WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 9/14: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of Friday night show, including Sheamus vs. Bryan in a WrestleMania re-match
Sep 14, 2012 - 9:00:05 PM
WWE Smackdown review
September 14, 2012
Taped 9/11/12 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- The show opened with a video package detailing the banning of the Brogue Kick. Included was the boardroom meeting on Raw.
- In the ring was Alberto Del Rio, Ricardo Rodriguez, and David Otunga (now with 100% more neckbrace). Rodriguez got teary when he thanked his family for their support during his injury, and he began to cry. That’s a little too on-the-nose, I’d say, given what has happened recently. Otunga railed against A.J. Lee, saying he’s an officer of the court and putting him in a match with Sheamus was a poor decision from an unbalanced individual. He said, like Rodriguez, he would recover handsomely. Del Rio tossed it to a video from Night of Champions last year, where Sheamus Brogue Kicked Christian after his demands of “one more match.” Boy has Christian fallen far in the last year.
Del Rio had Christian via satellite, with his arm in a sling. Christian just wanted to get this interview over with. Otunga said Christian just had shoulder surgery, but he hasn’t been competing at 100% for a while. Christian cut off Otunga’s line of questioning to remind fans that he’s tough and that he hopes Del Rio loses on Sunday. But he’s doing this to stick up for those in the locker room who aren’t willing to voice their thoughts on the subject. He said he hasn’t been the same since that Brogue Kick last year. While Christian said he respects Sheamus and everything he has accomplished, he does believe the Brogue Kick should be banned. Otunga thanked Christian and as Del Rio predicted a win at Night of Champions, Daniel Bryan came out.
Bryan begged the fans not to say, “yes!” Bryan talked about how his life was affected by the kick. He said he doesn’t have a goat face, but if he did, it’s because Sheamus has kicked him so many times. That was a reach to get that “goat face” reference in there. Bryan said Booker T. has granted him a Wrestlemania rematch tonight. “Brogue Kick” chant from the crowd, which got Bryan heated up and he said he wanted to prove he could beat Sheamus without the illegal move in play. Then, the World Champion came out.
Sheamus told a story of realizing his aunt was his uncle, then said Bryan lost because of him, not because of the Brogue Kick. Sheamus said Bryan and Del Rio will figure out that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat him. Sheamus got onto the apron and Otunga began talking to him face-to-face. Sheamus brought Otunga throat-first across the top rope, pulling off his neckbrace in the process. Otunga winced in the ring as Sheamus celebrated further injuring Otunga. I don’t know WWE has gone far enough to assure the fans that Otunga is faking the injury. If he’s not, then Sheamus certainly doesn’t come across well there.
- Sin Cara was walking backstage. He faces the Miz next.
[Commercial Break]
- Michael Cole voiced-over an update on Jerry Lawler , also noting you can Tweet to him at #GetWellJerry. A graphic of Lawler and the hash-tag noted above was shown on screen while Cole gave the update.
- The WWE Smack of the Night was the ending of last week’s Cara & Mysterio vs. The Miz & Cody Rhodes tag match.
Miz seemed appalled when the lights dim, as they mysteriously do for Cara matches. Miz went to the outside and Cara went to dive through the ropes after him, but Miz stopped his foe with a forearm. They cut to break 1:16 into the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 5:13 of the match with Miz having grounded the high-flying Cara. Miz caught Cara in the mid-section with a knee-lift. He then pounded away with lefts to the skull of Cara. Double axe-handle off the top for Miz for a two-count. Surprise roll-up by Cara for two, but a neck-breaker combo by Miz earned him a near-fall at 7:06. Corner clothesline missed and both men were down on the mat. Cara tried to get the crowd into his comeback, but note even the audio sweetener could help him. Then they started getting into it as Cara flipped around and kicked Miz in the head. Miz set up for his finish, but Cara gout out of it. Magistral cradle for three by Cara.
WINNER: Cara, at 8:47. The finishing sequence didn’t look smooth (but you could argue Miz was fighting the move), and it was just an okay match. I think Cara has his formula match down pat at this point.
- Randy Orton takes on Tensai tonight.
- Plus, in a Wrestlemania rematch, Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus.
[Commercial Break]
- Matt Striker caught up to a sullen Miz backstage. Striker reminded Miz about his recent losses and then said he’d be defending his title at Night of Champions against an unknown opponent. Cody Rhodes walked up and Miz told Striker to ask a “certain somebody” why he was attacked from behind. Rhodes said he wanted to let Miz know that he wants HIS Intercontinental Title back. The two began arguing when Rey Mysterio walked up and Striker disappeared. Rey said he deserves a shot at the IC Title himself. Cara walked up and just pointed at the title. If this was for the World Title, this segment would take place in the ring and take 20 minutes. Rhodes called Miz “overrated.” Teddy Long walked up and said Miz may think he can beat them all, but can he beat them all at one time? So at Night of Champions, it’ll be a Fatal Four-Way match for the Intercontinental Title. Miz did not look happy after that.
- We saw a video of how the Daniel Bryan/Kane team has formed over the last several weeks and earned a title shot this past week.
- Kane and Dr. Shelby were backstage, with Shelby teaching Kane how to use a stress ball. Bryan walked in and said the ball should be in Kane’s left hand. Kane and Bryan argued about what happened Monday night, but agreed that they both want to be tag champion. Dr. Shelby made a joke saying they both have balls…Bryan and Kane both showed off their own stress balls. He instructed them to feel the anger wash away as they squeezed. They both seemed to be into it, until Kane pointed out that his was bigger than Bryan’s. Bryan studied his to try to figure it out as Josh Mathews noted Kane would take on Kofi Kingston next.
[Commercial Break]
Kofi tried to take Kane off his feet early, but wasn’t successful. A dropkick by Kingston led to him hitting the ropes, only to be clotheslined by Kane. Seated dropkick by Kane for two at :53. DDT by Kofi to turn the tide, but Kane dodged the Trouble in Paradise, only to be hit with the flip kick in the corner. Kingston came off the top and was chokeslammed. The pin was academic.
WINNER: Kane, at 2:12. You could tell from the very beginning that this one would be short. Quick win here for Kane would usually mean the champs retain at the PPV. But I don’t know if WWE can pass up a Kane/Bryan tag title run.
After the match, Dr. Shelby came out to the stage with a somewhat concerned look on his face. This led to Kane re-entering the ring to chokeslam Kingston again. Kane had him in the choke, then ended up pulling him in for a hug. The crowd popped and Dr. Shelby applauded. Kane’s character changes normally lead to him becoming more brutal. Going to the complete other side of the spectrum is a fun change-of-pace for the Kane character and one not really explored for him before.
- Striker interviewed Orton backstage. He was asked about his match tonight and said that he and Tensai had nothing going on so they thought they’d just fight. Or maybe he wanted a 300-pound tune-up for Sunday. He said he was looking forward to his match with Dolph Ziggler at Night of Champions. Orton called Ziggler a “punk” and threatened to tear him a new one.
[Commercial Break]
- “Champions” by Kevin Rudolf, among others, is the theme song for Night of Champions.
Orton tried a knee-drop early on and Tensai somehow caught the knee before it could connect…he couldn’t really follow-up since he was on the mat, so Orton was able to drop the knee soon after anyway. The back-and-forth exchange continued with Tensai giving the business to Orton in the corner. Headbutt to the back of the head of Orton by Tensai. Sakomoto accompanied Tensai and was at ringside for the match. The match stayed in the corner with Orton clotheslining Tensai. However, when he hit the ropes, Tensai ran him over with a shoulder tackle. Orton dropkicked Tensai off the apron and to the floor. They went to break at 3:26 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
The show returned with 6:56 gone in the match. Mathews said the match had turned into a brawl. Tensai apparently controlled Orton throughout the break. He continued the offense back from break, applying the nerve hold to Orton. Orton broke out and powerslammed Tensai. Rope-assisted DDT on Tensai for a near-fall at 9:26. Garvin Stomp ensued, then Orton knocked Sakamoto off the apron. He set up for the RKO, but Tensai reversed and hit the tree slam. Back splash missed, but the follow-up RKO didn’t.
WINNER: Orton, at 10:36. Tensai’s days of being relevant appear to be over for the time being, though he was booked relatively strongly here, going 10 minutes with Orton.
Vickie Guerrero interrupted Orton’s celebration and took issue with Orton’s comments toward Ziggler in his interview earlier. She said Ziggler was given the night off but promised Ziggler will defeat her tonight. She told Orton that he’ll never be a World Champion again. Orton, now with a mic, told Vickie she was wrong. Orton surmised that with Vickie talking to him, having his back turned can only mean one thing – he turned around and Ziggler was crouched on the other side of the ring, ready to attack. Thus, Ziggler never got his opportunity and he scampered backstage, upset over an opportunity lost.
- Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus is tonight’s main event.
[Commercial Break]
- Antonio Cesaro and Aksana were in the ring out of break. Mathews plugged the pre-show Battle Royal that will take place Sunday, with the winner advancing to face Cesaro at the PPV. Cesaro was disgusted that his challenger will be decided by a mere battle royal. He said only one word describes how he feels right now: outraged. In five languages. As he continued ranting, Tyson Kidd’s music (apparently) played and he walked out with a huge grin on his face. He had a mic and said Cesaro can run his mouth in as many languages as he wants, but Kidd wanted to put it to him in Canadian: He said Cesaro will be a former US Champion, eh. Cesaro took offense and tossed Kidd over the top rope. Cesaro asked if anyone else wanted some. No one took him up on the offer at first, then Brodus Clay did. No dancing, all business. Cesaro was about to leave when Kidd kicked him in the head. That led to Clay headbutting Cesaro in the chest. Kidd appeared that he was going to come off the top rope with a move, but they just played Clay’s music and Cesaro rolled out of the ring. Clay and Kidd danced to end the segment.
- Sheamus and Daniel Bryan square off in a Wrestlemania rematch, with the Brogue Kick banned.
[Commercial Break]
- Wade Barrett walked out. He reiterated that he is open for business. But people are either too scared or too stupid to understand what he meant, so next week, one person will be chosen to sample his product. After that, business will be booming.
- The announcers reacted on-camera to what Barrett said, with Cole admitting he didn’t even know what Barrett meant by “sampling his product.”
When Beth came out, they showed a Tout by Eve, who wished both Layla and Kaitlyn luck on Sunday. Side headlock by Beth to start. Beth tried a backslide, but Kaitlyn rolled through. Kaitlyn, from the apron, snuck back in and rolled Beth up for two. Another one for two again. Layla was shown watching on a backstage monitor. Beth grabbed Kaitlyn’s hair and pulled her down head-first, which Kaitlyn sold well. Crowd actually chanted for Kaitlyn as she came back, but Beth pulled her down off the second rope. She went for her finish, but Kaitlyn countered into a reverse DDT for the win.
WINNER: Kaitlyn, at 2:49. A big win Kaitlyn needed to help establish herself as a serious threat to Layla’s Divas Title.
- Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan is coming up.
[Commercial Break]
- Another update on Lawler, with Cole saying his recovery is going great and he’s cracking jokes as well. Same reminder of Tweeting #GetWellJerry and same graphic as well.
- The exterior of Scotiabank Place in Ottawa was shown and Mathews mentioned that Night of Champions is brought to you by Dredd 3D in theaters September 21.
- The Raw Rebound aired, focusing on C.M. Punk vs. John Cena.
- The announcers talked about Punk and Cena, then on-screen graphics aired for the top matches at Night of Champions.
- Eve was watching the show backstage. Booker T. walked in and Eve complimented him on banning the Brogue Kick. Booker said Eve has been doing a hell of a job. Teddy Long butted in and reiterated Eve’s comments about Booker doing a nice job. Long thanked him for doing a good job himself…he and Long weren’t on the same page in giving each other dap, though. Eve and Booker walked away from Long, having some business to go over. Long was clearly frustrated at not losing the grip on being Booker’s right-hand man.
- Sheamus came out for his match with Bryan. It’ll take place next.
[Commercial Break]
During Bryan’s entrance, they replayed the Wrestlemania match that Sheamus won in a mere 18 seconds. Once the match began, Otunga, Rodriguez, and Del Rio were shown watching the proceedings on a television backstage. Bryan did some breathing exercises in an attempt to keep his composure. Sheamus rolled through after putt Bryan on his shoulders, getting a near-fall off that move. Bryan was clotheslined over the top rope. Cole brought up Dory Funk, Jr. and Dean Malenko as those who have previously used the Texas Cloverleaf, a move Sheamus recently adopted. On the outside, Bryan gained control with a running dropkick to Sheamus. Back in the ring, another running dropkick by Bryan on Sheamus for only a one-count. Bryan worked the arm of Sheamus in an attempt to weaken it for the No Lock. Bryan tried to get the crowd to quiet down before he dropkicked Sheamus again in the corner. Neither worked. Sheamus to the top, where he came down on Bryan with a battering ram of a shoulder tackle. Both were down at 4:52 of the match. Sheamus made his comeback, including a knee-lift and a back-breaker for two. Sheamus tried to cloverleaf, to no avail. The crowd chanted for the Brogue Kick, so apparently they want Sheamus stripped of the title. Bryan got a quick roll-up for two. Kick to the side of the head for two at 6:43 by Bryan. Bryan kicked at the chest of Sheamus, but Sheamus caught the last try. Bryan jumped off the middle rope and right into the arms of Sheamus. Bryan locked in the guillotine choke, and Sheamus couldn’t break it. Sheamus was able to flip Bryan off of him, but Bryan then attempted the No Lock. He couldn’t lock it in and instead hit another Irish Curse then locked in the Texas Cloverleaf. Bryan tried to reach the rope, but Sheamus pulled him toward the middle of the ring, leading to a tap-out from Bryan.
WINNER: Sheamus, via submission, at 9:05.
One last look at Del Rio, Otunga, and Rodriguez reacting to the result backstage, then a short celebration from Sheamus before Smackdown signed off for the week.
What do you think? If you saw this show, we invite you to send your thoughts. Send your name, hometown, a 0-10 score rating the quality of the show, your picks for best and worst segments, and then a brief paragraph of thoughts on the show that we can publish in the Reader Reax segment later tonight or tomorrow. Send to pwtorch@gmail.com.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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