WWE Smackdown Report CUPACH'S SMACKDOWN REPORT 10/12: Alt. perspective review of Orton's return, curious booking decisions, Overall Mike's Reax
Oct 14, 2012 - 11:05:50 AM
WWE Smackdown Report
October 12, 2012
Taped 10/9/12 in San Jose, California
Aired on Syfy
By Michael Cupach, PWTorch contributor
-Smackdown opening (I find it odd that the normal WWE intro has been cut the last few weeks) followed by the return of full pyro this week. Josh Mathews welcomes everyone to Smackdown, just two weeks away from the Hell in a Cell pay-per-view. Josh is joined by JBL tonight instead of Michael Cole. Tonight, there will be a competition to see which is deadlier, The Brogue Kick or The WMD.
-Booker T is out to introduce the parameters of the Brogue Kick vs. Knockout Punch competition. He has equipment out on the stage to measure which has more pounds of pressure. Booker T introduces The Big Show first followed by the World Champion, Sheamus. The machine they have set up to measure the force looks like the punching bag game at Dave and Busters! This is technical equipment here, I don’t expect the layperson to know how stuff like this works. Booker T lets both men know that what happened on Raw should be taken out on the machine and both men only get one shot, winner will be determined by highest score. Booker T notes that the average boxer hits at 776 pounds of pressure per square inch. Big Show is expected to go first, but he doesn’t want to go first or even participate. Sheamus offers to go first and “take a crack at it.” Sheamus kicks at 1,322 pounds of force per square inch. JBL notes that a kick is always more powerful than a punch.
Big Show steps up to take a swing, but backs out at the last second because he thinks that this is a trick to make him look funny, so he won’t do it. Sheamus then taunts him with footage of Big Show losing the World Title in 45 seconds to Daniel Bryan back in December; he also accuses Big Show of being scared that the Brogue Kick is dealier than his WMD. Sheamus notes that this conversation he is having is longer than Show's last title reign. An upset Big Show them punches the bag and it hits for 1,809 pounds of force per square inch. Big Show is the winner and Sheamus doesn’t appear to be laughing anymore. Show tells him that he will see him at Hell in a Cell and walks off.
Out of nowhere, Tensai jumps Sheamus from behind and Booker T yells at Tensai that he is ruining his show and orders him to the back as Smackdown fades to a commercial break!
-Sheamus is in the ring pacing when Smackdown returns and Josh notes that during the break Booker T made a singles match between the two.
1 - World Hvt. champion SHEAMUS vs. TENSAI – non-title match
Sheamus jumps Tensai in the aisle before me makes it to the ring.
[Q2] Both men brawl around ring side before spilling back into the ring. The bell officially sounds and Sheamus jumps Tensai in the corner and unloads on him. Sheamus whips Tensai in the far corner and charges in with a clothesline, he whips him again, Tensai reverses and Sheamus boots Tensai in the jaw. Back elbow by Tensai, Sheamus is slow to get up, but he manages to duck a clothesline and clip Tensai’s knee. More brawling in the corner favoring Sheamus for a second, but Tensai explodes out of the corner with a shoulder block. Sheamus blocks a suplex by Tensai and reverses into one of his own. I should note that Sheamus gets Tensai up rather easily. Irish Hammer by Sheamus followed by a knee lifter and a powerslam. Sheamus tries to put Tensai away, but he kicks out at two. Big clothesline from Tensai out of nowhere, but he misses a senton splash. White Noise by Sheamus, again getting Tensai up easily, and then Sheamus knocks Tensai out with a Brogue Kick to pick up the win!
WINNER: Sheamus by pin in 3:30.
-Sheamus celebrates post match as replays are shown. JBL mentions that Tensai is good, but he is no Big Show, so Sheamus should be careful at Hell in a Cell!
-Members of the San Francisco 49ers are shown in the crowd.
-Two weeks ago, Alberto Del Rio jumped Randy Orton after Smackdown went off the air. Orton will be on Smackdown tonight to confront ADR.
-Backstage, Del Rio is with Ricardo Rodriguez. Ricardo tries to console ADR, but Del Rio won’t have any of it because he knows that Orton won’t have the guts to show up tonight, but if it will make Rodriguez feel better, he is welcome to look around for Randy Orton.
-Backstage, Ricardo is asking around for Orton, to no avail. He hears a hissing sound, I guess it is supposed to sound like a Viper or snake, turns out to be Santinos Cobra. Santino asks if he is afraid of snakes, Ricardo says no, Santino says he should be because it is the deadliest snake in the world. He also tells him to fear Vipers and their RKOs. The Cobra takes a bite at Rocardo as Santino cackles uncontrollably.
Jinder Mahal, Drew McIntyre, and Heath Slater make their way to the ring. They cut a promo explaining that they used to be solo acts, but now they are a band. They play air guitar to a chorus of boos until Santino Marella and Zack Ryder’s music hit to interrupt. They are in action, next!
Jinder and Ryder start things off. Ryder face plants Jinder and goes for a quick pin, but Jinder kicks out. Tag to Marella, who jumps off the first rope with a vicious axehandle. Hip-toss by Santino, but can’t follow up with the headbutt because Heath distracts him. Tag to Heath who lays out Santino, he whips him into the heel corner and tags into Mahal, both men double team Santino in the corner. Tag back into Slater who goes for a cover, but Marella kicks out at two. Santino misses a tag, yes, he misses a tag, and gets put in a headlock. Santino fights out and knocks Heath down with a haymaker. Tag to Ryder, who cleans house and knees Slater in the mouth. Missile dropkick from Ryder followed by the Broski Boot for a one count after Jinder breaks up the count. Mahal sends Marella flying out of the ring, Ryder clotheslines Mahal over the top rope, but Drew hooks his ankle, and Slater puts Ryder away with a modified neckbreaker.
WINNERS: Mahal & Slater by pinfall in 4:00.
-Post-match, the winners play the air guitar much to my apathy. Sure it is something for them to do, but it seems lame.
-Last Monday on Raw, Daniel Bryan and Kane managed to beat Dolph Ziggler and ADR, earlier this week Dolph sent out a Tout challenging Kane to a match tonight. Not just tonight, next!
-Vickie introduces Dolph Ziggler to overwhelming boos. The boos are for Vickie and sadly not for Dolph. A live report from someone at the Smackdown taping noted that Vickie got mad heat, but you could hear crickets chirping when Dolph came out. Sounds like they dubbed in some boos for Dolph in post production.
3 - DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. WWE tag champion KANE
Big clothesline from Kane to start things off. Dolph ducks a right hand and unleashes some right hands on Kane in the corner, Kane no sells and Dolph bails. More shots from Dolph rock and reel Kane, but he sidesteps Dolph and sends him to the floor.
Kane knees Ziggler in the stomach as Smackdown returns. Ziggler tries to turn things around, but Kane drops him on the apron. Ziggler hangs Kane up on the top rope and then goes to the top rope, but gets caught in a goozle by Kane. Dolph blocks a Chokeslam attempt and puts Kane down with a Fameasser. Dolph wears Kane down with some body shots, Kane shrugs the offense off, but Dolph nails him with a swinging neck breaker for a two count. Dolph drops a series of elbows onto Kane and then shows off with a high elbow drop. In the corner Dolph kicks away at Kane and then chokes him with his boot. Kane overpowers Dolph and backs him into the corner, but Dolph escapes and dropkicks Kane. He goes for a second, but Kane swats him. Running big boot from Kane gets a two count, low dropkick gets a two count as well. Running clotheslines in the corner by Kane and a sidewalk slam almost put Ziggler away. Kane goes to the top rope for a missile clothesline, but Dolph trips him up on the top rope. Dolph meets Kane on the top turnbuckle, but Kane knocks him to the mat. Vickie tries to distract the referee so Dolph can grab his briefcase, and he nails Kane with it, but the referee sees it.
WINNER: Kane by DQ in 10:00.
-Dolph continues his assault, but Bryan makes the save and chases him off.
-Matt Striker enters the ring to gets a few words from the champs. Bryan instead puts him in the No-Lock, Kane pulls Bryan off, and it appears that Kane is saving Striker, but he chokeslams Matt himself. Kane and Bryan go back to bickering.
-Backstage, Ricardo's search for Orton continues. He hears Ortons voice behind a closed door, it turns out to be Hornswoggle playing with a Brawling Buddy that uses Orton’s voice. Ricardo beats up the Brawling Buddy and storms off.
-Breast Cancer awareness commercial. In the ring, Lillian Garcia takes a moment to welcome all Breast Cancer survivors.
-The Miz joins Josh and JBL on commentary. Josh throws to a video package of The Miz on Larry King Now! Last Monday on Raw.
Kofi tries to take Big Show down early, but Show shoulder-blocks Kofi to the mat. Kofi rolls to the floor and kicks Big Show in the face as he tries pulling Kofi back in. Big Show turns things around by chopping away in the corner, Show seems proud of his work and tries charging into Kingston who gets a pele kick on Show. Missile dropkick from Kofi followed by a Boom Drop, and Kofi calls for Trouble in Paradise, but Show shoves Kofi down instead. WMD from Big Show puts Kofi Kingston away!
WINNER: Big Show by pinfall in 3:00
Mike's Reax: How many other guys on the roster don’t have a heavily-hyped IC Title match against The Miz this coming Wednesday? Why use Kofi? Sure, Show continues his streak of dominance, but they did it at the expense of the number one contender to the IC Title!
-Post-match, The Miz enters the ring and cuts a promo over a fallen and knocked-out Kingston about how Kofi always comes so close, but can never get the big win. Miz notes that this Wednesday on Main Event, he will beat Kofi because he is The Miz and he is awesome!
-Earlier this week on Twitter, Randy Orton promised to be on Smackdown to confront Alberto Del Rio!
-Josh Mathews plugs a poll on WWE.com asking which wrestler C.M. Punk should face at Hell in a Cell, and the poll is split 50/50 between Cena and Ryback. Touts from fans weighing in on the situation are shown.
-Backstage, Ricardo is back with Del Rio who shushes him, Ricardo couldn’t find Orton and Daniel Bryan interrupts them. He trades barbs with Del Rio and then informs him that they are facing each other tonight!
-Backstage, Layla and Kaitlyn are telling Booker T that they found a blonde wig in the Divas locker room. Teddy Long says that the wig was found by Aksana in Eve’s bag. Eve comes in and lets Booker T that she found a blonde wig in Teddy’s bag, she places it on Teddy’s bag and accuses him. The ladies bicker, Booker lays down the pimp hand and ends the arguing and takes Layla and Kaitlyn for coffee. Eve tells Teddy that he looked ridiculous in the wig and walks off. Teddy looks genuinely hurt by that remark!
5 - SIN CARA vs. DAMIEN SANDOW (w/Cody Rhodes)
This Monday on Raw, Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio take on Rhodes Scholars in the finals of the Tag Title Tournament. Tonight, Sandow has Rhodes (who is looking rather dapper), but Sin Cara doesn’t have Rey out with him. Sandow shoves Sin Cara to start and then yells at him that today is not your day! Sin Cara answers back with a kicks and an arm drag from the top rope. Sandow takes a powder to discuss strategy with Rhodes, then gets back into the ring and aggressively goes after Cara and takes him down with a side Russian legsweep.
Elbow of Disdain by Sandow, but he only gets a two count from it. Sin Cara leg-scissors Sandow and then hits him with a handspring elbow. He nails him with a kick to the head on the apron to send Sandow to the floor. Sin Cara sets Sandow up for a plancha from the top rope, Sandow moves and Cody eats the move. Back in the ring, Sin Cara tries a springboard from the apron, but Rhodes pulls him down to the floor and the referee kicks Rhodes out of the arena! While Rhodes argues with the referee, Sin Cara rolls up with a West Coast Pop for the win!
WINNER: Sin Cara via pinfall in 3:00.
-Backstage, Daniel Bryan tells Kane that he doesn’t want his help tonight, even if it looks like he needs it.
Collar and elbow tie-up to start, Del Rio powers Bryan to the corner and kicks away at him, Bryan reverses a Cross Armbreaker attempt and answers back with kicks of his own. Del Rio mule kicks Bryan and then throws him into the corner where he stomps on Bryan. Suplex by Alberto gets a one count, he backs Bryan into the corner and misses a charge. Bryan Yes-kicks Del Rio and goes for a surfboard, but can’t pull it off so he pounds the knees into the mat.
Both men trade kicks, then Del Rio whips Bryan into the corner, Bryan back flips over Del Rio from the top rope and connects with a running Hart Attack style clothesline. More Yes-kicks from Bryan, who then tries a running dropkick in the corner, but Del Rio ducks and hits him with a running enziguiri. Del Rio misses a running dropkick onto the apron and both men spill to the floor.
[Q8] On the floor, Bryan misses a knee from the apron onto the floor, then gets whipped into the boards as Smackdown takes a break.
Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Del Rio only gets a two count on Bryan, who is selling his arm. Alberto Del Rio goes to work on the injured arm, wearing Bryan down for the Cross Arm-breaker. Bryan fights out of the hold, Del Rio goes for the Cross Armbreaker, but Bryan counters into the No-Lock! Del Rio fights and scratches and eventually makes it to the ropes to break the hold, but the damage has been done! On the apron, Del Rio gets a neat-looking Cross Arm-breaker on Bryan in the ropes! Back in the ring, Del Rio whips Bryan into the steel post shoulder first. Del Rio finally locks on the Cross Armbreaker and gets the submission win!
WINNER: Alberto Del Rio by submission in 10:00.
-Post-match, Del Rio addresses the rumors of Randy Orton being on Smackdown and he says that Orton fooled everyone because he won’t be on Smackdown tonight. Del Rio wants to show everyone why, so he throws to a clip of him assaulting Orton after his match with Big Show two weeks ago on Smackdown. He also shows Orton being destroyed by Big Show last Wednesday on Main Event. Del Rio seems proud of his work and sneers that Orton is not a Viper or an Apex Predator, the new Apex Predator is Alberto Del Rio. He calls Randy a slimy garden snake who doesn’t have the cajones to show up, instead he chooses to hide in the shadows.
Del Rio threatens that if Orton was there, he would give him a piece of his own medicine. Alberto Del Rio does a bunch of Orton’s mannerisms and when he goes to coil on the mat, Orton climbs from under the ring and meets him face to face. Orton pulls Del Rio out of the ring and beats him up all over ringside. He whacks Albertos head off the announce table, he whips him into the steel ring post, and then he pulls Del Rio up onto the announce table, but Del Rio escapes and shoves Rodriguez towards Orton. Orton RKOs Ricardo on the table and stares back at Del Rio as if to say that the next time, this will be you!
Mike's Reax: Average Smackdown this week. The action was all right, and some storylines were moved forward, so the show wasn’t a waste of time. I am a little confused as to some choices of who lost matches tonight, but all in all it was a okay episode of Smackdown. I am curious to see how the show progresses after the Creative shake-up behind-the-scenes. I guess time will tell if Smackdown will be affected.
Thank you for reading, make sure to check out my reviews of Main Event each and every week, also follow me on Twitter @MJCupach where I tweet live during Raw and WWE PPVs. I am also a frequent guest on the FTWPodcast, go to FTWPodcast.com for more details!
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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