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DVD Review: Burgan reviews ROH Uncensored Vol. 1 - Teddy Hart, Konnan, Insane Clown Posse

Oct 23, 2004 - 3:28:00 PM

By Derek Burgan, Torch Media Guy

Torch DVD Review
ROH Uncensored Volume One

Before we start, you should be aware there is a HUGE sale going on over at for $12-$15 DVDs. Click Here to check it out. Getting Road to the Title and All Star Extravaganza for 12 bucks is a STEAL. As for everything else, my top five of what’s available would be: 1. Main Event Spectacles (SCRAMBLE CAGE) 2. Final Battle 2003 (MUTA) 3. Wrath of the Racket (JIM CORNETTE) 4. War of the Wire (Corino-Homicide epic) 5.One Year Anniversary Show (RIOT!) But seriously, at those prices you can’t go wrong with any pick.

Now then, when I went to Philly a couple weeks ago to see the Midnight Express Reunion Show I picked up a couple discs at the fabled ROH gimmick table. The first one I grabbed was the incredible Mick Foley shoot. The second one I picked up was ROH Uncensored Volume 1. This is a collection of Showcase matches along with the more infamous moments in Ring of Honor’s history - such as the Insane Clown Posse’s appearance - that were cut on the home video releases.

The first group of matches are miscellaneous Showcase matches from various shows.

(1) The Outcast Killaz (Oman Tortuga & Diablo Santiago) beat Lit & Cloudie (w/Special K). This match was shot really weird as there was a blue tint to everything. Ever see the movie Payback with Mel Gibson? It was like that. I hate to say this, because it seems that Lit is part of a crew that contains two wrestlers I really enjoy (Teddy Hart and Deranged), but Lit absolutely sucks. Cloudie is wrestling’s version of Rudy. “You’re 5 foot nothing. A hundred and nothing.” They both acted high before the match and it just came across horrible. Oman and Cloudie had an interesting little exchange to start the match but it was quickly ruined when Lit came in with the worst looking forearms in wrestling history. The finish came rather early as the Killaz did some sort of dropkick straight into a suplex finisher on Lit. (2:00) Eh.

How to improve ROH DVDs part I. One thing to note, there is absolutely no commentary on any match in this DVD. I find this inexcusable. ROH has tried on several occasions (during the A.J. Styles-American Dragon match at Main Event Spectacles and the Second City Saint’s tag team title win at Reborn: Stage II) to do no commentary on their main shows. I can see what they are trying to accomplish as, I believe, they are trying to get across what it is like to be at a wrestling show. First of all, there is nothing a DVD can do to recreate being at a show live. It’s impossible. It’s like watching football for years on TV and then going to an actual NFL game. It’s night and day and if FOX TV can’t recreate the experience with a Million dollar budget there is no way in hell an Indie wrestling promotion can. I am of the belief that many factors go into making wrestling enjoyable. The first is obviously the wrestlers themselves. The second is a good ref. Next comes good camerawork followed by decent lighting and finally announcing. If any one of these factors is a disappointment it takes down the whole match. Announcers are vital to enjoying a match on TV as they can add to a great match by showing the little nuances that wrestlers such as American Dragon and C.M. Punk will do throughout a long match. Think about it, for just about any big time play in major league history – like Kirk Gibson’s dramatic home run to beat the A’s in Game One of the ’88 World Series – they include the call by the announcer. Why? Because it adds to the moment. Jack Buck’s “I don’t believe what I just saw!” is every bit a part of Gibson’s homer as the hit itself.

I understand that some people don’t like the announcing, and usually that is because the announcing is horrible. I was actually a big fan of the Chris Lovey/Ray Morrow era of ROH because they came across as people passionate about the product (as compared to say Todd Grisham in the WWE) but I can also see why people didn’t like them. Well, that’s why God invented the mute button. The point is, not only can announcers add a little bit more to a great match (just listen to Jim Ross call any of Steve Austin or Mick Foley’s big matches) but they can help save a boring match. A wrestling match with no commentary that contains guys who aren’t portrayed as stars in front of an audience who doesn’t give a shit comes across like crap onscreen. A 4 minute match seems to last forever. Good announcers would be able to fill this time up and maybe help get the guys in the match over.

(2) Luis Ortiz beat Jose Perez. Pretty much non-descript wrestlers here. Ortiz came out to a Linkin Park song (“Over the Edge”) had had weirder facial hair than Jeff Hardy at the height of his insane stage.They went to rest holds early and I was quickly hitting the fast forward button. Ortiz got the win after hitting a Death Valley Driver followed by a roll up. (6:50)

How to improve ROH DVDs part II. This is going to tie in with the announcing rant above. Besides just having the basic crew (of Jimmy Bower, Mark Nulty and occasionally C.M. Punk) there should be alternate audio. You can go several different ways with this. The first is to have commentary on each match by people who were in the match. One of the things I liked most about the recent Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero DVDs from the WWE is that there was optional commentary BY THEM. I would love to hear Colt Cabana and Ace Steel do commentary on Second City Saints matches, how funny would that be? I’m not sure if he would do it, but I would also like to hear American Dragon do commentary on one of his matches. Imagine being able to listen to his thoughts through his match against Austin Aries at Testing the Limit. They can talk about anything. They can tell road stories or explain what they were trying to accomplish during the match, it doesn’t matter. Let’s hear Mick Foley or Rick Steamboat comment on the one match they were a part of. Why not let Loc & DeVito do a Carnage Crew match or some Special K kids talk?

Secondly, and god knows this will be controversial, but I think there should be a second audio track by either industry professionals or some “Smart Marks.” Here’s what I’m getting at. Most of the stuff on the Wrestling Gold series sucks ass. However, I would recommend that series to EVERY wrestling fan because of the optional commentary by Dave Meltzer and Jim Cornette. In fact it should be mandatory that every fan buy one of these DVDs to hear these two guys talk. I personally love the commentary tracks on Kevin Smith’s films as it’s a blast just to here him and Ben Affleck cut each other up. There is a ton of guys ROH could approach for this, and while I’m not saying all of them would accept, someone would. Here’s just a small list: Dave Meltzer, Wade Keller, Bryan Alvarez, Bruce Mitchell, James Guttman, Jason Powell, Scott Keith, and literally dozens if not hundreds of other choices. All of these guys have followings on the Internet and that is the audience ROH is trying to reach. I can’t even imagine how many readers of James Guttman and Jason Powell, for example, who wouldn’t give ROH the time of day right now but would immediately pick up a DVD if they found out there was a bonus commentary by them. And who knows, ROH might strike gold and find a pair of guys who provide commentary that’s just as good as the show itself (think MST3K).

I have to think there are two types of ROH fans. The ones who buy every single show no matter what, and the others who buy select shows based on the card and what they have read on the net. ROH needs to do everything they can to get people from the second group into the first group. One way to do that is to have a feature on the DVDs that are independent of the card itself which is exactly why the Wrestling Gold DVDs with Meltzer and Cornette are so good. You could put Meltzer and Cornette on commentary for the most recent WWE Unforgiven DVD and you know what, I’d buy that too. And I’m sure as hell not the only one.

(3) Slyk Wagner Brown (w/April Hunter) & The Grim Reefer beat The Ring Crew Express (Dunn & Marcos). When the Grim Reefer came out for this match I was like, “WTF? Isn’t he part of Special K or the Rotweillers?” This would be confirmed later on that he was indeed part of the Rotweillers at this point so I have absolutely no idea why he is being booked as Brown’s tag team partner. And speaking of the Rotweillers, you gotta admit that the current version of the group (Homicide, Low Ki, the Havana PitBulls and Julius Smokes) is hands down the best group in wrestling. Anyhoo, the match itself was pretty decent as Dunn & Marcos were the first guys the crowd actually really popped for. Grim Reefer did a neat little walk-the-ropes/senton onto Dunn. Get This finish, Slyk was on the top rope and Dunn flipped Marcos up to. I’m sure it was to perform a huracanrana or whatever. Anyway, Slyk caught Marcos, came down and hit some sort of Urinage or Rock Bottom on Marcos for the win. Dunn just watched this, and “tripped” over the ropes so that he couldn’t make the save. Bad. Just bad. (7:00) Am I the only one on Earth who doesn’t find April Hunter the least bit attractive?

(4) Allison Danger beat Sarah Stock. Speaking of attractive girls. Allison Danger looked really cute here and Stock, who I have never seen before, wasn’t hard on the eyes either. Stock also had a Canadian Maple Leaf printed on her ass along with one printed across her breasts. The match itself certainly wasn’t bad for a women’s match, but that’s not saying much. Danger wins with the STO. (4:15) If I remember right, at one of the cards held at the RexPlex (Reborn: Completion I believe) there was a Showcase match with Allison Danger and Daizee Haze. Now THAT is what I want to see on Uncensored Volume Two. Get on it Gabe~!

(5) Bison & Slugga (w/The Grim Reefer & Benny Blanco) beat The Solution. Oh my God, this guy Bison actually has a bison silhouette on his ass. Slugga is the former security guard for Special K who looks really cool and intimindating in a black suit but looks like an absolute idiot in wrestling gear. So of course he was in wrestling gear for this match. The Solution are just two guys who I can best explain as “High Voltage gone to seed.” The match itself was pretty short and not very good at all. Slugga hit the BodyBag on one of the guys in The Solution for the win. (3:15)

How to improve ROH DVDs part III. On one of the earlier ROH releases, I believe Road to the Title there was a bonus feature that had a 10 minute Shoot Interview with Brian Kendrick (a.k.a. ‘Spanky’) This was absolutely fantastic. Most wrestling fans have never seen a Shoot Interview but I feel pretty confident that if they got a taste of one they would be inclined to try them out. Now that ROH has it’s own Straight Shootin’ series the chance to promote that series, along with adding a really cool bonus to an ROH DVD, is to include 5-15 minutes of one of their shoots. Even better, plan ahead and ask 1 or 2 questions per Straight Shootin’ interview and have them exclusive to whichever ROH DVD they will be featured on. I truly believe that if any one were hedging their bets on actually buying a Straight Shootin’ DVD because of whatever reason (“I heard the quality wasn’t that good”, “I don’t really know what they are like and don’t want to risk $20 bucks finding out”) would be totally convinced after seeing 10 minutes of the Mick Foley interview. Personally, I can’t see myself buying the Scandor Actbar shoot, but if I saw 10 minutes of it and it came across great, I’d definitely change my mind. Have that goof talking about the Von Erichs and who knows how many orders you would generate with people looking to hear the dirt!

(6) Slyk Wagner Brown (w/April Hunter) beat Jimmy Cash. Jimmy Cash has nothing whatsoever to do with E.Z. Money other than the fact they both have stupid names. In fact the box says it’s Jimmy “Jact” Cash. What the F--- does “Jact” mean? Cash claimed to be the “Cadillac of the Indie Scene” on the way to the ring. I think that guy Bison in the match above would be the “Honda Civic.” Even though this is only the second Slyk match on the disc, it feels like the 10th and I have no idea why. Brown won after some sort of slam off the top rope. (6:00) Not great, but not that bad either.

(7) AngelDust & Hydro (w/Special K) beat The Ring Crew Express. Holy shit! Both Becky Bayless and Dana Dameson came out with Special K and looked HOT AS HELL. And Get This, in a WTF moment to top all WTF moments, Howard Stern’s own Fred the Elephant Boy came out with Special K. Speaking of Howard Stern regulars, I just watched ROH’s Testing the Limit show this weekend and I am convinced that 2 Cold Scorpio now looks like a taller version of Stern’s BeetleJuice character. ”Oh no he didn’t!” Hydro hit a small package on Marcos for the win. (6:20) Good little match.

Final Battle 2003 Convention Card Ahh, Final Battle 2003. This is one of those shows that I think should be in every ROH fan’s collection just because it comes across so great. The crowd was JAKKED, the DVD itself looks major league and there is the added bonus of guys like the Great Muta, Kojima and Hayashi.

(8) Sumie Sakai beat Allison Danger. Danger actually looked hot here compared to the cute she looked before. Don’t ask me what the difference is, but it’s noticeable. The only thing I don’t like is that f---ing white streak in her hair. When she uses Blue or Purple it actually looks sexy but the white just makes her look like a skunk to me. I am FIXATED on Sumie Sakai’s theme song. It’s mesmerizing. However, Sakai came to the ring in a red, white and blue cowgirl-like outfit that is incredible for how stupid it is for her character. This is something I would expect to see back when G.L.O.W. was on for a girl named “Miss Texas” or something. Oh man, do I miss GLOW. The bad skits. The even worse wrestling. But let me tell you something, I was IN LOVE with Hollywood from the “Hollywood & Vine” tag team. This is her. Now she is like some high paid stripper over at who will come to your apartment and “wrestle” you for $325 an hour. Remember though, “NO SEX!” “NO NUDITY!” The match itself was pretty fun and Siaki really shined. The finish came after two top rope dropkicks from Sakai but Danger somehow kicked out at two. Sakai went for a moonsault, but found no one home. Danger hit a clothesline but Sakai snuck in a weird looking roll up for the pin. (4:20)

C.M. PUNK HIT THE RING! Allison Danger quickly ran to the back but Siaki stayed in the ring. Sakai held out her hand for Punk to shake, but when Punk went for it Sakai pulled it back and did the “L” symbol on her forehead for “loser” I think. This just out WTF’d Fred the Elephant Boy’s appearance. Great stuff though. OH GOD NO. Gary Michael Capetta then came into the ring to ask Punk what was going on and since this was in the middle of Punk looking for Lucy’s mysterious attacker, Punk said he would ruin every match on the show if he had to in order to find out the truth. At one point, in a really cool visual, the Great Muta stood up after Punk said he would ruin his match as well. Muta and others were away from the ring at an autograph signing. The crowd was going HOSS but Muta sat back down pretty fast. Punk said it was because Muta was chickenshit. Punk told the fans he would spoil the fan’s fun until he found out what happened to his Second City Saint. Good segment and Punk’s charisma was off the charts.

(9) Josh Daniels beat Puma. I’ll be upfront and tell you I think Josh Daniels sucks ass. He’s just too generic for me. Although to be fair, I thought the same thing about BJ Whitmer as well but once Whitmer joined the Prophecy I became a big fan because no longer did he need just himself to get over. Josh Daniels and Matt Stryker are like Whitmer in that they desperately need something, anything, extra to get over with ROH fans because being a good wrestler just isn’t enough in a company that is filled front to back with good-to-great wrestlers. Puma has cool Rey Mysterio look about him. And you know what? Daniels showed me a lot in this match and won it with a deadly looking fisherman’s buster. Seriously, I can’t believe this didn’t paralyze Puma. (8:20)

How to improve ROH DVDs part IV. Here’s another cross promotional idea that can help two companies. Since ROH booker Gabe Sapolsky is also the booker for Full Impact Pro down in Florida (and has an exclusive window to sell FIP events first), why not include an FIP match, or at least clips from a show on an ROH DVD? Some of the earlier ROH DVDs had bonus matches from other Indie Feds and ideally, that would still be a good idea (would IWA Mid South, USAPro, ECWA or whoever really turn down free publicity?), but at the very least there should be a good enough channel to get FIP matches for little hassle. So you have an interesting bonus feature for ROH fans as well as an introduction to a product that hopefully you can get a decent percentage of people to check out.

(10) The Ring Crew Express vs. the Christopher Street Connection (Buff E. & Mace Mendoza w/Ariel) ended due to C.M. Punk’s interference. Buff E. gave his feather boa to a male fan at ringside and then kissed the guy. OH MY. The crowd was chanting “CSC! CSC!” while inside the ring Buff E. looked like he was performing fellatio to the top ring rope. I absolutely LOVE that guy. In a funny spot, during the handshakes at the beginning of the match both members of the CSC quickly segued into grabbing the ass of the Ring Crew Express. Classic! There were a couple fun homo spots when after about a minute C.M. PUNK HIT THE RING AGAIN~!

Punk had a microphone and yelled, “This match is officially over!” Cue “Shut the F--- up!” chant. Punk said he would not shut the f--- up. Dunn and Marcos stayed in the ring and did air guitars in front of Punk, but this only led to their beating. After the ring was cleared and Punk was all alone, Buff E. got in and in his fantastic lisp said, “Excuse me! Do you want to fight a real man tonight?” Buff E. said that Mendoza was that man and that, “After he’s done with you, you’re gonna be his Punk!” I know most people think I’m homophobic or something for liking the CSC gimmick, but I just think it’s over the top fun.

C.M. Punk (photo by Wade Keller)

(11) C.M. Punk beat Mace Mendoza. The back of the DVD says Punk vs. “Maze”. Not sure if that is a typo, or if they really want to spell his name “Maze” now because they alternate between “Slugga” and “Slugger” all the time. In fact I just went back and checked something. The DVD box art says “Slugger” but when in his match earlier the screen said “Slugga.” Welcome to Indie Wrestling!! Punk attacked Mace during the handshake and the match itself was pretty much a squash. Punk won early with a Pepsi Plunge. (2:25) After the match Punk said, “This is an example of what will happen tonight!” Buff E. then gave Mace mouth to mouth to wake him up.

(12) Hydro (w/Special K) beat Oman Tortuga and Nick Gage and Slyk Wagner Brown (w/April Hunter) in a Four Corner Survival Match. Crowd chanted “Nick F---ing Gage!” for his introduction but I have absolutely no idea who he is. Fred the Elephant Boy was still with Special K, but thankfully so was Becky Bayless. Hydro hit an awesome looking springboard dropkick to Oman early on that looked like it almost took Tortuga’s head off. Later Tortuga was on the receiving end of a cool move from Gaget that had Gage lifting up Oman for a Rock Bottom, but instead of the mat Gage slammed Oman onto his knee. OUCH. Hydro hit a Michinoku-like Driver on Tortuga for the pin. (7:20) After the match all the Special K kids hit the ring to dance.

(13) The Carnage Crew (Loc & DeVito & Justin Credible vs. Special K went to a No Contest. This match started directly after the last one as the Carnage Crew ran to the ring while Special K was still dancing. Total hardcore brawl. The chair shots were sick and there was blood everywhere. The announcer said the State Athletic Comission was calling this match a No Contest. (4:15) After the match Loc and DeVito gave Izzy a spike piledriver from the ring apron onto a table while inside the ring the entire group of Special K stretched out Justin Credible. This was even weirder then it sounds.

Out came Homicide and Slugga, now in a god awful track suit, and he slammed AngleDust while giving the BodyBag to Cloudie. Afterwards Slugga celebrated with the Carnage Crew. What the HELL is going on here?!

(14) Trent Acid beat Sonjay Dutt. Acid does his whole “male stripper” thing to the ring and the first kid to give him money is this dorky white kid. This was great as the look Acid gave the poor bastard was PRICELESS. I am quickly becoming a huge Trent Acid mark. The match started with something straight out of a Looney Tunes cartoon with Acid standing behind Dutt like his shadown and mocking him. The two guys however put together a hell of a little match. Dutt has a ton of charisma which I think is really going to make him a player some day. The finish came after Acid hit a nice Yakuza kick to the back of Dutt’s head, but missed a follow-up. Dutt hit his own kick for a two count. Dutt then went off the top rope with a moonsault and landed on his feet, about a second later Acid NAILED him with another Yakuza kick for the win. (12:55) Good stuff all around.

(15) The Briscoe Brothers beat The SAT (Joel & Jose Maximo) to retain the ROH Tag Team Titles. I thought this was a decent match and would have been really decent in the SAT could stop blowing stuff. One sequence early in the match was pretty interesting as the four trading arm drags followed by the entire group doing a dropkick at once. Ok then. At about the 10 minute point, Mark took a Spanish Fly from the SAT. Joel popped up to be immediately hit with a Jay Driller. So Mark and Joel were simultaneously pinned and both kicked out at two. WTF?! This was a GREAT looking Jay Driller by the way. A couple minutes later Jay gave Jose a Jay Driller on the concrete floor. Oh my! This was really cool because Jay was outside the ring and tripped Jose who was inside. Jay then dragged Jose out and he was immediately in position for the Jay Driller. Hey, I get off on the little things what can I say? Back in the ring Mark held Joel up on his shoulders for Jay to come off the top rope with a Doomsday Device. (13:30)

After the match who should get in the ring but SAMOA JOE! The Briscoe’s got right into Joe’s grill but took off once the AMERICAN DRAGON hit the ring. American Dragon grabbed a microphone and said, “There is nothing in the Code of Honor that says I have to shake your hand right now.” Dragon said he didn’t have to shake Joe’s hand before their match against the Briscoe’s either. However, Dragon will shake Joe’s hand when he gets a shot for Joe’s ROH World Title. “And the NEXT time I shake your hand is when I beat you for that championship!” ME WANT TO SEE THAT MATCH NOW!!!

LET’S GET UNCENSORED~! The following are parts of ROH lore. Things that you would read about on message boards from people who went to shows but footage was never shown. Like a real life Urban Legend that you could see on that ridiculously long DVDR thread.

(16) The Insane Clown Posse (Shaggy 2 Dope & Violent Jay) beat the Outcast Killaz. You are probably thinking what every sane person in the world is thinking, “What the hell are Violent Jay and F---ing Shaggy 2 Dope doing in Ring of Honor.” Well, at least that’s what I was thinking. Well, here’s the scoop via FFW #381 (10/14/2002) ”They called up and said they were doing a haunted house or something in the area and were willing to work the show for free. ROH wasn't hot on the idea, but the clowns promise they'd bring at least 25 paying juggalos. So they ended up getting a one-minute squash on the show, and, shockingly, 25 juggalos showed up as promised. Fans like this so much that they chanted "DON'T COME BACK!" I'm told they didn't hate ICP so much as they wanted to kll the Juggalos.”

This all took place during the first Glory By Honor show. Torch Contributor Keith Lipinski was at the show and said it was on the day of the ROH-XPW Philly War. The story behind that was both ROH and XPW holding shows on the same day. ROH at the Murphy Rec and XPW at the old ECW Arena. That goof Rob Black, who ran XPW, tried to steal guys like Mafia, Monsta Mack, Homicide, Izzy and Boogalou away from ROH by offering them more money, a bigger push and all that stuff. Only Boogalou took the offer.

Anyhoo, it’s true. It’s all true, as the crowd really turned on the ICP and deservedly so. Lipinski claimed the crowd chanting “Don't come back!” while most of the Juggalos left was possibly one of the most beautiful things he's ever seen in 20 years of watching wrestling. Shaggy and Violent J attacked during the handshake and the match was over about a minute later when Shaggy hit a top rope leg drop on Oman Tortuga for the pin. I think one of the best things I have seen concerning ICP were on the Up In Smoke Tour DVD. This was a show headlined by Snoop Dog, Dr. Dre and Eminem and was filmed in Worcester, MA I believe. Anyway, during the backstage bits Eminem TRASHED the Insane Clown Posse by having two blow up dolls dressed up like them. He would then simulate fellatio on himself using one of the dolls. I think one’s name was Violent Gay or something. It was HILARIOUS.

(17) Divine Storm (Chris Devine & Quiet Storm) beat Konnan. This took place at Final Battle 2002 For a while now I have been reading about how bad this match was. I couldn’t really believe it because I saw Konnan in ROH at Revenge on the Prophecy and while he wasn’t great, he certainly wasn’t bad enough to get booed out of the building. And after seeing how unfairly Jeff Hardy was treated at Death Before Dishonor I figured the bad rap this match got was probably just as undeserved.
Konnan (photo by Wade Keller)

Well, I was wrong.

This may possibly be the worst match that a major promotion has ever put on. First of all, Konnan came out with some sort of Gladiator/Bullfighter-type outfit that might go over huge down in Mexico City, but just looked goofy in Philadelphia. The match started off with Devine against Konnan and while it was bad, it wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t long before the two started blowing spots and the crowd let them, especially Konnan, have it. Konnan won after hitting a brainbuster-suplex like dealie and looked noticeably blown up. (3:35)

But it got worse.

Quiet Storm got into the ring and wrestled Konnan. By this point Konnan was wrestling as if he was wrestling in slow motion. It was a total car wreck in that you don’t want to watch what is going on but you can’t take your eyes off of it. I have never, EVER seen a wrestler this blown up. This was surreal because Konnan would almost just be standing there as Storm would try to do moves around him. I always heard the expression that Ric Flair to carry a broomstick to a three star match. Well, even a broomstick would sell more than Konnan did here. Storm yelled out for the “Storm Cradle Driver” but Konnan reversed out of it only to be pinned by an overly complex rollup soon afterwards. (5:30) Ring announcer Stephen DeAngelis said the winner of the second fall was Quiet Storm, so I imagined this was “Lucha Libre” rules and we’d have 2 out of 3 falls. Nope. They all just went to the back, amidst “Don’t Come Back!” chants, where Konnan shot a quick promo saying it would take a couple matches to get his “wind back.” That and about three oxygen tanks.

(18) Teddy Hart loses his f---ing mind. Okay, we’ve all see the Scramble Cage match at Main Event Spectacles (and if you haven’t, take advantage of that f---ing sale NOW!) This starts off with the finish of that match including Jack Evans hitting his death defying double moonsault off the top of the cage. JACK EVANS IS GOD! If you remember the finish was Loc taking a T Gimmick from the Backseat Boyz. Well, this is where the show ended for those of us who watched MES.

But it didn’t stop there. Oh no. Teddy Hart climbed to the top of the cage and hit a shooting star press onto Loc and AngleDust. You can hear someone yelling “GET HIM OUT OF THERE!” off screen. DeVito went APESHIT and immediately grabbed Teddy and slammed him. At this point the crowd was chanting “TEDDY! TEDDY!”

So what does Teddy do? Teddy went back to the top of the cage and hit some sort of crazy corkscrew move to some guys outside including Joel Maximo who looked like they had no idea what the hell was going on. The crowd was chanting, very loudly, “YOU SICK F---K!!!” The Carnage Crew were livid and DeVito kept whipping Teddy Hart with his strap. Jack Evans came over to stop the beating and was attacked as well. DeVito screamed all the way to the back. As the Backseat Boyz celebrated Teddy went BACK to the top of the cage and did a moonsault, landing on his feet. He then climbed to the top again and did another moonsault. DeVito came running out but was held back before he could get into the ring. Oh man, if you could have taken his blood pressure at that point the gauge would have exploded.

Teddy went back to the top and did another jump before promptly throwing up. This was like something out of the Twilight Zone. Teddy then got up on the top rope and threw up again. This was a lot of puke! Jack and Teddy finally left and the crowd was still going crazy.

Overall Thoughts: Well, I have to tell you that this DVD wasn’t nearly bad as I thought it was going to be after reading all those bad reviews. I think it is a combination of those “Before they were Superstars” DVDs mixed with WrestleCrap. If the WWE put out a similar DVD with all of their “Uncensored” material people would be jumping through hoops to get a hold of it. Even I would like to see that old Slick music video again. Anyhoo, the good stuff here includes another bravura performance by C.M. Punk and decent matches with the Briscoes, Sonjay Dutt and Trent Acid. The actual Uncensored stuff with Konnan, ICP and Teddy Hart is Must Watch material for any ROH fan. Just mindblowing and finally puts a picture to all those stories I have read. You can buy this disc by Clicking HERE or heading over to and checking out all the stuff they have to offer.

Derek Burgan is still celebrating the Red Sox victory over the Evil Empire. His old review of Scramble Madness is now new again since the tape just got released. You can write Derek by clicking here!

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PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.

He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.

He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).

He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)


Wade Keller, editor

James Caldwell, assistant editor

Bruce Mitchell (since 1990)
Pat McNeill (since 2001)
Greg Parks (since 2007)
Sean Radican (since 2003)

We also have a great team of
TV Reporters
and Specialists and Artists.


PWTorch offers a VIP membership for $10 a month (or less with an annual sub). It includes nearly 25 years worth of archives from our coverage of pro wrestling dating back to PWTorch Newsletters from the late-'80s filled with insider secrets from every era that are available to VIPers in digital PDF format and Keller's radio show from the early 1990s.

Also, new exclusive top-shelf content every day including a new VIP-exclusive weekly 16 page digital magazine-style (PC and iPad compatible) PDF newsletter packed with exclusive articles and news.

The following features come with a VIP membership which tens of thousands of fans worldwide have enjoyed for many years...

-New Digital PWTorch Newsletter every week
-3 New Digital PDF Back Issues from 5, 10, 20 years ago
-Over 60 new VIP Audio Shows each week
-Ad-free access to all free articles
-VIP Forum access with daily interaction with PWTorch staff and well-informed fellow wrestling fans
-Tons of archived audio and text articles
-Decades of Torch Talk insider interviews in transcript and audio formats with big name stars.


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