WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 7/12: Complete coverage of Friday night show, including Orton vs. Sheamus main event
Jul 13, 2013 - 11:19:40 PM
WWE Smackdown review
July 12, 2013
Taped 7/9/13 in Hampton, Virginia
Aired on SyFy
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- Smackdown Open.
- Daniel Bryan came to the ring to begin the show. As he did, Michael Cole plugged the main event of Sheamus vs. Randy Orton. Before his opponent came to the ring, they showed Bryan in the show-closing angle from Raw.
Of course, the Money in the Bank briefcase hung over the ring. Dropkick off the second rope by Christian for a two-count early on. Bryan came back with a knee-lift that put Christian down hard. More back-and-forth action, including a spinebuster by Christian. Middle-rope elbow from Christian for two. Bryan was launched over the top rope and to the arena floor. Baseball slide missed and Bryan clotheslined Christian down. Bryan, on the apron, dove at Christian with a knee to the face. They cut to break at 3:19 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 6:28 of the match, with Bryan missing a high-risk move and Christian capitalizing. Bryan sent Christian to the outside, and before Bryan could hit the suicide dive, Christian belted him with a right hand. Christian seemed to aggravate a shoulder injury outside the ring. Back in, sunset flip led to a near fall. At 9:21, Christian went to the top and missed a cross-body. Bryan ascended the top rope and missed a diving headbutt. Bryan came back with boots to the chest of Christian, but he missed the kick to the head and Christian hit his inverted DDT. Spear countered by Bryan and he finally hit the kick to the head. More kicks in the corner from Bryan. Bryan tried a running start from the opposite corner, but Christian speared him for a near-fall. “This is awesome”chant from the fans. Both men’s finishers were countered. Christian tried another sunset flip, but Bryan caught him and put him in the Yes Lock (formerly the No Lock, and before that, the Yes Lock). Christian tapped.
WINNER: Bryan, via submission, at 12:31. Really good match, and Christian seemed motivated in working with Bryan.
They replayed a few key moments from the match.
- Teddy Long, eternally on his phone, was interrupted backstage by Dolph Ziggler. Long said he was giving Ziggler the night off, but that’s not what Ziggler wanted. Long said Alberto Del Rio is facing Sin Cara, and he wants to make sure Dolph doesn’t interfere. He said Vickie Guerrero was fired on Monday, and he doesn’t want to be the next one to get canned, so no one is interfering in matches tonight. Ziggler accused Long of being buddy-buddy with Del Rio (despite Long forcing Del Rio to wrestle and giving Ziggler the night off) and then bragged about how he’ll become World Champ on Sunday.
- Up next, we’ll see if Vickie Guerrero passed or failed her job evaluation Monday. Well, Long kinda gave it away in the last segment.
[Commercial Break]
It was hilarious listening to Cole listing every platform in which you could watch the MITB preview show, featuring The Shield vs. The Usos. Neither man got an entrance, by the way. Uso fought out of a top wrist-lock and hit what I believe was an elbow, though it could’ve intended to be a forearm or headbutt. A little hard to tell, and that’s not a good thing. Back elbow by Jey found the mark, but Rollins pulled Uso off the second rope by his foot. Running splash in the corner by Rolins for two. JBL said The Shield has more experience than the Usos, an interesting comment if only because The Shield debuted in WWE years after the Usos. Jey no-sold a few head-shots to the turnbuckle by Rollins. Running butt splash in the corner by Jey. Roman Reigns got on the apron to distract Jey, and Jimmy kicked him in the gut. Samoan drop by Jey for a very near-fall. To the top went Jey, but Reigns took out Jimmy on the outside. That distraction led to Rollins knocking Jey off the top rope. Knee strike by Rollins was enough to finish off Uso.
WINNER: Rollins, at 4:06. Combine the fact that The Shield is likely to retain Sunday with designated Shield jobber Rollins being in one-on-one action, and I thought Jey would pull off the win here.
- They showed a thankfully brief clip of Vickie Guerrero being fired and Brad Maddox being named new GM on Raw.
- Curtis Axel vs. Chris Jericho in a re-match is next.
[Commercial Break]
They showed how Axel lost to Jericho on Raw during Jericho’s entrance. Axel was aggressive at the start, but Jericho came back with chops and a hard back elbow. Missile dropkick for barely a two-count. Jericho went for an early Codebreaker, but Axel caught him and dropped him face-first across the top rope. That looked a little dangerous. They went to break at 1:56 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
They came back at 5:22 of the match. Axel was in control. Jericho came back with chops and a right hand. Northern lights suplex for two by Jericho. Axel countered the Walls of Jericho, and Axel landed a hard belly-to-back suplex for two. Paul Heyman was at ringside to cheer on Axel. Missed corner charge by Axel led to Jericho climbing to the top rope. Cross-body found the mark for two at 7:32. Jericho landed on the apron when Axel tried to toss him, and Axel gave him a knee to the gut, then a neck-breaker back into the ring. Walls again countered, this time into a small package for two. Enziguiri by Jericho for two at 9:10 of the contest. Outside the ring, an Axel clothesline felled Jericho. Jericho returned the favor and as Axel was coming into the ring, Jericho caught him with a Codebreaker. Axel fell out of the ring and Heyman tried to coach him up. It didn’t work.
WINNER: Jericho, via count-out, at 10:44. Jericho uses one of Axel’s favorite ways to win against him.
An irate Axel began rearranging furniture at ringside. He took the top off of the announce table and tossed a monitor to the ground. Heyman tried to calm him down.
- Tonight, we’ll see the debut of the Wyatt Family from Raw.
- The Miz came to the ring for his match with Ryback. It’s next.
[Commercial Break]
This is a rematch from Raw of a few weeks ago. Early on, Miz threw Ryback to the outside and Ryback came up lame on an already injured leg. Ryback caught Miz coming back in, but Miz booted Ryback in the head. Ryback caught Miz in mid-air and powerslammed him. Miz was slammed back-first into the buckle, then whipped hard into the opposite one. Miz fought back against Ryback by going after the injured leg. He finally took Ryback off his feet and connected on a corner clothesline. He went to the top and nailed Ryback with a double axe-handle. Miz brought Ryback’s leg down over his shoulder, and Ryback began to writhe in pain in the corner. He told Charles Robinson that he heard something pop. However, he demanded Robinson not stop the match. Robinson helped Ryback to his feet, which allowed him to clothesline Miz. His leg buckled a bit as he connected with Shell Shock for the win.
WINNER: Ryback, at 5:53. Still not sure where they’re going with this Ryback thing, especially now that he didn’t want the ref to stop the match.
They replayed the finish, as well as what led to Ryback’s injury.
- Renee Young was backstage with Sheamus. She asked for his thoughts about taking on Randy Orton tonight. He said his family drove snakes out of Ireland, and he plans on doing something similar tonight. As for MITB, he suggested he put a pint or corned beef and cabbage in the briefcase once he wins. He vowed to cash in and become three-time WWE Champion. He also told Young she was pretty cute.
- A split-screen showed A.J. skipping and Kaitlyn walking backstage. For the first time in Smackdown history, a WWE Divas Championship match contract signing, next.
[Commercial Break]
- Teddy Long was in the ring along with the entire Divas division (and Big E. Langston). A.J. and Kaitlyn were already seated at the table, which was much fancier than what we’re used to for contract signings. A.J. was up first and called the Divas, “the sequined sisterhood of the sparkling pants.” She said most of them don’t like either her or Kaitlyn. A.J. said no one cared about the division until she won the title. Long interrupted A.J. and told her they don’t have time for her ramblings, and insisted she sign the contract. She signed her name, then warned Kaitlyn that she’d embarrass her like never before.
Layla stole the pen from A.J. to allow Kaitlyn to sign the contract. She did so. Kaitlyn was in the midst of asking what kind of fake dirt A.J. was prepared to lay on her next. A.J. took out a phone and asked Kaitlyn if she remembered those texts she sent to her secret admirer. A.J. began reading off the phone. She read a text in which Kaitlyn put down Natalya, Cameron and Naomi. Kaitlyn reached over and took the phone, throwing it down on the mat. “Hulk smash,” said A.J. So she cued up a text on the Titan-Tron to read. A.J. laughed as Kaitlyn looked embarrassed. A.J. told Kaitlyn to tear up the contract and walk away, never showing her fat face or trashy hair ever again. Kaitlyn refused and said A.J’s manipulation is not going to work again. Kaitlyn said she’d never let a needy, clingy, man-crazed psychopath destroy her again. She said she will be champion again and A.J. will end up rocking back-and-forth in a padded cell. As she went on, A.J. slapped her. Kaitlyn pushed A.J. back in her seat and shoved the table (pushing A.J. in the chair) all the way back to the turnbuckle. She went after A.J. until Langston corralled her. Then Kaitlyn slapped Langston and speared A.J. Good segment overall, especially A.J.’s performance.
- Sheamus vs. Randy Orton is tonight.
- Backstage, Fandango kissed a mirror image of himself as Summer Rae held it in front of him. He faces Wade Barrett next.
[Commercial Break]
- Wade Barrett was in the ring, Zeb Colter was on commentary, and Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro were also at ringside. Apparently, Cesaro, Swagger and Colter are the “Real Americans.” A graphic aired for the World Title MITB match.
During Fandango’s entrance, they showed Barrett cold-cocking him backstage on Raw, which led to this match. Once the bell rang, Fandango waltzed right into a big boot. Colter questioned the citizenship of Damien Sandow. Back-breaker by Barrett for two. Barrett placed Fandango stomach-first over the top rope. As he did so, Cody Rhodes and Sandow marched to ringside. Fandango threw a kick at Barrett and rolled him up, with a handful of tights, for the win.
WINNER: Fandango, at 1:47. You can tell how much fun JBL, Colter and Cole have in doing commentary together.
The two heel tag teams continued to argue at ringside.
- The announcers talked about the debut of the Wyatt Family on Raw. Cole broke the news that Kane will not be cleared for the MITB Ladder Match on Sunday. They showed what happened.
[Commercial Break]
- Alberto Del Rio came down to the ring for a match with Sin Cara. Before the match could begin, Cara attacked Del Rio. Del Rio kicked Cara in the gut and the two men continued to brawl. JBL claimed this was not Sin Cara. Cara Zig Zagged JBL. It was obvious it was Ziggler, as he had the blond hair sneaking out the back of the mask. Cole hilariously tried to claim it was Cara while JBL exasperatedly said how obvious it was Ziggler. Vickie Guerrero (“where did she come from?’ asked JBL) appeared at ringside with a mic. She said Teddy Long made him by a ticket for tonight’s show. She continued screeching until Long came out.
Long said Stephanie McMahon had two words for Vickie on Monday, and tonight, he has one word for her: “Security!” As security came to ringside and confronted Vickie, the crowd saying the “Goodbye” song. She was finally escorted out through the crowd.
- Tonight’s main event is next: Randy Orton vs. Sheamus.
[Commercial Break]
- Sin Cara was walking backstage when Long approached him. He thought it was Dolph. Ziggler then came up next to Teddy and put his arm around him. Ziggler said he left his cell phone in the locker room, which is why he came back. He told Cara he never saw him look better out there.
After a suplex by Sheamus, he got a two-count on a pin. The crowd seemed split in who to cheer for. Powerslam by Sheamus for two. Orton threw Sheamus out of the ring and the two men traded blows. Orton’s head was bounced off the announce table, but he followed it with a clothesline. They cut to break at 2:39 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at exactly six-minutes into the match. Orton had Sheamus in a rear chin-lock. Orton created enough separation to dropkick Sheamus for a two-count. The announcers recapped what happened earlier in the show as far as matches and segments, which I thought was a nice touch. Sheamus took Orton down with a running forearm. Running knee-lift by Sheamus missed and Orton began his comeback. Impressive powerslam for two. Irish Curse back-breaker by Sheamus for two. Orton attempted his rope-assisted DDT, but Sheamus countered and dropped Orton throat-first across the top rope. Orton briefly fought off Sheamus’s attack, but eventually succumbed to the clubbing forearms to the chest. Rolling senton by Sheamus. Quite a few boos as Sheamus set up for the Brogue Kick. He missed the kick and went to the top rope. Orton pulled him down and used his vintage DDT with Sheamus’s ankles hooked in the ropes near the middle turnbuckle. Many more cheers for Orton as he readied for the RKO. Sheamus managed to counter the RKO. Sheamus again went to the top, but Orton crotched him. A number of headbutts dazed Sheamus. On the top, both men tumbled to the ringside floor. As they were down, Daniel Bryan ran down and took out a ladder from under the ring. He went into the ring with the ladder and as Orton and Sheamus re-entered the ring, he bashed them both with it.
WINNER: No Contest, at 13:04.
Bryan climbed the ladder, much like he did on Raw, but this time, Sheamus stopped him by pulling him down. He tried to throw Bryan over the top rope but Bryan instead went face-first into the top rope. Ouch. Sheamus climbed the ladder and Christian came down to stop him. I think we can see where this is headed. Christian neutralized Sheamus for a moment, but as he tried to climb, Sheamus stopped him. Christian and Sheamus fought on the top of the ladder, with Christian getting the better of the exchange. It didn’t matter, however, as Bryan tipped him off the ladder. Before he could climb back up, Bryan was RKO’d by Orton. Orton made it to the top of the ladder and took down the briefcase. The camera showed the others all selling the beatings, then back to Orton with the briefcase before they cut out.
Did you watch Friday's Smackdown episode? Send your 0-10 score & Reax to pwtorch@gmail.com for our TV Reax feature.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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