Arena Reports SHOW RESULTS - 3/28 WrestleCon Supershow in San Jose, Calif.: Huge collection of stars including Hardys vs. RVD & Sabu main event, TNA wrestlers, Team 3D in mega-12-man tag
Mar 29, 2015 - 1:57:22 AM
Wrestlecon Supershow Report
March 28, 2015
San Jose, Calif.
Report by VIP Member Ted from Sacramento
From the San Jose Garden Hotel... Pre-show:
(a) Disco Inferno beat Mr. T.A. at 3:40. Loud cheers for Disco. He began with his music and dancing, but T.A. interrupted by attacking from behind. Disco knocked T.A. out of the ring and loud "Disco Fever!" and "You still got it!" chants broke out. Disco won with an RKO, then danced for the crowd afterward. Not much to it.
(b) Havok beat Tessa Blanchard at 4:50. Havok dominated from the start. Tessa ran the ropes and tried to knock Havok down, but Havok no-sold every move. Havok gave her a number of strong moves including forearms and a backbreaker. Havok no-sold every move of Tessa's including a good-looking forearm. Havok built heat and the crowd was rooting for Tessa, chanting "Let's Go Blue." Tessa finally got in some offense at 4:00. But, Havok quickly reversed and won with a Powerbomb at 4:50. More selling would have made the match better.
[ Lengthy intermission, like you sometimes see between the opening act of a concert and the main performer. ]
Main Show...
(1) John Hennigan (John Morrison) beat A.C.H. at 11:50. The crowd yelled, "Moose!" and A.C.H. yelled back, "Wrong Black guy!" Morrison came out wearing a Lucha Underground shirt, and the crowd responded with "Johnny Mundo" chants. The crowd was very into both of them, lots of dueling chants. A.C..H tried to play heel from the start, asking to shake hands, and stomping on Johnny's foot when he did. Good moves and acrobatics early, and ACH went to stalling. They seemed focussed on doing all their pre-planned highspots over doing a wrestling match, with a number being too scripted to be remotely real. At 5:30 ACH got offense on the floor, but could not turn it into a pinning combination. Double clothesline at 7:20. Reset at 8:00. Both men then traded blows, with Morrison eventually getting the upper hand for a two count. A.C.H. then got in a few minutes of offense. Eventually Morrison got in a Superkick followed by his signature Starship Pain for the win. (***)
(2) Matt Striker beat Jake Manning at 3:10. Striker was the favorite between the two and the crowd chanted "Lucha." Striker was wearing 1950s golf shorts with big diamonds. Someone in the crowd yelled, "Stick to commentary." so Striker took to the microphone during the match to call the fan out, and say that wrestling was his first love. After that the crowd was way into Striker. Manning stalled by reading his scouting manual. Striker won with a single move: the Pedigree. Yes, this was a one-move match.
(3) World's Cutest Tag Team (Joey Ryan and Candace) beat World's Dudest Tag Team (Caleb Konley & Zane Riley) at 8:40. Comedy from the start. Once Joey got Zane down, Candace came in to get offense. The heels began double-teaming Joey, so the crowd shouted, "I want Candace." Candace got a hot tag at 3:30 and got in lots of good offense without having to take any blows. Joey eventually used Candace as an effective spear-like weapon. The heels made a comeback at 5:45. Candace came in at 7:10 with some good forearms, but got a KO punch from Zane and a Superkick by Konley for a very believable two count. Huge pop when she kicked out. Candace recovered and rolled Konley up from a flying head scissors for the win. (**1/2)
(4) Brian Kendrick beat Cedric Alexander at 7:10. They started with a handshake. The crowd more behind Kendrick than Alexander, but it was close. Good back and forth action to start. Alexander caught Kendrick with a powerslam at 3:40 for a two count. Alexander went for the GTS, but missed. Kendrick hit a great Sliced Bread for a strong two count. At 6:30 Alexander climbed to the top rope, but missed a frog splash. Kendrick then rolled him up in a small package for the win. (**1/2)
(5) Aerostar beat Jack Evans and Andrew Everett at 7:45 in a three-way match. Aerostar came out with a flamethrower. The crowd seemed to be behind Jack Evans for this match. A lot of flying from the start. Aerostar and Evans were sent to the ground on a double dropkick so Everett could do a suicide dive onto them. Aerostar got a two count from a double foot stomp from the ropes onto Evans. Then all of them took turns diving over and in between the ropes. Great huracanrana by Aerostar on Everett led to a pin attempt, which was broken up by Evans at 5:20. Evans did an amazing double foot stomp on Aerostar, who was hanging from the top rope at the time, for a nearfall. Aerostar finally knocked Evans head-first into the mat to get the win. Evans sold a legitimate concussion and was very slow to get up. A spotfest for sure, but it felt like it flowed well in a natural way for these three. (***1/2)
(6) Matt Sydal & Colt Cabana & Big Ryck & Tommy Dreamer & The Dudleys (Bully Ray & Devon) beat Chris Hero & Drew Gulak & Tommaso Ciampa & Brian Myers & James Storm & Abyss at 22:30 in a 12-man tag match. The crowd was very loud, eating up the star power. Storm spent most of the match on the outside drinking beer, while all the others stood on the apron enjoying the match when they weren't in. At 3:30 for a comedy spot, Dreamer tried three times to nip-up without success. Wrestlers were genuinely laughing at the comedy spots and seemed to be enjoying being there. Ciampa did a great body toss on Cabana, and called out Bully to his face. After playing to the crowd, Bully tagged in. They had a nose-to-nose stare down, then traded forearms. Bully no-sold in his usual style, and Ciampa kicked out of the 3D.
Big Eyck no-sold Storm's offense, so Storm tagged in Abyss to try to beat Ryck. At 16:00 Dreamer and Hero exchanged some big blows. At 17:30 Bully and Colt held Gulak for Devon to do the What's Up. They played the crowd chanting for tables, but the six heels attacked the six faces at once. Sydal and Ciampa were legal in the ring for a series of back and forth two counts. Abyss gave Dreamer the Black Hole Slam, but Storm missed a Superkick on Ryck, and hit Abyss. Then, Brian Myers was pinned after he took three finishers: a 3D, Colt with a Frogsplash, and finally Sydal doing a 450 from the top rope. Hard to rate, as it was more of a fun vehicle for all the wrestlers to hit their spots the a wrestling match.
(7) Jushin "Thunder" Liger & Ricochet & A.R. Fox beat Roderick Strong & Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian at 16:15 in a six-man tag match. Daniels and Kazarian were painted to look like the Road Warriors, and called themselves the Legion of Boom. They then cut a heel promo spoofing on the Road Warriors before the faces came out. Great pop for Ricochet, Fox, and Liger. Ricochet started the match by no-selling Kaz's offense and hitting an amazing standing dropkick. Fox did an amazing feat jumping between the second and third ropes before taking a Strong down at 3:10.
Liger first entered the match at 3:40 to loud "Let's go Liger!" chants. The heels regrouped outside and Fox did a flying backwards 270 leap from the top rope onto all three heels. At 6:00 Kaz tried to call time-out, but the ref waved it off. Kaz eventually got the upper hand and started punching Fox repeatedly on the mat. The heels then dominated Fox for the next few minutes. Eventually Daniels hit BME for a two count. Fox was finally able to tag Ricochet at 11:20 after Fox hit an RKO on Strong. Ricochet hit a GTS for a two count. Liger re-entered at 13:30, then all six men hit their signature spots in succession. Liger eventually pinned Daniels after a brainbuster. (***3/4)
(8) Rob Van Dam & Sabu beat Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy at 16:10 in an Extreme Rules match. Hard action all around. First, a chair came into the ring at 2:45. Sabu and Jeff tried to hit each other with chairs, then Matt tried to bring in a ladder at 4:30, but RVD and Sabu kicked it into Matt. Sabu set up the ladder on the middle rope, and RVD suplexed Matt into it. At 7:30 Sabu set up a table at ringside as Jeff dove off the ladder into RVD. RVD hit rolling Thunder onto Matt at 9:30 for a two count. RVD and Sabu brought a table into the ring, then set it up for Sabu to dive onto Matt and break the table.
RVD was bleeding hardway on top of his head. RVD and Sabu then set Jeff up on a second chair and Sabu slammed Jeff through the second table. The Hardys recovered at 15:15 and got in offense. After a miss by Matt, RVD hit the Five Star Frogsplash and Sabu covered for the win. After the match, both teams hugged mid-ring. (***1/2)
Overall, very fun show. Great crowd that loved the show and chanted, "Better than Mania!"
- Biggest Cheers: RVD, Hardys, and all men in the 12-man tag match.
- Most Heat: Konley and Riley. Very little heel heat overall, as the crowd cheered pretty much everyone.
- Best Match: Liger, Ricochet, and Fox vs. Daniels, Kazarian, and Strong.
- Worst Match: Manning vs. Striker.
- Estimated Attendance: The venue had a capacity of about 750. It was a sell-out, although it was a late-arriving crowd, given a number of fans came directly from the Hall of Fame ceremony. The event was held in the hotel ballroom.
- Event time: Three-and-a-half hours with two intermissions.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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