WWE Smackdown Report CUPACH'S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 10/26: Alt. perspective review of final HIAC PPV hype, tag champs in singles action
Oct 28, 2012 - 1:07:04 PM
WWE Smackdown Report
October 26, 2012
Taped 10/23/12 in Providence, R.I.
Aired on Syfy
By Michael Cupach, PWTorch contributor
-WWE open.
-Cold open to Randy Orton making his way to the ring. Josh Mathews welcomes everyone to the Smackdown before Heck in a Cell. He is joined by JBL on commentary. It should be noted that Orton looks like he needs a haircut, he has terrible bed-head! He starts off by saying that he came out to set the record straight – he doesn’t hate Alberto Del Rio because Del Rio attacked him last month, it is because why he attacked him. He attacked Orton because he lost to Sheamus and then tried to remake a name for himself through Orton. Orton also takes offense to Del Rio calling himself the new Apex Predator in WWE.
Alberto Del Rio, flanked by Ricardo Rodriguez, interrupts Orton. Del Rio says that he isn’t a liar and Orton isn’t very smart. He tells Orton that he will only face Orton on his own terms and that will be Sunday on WWE and he will show him why he is the new Apex Predator. Orton responds by saying that he thinks Del Rio has big talk when Orton is out of the building or there is a safe distance between them, but the truth of the matter is that ADR has no cajones! Del Rio says he isn’t afraid of Orton and when the time comes, he will make an example out of Randy Orton! He teases going to the ring to face Orton, but changes his mind. Del Rio turns and leaves and out of nowhere Wade Barrett cheap shots Orton from behind. That was pretty random.
-Still to come, a face to face between Sheamus and Big Show, also Kane will take on Cody Rhodes in singles action, next!
-Backstage, Del Rio is chatting with Ricardo. Teddy Long approaches and asks if he feels good about what he did. ADR doesn’t know what Long is talking about, then Wade Barrett comes up to Del Rio and asks if that is what he wanted. Teddy Long tells Del Rio that you can’t play a playa and makes a match between Randy Orton and Wade Barrett for later tonight.
-Damien Sandow and Daniel Bryan are on commentary for the next match. Josh Mathews asks if Bryan is the weak link in his team and shows a clip from Monday when Bryan couldn’t save Kane from a Rhodes Scholars beat down. Sandow thinks that they are both weak links and that he will capture the Tag Titles at Hell in a Cell.
1 - WWE tag champion KANE vs. CODY RHODES
Sandow keeps correcting Bryan's grammar when he states that he is the tag team champions, which is awesome! Kane powers Rhodes into the corner and nails him with a running clothesline to start. Kane goes to the top and almost takes of Cody’s head with a clothesline. Bryan keeps making a case that Kane is clearly the weak link of the team since he hasn’t put Cody away. Cody makes a comeback with a springboard dropkick. He rolls to the apron and hangs Kane up on the top rope. Kane starts to make a comeback with some right hands, but Cody attacks the knee and takes Kane off his feet, then hits him with a side Russian legsweep. Cody goes for an uppercut, but Kane catches him and Chokeslams him instead and picks up the win!
WINNER: Kane by pinfall in 3:30.
Mike's Reax: The commentary made this match. The back and forth bickering from Bryan and Sandow was great and JBL added fuel to the fire. Sandow was especially good when he claimed that his I.Q. was approaching infinity and he gets smarter just by sitting there. They also had a good back and forth about each others beards. Good stuff!
-Last Monday on Raw, after the largest lumberjack match of all-time, Big Show knocked out Sheamus with a WMD.
-Backstage, Booker T approaches Big Show in his locker room and asks him to conduct himself like a gentleman out in the ring during the face to face. Big Show says he will behave because he already proved his point on Sunday. He tells Book to worry about Sheamus out there.
-The Miz makes his way to the ring. He will be in action, next.
Headlock sequence from The Miz to start. He ends up shoulder-blocking Tatsu down and kicking him in the head. JBL notes that The Miz needs to get some momentum behind him before his big match on Sunday and this match will do just that. Outside the ring, Miz bodyslams Yoshi on the floor. He then picks him up and backs him into the apron. Miz places Yoshi on the apron and kicks him hard in the head and rolls back into the ring. The Miz plays around with Tatsu, embarrassing him, then kicks him again in the head. Yoshi fights out of a chinlock and almost pins Miz with a quick roll-up.
[Q3] Yoshi comes back with some fast kicks and a knee to the face, but Miz takes control back with a DDT. Skull Crushing Finale puts Yoshi away.
WINNER: The Miz via pinfall in 4:00.
Mike's Reax: I’m going to pretend that a Miz enhancement match didn’t go longer than Kane vs. Rhodes tonight. This match was a good way to re-establish The Miz before his IC Title match on Sunday. It is weird to hear JBL put Miz over heavily on commentary.
-Still to come, details on the A.J. scandal, and how Ryback is a Punk-eating machine.
-WWE was in Egypt last week; touts were made. Josh wants JBL to climb pyramids instead of mountains.
-Last Monday on Raw, Ryback destroyed C.M. Punk after his match with Sheamus. Paul Heyman's comments on behalf of Punk from "Main Event" on Wednesday are shown as well.
-Last Monday, Kaitlyn approached Eve with evidence that Eve was behind her being attacked at Night of the Champions. Eve doesn’t like anyone going through her things and threatens to go to Booker T about it. Kaitlyn calls her a witch and the women fight it out. Layla breaks things up, but ends up getting pulled into the fight.
-Backstage, Aksana, Eve, Kaitlyn, and Layla are in Booker’s office. He asks Aksana if she received an email from Eve. Aksana said no, but she got a text. The ladies bicker, Booker shuts them up, and Teddy Long calls Eve a liar. Teddy breaks down everything that happened like a modern day Sherlock Holmes.
[Q4] Eve says that she is too trusting and leaves her iPad laying around, so someone could have picked it up and sent anyone an email. The ladies start arguing again. Booker quiets them down and makes a three-way for the Divas Title on Sunday between Layla, Eve, and Kaitlyn. He also puts all four women in his office in a tag match for later tonight.
-Orton takes on Wade Barrett, next!
Orton throws Wade out of the ring to start. He follows him out and clotheslines him back to the floor to start things off. Back in the ring, Orton Garvin Stomps Barrett and then puts him in a chinlock. Side suplex by Orton; he goes for a pin, but no dice. Barrett comes back by whipping Orton into the turnbuckle, but Orton clothesline him on the rebound. Orton drops a knee to Barrett and then hits him with a vertical suplex for another two count. Wade rolls to the floor to take a breather, Orton follows him out, and gets ambushed. Wade rolls Orton into the ring, but gets kicked in the head when he tries to get back in. Orton tries his rope-assisted DDT, Barrett tries back-body-dropping Orton to the floor, but Orton lands on the apron. Wade mule kicks Orton in the stomach to knock him to the floor. Barrett slams Orton into the announce table and Smackdown takes a break.
Barrett has Orton in a reverse chinlock from Smackdown returns, Wade knees Orton in the stomach and then ties him up in the ropes and knees him repeatedly in the face. Barrett, taking advantage of Orton being tied up in the ropes, kicks Orton to the outside.
[Q5] Side backbreaker by Barrett fails to put Randy Orton away. Barrett starts working over Orton's ribs with some right hands. Wade tries going up top, but Orton knocks him off balance and then superplexes him to the mat. Orton nails Barrett with a series of clotheslines and a powerslam. Orton then runs into a Bossman Slam from Barrett. Barrett starts to show some frustration after that didn’t get the win over Orton. Barrett sets Orton up for the Souvenier Elbow, but Orton fights out and hits Barrett with his rope assisted DDT. Orton calls for the RKO, but Alberto Del Rio makes his way to ringside to distract Orton. Barrett puts Orton away with his Souvenir Elbow!
WINNER: Wade Barrett by pin in 14:00.
-Post-match, Alberto Del Rio enters the ring and attacks Orton. He goes for the Cross Armbreaker, but Orton shoves him off and ADR counters an RKO attempt. Del Rio retreats out of the ring.
-Sheamus and Big Show go Face to Face tonight.
-Sandpaper by Fozzy is the official theme of Hell in a Cell.
4 - LAYLA & KAITLYN vs. Divas champion EVE & AKSANA
Kaitlyn and Layla can’t decide who will start the match, so Layla ends up starting with Aksana. Aksana backs Layla into the ropes, then Layla uses her speed to roll up Aksana and almost pins her. Crossbody from the middle rope by Layla. She blind tags in Kaitlyn, who nails Aksana with a side backbreaker.
[Q6] Kaitlyn goes after Eve, which gives Aksana the chance to gain the advantage on Kaitlyn. Tag in to Eve, who kicks Kaitlyn and then chokes her on the middle rope with her boot. Eve slams the back of Kaitlyn's head into the mat, but misses a senton splash when Kaitlyn gets the knees up. Kaitlyn fails to tag in Layla, but gets some offense of her own going. Layla comes in and both women double-team Aksana, then they try to double-team Eve, but Eve ducks and Layla hits Kaitlyn with her Bombshell kick. Eve tosses Layla out of the ring and pins Kaitlyn for the win!
WINNERS: Aksana and Eve in 3:30.
-Raw Rebound featuring the A.J. scandal.
-On Raw this Monday, Vickie will unveil her proof of misconduct by A.J., but on Sunday during the YouTube pre-show, John Cena will address the situation.
-Backstage, Booker T asks Sheamus to behave himself and not get physical with Big Show later tonight. He tells Sheamus that Big Show promised to behave, but Sheamus thinks it is a lie and then tells Booker that he can’t promise anything.
-Daniel Bryan is warming up for his match when Kane walks up and points out that he won his match and isn’t the weakest link. He tells Bryan not to lose, no pressure. Bryan's music plays, Kane slaps him on the butt, and Bryan yells “no!” at him.
-Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring and rips up a fan's “Yes!” sign. He will face Damien Sandow, next!
[Q7] (Commercial)
-Kane and Cody Rhodes join the announce table. Josh Mathews sells still being afraid of Kane, who sits next to JBL. Cody has an ice pack on his neck.
-Damien Sandow makes his entrance. He cuts a promo chastising people for being enamored with the word “yes” and he gives examples of words to use in place of “yes.”
Both men trade lefts and rights to start. They brawl around the ringside area and eventually make it back into the ring. Bryan gets a drop toehold on Sandow in the corner and then kicks the ropes up into his throat. Bryan drop kicks Sandow from the middle rope as Smackdown takes a break.
Sandow is outside the ring, laid out, when Smackdown comes back from break. Sandow comes back with a side Russian leg-sweep into the Elbow of Disdain, then lays into Bryan with a series of left hands. Josh and JBL keep asking Kane questions, but he sits there silently. Bryan backflips over Sandow from the top rope and takes him down with a running clothesline, then follows it up with a running dropkick in the corner. Bryan tries a backbody drop, but gets kicked in the face. Sandow charges at Bryan who drops Sandow over the top rope. Bryan goes out after Sandow, but Cody gets in his face. Kane chases after Sandow and Cody shoves Bryan into the steel post and rolls him into the ring. Sandow gets back in the ring and nails Daniel Bryan with his Straight Jacket Neckbreaker to pick up the win.
WINNER: Damien Sandow in 8:00
-The face to face between Sheamus and Show is next.
[Q8] (Commercial)
-Josh Mathews is in the ring with some security guards. He introduces Big Show and Sheamus, who make their way to the ring. Security has formed a human wall between the two men and a graphic touts that it is “The Kick vs. The Punch.” Big Show starts off by saying that his punch is stronger than the Rock Bottom, Stone Cold Stunner, Brogue Kick, and Attitude Adjustment. He says that it is scientifically proven that his punch is stronger than anything Sheamus can do. Sheamus says that his punch is all well and good, but he has to actually hit him with it. Big Show then reminds Sheamus that he can’t Brogue Kick him.
Show throws to a clip from Raw three weeks ago when Big Show caught Sheamus’s foot after a Brogue Kick attempt. Sheamus looks worried after seeing that clip. Big Show notes that his foot got up to his chest and wasn’t anywhere near his face, so he won’t be able to knock him out with it. Big Show says that the fact of the matter is that Sheamus doesn’t have what it takes to beat The Giant and calls Sheamus delusional. Sheamus says he likes two things in life - a big pint of ale on a hot day and a good fight. Sheamus is elated to be facing a giant and a monster who won the World Title on his very first day in the business. Sheamus points out that he has defeated all-comers since winning the title, but he admits that Show is a different type on contender, but he is a mountain that he will conquer.
Big Show calls Sheamus scared and Sheamus says that if he has to hit him with one, five, or ten Brogue Kicks to beat him, he will. Sheamus tells Big Show that the time for talking is over, but the time for fighting is now. Sheamus charges through security at Big Show, but security eventually pulls them apart. Big Show and Sheamus fight off security and it should be noted that these security guys are taking great flat-back bumps. I wonder if they taught how to take proper bumps at WWE security guy school instead of teaching them how to protect talent should they wander into the crowd. Anyway, Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick, but Big Show ducks down and rolls out of the ring. Show tells him that he will see him Sunday. Both men stare each other down as Smackdown fades out.
Thank you for reading, make sure to check out my reviews of Main Event each and every week, also follow me on Twitter @MJCupach where I tweet live during Raw and WWE PPVs. I am also a frequent guest on the FTWPodcast, go to FTWPodcast.com for more details!
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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