WWE Smackdown Report PARKS'S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 4/18: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of Friday show, including Batista vs. Sheamus
Apr 18, 2014 - 10:00:36 PM
WWE Smackdown review
April 18, 2014
Taped 4/15/14 in Nashville, Tenn.
Aired on SyFy
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- WWE Open.
- Smackdown opened inside the arena in Nashville. Triple H’s music hit and he was out first in his suit. Michael Cole talked about the reformation of Evolution on Monday Night Raw. Cole and JBL were shown on-camera during Hunter’s entrance. Triple H said nothing makes him more proud than when talent truly succeeds. At the top of that list is The Shield. He said they’re as talented as anyone he’s seen in years, so he gave them power. He told people not to cross their own personal lines in the sand, because two weeks ago, The Shield crossed that line, and Monday night, they paid for it. A video package was conveniently ready to go, showing The Shield’s attack on Hunter a few weeks ago, as well as their 11-on-3 match on Raw and the fight that followed.
Hunter said he told Cole in their WWE.com interview that he can get past this with The Shield. In fact, all he asked is that The Shield grovel at his feet. Trips said he got silence except a quote from Roman Reigns: “Kings do not win wars; soldiers do.” Hunter dismissed the comment and said The Shield no longer has value. He planned to destroy what he created (hey, I thought Seth Rollins was the architect of The Shield!) at Extreme Rules. He said Evolution has returned, for the first time in ten years, to show The Shield what true power really is. I had no problem with that promo. The announcers reacted to the promo on-camera.
- A graphic was shown for the main event, Sheamus vs. Batista.
[Commercial Break]
During E’s entrance, they showed the Intercontinental Title #1 contender tournament graphic. The champ also did an inset interview, showing a lot of personality in talking about the nicknames of those who are still alive in the tourney. No entrance for Del Rio. After evading Big E, Del Rio was felled by a shoulder tackle. Del Rio got his boots up on a corner charge and connected on a running kick to the horizontal E. After Del Rio went shoulder-first into the post, Big E. took over on offense. Del Rio got his knees up on a splash attempt, and they cut to break with Big E recovering from that at 3:05 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 7:00 of the match. Both men were getting to their feet outside the ring following a collision during the break. Back in, Del Rio DDT’d Big E. Del Rio came off the top rope and Big E caught him, then slammed him. Big splash, then the straps came down. Del Rio fought out of the finish and gave E a back-stabber for two. Cross arm-breaker attempt, but Big E locked it and dragged Del Rio toward the ropes. He managed to grab the bottom rope to break. The referee disqualified Del Rio for…uh…not breaking the hold right before five I guess? If he held it on longer, it was only about a half-second.
WINNER: Big E., at 10:00. The strange finish hurt an otherwise good match. It is nice to see WWE remember that Big E. is IC Champ.
An angry Del Rio attacked Big E. after the match. Big E. turned it around by giving Del Rio The Big Ending. A replay aired of the finish as well as Big E. giving Del Rio the Big Ending.
- The announcers talked about Warrior Week on WWE Network, as well as a Legends Panel discussing The Ultimate Warrior, airing right after Smackdown. The panel includes Sgt. Slaughter, Booker T., and Ted DiBiase. Well, DiBiase’s comments should be interesting.
- Stills were shown of Brock Lesnar beating The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Paul Heyman will be on Smackdown, next.
[Commercial Break]
- Paul Heyman was in the ring out of break. He bragged up both Cesaro and Brock Lesnar. He repeated over-and-over, “My client, Brock Lesnar, conquered the Streak.” He drew more and more heat the louder and angrier he got when saying it. He said he felt better for venting and shedding the light of his brilliance on the darkness of the fans’ Tennessee ignorance. Nice line. He said Lesnar conquered the Streak, again, from the bottom of his heart to end the promo.
- Cole and JBL were on-camera discussing Heyman’s promo, then transitioning to Hornswoggle’s “jealousy” over El Torito. They showed a clip of Horny joining 3MB on Main Event to take on Torito and Los Matadores.
- Tonight, Hornswoggle vs. El Torito. A Tale of the Tape was shown with “Wrestleminia” atop the tale.
- Paige came to the ring. An inset interview aired with Tamina, who challenges Paige for the Divas Title at Extreme Rules. Tamina said at Extreme Rules, the title will finally be around the waist of someone who deserves it, by any means necessary. Paige is in action, next.
[Commercial Break]
- The Toys ‘R Us spot with Sheamus and Big E. was shown.
Aksana had a mic before the match. She said the Divas are jealous of Paige because they’re insecure. She said Paige got lucky, but tonight, her luck runs out. She attacked before the match even started. Referee Marc Harris restrained her and separated the two before beginning the match. Paige was playing from behind early in the match. After working over Paige’s neck, Aksana showed off by crawling around the ring before making a pin attempt. Double cross-body put both women down at 2:09 of the match. After Aksana slapped her, Paige gave Aksana a few knee-lifts and short-arm clotheslines. She locked in the modified scorpion cross-lock for the submission win.
WINNER: Paige, at 2:58. This was mostly Aksana on offense. I really don’t see what she brings to the table.
- Renee Young was backstage with Sheamus. Young congratulated Sheamus for advancing in the IC Title #1 contender tournament, then showed Batista’s attack on Sheamus from Smackdown three weeks ago. Sheamus said Batista took the easy way out when he grabbed that chair. He said it’s about who gets hurt the hardest and keeps going. He told a brief story from his childhood (I’m pretty sure he admitted to drowning another child, if I understood the story). Tonight, it’s time to fight, he said.
- Hornswoggle, with 3MB, was getting ready for his upcoming match. Torito, with Los Matadores, was doing the same. Yes, it’s coming up at the top of the second hour.
[Commercial Break]
- A camera was inside Tootsie’s, a local bar in Nashville across from the arena, showing the goings-on there.
Once again, the battle between the two men on Main Event was shown when Hornswoggle and 3MB came to the ring. As you could imagine, JBL was in rare form building up this match. Traditional lock-up after a few shoves. Shoulderblock by Torito, then a headscissors take-down. Dropkick and Hornswoggle ended up sitting on the apron, discussing strategy with Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal. Horny went on the offensive from the apron. Bottom-rope butt splash by Horny, but Torito rolled him up for two. Splash by Hornswoggle, also for two. Hornswoggle grabbed a headlock and tweaked the horn of Torito. Bodyslam on Torito. Horny taunted Los Matadores and almost fell victim to a roll-up pin. Corner charge missed and Torito gored Hornswoggle. Bronco Buster followed. Springboard moonsault off the top for the win.
WINNER: Torito, at 4:32. This was played as much more of a straight match than I expected.
- Sheamus vs. Batista is still to come tonight.
- A video package aired on Alexander Rusev. He makes his Smackdown debut next.
[Commercial Break]
- Bad News Barrett was back on his podium this week. His bad news, in essence: The fans are stupid for cheering the previous match.
Truth was already in the ring. Lana did her mic work before the match. “Reading failures will lead to your downfall,” she said. I wish I could tell my students that. Oh wait, she said “breeding failures.” That makes more sense. During Rusev’s entrance, they showed him submitting Xavier Woods on Raw and Truth getting involved. Truth found some luck with right hands and a heel kick. Dropkick off the middle rope took the big man off his feet. Rusev caught Truth in his arms and gave him a jumping side kick. Knees to the spine of Truth, followed by a fall-away slam. Lana gave orders for Rusev to “crush” Truth. He did so, locking in the Accolade for the finish.
WINNER: Rusev, via submission, at 1:40. Rusev will get a push, but is there enough there to sustain the initial momentum he’ll get?
After the match, Woods came out to aid his friend, but Rusev punished him.
- Up next, WWE celebrates the life, career, and legend of the Ultimate Warrior.
[Commercial Break]
- The announcers, on-camera reacted to the Legends’ House promo. Cole sent it to a video of WWE celebrating The Warrior from Monday night.
[Commercial Break]
- Emma and Santino were doing calisthenics backstage ahead of their mixed tag match. Emma slapped Santino on the butt, which Santino took as a sign.
The Twitter war between Fandango and Summer Rae was shown. Apparently Cole misspoke, as this is a singles match with the males. Marella tested out some kicks, while leaving himself wide open for Fandango to punch him. Santino did a split to avoid a clothesline, so Fandango kicked him in the head. Hip-toss by Santino, followed by a diving headbutt. The Cobra came out and again, Layla took it away from him. This time, Emma attacked Layla. Sunset flip by Santino for three.
WINNER: Santino, at 1:30. Hey, I can’t hate on mid-card feud.
Emma went for a high-five after the match and hit Emma in the hand with his Cobra hand. That caused Emma’s entire arm to go limp.
- The announcers sent it to a video package of Stephanie McMahon having it out with Kane this past Monday on Raw.
- This Monday, Daniel Bryan returns to Raw.
- Sheamus made his entrance for the main event. It’s next.
[Commercial Break]
- An Adam Rose vignette aired.
Before Batista came out, they once again showed Batista’s attack on Sheamus from three weeks ago. A graphic was shown for Evolution vs. The Shield at Extreme Rules. The match immediately went to the outside, where Batista had the advantage. Back in, Sheamus clotheslined Batista down. Batista responded with a clothesline in the corner. Sheamus brought his forearms across the chest of Batista, but not for as many beats as he wanted, as Batista broke it. A knee to the mid-section sent Batista to the floor while they cut to break at 2:28 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 5:54 of the match. Sheamus was still in control as they once again went outside the ring. Batista kicked the stairs into the knee of Sheamus to turn the tables. He then propelled Sheamus into the barricade. As Sheamus got momentum on his side in the ring, Batista dropkicked the legs of a charging Sheamus, sending the Irishman head-first into the middle turnbuckle. Batista grabbed Sheamus and sent him shoulder-first into the ring post. Batista set up for a Batista Bomb, but Sheamus was able to throw him out of the ring. Sheamus reversed Batista, sending the Animal instead into the ring post. Big knee-lift in the corner from Sheamus. Battering ram shoulder tackle by Sheamus, propelling himself in from the apron. Irish Curse back-breaker by Sheamus, but Batista got to the ropes to break before the next move. Batista dodged a Brogue Kick, and another, leading to a Spear of Sheamus. Sheamus kicked out at two at 12:44. Batista Bomb was countered into a back-drop. Batista, though, crotched Sheamus on the top rope when Sheamus climbed the turnbuckle. Batista Bomb ended things.
WINNER: Batista, at 13:45.
A replay of the Batista Bomb was shown. He shook the cobwebs out at ringside, recovering from a brutal match as the victor.
Did you watch Friday's Smackdown episode? Send your 0-10 score & Reax to pwtorch@gmail.com for our TV Reax feature.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. He is the host of “Moonlighting with Greg Parks,” a PWTorch VIP-exclusive audio show posted each weekend. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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