WWE Smackdown Report PARKS'S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 2/5: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the Thursday show, including Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns on Miz TV
Feb 5, 2015 - 9:00:09 PM
WWE Smackdown review
February 5, 2015
Taped 2/3/15 in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Aired on SyFy
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- WWE Open.
- The show opened with a video package from Raw, chronicling The Authority addressing the controversy from the Royal Rumble, as well as the Seth Rollins vs. Daniel Bryan match that followed.
- Smackdown Open.
- The camera panned the crowd as Eden Stiles introduced The Miz (and his personal assistant) for Miz TV. Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and Byron Saxton were shown at ringside. Miz chastised Damien Mizdow before the music even stopped, telling him to sit at ringside and not move. Miz took the mic and welcomed fans to Miz TV. “We want Mizdow” chant from the crowd. Miz first introduced Daniel Bryan. Before he could finish introducing Roman Reigns, Reigns’ music played. The announcers made it seem like Reigns was in no mood to wait, but being all the way up in the stands, he’d have no control of when his music plays. As soon as Reigns got in the ring, he gave Miz a Superman punch. Bryan smirked. Reigns asked Bryan if he thought he was going to just slide in and take his opportunity. Reigns said he won the Rumble to get to this point and he doesn’t have a problem going through one more. He said he’d win the WWE World Title at Wrestlemania. Reigns vowed to beat Bryan at Fastlane. He said they shouldn’t wait, and that they should do it right now. He began tossing chairs out of the ring. Bryan tossed the last one out, symbolically agreeing. But then the music of Seth Rollins interrupted, and Rollins walked out with J&J Security.
Rollins said he had a bone to pick with both men. He said on Raw, he was on the verge of beating Bryan to eventually get to the main event of Wrestlemania. Rollins said Reigns sucker-punched him on Raw because Reigns is a coward. Rollins talked about the run he’s been on, bringing back The Authority and almost slaying Brock Lesnar. He said it doesn’t matter what happens at Fastlane or Wrestlemania, because he holds the future in his hands with the Money in the Bank contract. Rollins said later tonight, per The Authority, Daniel Bryan will face J&J Security…and Rollins. So who does The Authority want to win at Fastlane? Or do they not care? Reigns seemed bemused by the development.
- The announcers talked on-camera about the match that was just made.
- Ryback and Dolph Ziggler were walking backstage. They’re in tag action, next.
[Commercial Break]
- Renee Young was backstage with The Miz. Miz was very upset with what had just occurred. He called it a “failed attempt at a publicity stunt.” He said Reigns doesn’t belong in the main event of Wrestlemania, then challenged him for a match tonight.
No entrance for the Dust Brothers. Ziggler and Ryback came out to Ziggler’s theme. Stardust began the match with Ryback. Ziggler quickly came in as the announcers chronicled the dissension between the Gold and Stardust in recent weeks. Splash off the second rope by Ryback for only a one-count. Double elbow by the babyfaces, then they both strutted and Ryback followed Ziggler’s elbowdrop with a splash. After a long stare-down with Stardust and Ryback, Goldust tagged in and was summarily hip-tossed. Ryback was able to keep both men at bay until he charged shoulder-first into the ring post. He ended up outside the ring, where Goldust clotheslined him. Ziggler came to his partner’s aid as they went to break at 3:01 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 6:57, and apparently it’s been all Gold and Stardust during the break. Cole read a Tweet from Dusty Rhodes this week addressing the situation between his sons, so it’ll be interesting to see if he’s brought in during the break-up and presumed feud. Ryback fought back and launched Goldust over the top rope. Stardust went to the top rope, but Ryback punched him in the gut on his way down. Ziggler tagged in at 8:49. DDT on Stardust garnered Ziggler a near-fall. Goldust begged “Cody” for a tag. Stardust slapped his brother as a tag, then a seemingly dazed or injured Cody wandered away from the ring. The babyfaces took advantage, and Ryback pinned Goldust with Shell Shock.
WINNERS: Ziggler and Ryback, at 10:30. Serviceable tag match. I had it pegged to go much shorter when it began, to exacerbate the heat between the heels.
- The announcers talked about the issues between Gold and Stardust, then Cole sent it to a Black History Month video on “Big Cat” Ernie Ladd.
- A graphic was shown for Daniel Bryan vs. J&J Security and Seth Rollins in a 3-on-1 match.
- Dean Ambrose was walking backstage. He took a bystander’s walkie-talkie, spoke into it, then tossed it aside as he walked down the hall. He takes on Curtis Axel, next.
[Commercial Break]
- Curtis Axel was in the ring with a mic. He again told fans not to change the channel, and again reminded fans he was never eliminated from the Royal Rumble match. He pointed to the Wrestlemania sign (he pointed to the sign!) and said he should be headlining Wrestlemania. He asked fans to #AxelMania. He tried to chant it as well, but was interrupted by Dean Ambrose’s theme.
Axel pounded away on Ambrose in the corner, but Ambrose quickly turned the tables. He rubbed Axel’s eyes across the top rope, then hit him with a flying clothesline. Axel got a little more offense in and clubbed Ambrose with forearms. He tossed Ambrose over the top rope. Symbolism! Axel fired away at Ambrose with rights. Ambrose responded with a clothesline that took Axel off his feet. Back in the ring, Ambrose bulldogged Axel down. He climbed to the top, but Axel caught him in the gut with a boot. Perfect-Plex was countered and Ambrose exploded out of the ropes with a clothesline. Dirty Deeds followed for the win. It’s been so long since Ambrose won, I guess, that Lawler seemed to ask “what was that?!” when Ambrose hit the move.
WINNER: Ambrose, at 2:43. Triple H must still be mad at Axel for beating him on Raw what seems like ages ago.
Bad News Barrett called for Ambrose’s attention on the Titan-Tron. BNB had a monitor that read “BNZ” for “Bad News Zone” and even had a scroll at the bottom of the screen (both a knockoff of TMZ). Barrett advised Ambrose that he won’t be getting an Intercontinental Title shot in the future.
- Roman Reigns takes on The Miz tonight.
[Commercial Break]
- Fandango and Rosa Mendes were finishing up their dance in the ring. I think Fandango’s new theme is kinda underrated.
No Bunny, but the rest of the Rosebuds were at ringside. Rose dove backward off the ropes, but the Rosebuds seemed to collapse under his weight and they all tumbled. Rose attacked the members of the Rosebuds at that point. Fandango brought Rose into the match the hard way and worked him over with chops. Hard back elbow by Fandango. The Rosebuds, or at least those that were left, still cheered on Rose in the aisle. Short-arm clothesline by Rose. From the apron, Rose gave Fandango a back suplex onto the apron. Rose yelled at the Rosebuds and Fandango surprised him with a two-count on an inside cradle. Spinning heel kick, then Fandango hit a legdrop off the top rope (The Last Dance) for the win.
WINNER: Fandango, at 2:06. Fandango had a good showing (well, for him) in the Royal Rumble match, too. Combine that with this win, could bigger things be in store for Fandango? Okay, maybe I’m reaching.
They replayed Rose’s attack on the Rosebuds, as well as the finish to the match.
- Roman Reigns vs. The Miz is next.
[Commercial Break- Just a note: #AxelMania IS trending on Twitter right now.]
Mizdow was again relegated to ringside bystander. Miz said Reigns will never embarrass him on Miz TV again. They showed Miz getting punched earlier in the night, then Miz went after Reigns before Reigns could even get into the ring to start the match. Once the match began, Reigns shook off some Miz offense and did a number on Miz himself. Shoulder tackle and Miz rolled under the bottom rope to ringside. Reigns clotheslined Miz down outside the ring. Back in the ring, Miz got his knee up on a charge and booted Reigns down. “Roman” chants as Miz kept Reigns grounded with a chin-lock. Back-breaker/neck-breaker combo for one at 2:58. Reigns worked out of another rest-hold, and Miz gave Reigns a knee-lift. Reigns exploded out of the corner with a jumping clothesline. He followed with more clotheslines. Reigns blocked a short DDT and Reigns flapjacked Miz from a Samoan Drop position. Superman punch from Miz, then the spear.
WINNER: Reigns, at 5:46. Could you imagine if someone pulled a Shawn Michaels, as in his overselling for Hulk Hogan at Summerslam ’05, against Reigns? That would be someone taking the advice of “make him look REAL good” to another level. I thought of this while Miz sold the running corner clothesline from Reigns.
They replayed many of the high-impact moves of the match.
- The three-on-one handicap match involving Daniel Bryan and Seth Rollins is still to come.
- But next, Erick Rowan faces Rusev.
[Commercial Break]
- Lawler thanked Kid Ink for the song, “Faster,” the official theme to Fastlane.
As Rusev came to the ring, they showed Rusev’s ambush of Rowan from Raw. Rowan aggressively went after Rusev to start, and tackled him off a criss-cross. It wasn’t long before Rusev took back over with a spinning heel kick, however. Rowan hammered Rusev back down to the mat and gave him a biel out of the corner. Jumping kick out of the corner from Rusev. Accolade was locked in for the win.
WINNER: Rusev, via submission, at 2:53. Rowan hasn’t found much success since being rehired. They’ve also gone away from the “genius” gimmick, too.
They replayed key moments in the match.
- The announcers discussed Rusev vs. John Cena at Fastlane.
- The announcers narrated Paige’s win over Alicia Fox on Raw, followed by Fox’s post-match attack.
- Paige joined Renee Young for an interview backstage. Paige said she doesn’t get embarrassed easily, but she was embarrassed on Monday. She said sure, she’s not like every other Diva, but she’s also not a conformist. And she’ll be the one to beat Nikki Bella for the Divas Title.
[Commercial Break]
No entrance for A.Fox. A graphic was shown for Paige vs. Nikki for the Divas Title at Fastlane. Paige tackled Fox to start. The Bellas were shown watching the match on a monitor backstage. Fox unceremoniously dumped Paige to ringside. Fox was content to take the count-out win, but Paige made it back in at eight. Arm-wringer by Fox, followed by a Northern Lights suplex for two. Paige came back with a kick and a few clotheslines. One-legged dropkick was next. Shades of Kelly Kelly. Paige locked in the PTO for the submission victory.
WINNER: Paige, via submission, at 2:22. Part enhancement win, part revenge for Paige here heading into Fastlane.
- A video was shown from earlier this week of a double date with Naomi and Jimmy Uso, and Natalya and Tyson Kidd. Kidd was late, then showed up with Cesaro, talking loudly in the restaurant. Kidd said he thought the double-date was like Canadian doubles in tennis, with three people. Kidd took a shot at Natalya recycling her dad’s stories, and Jimmy laughed. Jimmy gave Kidd a lecture, but Kidd and Cesaro weren’t having it. Natalya said she loves everything the Usos do, but Kidd took him to task for it. Naomi stood up for Nattie and told Kidd she’s sick of him talking to Nattie like that. Jimmy said he’s trying to be chill at this dinner “for you wife and mines.” I get after the kids in school all the time for saying “mines” instead of “mine.” Jimmy called Kidd an “ignorant jackass.” Kidd flipped the table on Jimmy and Cesaro gave him the weakest-looking punch. Natalya told Naomi that she and Jimmy ruined everything, then stormed off. That was pretty bad in every way imaginable, except maybe Naomi standing up to Kidd.
- The three-on-one handicap match main event is still to come.
[Commercial Break]
- A replay of Triple H on Steve Austin’s podcast will air immediately following Smackdown on the WWE Network.
- The announcers talked about said podcast, and Lawler plugged the free February for new subscribers of the WWE Network.
- A graphic was shown saying that Triple H would call out Sting at Fastlane. Still weird seeing Sting in a WWE graphic like that.
- A Bray Wyatt promo from wherever interrupted the graphic. Wyatt said he’s no man, but everyone and everything. “I am the reaper,” he said. He seemed to be talking to someone (or everyone), saying the devil is knocking at your door and that he wants you to come home. “Let him in. Let me in.”
- Daniel Bryan came out for the main event. It’s next.
[Commercial Break]
Joey Mercury asked for a test of strength to start the match, but tried to trick Bryan and pull him into the corner. Bryan pulled away in time. Go-behind and a take-down by Bryan. Jamie Noble tagged in. He was met with a knee-lift to the mid-section. Bryan stepped on Noble’s elbow and tried to lock in the Yes Lock, but Noble reached the ropes. Tag brought in Rollins. Dropkick caught Rollins coming off the ropes. Rollins cornered Bryan, but he fought away from J&J. Neck-breaker by Rollins. Noble again got to the ropes when Bryan tried to go after his legs. Hard kicks in the corner by Bryan, but Rollins pulled Noble away so Bryan missed a dropkick in the corner. Rollins then drove Bryan into the barricade outside the ring. They went to break at 4:48 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 8:17 with Rollins still in control. German suplex found the mark. Rollins mocked Lesnar and told Bryan “this is what it feels like” to face Lesnar, with another German suplex. Mercury came in and dropped an elbow. Noble shadowboxed a bit, I think, but it looked somewhat like he was going into convulsions on his feet. Good teamwork shown, as expected, by the heel team. Bryan fought back but both he and Rollins collided in mid-ring. Rollins sent Bryan head-first into the middle turnbuckle and stomped away on him. Things were set up for Rollins to powerbomb Bryan off the top rope, but Bryan turned it into a hurricanrana. Bryan took out all three opponents. He alternately kicked the chests of Noble and Mercury in the middle of the squared circle. Another German suplex from Rollins, but Bryan landed on his feet. It was down to Mercury and Bryan. A distraction by Rollins led to a Mercury roll-up, but Bryan kicked out and quickly applied the Yes Lock for the win.
WINNER: Bryan, via submission, at 13:55.
The end of the match was replayed. As Bryan celebrated in the aisle, Kane came out and attacked him. So much for the Casket Match stipulation. Kane chokeslammed Bryan twice in the ring while Rollins, Mercury, and Rollins looked on. Rollins told his cronies to set Bryan up for the curb stomp. Rollins hit the move, and it looked effective. The heels stood over the prone Bryan to end the show. “Good luck making it to Fastlane,” Rollins told Bryan.
Did you watch Thursday’s Smackdown episode? Send your 0-10 score & Reax to pwtorch@gmail.com for our TV Reax feature.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. He is the host of “Moonlighting with Greg Parks,” a PWTorch VIP-exclusive audio show posted each weekend. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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