WWE Smackdown Report PARKS'S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 3/28: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of Friday show, including Bray Wyatt vs. Big Show
Mar 28, 2014 - 9:00:58 PM
WWE Smackdown review
March 28, 2014
Taped 3/25/14 in Boston, Mass.
Aired on SyFy
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- WWE Network.
- Inside the arena in Boston, as the camera panned the crowd, Michael Cole intro’d the show by noting Wrestlemania is just nine days away.
- Bray Wyatt vs. Big Show, for the first time ever, is tonight.
- But first…Batista. He came to the ring and was still stuck on the fact that fans still boo him despite all of his credentials. He mentioned that fans instead chant for Daniel Bryan, which cued the fans to go crazy for Bryan. On the Titan-Tron, Batista set up the video of him coming out during Randy Orton’s in-ring with Stephanie McMahon. They showed the slap as well as Batista’s spear of Orton. Batista said Orton isn’t laughing, and Triple H and Bryan won’t be laughing at Wrestlemania. He said he’ll walk out of that show as WWE World Champion, no matter who he has to beat. He said he thinks Stephanie hits harder than all of his possible opponents. That brought out Triple H, trademark smirk on the way to the ring.
Hunter asked Batista to leave his wife out of it. Batista said she’s the reason Hunter is COO of WWE, and he wouldn’t have any of what he has if he didn’t marry the boss’s daughter. Triple H again mentioned the “Reality Era,” saying Batista shouldn’t concern himself with how he got the power, only that he does have the power. Trips asked why Batista is making it personal. Batista said Hunter started it by saying Big Dave was living off of his past glories. Batista said his past glories include Hunter never defeating him. Hunter gave him that, but reminded him it was he who trained Batista, who then ran off to Hollywood. Triple H said he’s yet to see “The Animal” since Batista returned. The COO volunteered to help Batista hone his skills in a match tonight against someone who reminds him of the old “Animal”: Sheamus.
- Cole and JBL were shown on-camera discussing Kane’s issues of late with The Shield. They showed a video package of The Shield’s four-way match from last week and subsequent post-match beat-down at the hands of the heels in the match, Kane, and the New Age Outlaws.
- The Shield came to the ring for a tag-team match. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose take on 3MB, next.
[Commercial Break]
Rollins met Mahal with a dropkick early on. After two suplexes, he tagged in Ambrose. Roman Reigns nodded his approval at ringside. Clean-shaven McIntyre tagged in and thrusted in the general direction of Reigns. That cost him, as Ambrose went on the offensive. Rollins launched himself onto Mahal on the outside. Ambrose gave McIntyre his finisher, “Dirty Deeds,” for the win.
WINNERS: Rollins and Ambrose, at 3:05. The closest we’ll get to an enhancement match in this era.
Kane and the New Age Outlaws walked out in suits. Kane said they won’t ambush The Shield like they did to their next opponents…Ryback and Curtis Axel. That match is next.
[Commercial Break]
The match was joined in progress out of break. Ambrose dug his elbow into the spine of Axel as they were both on the mat. With Ambrose on the apron, Axel gave him a clothesline to the back of the head. Ryback splashed Ambrose off the second rope, and Axel followed it up with an elbow. Ambrose reversed a suplex into…something. It was a combination suplex-DDT it appeared. Rollins got the hot tag and gave Axel a blockbuster. Rollins used his feet against both Axel and Ryback. From the apron, he back-dropped Axel to ringside. He followed that up by diving onto Rybaxel. Axel recovered first and tried to give Rollins his finisher, but Rollins turned it into his curb stomp for the win.
WINNERS: Rollins and Ambrose, at 4:09. Good showcase for The Shield to also hype their six-man tag match at Mania.
With an eye on the heels atop the ramp, Rollins and Ambrose fed Ryback to Reigns, who gave him the Superman punch. Then came the triple powerbomb.
- Later tonight, Sheamus vs. Batista.
[Commercial Break]
This is a rematch from Raw. The trailer aired for the Scooby-Doo/WWE movie during Cara’s entrance, which should tell you all you need to know about Cara’s push here. Somehow, Rod Vista is still getting stuck refereeing Sin Cara matches. Suplex by Sandow for a one-count. Roll-up by Cara after Sandow missed a corner charge, and that was enough for the win.
WINNER: Cara, at 1:04. You have to wonder if the losses that are piling up will lead to a character change for Sandow. As for Cara, I was expecting a little more of a push now that they have someone they can trust under the mask.
- Renee Young was backstage with Big Show. Show said the Wyatts can be kind-of intimidating. Show spoke in hushed tones, saying he may have a giant problem on his hands. Then again, so do the Wyatts. Good closing line.
- Still to come, Batista vs. Sheamus.
[Commercial Break]
Before the match, they showed the end of the Rhodes vs. Fandango match from Raw, with Goldust distracting Summer Rae outside the ring. This is also a rematch from last week. Fadnango controlled Goldust with a rear chin-lock. No Cody Rhodes at ringside here, for what it’s worth. Goldust suplexed out of a rest-hold held by Fandango. Boot to the head, then he mounted Fandango in the corner and punched him ten times. Powerslam by Goldust for two. They went to ringside, where Fandango hid behind Summer Rae. Summer then got between Goldust and the ring to try to prevent him from getting at Fandango. Once he avoided Summer, Goldust was greeted back in the ring with a kick to the head and a pinfall.
WINNER: Fandango, at 3:16. No major botches and no anger from Goldust in this one.
- Sheamus and Batista clash next.
[Commercial Break]
Cole hyped Batista vs. Randy Orton Monday on Raw. Batista, in true heel form, did some stalling to start. He suckered Sheamus into the ring and kicked him in the chest. Referee Chad Patton had to separate Batista from Sheamus in the corner. Triple H was shown watching the match on a TV backstage. Knee-lift right to the nose of Sheamus from Batista. Sheamus charged out of the corner, right into a spinebuster. He flexed his pecs and seemed ready to go for the Batista Bomb, but instead, Sheamus got to his feet and clotheslined Batista. The Irishman clubbed Batista in the chest with his forearms, then brought him back into the ring with a slam. Batista slid out of the ring to avoid a Brogue Kick, and used a chair on Sheamus, causing a disqualification.
WINNER: Sheamus, via DQ, at 5:30. Shorter match than I expected, and one that could’ve been used to further extend Batista’s cardio for Wrestlemania.
Batista continued to use the chair as a weapon on Sheamus after the match. In the ring, he gave Sheamus a Batista Bomb. He then got the mic and addressed Triple H by asking him if he was happy now. He delivered his “deal with it” line after saying he’d leave Mania as WWE World Champion. Batista’s attack on Sheamus was replayed.
- The Raw Rebound aired.
- Backstage, Bray Wyatt cut a promo. He said no one is innocent and everyone wears masks for one reason or another. He said if you hide behind the mask for too long, it becomes you. To remove the masks is to remove your own skin. Wyatt promised to slay a giant…a gift for Cena. He ended by singing “He’s got the whole world in his hands.”
- A.J. Lee and Tamina were backstage, heading to the ring. They face The Bella Twins, next.
[Commercial Break]
Vickie Guerrero was on commentary. She was asked about the Divas Invitational Match. She didn’t give any details. That’s never a good sign. Brie suplexed A.J. down, then tagged in Nikki. Springboard kick to the head for a two-count. Blind tag by Tamina, who gave Nikki a Samoan Drop. A.J. tagged back in and locked in a front face-lock. Nikki countered but A.J. applied a sleeper. Tamina again tagged in and clotheslined Nikki. Brie made the hot tag and gave Tamina a running knee, then a dropkick off the second rope. A.J. and Tamina began arguing on the apron. Tamina shoved her down, then tagged A.J. in. She pushed A.J. into the ring. Brie gave her a facebuster, and that was that.
WINNERS: The Bella Twins, at 3:22. Okay match, aimed at getting over that A.J. will be alone in the Divas Invitational Match. Vickie provided nothing on commentary.
Santino and Emma had a nice meal together earlier in the day. They ordered the same meal, “such an ‘us’ thing to do,” said Santino. Emma called him “the ultimate friend with benefits.” Santino was stunned but Emma met the dinner as a benefit. Santino wanted to look into her eyes, but she thought he meant like a staring contest. Emma stopped him from saying what he was going to say because she felt the same way – they’ll always be the best of friends, she said. Whoops. Santino went for it again, but couldn’t get the words out. Instead, he was going to puke. Emma gave him wine to drink, and he ended up spitting it all over Emma, then puking off-camera. Classic Santino.
- Up next, the confrontation between Brock Lesnar and Undertaker from Raw.
- And I the main event, Big Show vs. Bray Wyatt.
[Commercial Break]
No entrances for anyone. Uso threw Swagger over the top rope, then flew onto him. Back in the ring, Uso dove onto Swagger with a cross-body. Twisting splash for a two-count by Jimmy. Swagger took out Uso’s knee as he charged at Swagger. Patriot Lock locked in. Jimmy tapped.
WINNER: Swagger, at 1:57. A high-energy match, much-needed at this point in the show.
- Cole and JBL hyped the Thirty Years of Wrestlemania Mode on WWE 2K14.
- They showed the confrontation between Lesnar and Taker from Raw.
[Commercial Break]
Henry pointed to the Wrestlemania sign, and Miz wisely took advantage by going after him. That offensive outburst didn’t last long, however. Henry picked Miz up, but Miz got out of a slam attempt. He took out the knee of Henry. Miz kept Henry on the mat but couldn’t put him away. Henry got his boot up on a corner charge and made a comeback. Powerslam, then some a JYD headbutt. Vader Bomb attempt, but Henry missed. Miz couldn’t apply the figure-four, so he dumped Henry over the top rope and to the outside. Henry tossed Miz into the stairs and the barricade. Back inside they went where Henry gave Miz the World’s Strongest Slam.
WINNER: Henry, at 3:29. These two have gotten some of the most hype (along with Big Show) in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, so it made sense to use a match between the two to talk up the Battle Royal.
- The next HOF’er will be revealed…well…next.
[Commercial Break]
- The exterior of the TD Garden in Boston was shown.
- Cole and JBL talked about the WWE Hall-of-Fame ceremony airing on the WWE Network. Then they sent it to the video package of Razor Ramon going in the HOF next.
- Big Show came to the ring. He faces Bray Wyatt next.
[Commercial Break]
During Wyatt’s entrance, they showed a still photo of Cena wearing the sheep’s mask on Raw. The match began with about five minutes left in the show. Show tossed Wyatt around using his size and strength. Wyatt regrouped, seated in front of the announce table. Show got some good licks in but Wyatt kept coming back. Show missed an elbowdrop and Wyatt took advantage. Back splash by Wyatt. It led to a two-count. Show came back with clotheslines, but Wyatt ran into him in the corner. He caught a Show boot and brought it down over his shoulder. Diving elbow found the mark. Erick Rowan tried to get into the ring, allowing Luke Harper to nail Show in the head. Sister Abigail and a clean win for Wyatt.
WINNER: Wyatt, at 4:11.
The show ended on the Wyatts video cut.
Did you watch Friday's Smackdown episode? Send your 0-10 score & Reax to pwtorch@gmail.com for our TV Reax feature.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. He is the host of “Moonlighting with Greg Parks,” a PWTorch VIP-exclusive audio show posted each weekend. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
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He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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