WWE Smackdown Report PARKS'S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 2/15: Complete "virtual time" coverage of Friday night show, including Orton vs. Henry
Feb 15, 2013 - 9:00:07 PM
WWE Smackdown review
February 15, 2013
Taped 2/12/13 in Little Rock, Ark.
Aired on SyFy
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- WWE Open.
- The opening video package showed clips from The Rock and C.M. Punk’s physical altercation from Raw this past week. Tonight, The Rock will be on the show. Also, with the Elimination Chamber match looming this weekend, two of the participants square off in a rematch from last week: Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry.
- Smackdown Open.
- The Big Show began the show be coming out, dressed in a suit. During his entrance, they showed what happened to Show and his bus last week on Friday night. Show said after that incident, three innocent people suffered his wrath on Raw. Show said Alberto Del Rio has never pinned him. He began the promo talking calmly, but when it got to Del Rio, he began to scream. He talked about the rage inside of him and said at Elimination Chamber, he’ll ball that rage up in his fist. When he does, Del Rio’s fiesta is going to turn into a siesta. That was pretty clever. Chris Jericho’s music interrupted and he walked to the ring.
Josh Mathews and JBL were shown at the announce desk as Jericho entered the squared circle. Jericho claimed to know what Show was feeling, but Show said if Jericho does know him, he should be as far away from him as possible. Then he asked why Jericho was out bothering him. Jericho managed to plug his new hosting gig while saying in the ring, he’s better than ever. He laid in the compliments to Show, but then discussed his own accolades to set up the possibility of Show vs. Jericho at Wrestlemania. He said he would win such a match, something Show could never “eeeeeeever” forget again. That was a stretch to use his catchphrase there.
Show responded by saying if they do have a match, it’ll be the last Wrestlemania match of Jericho’s career. He took it a step further by telling Jericho to leave the ring or he may not even make it to the PPV. Booker T. came out before things could come to blows. Booker said there are no guarantees of the two facing each other at Mania, so they’ll be fighting tonight in the main event. They showed Show and Jericho’s reactions to the announcement.
- Randy Orton was walking backstage. Matt Striker approached him and asked him his feeling on facing Mark Henry again tonight. Before he could answer, Striker shuffled away quickly because Henry walked up. He stared at Orton for a beat until his music began to play. He then headed presumably toward the entranceway.
- The Rock will be on Smackdown tonight.
[Commercial Break]
- Mark Henry was in the ring out of break. They showed a Hall of Pain video package as he awaited Orton’s arrival.
A graphic for the Elimination Chamber match was shown before this one-on-one contest. Orton took Henry down early on, then clotheslined him outside the ring. Henry was allowed to roll back in and get to a vertical base. That proved to be a mistake on Orton’s part, as Henry delivered a headbutt and clobbered Orton in the corner. Beal out of the corner by Henry, but a big splash missed the mark. Standing dropkick delivered by Orton. Orton punched away at the skull of Henry in the corner, but Henry simply dumped him to ringside. They cut to break 2:35 into the match.
[Commercial Break]
The show returned 6:30 into the match. Orton was working out of a nerve-hold. Henry put Orton over his shoulder and drove Orton into the mat with a running powerslam. It got him a two-count. Another nerve-hold. Orton hit the ropes and again clotheslined Henry, again taking the big man off his feet. Orton ducked by Henry gave him a clothesline in an oddly-timed spot. Both men looked lost briefly. Short DDT by Orton and a cover for two at 8:51. Rope-assisted DDT by Orton. He set up for the RKO, but Henry dodged it and Orton was knocked out of the ring. Henry was going to slam Orton outside the ring, but instead, Orton snuck out the back, grabbed a chair, and used it on Henry for the disqualification.
WINNER: Henry, via DQ, at 10:29. The fact that WWE didn’t job Henry here to have the two men at 1-1 heading into the Chamber means they want to keep him strong…perhaps for a Chamber win? Still, a little surprised they didn’t at least have him lose by DQ.
In the ring, Orton used the chair again. Henry shrugged it off and gave Orton the World’s Strongest Slam.
- Tonight, The Rock will appear on Smackdown.
- Next, Ryback, Sheamus and John Cena evened the odds against The Shield on Raw. We’ll see clips of that battle.
[Commercial Break]
- The previous match’s finish was replayed, as well as the post-match goings-on.
- Henry was walking backstage when he came upon Striker and a production assistant. Henry grabbed the mic from Striker and said he’s been home for nine months, frustrated waiting for his return. He said his Hall of Pain has been getting full as of late. Henry suggested they have the National Guard and other military branches on hand Sunday because none of his opponents will stop his road to Wrestlemania. “Back to you,” he said as he slammed the microphone into Striker’s chest and walked off.
- The announcers discussed The Shield vs. Sheamus, Ryback and John Cena at the Chamber PPV. A video package aired on The Shield’s destruction, as well as their battles with their upcoming opponents.
- Layla came to the ring, for her match with Tamina Snuka. It’s next.
[Commercial Break]
- A Fandango vignette aired. I feel like his look has changed after the long layoff between vignettes, and I liked the original look better.
A graphic aired for Tamina vs. Kaitlyn for the Divas Title at the Chamber PPV. Tamina shoved Layla into the ropes. Mathews discussed how the PPV match came about, as it aired on the WWE Active App. Kick to the gut by Layla then a springboard cross-body for two. Hair-toss and some dancing from Layla. She backed her bottom right into the face of Tamina, then knocked her out of the ring. Tamina used the skirt of the apron to trip Layla up. Back in the ring, a cover got her two. Upon replay, I’m not sure what Layla was going for or how Tamina grabbing the skirt of the apron tripped up Layla. Rear chinlock by Tamina as Kaitlyn was shown looking on backstage. Splash by Tamina in the corner missed and Layla kept Tamina down with a few pin attempts. A cross-body try was caught by Tamina, and she felled Layla with a Samoan drop. Tamina set Layla up and gave her a Superfly Splash for the win.
WINNER: Tamina, at 4:10. Tamina gets some more credibility heading into her PPV match with Kaitlyn. I actually thought this would be a little more dominant of a win by Tamina.
- Jericho vs. The Big Show is tonight’s main event.
- A video aired of The Rock challenging C.M. Punk and the physicality that ensued. Oh, and Punk’s one-liner after he stole the belt.
- The Rock is up next.
[Commercial Break]
- The Rock came out for his segment. Rock eschewed leading off with “Finally…” and addressed C.M. Punk’s theft of his title. He said that decision will haunt Punk for the rest of his life. He promised to make Punk suffer on Sunday. Rock said Punk isn’t a spoiled little boy like Punk – he’s a man. He said it took him ten long years to win that title back. Well now, it’s not like he was toiling away trying to win that title for all those years. Punk and Paul Heyman appeared on the TitanTron “via satellite.” Heyman held up the title, which Punk says rightly belongs to the Best in the World. He said Rock is a hypocrite because he’s the one throwing the tantrum. Punk said he wants Rock to snap and get disqualified, because when that happens, he’ll win. He kept up with the refrain of him beating The Rock at the Royal Rumble. Punk said if Rock gets counted out or DQ’d, he wins the title. Does anyone believe Rock is going to get counted out in that match?
Rock responded, saying Punk talks a big game, but his words are worthless. Punk didn’t stop Rock at the Royal Rumble like Punk said he would. Has Rock always repeated words and phrases as much as he does in promos these days? Rock said Punk will wake up Monday morning and realize he failed. Rock said Punk is standing in the way of a steamroller of a man. He said he’ll win at Elimination Chamber and will go on to Wrestlemania as champion. “If you smell what the Rock is cooking.” Rock’s music played as Punk and Heyman continued to look on from the Tron.
- In tonight’s main event, Chris Jericho vs. Big Show.
Tensai did no dancing before the match. Drew McIntyre was at ringside with the rest of 3MB. Slater did some air guitar, as he and Tensai faced off. Tensai danced in response. Slater tried to take advantage with some offense, but could only sustain it with a distraction from McIntyre. Running high knee by Mahal for a one-count at 1:14. A running cross-body was caught by Tensai and turned into a slam of some sort. That was ugly. Clay made the tag and landed an overhead suplex on Mahal. Slater tried to come off the top but was headbutted in the chest out of mid-air. Stereo corner splashes by the big men. McIntyre was shoved off the apron and Tensai gave Mahal his tree slam finisher. Clay, the legal man, splashed Mahal for the win.
WINNERS: Clay and Tensai, at 2:38. They’re doing a nice job of previewing each PPV match on this show, almost hyping a different one with each segment. This one, of course, readied the fans for Clay and Tensai challenging Team Rhodes Scholars on the pre-show.
As Clay, Tensai and the Funkadactyls danced in the ring, The Shield’s music hit. Clay shooed the women away as The Shield hit the ring. Roman Reigns powerbombed Clay, thanks in part to Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins lifting him up. Ambrose got a mic and said it won’t look any different this Sunday. He said Cena, Sheamus and Ryback will be put on trial and sentenced on Sunday. And they will believe in The Shield. They left through the crowd as the announcers laid out into the break.
[Commercial Break]
- Another Fandango vignette was shown.
Rhodes was already in the ring out of break. Miz had his shoulder wrapped due to the attack from Antonio Cesaro Monday night. Miz will be challenging Cesaro for the U.S. Title on Sunday night. Back elbow by Miz put Rhodes down, but Miz ran into a boot in the corner. Rhodes slammed Miz on that injured arm. Miz made a comeback and Rhodes rolled him up for two at 2:37. Rhodes went right back after the arm and shoulder of Miz. Miz applied the Figure-Four and Rhodes tapped.
WINNER: Miz, at 3:10. I could totally see Miz winning on Sunday in a further attempt by WWE to do anything to get Miz over as a face, but this shoulder injury seems like it’ll give him an out to lose to Cesaro.
- Tonight, Jericho vs. The Big Show.
[Commercial Break]
Swagger was once again accompanied by Zeb Coulter. JBL said Coulter served in Vietnam with Jack’s dad. I love that backstory. No mention by JBL of Coulter managing him in a past life, though. Attempted clothesline by Ryder took Swagger to a knee. That wasn’t pretty. Swagger ripped Ryder off the top rope and brought him down hard on the mat. Hard whip into the buckle by Ryder. JBL said Coulter gives a big advantage to Swagger, although it’s not clear how. Ryder knocked Swagger down in the corner, but missed the Broski Boot. Swagger slammed Ryder’s knee into the ring-post. Running knee attack on Ryder bent his opponent backward. Gutwrench powerbomb by Swagger, followed by the Patriot Act ankle-lock.
WINNER: Swagger, via submission, at 3:20. The announcers continued to further the story between Swagger and Coulter. I’m still liking it so far.
Swagger got the mic after the match and introduced Coulter as a “native” and a “great American.” Coulter took the mic and said the choices you make define you. Do you end up like a great Patriot like Swagger and Coulter? Or do the choices resemble a “clown” like Ryder, who cares more about the hair than the country he lives in? Coulter claimed the country is broken and they know how to fix it. He said Swagger is a great patriot and he knows how to fix the problem. “Remember, ‘we the people.’” Swagger chanted “we the people” off mic as his music played.
[Commercial Break]
- Mathews thanked Stellar Revival for “The Crazy Ones,” the official Elimination Chamber theme song.
- A video package on the Elimination Chamber itself was shown.
- After a graphic aired for the Chamber match, Mathews sent it backstage to Matt Striker, who was with Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez. Del Rio played Q & A with Rodriguez, with all of the answers being “si.” And the questions were not kind to Big Show. Del Rio asked Rodriguez if he’ll beat Show on Sunday. Rodriguez replied with “si” over and over again.
- The Big Show made his entrance for the main event. It’s next.
[Commercial Break]
Show took down Jericho to start and was very aggressive in doing so. Jericho found himself outside the ring, where Show chopped him in the chest. On his way back in, Show fell victim to a springboard dropkick. Baseball slide took him further away from the ring. Jericho went outside where Show grabbed him and tossed him over the announce table. Y2J was thrown back into the ring where Show continued to work him over. Bodyslam by Show on Jericho. Jericho climbed the top rope, where Show caught him in a choke. Jericho created separation, however and took Show down to a knee. He kept kicking at Show to keep him down. He bounced off the ropes and Show speared Jericho for two at 3:13. Show went for the chokeslam but Jericho elbowed out. He went to the top again and came off into a choke and a chokeslam. He rolled out of the ring. Show tossed Jericho back into the ring. Show went to the second rope but missed an elbowdrop. Lionsault from Jericho for two at 5:14. DDT by Jericho and another two-count. Show powered out of a Walls of Jericho and once both men got to their feet, Jericho walked into a right hand from Show.
WINNER: Show, at 6:42.
As Show celebrated, Del Rio and Rodriguez looked on from the top of the ramp. The two Elimination Chamber competitors had a long-distance stare-down as the show ended.
Did you watch Friday's Smackdown episode? Send your 0-10 score & Reax to pwtorch@gmail.com for our TV Reax feature.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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