WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 10/12: Complete "virtual time" coverage of Friday night show, including Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane
Oct 12, 2012 - 9:02:07 PM
WWE Smackdown review
October 12, 2012
Taped 10/9/12 in San Jose, CA.
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- Smackdown Open.
- The fireworks were back this week as Josh Mathews intro’d the show. His calm voice doesn’t really match the excitement in the arena as he does so.
- Right now, a K.O. Punch vs. Brogue Kick “contest.” What that means is a mystery, but it’s going to be cleared up by Smackdown GM Booker T., who came onto the stage. Booker said there’s a buzz going around WWE, with people asking whether Sheamus or Big Show’s finisher is the most powerful. We’re going to find out now. Big Show was introduced first. There was a computer screen and a table set up on the stage. When Show came out, they showed Sheamus fending off Tensai and Wade Barrett until Big Show came out. Sheamus then came out.
It’s the old NXT competition where they’ll measure the force behind each man’s move on a speed bag. Booker offered to let Show go first, but Show less-than-politely declined. In fact, he was enraged that this is even a competition; he felt his knockout punch was clearly more powerful. Sheamus said he was game. His kick hit squarely and registered 1,322 pounds per square inch. J.B.L was heard on commentary, saying it wasn’t a fair contest because a kick is always more powerful than a punch. A little cheerleading from Sheamus (and an offer of a hug) finally led to Show agreeing to perform. The WMD clocked in at 1,809 pounds per square inch. Show walked to the back without saying a word, and Booker asked Sheamus about the results. Sheamus surmised that Show hit a machine that was standing still. Speaking of standing still, Tensai attacked Sheamus from behind, laying him out. Booker admonished Tensai, threatening to fire him as they went to break.
[Commercial Break]
- Sheamus, angry, was in the ring after break. Mathews and J.B.L were shown at ringside. No Michael Cole. Huh. Booker made Sheamus vs. Tensai during the break. As Tensai came to the ring, Sheamus attacked him in the aisle. Sheamus tossed Tensai into the ring and waited ‘til his foe got to his feet. Once that happened, the match officially began.
Sheamus continued his onslaught, but Tensai was able to recover and take over on the World Champion. Sheamus went low to chop block Tensai, then made the first cover of the match. Mathews said “Tensai” translates to “destruction.” At 1:40 of the match, both men were down. J.B.L. brought up Tensai holding the IWGP and NOAH tag team championships. Sheamus began his comeback, but had trouble taking Tensai off his feet until a powerslam for a two-count. White Noise on Tensai, followed by the set-up for the Brogue Kick. He was able to follow through and make the pin.
WINNER: Sheamus, at 3:33. Tensai is in that role of “big man who makes others look impressive by tossing him around.”
A slo-mo replay of the Brogue Kick was shown. Then they showed a graphic for Show vs. Sheamus at Hell in a Cell.
- The exterior of the HP Pavilion in San Jose was shown.
- A few San Francisco 49ers were shown in the crowd.
- A WWE.com exclusive from two weeks ago was shown, in which Alberto Del Rio attacked Randy Orton after Smackdown went off the air. J.B.L. said Orton would be at the arena tonight.
- The announcers talked of Orton being on Smackdown, and showed a Tweet from him announcing that he’d be in San Jose to confront Del Rio.
- Backstage, Ricardo Rodriguez was worried about Orton showing up. However, Del Rio was sweating it. Del Rio told Rodriguez that if he was so worried, he should go find Orton. He made it an order.
[Commercial Break]
- A worried Ricardo Rodriguez was walking backstage. He came upon two guys, who (presumably0 pointed him in the right direction. Off-camera some hissing was heard, and Rodriguez had a look of fear etched on his face. Of course, it was really Santino Marella and his cobra. Marella said while his cobra is deadly, a viper is much more so. He said Rodriguez needs to worry about the viper’s RKO rather than the bite. He feigned biting Rodriguez with the sock puppet, which further upset Rodriguez.
- The new super-group (HA!) of Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre, and Jinder Mahal came to the ring. Mahal and Slater were in tag action. They showed the three men’s attack on Zack Ryder and Santino on Raw. All three took turns cutting one promo, none of which was good. Then they all did air guitar. Their opponents, Zack Ryder and Santino Marella, interrupted via their entrance. The match is next.
The match began right after the break. Mahal and Ryder started it off. Ryder got an early hot start, then tagged in Santino who hit an axe-handle from the bottom rope. Yes, you read that correctly. A distraction led to a missed diving headbutt from Santino and Slater tagged in. Mahal and Slater both put the boots to Marella in the heel corner. Cover by Slater got two at 2:10 of the contest. Ryder made the hot tag and connected on the Broski Boot. Mahal predictably broke up the pin, then ushered Marella over the top rope. Ryder sent Mahal over the top as well. Slater set Ryder up for a neck-breaker but instead planted him face-first into the mat for the win.
WINNERS: Slater and Mahal, at 3:50. I give the heels three weeks before they’re either forgotten about or they break up.
- A clip aired of Kane and Daniel Bryan beating Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio on Raw. Then, they showed Ziggler Touting a challenge to Kane for tonight.
- In the arena, Kane’s pyro went off. He came to the ring to face Ziggler, next.
[Commercial Break]
Vickie Guerrero gave her usual nails-on-a-chalkboard entrance for Ziggler. Ziggler tried to take out Kane’s legs once the match began, but had little success doing so. Kane was cornered by Ziggler and Dolph got in a few nice shots. Ziggler skinned the cat after Kane side-stepped him, then Kane kicked him in the face over the top rope. They went to break 1:31 into the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at about 4:40 of the match and again, Kane powered Ziggler over the top rope. This time, Ziggler landed on the apron and brought Kane throat-first over the top rope. Fameasser in the ring for a two-count at 5:32. Ziggler continued on offense, dropping elbow after elbow to the sternum of Kane. Kane got back to his feet, but Ziggler hit one of his textbook dropkicks. It did little to faze the big man, and Kane fired back with a clothesline for two at 8:29. Sidewalk slam, followed by a trek to the top rope for Kane. Ziggler crotched him by throwing himself into the ropes. While Vickie distracted the ref, Ziggler brought in the Money in the Bank briefcase. Ziggler hit Kane with it in the gut as Kane came off the top, causing a disqualification.
WINNER: Kane, via DQ, at 10:06. Not sure why the briefcase was necessary at that point, other than to get to the finish.
Daniel Bryan came to the rescue and they argued about it. Matt Striker showed up out of nowhere and asked them if they agree that this bickering will cost them the tag titles at Hell in a Cell. Bryan applied the No Lock on Striker. J.B.L. cheered him on. Kane made the save, only to chokeslam Striker while Bryan chanted “no!” at him.
- A still-edgy Rodriguez asked two more guys backstage where to find Orton. They pointed him in the direction. Sounds could be heard from the other side of the door, but it was Hornswoggle playing with a talking Orton Brawling Buddy. Rodriguez took it from Horny and slammed it into the wall several times.
[Commercial Break]
- Lilian Garcia made an announcement in which she welcomed breast cancer survivors who were in attendance in San Jose, a part of WWE’s partnership with the Susan G. Komen foundation.
- The Miz joined J.B.L. and Mathews on commentary. They sent it to footage of Larry King Now on Raw, with Miz as a guest.
The announcers talked about Kofi vs. Miz for the Intercontinental Title on Main Event next Wednesday. Show took Kingston down with a shoulder tackle. Show allowed Kofi to get back to his feet, leading to Kingston getting a brief bit of offense, including a dropkick off the top rope. Boom Drop connected, but Show blocked Trouble in Paradise. WMD didn’t miss.
WINNER: Show, at 2:13. I don’t understand why this match was booked. Did Show really prove anything by beating Kingston? Did this match make people want to watch Kingston challenge for the IC Title next Wednesday?
As a medic checked on Kingston, Miz approached the ring with a mic. Miz said Kofi lying on his back, beaten again, is the story of his life. He said Kofi always comes so close, only to come up short. Miz excused himself, saying he’ll be leaving with his head held high, just like it’ll be on WWE Main Event next week.
- Orton’s Tout was shown again, and Mathews speculated about a confrontation between Orton and Del Rio.
[Commercial Break]
- Josh Mathews and J.B.L. (identified as John “Bradshaw” Layfield on his chyron) discussed C.M. Punk’s Hell in a Cell decision. According to Mathews, a WWE.com poll indicates a 50/50 split amongst fans as far as who Punk should face at the PPV. Fans weighed in with their Touts on the subject, four of which were shown here.
- Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez were chatting, but it wasn’t pleasant. Daniel Bryan walked in and he and Del Rio traded barbs. Bryan said he just left Booker’s office and Booker said Bryan and Del Rio have a match tonight. “I’m the tag team champions,” Bryan insisted.
- Layla and Kaitlyn were hyped up talking to Booker and Teddy Long in Booker’s office. Long translated, saying Aksana found a blond wig and Eve’s bag. Eve walked in and complained about Aksana going through Eve’s personal property. Eve said she went through Teddy’s things and found a blond wig. She put it on Long’s head and asked how we know it wasn’t Teddy. Booker ushered Kaitlyn and Layla out of the office. Long said Eve knows he had nothing to do with this. “Neither did I,” said Eve.
[Commercial Break]
They aired a graphic for Cara & Rey Mysterio vs. Sandow & Cody Rhodes in the finals of the tag team #1 contender tournament to take place on Raw this week. Cara got the better of Sandow early on, which frustrated Sandow. Back in the ring, a side Russian leg-sweep took Cara down for two at 1:26. Cara kept Sandow off-balance with a headscissors. He went outside again and Cara came off the top with a cross-body, but well-dressed Cody Rhodes took the move while Sandow skirted away. Cody pulled Cara off the apron and went to kick him, but referee Brad Maddox caught the intentions of Rhodes and ejected him from ringside. Sandow was upset, leading to Cara jumping from the top rope, over the ref and onto Sandow. He gave Sandow a hurricanrana into a pin for three.
WINNER: Cara, at 3:17. Shows just how much Cara has fallen that J.B.L considers this a “shocking upset.”
- Daniel Bryan was walking backstage. He ran into Kane, and he told Kane not to even think about coming out to rescue him. Kane said he wouldn’t. Bryan vs. Del Rio is next.
[Commercial Break]
J.B.L. brought up that Bryan and Del Rio were both trained (in some fashion) by Randy Couture. Bryan’s high-impact offense worked in his favor early on in the match. Bryan struck with his legs, peppering the chest of Del Rio with kicks. Dropkick in the corner missed (it’s Bryan’s version of Ric Flair going to the top rope) and Del Rio capitalized. He missed a leg attack as well, and dove through the ropes and to ringside. Outside the ring, Del Rio side-stepped Bryan, who he then shoved into the barricade. They cut to break at 3:57.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 6:55 of the match with Del Rio still in control. Bryan countered the cross arm-breaker into the No Lock, which he hooked in. Rodriguez distracted the ref, but not enough, as Bryan still had Del Rio in the hold. Del Rio got to the ropes and put Bryan in the cross arm-breaker in the ropes. He sent Bryan shoulder-first into the ring post, then cinched in the move in the middle of the ring. Bryan tapped.
WINNER: Del Rio, at 9:43.
After a replay of the finish, Del Rio got the microphone. He said social media has fooled everyone, because Randy Orton is not showing up tonight. Del Rio again showed clips of him beating up Orton after Smackdown two weeks ago and Show beating him up at Main Event. Del Rio called himself the new apex predator. He kept poking the sleeping bear, and finished by mocking Orton’s pose. He even shook like Orton and hit the mat like he was going to do an RKO, but Orton was right there to look him in the eyes with he did. Either Orton got a historically light pop for his appearance, or production deliberately muted the crowd’s reaction so that Orton going nose-to-nose with Del Rio would be a surprise to the viewers at home. Orton took the fight to Del Rio at ringside, assaulting him and tossing him into the ring steps. As he readied the announce table for further damage, Rodriguez jumped on his back. Orton shrugged Rodriguez onto the table as Del Rio scampered away. Orton gave Rodriguez an RKO on the announce table to send a message to Del Rio. Orton’s music played as he stood in the ring, staring at Del Rio, who had made his way up the ramp, to close the show.
Did you watch Friday's Smackdown episode? Send your 0-10 score & Reax to pwtorch@gmail.com for our TV Reax feature.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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