WWE Smackdown Report PARKS'S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 3/7: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of Friday show, including Sheamus vs. Del Rio, Shield
Mar 7, 2014 - 9:00:28 PM
WWE Smackdown review
March 7, 2014
Taped 3/4/14 in Detroit, Mich.
Aired on SyFy
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- WWE Open.
- A video package showed what happened on Raw Monday night, as it relates to Daniel Bryan and his Wrestlemania challenge of Triple H.
- Inside the Joe Louis Arena, the camera caught a wide shot of the crowd until Batista’s music began to play. Michael Cole and JBL were shown at ringside when Batista came to the ring, with Cole saying the WWE Universe seems to want Daniel Bryan and not Batista. Batista reiterated a question he posed last week: “Where have all the real men in WWE gone?” He said his question was answered by Dolph Ziggler, a “little pretty-boy wannabe.” He reminded fans he destroyed Ziggler. Then on Monday, he got another one of the fans’ heroes, “a sawed-off, goat-faced troll named Daniel Bryan.” He said it was the same outcome as the Ziggler match. Cole said it wasn’t the way he remembered it. Batista said he’s the superhero and the guy people pay to see. But he’s humble and doesn’t need the fans to cheer him. That led to Daniel Bryan’s music playing and him coming to the ring.
Bryan was incredulous that Batista thought he was the hero. The fans seemed to side with Bryan on that one. Batista said the problem with this business is when fans were let into the locker room. I’m not sure exactly what he means by that. Is he trying to say that fans are dictating who is being given a shot at the main events in WWE? Bryan said the skinny jeans on Batista must be too tight, thereby cutting off the circulation to Batista’s brain. Bryan reminded Batista that it was Randy Orton who attacked him from behind on Monday, and after Kane and Triple H interfered as well (all of whom Bryan got the better of himself). Bryan compared himself to the fans and said he’d be embarrassed that a fan nearly took him out Monday night.
Batista calmly told Bryan never to presume what he thinks. He said he’s tougher, better-looking, and smarter than Bryan. He said the WWE Universe became HIS Universe when he stepped foot back into it, and he’s allowing Bryan to simply exist in that Universe. Awesome verbiage there. Bryan said he’s not sure he wants to be in a Universe where they wear vests, sunglasses indoors, and where belly-button tattoos are cool, like with Batista. Before Bryan could insult Batista anymore, Batista attacked. He was kicked out of the ring by Bryan. Kane’s pyro then went off and he came out. Batista attacked Bryan from behind and Kane joined in on the assault. Big Show ran down the aisle (yes, ran) to even the odds. I smell a tag match. Sure enough, Vickie Guerrero screeched her entrance into the arena. She said the four of them were acting like animals, so later tonight, the issue will be settled (Ha!) in a tag match. I’m not sure what exactly Vickie was wearing there. I’m no fashionista, but it didn’t look terribly flattering.
- Tonight, The Shield Summit will take place in the ring as some sort of clearing of the air amongst the three.
[Commercial Break]
Christian’s entrance was just finishing up after the break. As he was in the ring, they showed his backstage attack on Sheamus last Monday on Raw. Alberto Del Rio was at ringside on commentary. Ziggler strutted his stuff and took Christian down a few times in early going. He tackled Christian and mounted him, delivering punch after punch. Ziggler avoided a baseball slide on the outside, but Christian catapulted Ziggler into the steel steps. They cut to break with Ziggler recovering at 1:55 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 5:50, with Christian taking Ziggler down via hair pull. Ziggler countered Christian’s springboard cross-body with a dropkick. Ziggler stayed aggressive on offense, connecting on a neck-breaker. Hook of the leg and a cover got two. Jumping DDT by Ziggler after countering the Killswitch. Two-count at 8:45. Referee saw Christian try to use the ropes for leverage on a pin. Top-rope face-buster by Ziggler. He was slow to make the cover, and got two at 9:29. Del Rio was off of commentary, standing on the announce table with a mic. Christian caught Ziggler with the Killswitch and got the pin.
WINNER: Christian, at 9:49. An interesting match-up on paper, it resulted in a decent match that at least felt fresh. I guess we’re getting a Del Rio vs. Ziggler feud.
Renee Young interviewed Christian in the ring post-match. Christian admonished the fans for being loud while he was trying to hear Young’s question. Christian was talking about Sheamus when the Irishman came out looking for a fight. The men brawled in the ring. Christian dodged a Brogue Kick and high-tailed it away from the ring.
- Up next, Brock Lesnar’s destruction continued following Paul Heyman’s Pipe Bomb.
[Commercial Break]
No entrance for the heels. Jey battled Ryback following a quick tag-out by Axel. Double-team chop by the Usos. Axel low-bridged Jimmy as he ran the ropes, causing him to fall to ringside. Axel worked over Jimmy’s left arm outside the ring. Ryback worked that same arm as the legal man. Splash off the second rope missed and Jey tagged in at 3:04. Corner butt splash found the mark for two, with the pin broken up by Axel. Double superkick felled Ryback. Splash off the top rope by Jey for the pin.
WINNERS: The Usos, at 4:21. Good enough to help establish the Usos as worthy of being tag champions. It might be time for some new blood (The Ascension?) in the tag division.
Replays of the end of the match aired.
- The Raw Rebound aired. They didn’t show any of Heyman’s comments about C.M. Punk.
- The Undertaker returns to Raw this Monday night in Memphis. He’ll respond to Brock Lesnar’s vow to conquer the Streak.
- Next, the newest inductee into the WWE Hall-of-Fame will be announced.
[Commercial Break]
- Byron Saxton was backstage with Kane. Kane claimed Daniel Bryan got lucky against him on Main Event, but that luck runs out tonight. Kane said he knows Bryan has anger issues, and Kane said he’d rip Bryan’s beard off his face and shove it down his throat.
The alleged babyfaces were already in the ring. Tamina shoved Eva around, then took her down with a headlock. Eva took over by stepping on the toes (literally) of Tamina. Arm-drag by Eva. A.J. distracted Eva, allowing Tamina to take over. Tamina held Eva Marie, leading to A.J. kicking Eva right in the mid-section. Eva broke free of A.J. and made the tag to Nattie at 2:52 of the match. Snap suplex to A.J, then another. Falcon Arrow-like slam by Natalya, with the pin broken up by Tamina. Nattie ended up locking in the Sharpshooter for the tap-out win.
WINNERS: Natalya & Eva Marie, via submission, at 3:56. I didn’t think the announcers made a big enough deal about Nattie tapping out the longest-reigning Divas Champion in history. It must be Total Divas season with Eva Marie getting more TV time.
- The announcers segued into the Paul Bearer H.O.F. video package.
- The Shield came to the ring for the airing of grievances. I can’t wait for the feats of strength – my money is on Roman Reigns. Anyway, they talk next.
[Commercial Break]
- Only Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns were in the ring. They showed Seth Rollins walking out on The Shield Monday night on Raw. Ambrose spoke first, saying they can handle physical pain, but they can’t handle or tolerate being lied to by someone he trusts. He said they’ve been lied to for the last 18 months. He criticized Rollins for walking out on them in the middle of a war and called him out. The Shield music played and the camera searched the crowd, but Rollins came out from backstage, down the side of the ramp. Rollins, from the apron, acknowledged that he may have picked a bad time to prove a point. He said the war isn’t with The Wyatts, but within their group. He said he sacrificed himself for the greater good to get the team on the same page.
Ambrose disagreed, claiming Rollins walked off. Rollins said for the first time in months, Ambrose and Reigns are standing in the same ring, seeing things eye-to-eye. He said that proves his point. Rollins entered the ring and said they can go their separate ways right now and be fine. But what if “fine” isn’t good enough? He said if they stand together, no one can touch them, including the Wyatts, Undertaker, and John Cena. Ambrose wasn’t impressed with the explanation and shoved Rollins twice, knocking him down the second time. Reigns then shoved Ambrose to the mat. Rollins slapped Ambrose across the face. He said it felt great. Rollins said Ambrose might need to get something out of his system too so he’ll take one for the team, as usual. Ambrose pie-faced Rollins, sending him to the mat. Reigns got between the two of them. “Are we done here?” asked Rollins when he got to his feet. “Or are we done?” Reigns seemed ready to pounce, balling up his fist, but he put it in the middle as a sign of togetherness. Ambrose was the last one, but he followed suit. Some in the crowd cheered, but many booed.
- Tonight, Kane teams with Batista to take on Daniel Bryan & Big Show in tag action.
- But next, Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio.
[Commercial Break]
- A commercial aired for the Wrestlemania Reading Challenge.
Del Rio didn’t even get an entrance. They must have been short on time this week. Big clothesline sent Del Rio over the top rope. Rolling senton by Sheamus outside the ring. Into the barricade went Del Rio next. Del Rio sent the injured arm of Sheamus into the steps, to turn the tide. They went to break at 2:24 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Del Rio kicked Sheamus to the mat upon return from break. Del Rio found himself on the apron soon after, and Sheamus took advantage, clotheslining him down. Sheamus showed a lot of light with his running forearms. Slam for two at 7:18. Del Rio continued to target the injured arm of Sheamus. Superkick by Del Rio for two. He signaled for the cross arm-breaker by Sheamus broke free. Irish Curse back-breaker found the mark. A near-fall followed. Del Rio finally locked in the cross arm-breaker. Sheamus fought out of it and slammed Del Rio down. Still, Del Rio put it on again. Sheamus broke the hold by reaching the ropes. The ref pulled Del Rio off of Sheamus in the corner, creating just the separation Sheamus needed to hit the Brogue Kick for the win.
WINNER: Sheamus, at 10:36. Nothing ventured, nothing gained in this one. Technically it was decent, but neither guy is particularly hot at this moment.
- The Wyatts cut a promo on the Titan-Tron. Luke Harper spoke, asking John Cena why he does “it?” Bray Wyatt walked into the shot, saying we’re not in Wonderland anymore. He said Cena is trying to fill a void inside of him. “What would John Cena be without his legacy?” Wyatt said the world is his teacher, and he is what we made him. He said he doesn’t want to save Cena, but rather, stand back and watch it all burn down.
- Batista was putting on his ring gear backstage when Byron Saxton asked him about his match tonight. Batista said there’s nothing special about Bryan, so he has to find a buddy to hide behind. He didn’t seem enthused about teaming with Kane, instead wanting to focus on Randy Orton for their match at Wrestlemania. He said a “real man” will then be the face of WWE.
[Commercial Break]
- Cole plugged WWE Main Event live next Tuesday on the WWE Network.
- The skyline of Detroit was shown.
- Up to the WWE Network Panel of experts, Booker T., Jim Duggan, and Alex Riley joined Josh Mathews. They took turns discussing what has happened tonight on Smackdown thus far.
- Lana came out and introduced Alexander Rusev. Rusev spoke little English, only his name being recognizable.
- Cole and JBL talked about Rusev’s performance at the Royal Rumble. They also plugged Hulk Hogan as the host of Wrestlemania. He’ll have a Wrestlemania announcement on Raw this Monday.
- Renee Young was backstage with Big Show and Daniel Bryan. Young brought up the comments made by Batista about Bryan in the last segment. Bryan said Triple H must not be a man either, because he hides behind anyone he can. Show found that hilarious. Show said they’re a team, like David and Goliath. Or, more accurately, Respect the Beard and Fear the Giant. They chanted “Yes!” as the show went to break.
[Commercial Break]
- A graphic aired for The Undertaker on Raw this coming week.
The babyfaces were the only ones to get an entrance. As Bryan came to the ring, a bit of Triple H’s WWE.com interview with Michael Cole was shown. Hunter scoffed at the idea that he’s afraid of facing Daniel Bryan. Thesz Press by Bryan on Kane. Show whipped Bryan into Kane, then he took over in the ring himself. Show landed a series of headbutts to the cranium of Kane. Kane dropkicked Show’s leg out from under him. Batista tagged in and the two attempted to suplex Show, but Show suplexed them in an ugly spot. Bryan hit Kane and Show, who were outside the ring, with a suicide dive. The final break was taken 2:20 into the match.
[Commercial Break]
The show returned at 5:21 of the match. Show chopped the chest of Batista. Bryan tagged in and he kicked away at the Wrestlemania WWE World Title challenger. Bryan cleaned house on both men, but Batista planted Bryan with a spinebuster for two. Kane tagged in and tagged Bryan with rights in a neutral corner. Bryan was seated on the top rope, but he blocked a top-rope suplex. Kane was headbutted off the top, then hit with a missile dropkick. Batista tagged in and clubbed Bryan with a forearm to the back of the head. JBL curiously mentioned Vader along with Undertaker as the top stars Triple H has faced in the last 20 years, as a way to defend him for seeming to be “scared” of facing Bryan. Batista, whose chest was red from chops and kicks, speared Bryan. Bryan escaped a Batista Bomb and kicked Big Dave in the head. Show made the tag, as did Kane. Jumping shoulder tackle by Show on his long-time nemesis. He tagged Bryan, who then hit a diving headbutt. Batista got involved and Show took him out. Kane made it to the ropes to avoid a sunset flip roll-up, but Show, from outside the ring, KO’d Kane with a punch and Bryan pinned him.
WINNERS: Bryan and Show, at 11:14.
The finish of the match was replayed. The faces celebrated in the ring after the match. Cole plugged WWE Backstage Pass on the Network as Bryan sat atop Show’s shoulders and directed “Yes!” chants to close things out.
Did you watch Friday's Smackdown episode? Send your 0-10 score & Reax to pwtorch@gmail.com for our TV Reax feature.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. He is the host of “Moonlighting with Greg Parks,” a PWTorch VIP-exclusive audio show posted each weekend. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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