap match.
UPWA, Feb. 10, Wilmington, N.C.: Marcus Shields defeats Bam the Destroyer, the North/South Connection defeat LA Tank & Beast, Beast defeats Solitude, John Thundercloud & Wicked defeat Biggie Sanchez & Derek Snow, Carnage defeats Pete Nixon, the Dream Lovers defeat the Dawsons, K.C. McKnight defeats Xavier Rush, Aidiean defeats Sgt. Small.
New Era Wrestling, Feb. 10, Shelbyville, Ind.: Ryan Rich & Rob Ramer defeat the Hybrids, Troy Van Zant defeats Luis Rojas, Big Jon Wall defeats Bobo Brazil Jr. via DQ, Damian Cole defeats Marc Huston via DQ, Donnie Idol won a battle royal, Shawn Cook defeats PT Hustla, Hillbilly Jed & Indiana Kidd Jr. defeat Tom Van Zant & Bobby Black.
EWF, Feb. 10, Marion, Ind.: Nate Pheonix defeats Tony X, Wildman Rogers defeats Louis Linaris via DQ, Bob defeats Fallen Dragon, Jay West defeats Jake Omen, Richards Cannon defeats Andy Santos, Dark Lion vs. Just Justin ended in a no contest, Hank Calhoun defeats Osyris via countout.
Northern Wrestling Federation, Feb. 10, Wilmington, Ohio: Tiny Tim defeats the Zodiac, Muldoon defeats Dr. Melvin Winkleman, Michael Lotus defeat the Crybaby, Anthony Bryant defeats Austin Meddler, the Hippies defeat the Thugs via DQ, American Eagle & Stewie Backlund defeat Roger Ruffen & Ryan Stone.
Hawaii Championship Wrestling, Feb. 10, Wahiawa, Hawaii: Big Daddy Frank won a battle royal, Big Daddy Frank defeats Ma Hu Wong, Kaimana defeats Kenjiro and Kamu in a three-way, Kaniala defeats Mr. Spa Fitness.
SWA Xtreme, Feb. 10, Westminster, S.C.: Chocolate Thunder defeats Damon Studd, Josh Austin defeats Kid Casanova, Corp. Punishment defeats Zero, James Boulevard & Casey J defeat the Josh & Mike Frehley, Billy Starr & Panhead Nelson & Canadian Crusader defeat Bobby Holbrooks & Corp. Punishment & Tommy Sawyer, Bad Jack & Draven defeat Havoc & Backdraft.
Northern Impact Wrestling, Feb. 11, Amery, Wis.: Malikite defeats Kid Extreme, Venom defeats Trent Jones and Benjamin Sailer in a three-way, Shawn Slade defeats Ryan Stone, Punisher Rob James defeats Kid Krazy, The Prophet defeats Kleck Michaels, James Thomas defeats Bret O’Brian, Chris Jordan & Pete Huge defeat Darin Corbin & Ryan Cruz.
Xtreme Intense Championship Wrestling, Feb. 11, Warren, Mich.: Tommy Titus defeats Whiplash, Jeff Brooks & Jason Harris defeat Anti-American Kickboxer & Tarek the Great, Eddie Venom defeats Kris Korvis, Jeff King defeats Kamikaze, Johnny Dynamo defeats Brad Martin, Phil Atlas defeats Gutter, N8 Mattson defeats Josh Abercrombie, Truth Martini & Jaimy Coxx defeat Levi Blue & The Gameboy, the DBA vs. Joe Byrd went to a no-contest, CJ Otis defeats Necro Butcher.
Plymouth Championship Wrestling, Feb. 13, Sioux City, Iowa, the Masonic Temple, 7 p.m.
Ring of Honor, Feb. 16, New York, N.Y., the Manhattan Center (Grand Ballroom), 8 p.m., with Homicide vs. Jimmy Rave, Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal vs. Austin Aries & Roderick Strong, Samoa Joe vs. Takeshi Morishima, B.J. Whitmer vs. Brent Albright in a tables match, Adam Pearce vs. Delirious, Jack Evans vs. Shingo vs. Davey Richards vs. Jimmy Jacobs, Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Nigel McGuinness & Colt Cabana.
Chikara Pro, Feb. 16, Hellertown, Penn., “King of Trios, Night 1,” with The Patriot & USApe & Kidd USA vs. Gran Akuma & Icarus & Chuck Taylor, Larry Sweeney & Mitch Ryder & Robbie Ellis vs. Brandon & Sal & Vito Thomaselli, Yoshiaki Yago & KUDO & Miyawaki vs. American Ballon & Danshoku Dino & Nobutaka Moribe, UltraMantis Black & Hydra & Crossbones vs. Los Ice Creams. In non-tournament matches will be Jigsaw & Shane Storm vs. 2.0, Ricochet vs. Maxime Boyer, Cheech & Cloudy vs. Lucky & Ryder.
Absolute Intense Wrestling, Feb. 16, Shaker Heights, Ohio, the high school, with Raymond Rowe, the CutThroat Crew, Starlesss.
UWA, Feb. 16, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, at St. John’s Hall, with Josh Prohibition vs. Ruckus vs. M-Dogg 20, Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin vs. Bishop & Lionel Knight, Joker & Sabian vs. Ricky Reyes & Puma, Sonjay Dutt vs. Tyler Black, Arik Cannon vs. Josh Abercrombie, Payson vs. Virus vs. Rip Impact vs. Phil Atlas vs. Dunn vs. Marcos in a six-man scramble, Asylum & Jennifer Blake vs. Derek Wylde, Olsen twins vs. the North Star Express.
MXW Wrestling, Feb. 16, Cottage Grove, Minn.
Ring of Honor, Feb. 17, Philadelphia, Penn., the armory, 7:30 p.m., with Homicide vs. Takeshi Morishima, Samoa Joe vs. Davey Richards, Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico, Roderick Strong vs. Delirious, Claudio Castagnoli vs. Austin Aries, Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal vs. Jack Evans & Shingo Jimmy Jacobs & Adam Pearce & Lacey vs. Daizee Haze & B.J. Whitmer & Colt Cabana.
International Wrestling Cartel, Feb. 17, Elizabeth, Penn., Court Time Sports Center, with Ricky Reyes vs. Brent Albright, Low Ki vs. Sterling James Keenan, Eric Young vs. Larry Sweeney, Jason Gory & Shiima Xion & Danshoku Dino vs. Sexual Harrassment & Maverick, KUDO vs. HENTAI, and the return of Dennis Gregory.
Chikara Pro, Feb. 17, Barnesville, Penn., “King of Trios, Night 2,” featuring the trios teams of Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw & Shane Storm, Joey Ryan & Scott Lost & Chris Bosh, Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt & Alex Shelley, the Colony, Hallowicked & Cheech & Cloudy, Ruckus & Joker & Sabian. In non-tournament matches, Miyawaki & Yago vs. the Olsen twins, Gran Akuma vs. Masamune, Player Uno vs. Icarus, Chuck Taylor vs. Create-A-Wrestler.
AAW, Feb. 17, Berwyn, Ill., the Eagles Club, with Tyler Black vs. Tony Scarpone, Jayson Reign vs. Chandler McClure, Bryce Benjamin & Shane Hollister vs. Trik Davis & a mystery partner, Michael Prater vs. Krotch, and matches with Marek Brave, Zach Gowen, Eric Priest, Derek St. Holmes, Silas Young, Rasche Brown, Jay Ryan, Ryan Boz, Dan Lawrence, Phil Atlas.
Pro Wrestling Unplugged, Feb. 17, Philadelphia, Penn., New Alhambra Arena, special 2:30 p.m. start time, with Devon Moore vs. Ian Rotten, Raven vs. Corp. Robinson, Jay Briscoe vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Jose Maximo vs. Joel Maximo in a number one contenders match, Homicide vs. 2 Tuff Tony, Backseat Boyz vs. All Money is Legal, Sinister X vs. Pete Hunter, Amy Lee & Angel Orsini vs. Mercedes Martinez & Mickie Knuckles.
IWS, Feb. 17, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, at Bogey’s World, with Jake Matthews vs. Champion Viking, Twiggy & Pornstar Juan vs. Dru Onyx & Green Phantom, Exess vs. Stefany, Beef Wellington & Kid Kamikaze vs. Chris Bishop & Lionel Knight.
Northstar Premier Wrestling, Feb. 17, West St. Paul, Minn., the armory, with Joey Envy vs. Kid Krazy in a ladder match! Also, Mitch Paradise vs. James Thomas, Mason Quinn vs. Tony Denucci, Arya Daivari vs. JB Trask, Big Daddy Hoofer vs. Angel Armani, Zero Tolerance vs. Cody & Cory O’Neill, Aaron Corbin vs. Stevie Cool.
MCW Wrestling, Feb. 17, St. Paul, Minn.
EWF, Feb. 17, Marion, Ind., “Legends Night,” with Greg “the Hammer” Valentine, Marty Jannetty, Ricky Morton and Tracy Smothers making an appearance!
Chikara Pro, Feb. 18, Philadelphia, Penn., “King of Trios, Night 3.”
CWE, Feb. 18, Girard, Ohio, the Holiday Inn Metroplex.
GOUGE, Feb. 21, Raleigh, N.C., the Kings Barricade.
Ring of Honor, Feb. 23, Dayton, Ohio, the Montgomery County Fairgrounds, with Homicide vs. B.J. Whitmer, Samoa Joe vs. Jimmy Rave, Austin Aries vs. Matt Sydal.
IWA-Mid South, Feb. 23, Midlothian, Ill., the Park Rec building, with Steve Corino vs. Mickie Knuckles, CJ Otis vs. Drake Younger.
NWA Central States, Feb. 23, Lawrence, Kan., the armory, 7:15 p.m. start.
Ring of Honor, Feb. 24, Chicago, Ill., The Windy City Field House, with Samoa Joe & Homicide vs. Nigel McGuinness & Takeshi Morishima, Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe, Colt Cabana vs. Jimmy Jacobs in a “Windy City Death Match.”
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, Feb. 24, Van Nuys, Calif., with El Generico & Quicksilver vs. Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin, Human Tornado & Kevin Steen & Taliban Talwar vs. Joey Ryan & Chris Bosh & Scott Lost.
3XW Wrestling, Feb. 24, Ottumwa, Iowa, the armory, with Arik Cannon vs. Gage Octane, Brian Ash vs. Devin Carter, Ben Sailer & Nate Bash vs. Darin Corbin & Ryan Cruz, and matches with Tyler Black, Danny Danniels, Casanova, Cowboy Gator Magraw, Arya Daivari, Bryce Benjamin, Ryan Slade, Aaron Masterson.
GOUGE Wrestling, Feb. 24, Stem, N.C., the fire hall., with Trailer Park Heat vs. Major DeBeers.
Blackball’d Wrestling Organization, Feb. 24, Phoenixville, Penn., the Top Gun Wrestling Academy, 7 p.m., with Matt Bomboy vs. Kid Kaos, Dark Angel vs. Fizzle, the Williams Brothers vs. Team Evil, Salvation 2K6 vs. the Krotch Stomp Kings, Alan Cross vs. Massive Mike.
Lethal Wrestling Alliance, Feb. 24, House Springs, Mo., the Knights of Columbus Hall.
SWA Xtreme, Feb. 24, Westminster, S.C., the arena.
Maryland Championship Wrestling, Feb. 25, Dundalk, Md., the MCW Arena, with Amy (Lita) Dumas and Abyss making an appearance, Danny Doring vs. Christian York with the winner facing champion Adam Flash later in the show, Alex Shelley vs. Ruckus vs. Derek Frazier, Jason Static vs. Danny Jaxx, the Ghetto Mafia vs. The Holy Rollers, Genesis vs. Bruiser.
World Women’s Wrestling, Feb. 25, Somerville, Mass., Good Time Emporium, 3 p.m.
F.I.S.T. Wrestling, Feb. 25, Fairview Heights, Ill., at KC Hall, with Matt Sydal, Brian James, Ryan Ash, Brian Ladd, Dingo, Nick Tyson, Brett Gakiya, Tommy Knight.
Pro Wrestling RUSH, March 1, Mankato, Minn., the Bandana Brewery, with Rain vs. Mystique, Casanova vs. Renny D, Shimdog vs. Devin Carter.
Victory Pro Wrestling, March 2, Centereach, N.Y., the VFW Hall.
Mercury 1 Wrestling, March 2, Rockwood, Wis., featuring day 1 of a 12-man tournament!
Ring of Honor, March 3, Liverpool, England, with Homicide vs. Davey Richards, Samoa Joe vs. Nigel McGuinness, Delirious vs. Matt Sydal, Roderick Strong vs. PAC, Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Naruki Doi & Shingo, Colt Cabana & B.J. Whitmer vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Jimmy Rave, Sara Del Ray vs. Allison Danger.
Plymouth Championship Wrestling, March 3, Sioux City, Iowa, the Masonic Temple, 7 p.m.
Mercury 1 Wrestling, March 3, Green Bay, Wis., featuring the finals of a 12-man tournament!
Central Empire Wrestling, March 3, West Chester, Iowa, at the high school, 7 p.m., with Devin Carter vs. Jimmy Rockwell, Arya Daivari & Tyler Cook vs. Darin Corbin & Ryan Cruz, Gage Octane vs. Brian Ash vs. Michael Strider in a three-way, Aaron Corbin vs. Austin Bayliss, Owen Donovan vs. Mic Meyhem.
Jersey Shore Wrestling, March 3, Union City, N.J., the AWA wrestling school, with EC Negro, Danny Demanto, Alicia, Johnny D, ChaCha, Archadia, Corvis Fear.
Minnesota Independent Wrestling, March 3, Clearwater, Minn., at the American Legion hall, with Pete Huge vs. Joey Envy, Chris Jordan vs. Matt Burns.
W.A.R. Wrestling, March 3, Lima, Ohio, the UAW Hall, with Steve Stone vs. Matt Mason, The Jihad vs. Delivery Inc. vs. the Soul Shooters in a three-way tag match, Jon Moxley vs. Brian Beech.
Hoosier Pro Wrestling, March 3, Columbus, Ind., with Tank Toland and former WWE developmental wrestler Jack Bull.
Ohio Championship Wrestling, March 3, Ashland, Kent., the national guard armory, 7:30 p.m.
Ring of Honor, March 4, Liverpool, England, 5 p.m. bell, with Samoa Joe’s final ROH match, plus Nigel McGuinness vs. Jimmy Rave, B.J. Whitmer vs. Jimmy Jacobs, Colt Cabana vs. Delirious, Matt Sydal vs. PAC.
Absolute Intense Wrestling, March 9, Mentor, Ohio, at the Funky Frog Night Club.
Full Impact Pro, March 10, Crystal River, Fla., The “Eddie Graham Memorial Battle of the Belts” tournament featuring Roderick Strong, Mark & Jay Briscoe, Delirious, Shingo, Erick Stevens and Larry Sweeney.
AAW, March 10, Berwyn, Ill., the Eagles Club.
Anarchy Championship Wrestling, March 11, San Antonio, Texas, with Scotty Riggs vs. Darin Childs, Jacob Ladder vs. Mitch Ryder, Rachel Putski vs. Ann Brookstone, Showtime Summers vs. Mike Quackenbush.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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