WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 10/26: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of Friday night show, including Big Show and Sheamus in a face-to-face confrontation
Oct 26, 2012 - 9:00:38 PM
WWE Smackdown review
October 26, 2012
Taped 10/23/12 in Providence, R.I.
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- WWE Open.
- Straight inside the arena to kick off Smackdown with Randy Orton’s theme. He walked to the ring. As he did, announcers Josh Mathews and JBL were shown at ringside. Also during his entrance, they showed the WWE.com exclusive from last month of Alberto Del Rio attacking Randy Orton. Orton, who is still letting his hair grow out, said Del Rio picked the wrong guy to make an example of. He promised to give Del Rio the most brutal beating of his life on Sunday. He was about to share more details of what he’d do to Del Rio, but Del Rio’s music interrupted, and he and Ricardo Rodriguez came to the stage.
Del Rio said if he isn’t honest, then Orton isn’t smart. He told Orton last week they were doing it on HIS terms, not Orton’s. Del Rio said Orton is a simple garden snake and he’s the true apex predator in WWE. Orton clarified things for the fans, saying Del Rio has big talk when Orton is out of the building. Rodriguez tried to convince Del Rio to go to the ring to fight Orton, and while Del Rio appeared to consider it, in the end, he backed down. He told Orton he’d see him Sunday. Del Rio walked to the back and Orton’s music played. As Orton had his eye still on the aisle, Wade Barrett came from behind and gave him a shot to the back of the head. That knocked Orton to the mat and Barrett raised his arm as he backed his way to the top of the stage.
- Sheamus and Big Show go face-to-face tonight before their match on Sunday. That’s not really different than that debate segment they had on Raw a few weeks ago, is it?
- Cody Rhodes vs. Kane is next. Is that a new Smackdown theme I detect in the background? Or was that the theme to the PPV?
[Commercial Break]
- Rodriguez and Del Rio were in the middle of a powwow backstage when Teddy Long walked up. Del Rio said he had nothing to do with Barrett’s attack. Barrett then walked up to the group. Long said you can’t play a playa and said Booker T. has made Barrett vs. Orton for tonight.
Damien Sandow and Daniel Bryan, the combatants’ respective partners, were guests on commentary. During Cody’s entrance, a clip aired of what happened between these four men on Raw. Big boot felled Rhodes early in the match. Bryan and Sandow argued over the mechanics of the English language on commentary. Kane went to the top and clotheslined Rhodes. Rhodes escaped a side slam and connected on a running knee. Rhodes connected on a dropkick off the top rope, but only registered a one-count. Shot to the knee, then a side Russian leg-sweep. Sandow claimed he was getting smarter by just sitting out there, which is the opposite how fans feel when wrestlers usually do guest commentary. Out of nowhere, Kane chokeslammed Rhodes for the win.
WINNER: Kane, at 3:16. Only 3:16? We were robbed of more Bryan-Sandow guest commentary.
- Last Monday, Sheamus and C.M. Punk competed against each other in the largest Lumberjack Match in WWE history.
- Show was shown sitting in his locker room when Booker walked up. Booker warned him to handle himself with professionalism tonight. Show said he proved what he needed to prove Monday, and has no more to prove ‘til Sunday. And he won’t get anything out of Sheamus tonight, either. Then why should we watch?
- The Miz came to the ring for a match. A graphic aired for his match with Kofi Kingston at Hell in a Cell. Miz is in action next.
[Commercial Break]
- Attitude Era mode of WWE 13 was shown. As a match preview, they showed The Rock vs. Bret “Hitman” Hart.
The match began as soon as they came back from the WWE 13 ad. Miz dominated early, slamming Tatsu on the mats outside the ring. Knee to the head by Miz, followed by a return to the ring. He toyed with Tatsu, laying in clubbing forearms across Tatsu’s mug. JBL preached parity in WWE as an excuse for Miz’s recent losses. Tatsu began a comeback at 3:00 with kicks and a back elbow. Short DDT by Miz. They showed a close-up of his eyes, clearly focused. Skull Crushing Finale and the pinfall.
WINNER: Miz, at 4:04. Not a great match, but not intended to be: It was just a way for Miz to regain credibility after a number of losses.
- Tonight, the A.J. scandal from Raw will be discussed.
- Up next, “Feed Me Punk!”
[Commercial Break]
- A Tout from Zack Ryder was shown, discussing WWE’s tour of Egypt. We also got still photos from the live events.
- The outside of the Dunkin’ Donuts Center in Providence was shown. Mathews threw it to a video of Ryback attacking Punk after the Lumberjack match on Raw. Then, on WWE Main Event, Michael Cole and The Miz interviewed Paul Heyman. JBL and Mathews also discussed the match.
- Also this past Monday, Kaitlyn approached Eve with evidence of Eve’s misdeeds.
- Backstage, Eve, Aksana, Kaitlyn, and Layla were gathered around Booker. Booker asked if Eve sent her the e-mail. She said no…that it was a text message. Everyone started arguing until Long walked in. He played Monk by doing a summation of the situation, and said Eve has been exposed as a liar. Booker said Eve can’t be a part of his staff anymore. Eve confessed…that she was too trusting. She said someone must’ve gotten hold of her iPad or phone and sent the message. Booker said he didn’t know who to believe. Booker then made a Triple Threat Divas Title match for Sunday, with Kaitlyn and Layla challenging for Eve’s title. For tonight, Booker made a tag match involving the four of them. He angrily excused them from his office.
- Next, it’s Orton vs. Barrett.
[Commercial Break]
Orton was finishing up his entrance out of break. In the opening seconds, Barrett was thrown out of the ring by Orton. Orton continued the fight inside the ring and locked in a rear chin-lock 1:24 into the match. Hard clothesline put Barrett down, then a jumping knee-drop found the mark for two. Vertical suplex by Orton, another two-count. Barrett gained control after the match went to the outside once again. He avoided a DDT and gave Orton a back-kick, sending him to ringside. He sent Orton gut-first into the announce table and stood tall as they went to break at 4:11 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 7:19 with Orton trying to get back to his feet. He did, but he was put back down almost immediately with a knee-lift. Barrett worked Orton on the mat with a chin-lock, but Orton broke free with headbutts. Big boot by Barrett for some alliteration, and also a near-fall. Shots to the ribs by Barrett, followed by a short-arm clothesline. Orton was able to turn the tide with a superplex for two at 11:38. As Orton built momentum, Barrett took him down again, this time with a Bossman Slam. Elbow was ducked by Orton, who connected on a back-breaker. As Orton set up for the RKO, Del Rio and Rodriguez made their way to ringside. At first they distracted Orton to no effect. The second time they did it, Barrett came from behind and leveled Orton with the Souvenir Elbow.
WINNER: Barrett, at 14:15. Not a fan of the finish. It was a tale of two matches, with Orton dominating before the break, and Barrett for much of it after.
Del Rio attacked Orton after the match but couldn’t hook on the cross arm-breaker. Orton whiffed on an RKO too and Del Rio retreated up the ramp. Orton’s music played as they kept their eyes locked on each other.
- Tonight, Big Show and Sheamus meet face-to-face in the middle of the ring.
[Commercial Break]
- Mathews thanked Fozzy for “Sandpaper,” the official theme to Hell in a Cell.
Aksana gave a clean break to Layla, but then gave her a knee to the stomach. Layla had a couple close pin attempts and also landed a springboard cross-body. Kaitlyn plowed over Aksana with a nice shoulder tackle. Kaitlyn went after Eve, allowing the legal woman Aksana to clothesline Kaitlyn. Eve tagged in at 1:42 and snap-mared Kaitlyn over. Kick to the chest but the shoulders weren’t down on the pin. Eve tried a somersault, but Kaitlyn got her knees up. Inside cradle for two by Kaitlyn. She brought Askana in the hard way after Aksana tried to interfere. She sure throws a mean clothesline. Layla kicked Aksana, who was held by Kaitlyn. But a roundhouse kick to Eve failed, with Eve moving and Kaitlyn taking the move. Eve tossed Layla aside and pinned Kaitlyn.
WINNERS: Eve and Aksana, at 3:35. Fine booking to build up the three-way, and Kaitlyn looked competent in there.
- The A.J. scandal will be shown next.
[Commercial Break]
- Mathews and JBL discussed WWE’s partnership with the Susan G. Komen Foundation throughout the month of October.
- The Raw Rebound aired. To put a cap on the A.J./John Cena-Vickie Guerrero angle, they scrolled Tweets between Cena and Guerrero that have occurred throughout the week.
- On the live Hell in a Cell pre-show, John Cena faces the WWE Universe and will answer questions from social media mavens as well.
- Sheamus was pacing backstage. He refused to promise Booker anything regarding his confrontation with Big Show.
- Daniel Bryan was backstage, warming up. Kane was with him and told Bryan he won his match, so he’s not the weak link. He said if Bryan loses his, it’ll be obvious who the real tag team champion is. As Bryan walked through the curtain backstage, Kane gave him a slap on the bum. “No!” Bryan told him. Bryan made his way to the ring. He faces Damien Sandow next.
[Commercial Break]
Kane and Rhodes had joined commentary during the break, with Rhodes icing his neck due to his match earlier. Nice bit of continuity there. Sandow had a microphone for his entrance. He decried the fans’ fascination with the word “yes.” He used some variations on the affirmative, all the while putting down Bryan and the tag champs.
Sandow shot Bryan a few right hands, then clotheslined Bryan in the corner. Drop toe-hold by Bryan sent Sandow face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Dropkick off the top by Bryan for two. they went to break with Bryan stretching Sandow, at 1:24.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 4:47 with Bryan and Sandow fighting on the outside. Sandow begged off only to lure Bryan in and kick him in the knee. Russian leg sweep by Sandow, followed by the Elbow of Disdain. Sandow clobbered Bryan with lefts, but Bryan made a comeback and hit a running dropkick in the corner. Kane said nothing on commentary. Sandow was back-dropped over the top rope in front of the announcers. Bryan hit a suicide dive. Rhodes rose from his chair and Bryan shoved him down. Kane then got up and stalked Sandow. While he did that, and the ref was distracted by it, Rhodes tossed Bryan into the ring post, then into the ring. Sandow hit his neck-breaker finish for the end.
WINNER: Sandow, at 8:15.
- The Sheamus-Big Show face-off is next on Smackdown.
[Commercial Break]
- Josh Mathews was in the ring out of break. He discussed the World Title match at Hell in a Cell, then introduced the participants. First: Sheamus. There was an ample amount of security in the ring as well. Next out was Big Show. Show put over his finisher move compared to others. Sheamus said in order for Show’s punch to be lethal, it has to hit someone. Show reminded Sheamus what happened the last time he tried to Brogue Kick the giant. Show cued up footage from Raw three weeks ago where Sheamus fought off attacks from Tensai and Wade Barrett, only to be tossed over the top rope by Show. Show said Sheamus can’t even get his kick high enough to take him out. Sheamus said he’s happy to face Big Show, because it’s his biggest challenge to date. Show claimed Sheamus was scared, but Sheamus re-directed the argument and said he has no problem hitting Show with more than one Brogue Kick, if that’s what it takes. A wall of security stood between Sheamus and Show. It didn’t help, as Sheamus pronounced that “the time for fighting is now!,” and broke through. Sheamus and Show took out all of the security until it was just the two of them, at which time Sheamus attempted a Brogue Kick, but again Show avoided it. A poor member of security took one in the face as Sheamus blew off steam with Show looking on from the ramp. They closed with the camera focused on an intense Sheamus.
Did you watch Friday's Smackdown episode? Send your 0-10 score & Reax to pwtorch@gmail.com for our TV Reax feature.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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