WWE Smackdown Report CUPACH'S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 8/31: Alt. perspective review of Orton vs. Ziggler, build-up to Kane versus ... Josh Mathews, Mike's Reax
Sep 3, 2012 - 11:43:26 AM
WWE Smackdown Report
August 31, 2012
Taped 8/28/12 in Green Bay, Wis.
Aired on Syfy
By Michael Cupach, PWTorch contributor
-WWE open.
-Smackdown music video plays followed by full pyro and then the returning Josh Mathews welcomes everyone to Smackdown. Josh teases Randy Orton versus Dolph Ziggler tonight.
-Lillian Garcia welcomes Sheamus to the ring. Josh plugs Sheamus versus Alberto Del Rio at Night of Champions in three weeks. Sheamus starts off by acknowledging Triple H, the toughest man he has ever fought. He goes over his history with Hunter, facing him at WrestleMania and losing to him at WrestleMania. Not much of a history there! Sheamus calls Hunter a great champion and opponent, which Del Rio isn’t.
Damien Sandow’s music hits and he interrupts Sheamus. He introduces himself and tells the crowd that he is here to help all them out, especially Sheamus. He calls Sheamus as ignorant as he is enormous. Sandow says that Sheamus praises a man who needed a gang of thugs to jump him on Raw 1,000. Sheamus says that that was great! Sandow calls that a typical response from a hooligan and then he accuses Sheamus of dumbing down the audience every time he comes down to the ring. Furthermore, Sandow tells Sheamus that he is nothing but a terrible stereotype, but Sheamus tells Sandow to shut up because everyone else has other things to do. Sheamus then invites Damien to the ring to say it to his face, but Sandow declines because he calls Sheamus not worthy of his time. Sandow says that he is spared Sheamus of an intellectual thrashing and will now take his leave.
Booker T is out and he agrees that no one wants to see an intellectual thrashing, but they want to see a physical thrashing. So, Booker makes a match for the first time ever on Smackdown, Sheamus versus Damien Sandow, tonight! Josh Mathews praises Booker for his innovative match-making.
-Rey Mysterio is shown putting on his mask backstage, as he is in action when Smackdown returns!
-Cody Rhodes cuts a inset promo before the match about his mistrust of people who wears masks.
Michael Cole notes that Rey Mysterio is back in action tonight after suffering a concussion from The Miz at Summerslam. Josh calls Rey Mysterio the “Human Highlight Reel,” which is a name I haven’t heard him called since the glory days of Mike Tenay in WCW! Drop toehold from Cody Rhodes to start, Rey reverses into a chicken wing, but Cody powers out and backs Rey into the corner. Suplex attempt by Cody is reversed by Rey, Cody back-elbows Rey and smiles. Rey dropkicks Cody and sets up the 619, Cody telegraphs it and moves out of the way, he then pulls Rey out of the ring and slams Reys head into the announce table, Cole plays up Rey’s concussion and then cuts to a break.
Cody runs into a boot from Rey when Smackdown returns, but Cody resiliently connects with a twisting suplex for a two count. Bow and arrow from Cody wears Rey down. Cody releases the hold and stomps away at Rey. Front face suplex by Rhodes gets another two count. Snapmare by Rhodes, he foolows up with a stuff knee to the back of Rey, Cody then floats over into a chinlock. Cody tries to rip the mask off of Rey, Rey tosses Cody face first into the middle turnbuckle. Rey dropkicks Cody in the face then goes up top for s seated senton for a two count. Cody tries a sunset flip, but Rey rolls through and kicks Cody square in the face for a two count. Chinbreaker out of nowhere by Cody gets a two count, he picks up Rey for a back suplex, Rey counters into a 619 setup, Cody catches Reys legs, but Rey counters into a sunset flip and catches a quick three count on Cody for the win!
WINNER: Rey Mysterio by pinfall in 9:30.
Mike's Reax: Very good match from these two. Cody's obsession with masked wrestlers continues and I want to think that it will end with him unmasking someone, but I don’t have the confidence in WWE to give any kind of pay-off. While I like that Cody has something to do with the masked wrestlers, I still feel like he is being put on the back burner. When he lost the IC Title, I thought he was being moved onto bigger and better things, but he has been treading water since then.
-Post-match, Cody cheapshots Rey and beats him down until Sin Cara runs down to make the save. Rey ends up laying out Cody with a 619, Sin Cara then pulls a spare mask out and puts it on Cody, who is out cold.
-Josh Mathews throws to footage from last Monday's Raw when Daniel Bryan was sent to anger management by A.J. Lee.
-Eve Torres joins Josh and Michael on commentary for the next match.
-Up next, Kaitlyn takes on Natalya!
Collar and elbow tie-up from both women, Natlaya gets the advantage with a headlock takeover. Kaitlyn reverses into a headlock of her own. Natalya shoots Kaitlyn into the ropes, she clotheslines Natalya, and then Nattie rolls out of the ring. Kaitlyn misses a baseball slide, Natalya slams her onto the floor and then rolls her back into the ring. Natalya yells at Kaitlyn to respect her over and over. Abdominal stretch by Natalya, she has her twisted like a pretzel and it looks pretty painful! Kaitlyn hip-tosses Natalya and then rolls her up for a two count. Dropkick by Kaitlyn, Natalya then nails her with a ugly-looking clothesline into a uglier looking pin attempt for a two. Kaitlyn rolls up Natalya with a small package for a three count!
WINNER Kaitlyn by pinfall in 2:30.
Mike's Reax: Two matches, two roll-ups for the win. This match was more of a vehicle for Eve to come out and pretend to be behind Kaitlyn as the future of the Divas division. The whole match Cole put over Eve as a great administrative assistant to Booker T. On the wrestling side, it was pretty ugly, as Kaitlyn doesn't appear to be ready for any kind of big match; she looked very green and had trouble executing simple moves.
-Matt Striker is with Booker T, he asks him about the G.M. positions being in jeopardy after Vickies speech on Raw. Then show A.J. and Vickie catfighting. Booker says that he had high hopes for A.J., but he thinks the pressure is getting to her and he questions the Jericho and Ziggler contract match from last week. Booker calls A.J. off the bucket. Vickie then walks in and says that she agrees with Booker T. Vickie says that she has been getting calls, faxes, emails, touts, and tweets telling her how they think that A.J. is a child. Vickie then tells Matt that she has spoken to the WWE Board of Directors and if they don’t take action, she will.
-Up next, highlights from last Mondays main event between C.M. Punk and Jerry Lawler.
-At Night of Champions, C.M. Punk takes on John Cena with the WWE Title on the line. Josh talks about C.M. Punk being on a quest for respect and last Monday on Raw he sought respect from Jerry Lawler. Clips are shown of their promo and match from last Mondays Raw. The match highlights were shown in black and white to hide the blood from C.M. Punk's head injury.
-More of Daniel Bryans adventure at anger management is shown.
-Sheamus vs. Sandow is up next!
3 - World Hvt. champion SHEAMUS vs. DAMIEN SANDOW – non-title match
Sheamus powers Sandow into the corner and Sandow demands a clean break. Sheamus smiles at him and Damien looks intimidated. Sheamus powers him into the far corner and Sandow yells at the ref to break it up. Sheamus grabs a handful of Sandow's beard and shoves him. Sandow bails out of the ring to a chorus of boos. Sandow takes his time getting back into the ring and uses the referee to cheap-shot Sheamus, then puts Sheamus in a headlock, Sheamus shoots Sandow into the ropes and shoulder blocks him down. Sandow bails again, Sheamus follows, and Sandow whips Sheamus into the stairs. Damien rolls back into the ring and demands that the referee count Sheamus out. Sheamus makes it into the ring at eight and Sandow welcomes him back into the ring by stomping the hell out of him!
Sandow uses his knee to choke Sheamus, the referee calls for a break. Damien tries the elbow of disdain, Sheamus blocks it, but ends up getting a neckbreaker from Damien Sandow for another two count. Chinlock from Sandow as Josh seems surprised that Sandow is controlling the match. Sheamus breaks the hold and takes Sandow down with a series of clotheslines and Irish Hammers. Sandow rolls out of the ring, then Sheamus follows him out and rolls him back into the ring. Sandow tries a running knee, but Sheamus catches him and ties him in the ropes and clubs him ten times over the chest.
Sandow rolls out of the ring again, then Sheamus rolls him right back in and goes for White Noise and a Brogue Kick, but Damien rolls out again. Sheamus chases him, but Sandow cheap-shots Sheamus and then runs for the dressing room. Sheamus ends up winning via count-out.
WINNER: Sheamus by countout in 7:00.
Mike's Reax: That was another ugly match. Sandow kept going back to the well to get cheap heat, but it was too much and made the match seem like a complete waste of time. I thought this did Sandow no favors.
-The announcer hyped highlights of Triple H’s speech on Raw and Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler for later tonight.
Tyson and Titus start things off. Titus overpowers Kidd, but Tyson and Gabriel double team Titus with a double drop kick. Tyson and Justin continue to use spectacular looking double team maneuvers to keep Darren Young down who got tagged in. Titus comes in to break up the double teaming, he ends up one on one with Kidd, he pumphandle slams Kidd for a two count. Tag in to Young, O’Neil suplex slams Young onto Kidd for a two count. Kidd gets a mule kick to Young's stomach, then hot tags Gabriel.
Gabriel takes out both Prime Time Players and tries the 450 splash on Young, but Titus crotches Gabriel on the top rope. Kidd comes in and clotheslines Titus over the top rope and follows him out with a pescado. Justin is back to his feet to try the 450 Splash again, but Young pulls him down to the mat and puts him away with a gourd buster for the win!
WINNERS: Prime Time Players by pinfall in 3:00
-More from anger management class is shown. This time, Kane shares his feelings.
-Alberto Del Rio will be interviewed by Josh Mathews when Smackdown returns!
-Josh Mathews is in the ring, and he introduces Alberto Del Rio, but Ricardo Rodriguez came out instead and did his proper introduction for Del Rio. Del Rio came out in a 1983 Roadster and made his way to the ring. Josh starts off by congratulating him on beating Randy Orton last week, but Del Rio cuts him off by saying that he not only beat him, he made him tap out. Del Rio called Orton one of the toughest men in WWE and then says that he plans on doing the same thing to Sheamus at Night of Champions.
Josh points out that Sheamus has bested him everytime they have faced each other in a title match. Del Rio tells Josh that what Kane did to him at Summerslam was nothing compared to what he is going to do to him right now. Del Rio corners Josh and before he puts his hands on Mathews, Kane’s music hits and Josh flees the ring to the announce table.
Kane grabs a microphone and says “Hello, my name is Kane” and then goes on to say that his anger management therapist thinks it would be best if he apologized to Josh. Kane thanks Josh for being a part of his recovery and then puts the microphone down and starts to leave. Teddy Long comes out and makes a match between Del Rio and Kane for right now!
The match is in progress when Smackdown returns. Del Rio is kicking Kane in the leg, but Kane throws Del Rio into the corner and unloads with lefts and rights. Low dropkick by Kane gets a two count. Del Rio tries going up top, but Kane knocks him to the apron with a right hand. Del Rio then hangs up Kanes arm on the top rope, Del Rio goes for the cross armbreaker, but Kane counters with a chokeslam attempt, Del Rio kicks him in the back of the head to break the hold. Another cross armbreaker is countered by Kane, Kane gives him a big boot to the face. Sidewalk slam from Kane gets another two count, Kane then goes up top and takes out Del Rio with a missile clothesline. Ricardo distracts Kane for a hot second by grabbing his ankle, then Alberto takes advantage by hitting Kane with a Backstabber for the win!
WINNER: Alberto Del Rio by pinfall in 3:00.
-Post-match, Kane charges the announce booth and throws Josh Mathews into the ring and chokeslams him. Kane sets off his pyro and then storms out of the ring.
Mike's Reax: Nice quick win for Del Rio to keep him as credible as he can be kept for his match with Sheamus at the next PPV. I’m also looking forward to the big match-up between Josh Mathews and Kane...
-Michael Cole is using his serious face as he shows footage of Josh Mathews being helped to the back by trainers. Cole makes a plea to Booker T and A.J. that broadcasters should not be touched by wrestlers and need to be protected.
-Highlights of Triple H’s “retirement” speech are shown.
-Michael Cole plugs the new WWE app. He then shows some tweets from other Superstars responding to Triple H’s speech from Raw.
-Vickie Guerrero does the introduction for Dolph Ziggler. He takes on Randy Orton, next!
6 - DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. RANDY ORTON
Shoulder block from Orton to start, Dolph pops right back up and drop kicks Ortons right in the mouth. Dolph shows off instead of following up. Headlock by Orton, Dolph shoots him off, Orton shoulder blocks him again and then dropkicks Dolph. European uppercuts from Orton on Dolph followed by a suplex for a two count. Ziggler catches Orton with a boot to the face when Orton put his head down. Ziggler drops a series of elbows onto Orton and goes for a cover, but comes up short. Chinlock from Ziggler as the crowd chants for Orton.
Orton fights out of the move and it leads to both men trading right hands, Orton gets the upper hand and gets a backbreaker on Dolph. Orton continues to work Ziggler over, but Dolph nails Orton with a huge clothesline out of nowhere, then misses a high elbow drop. Clotheslines and a powerslam by Orton followed up by a DDT attempt, but Ziggler hangs Orton up on the top rope. Both men start trading shots again, and Orton wins the encounter, then drags Ziggler to the top rope and superplexes him for a two count.
DDT from Ziggler out of nowhere comes up short on the pin attempt, and both men are down. Dolph is up first, he is stalking Orton and tries a sleeper, but Orton shrugs him off and connects with his second rope-assisted DDT for a nearfall. Dolph rolls out of the ring, then Orton follows him out and and slams him into the announce table. Orton rolls Ziggler back into the ring, where Dolph misses a Zig-Zag and then walks into a RKO and gets pinned!
WINNER: Randy Orton by pinfall in 7:00.
-Vickie announces that Dolph is still Mr. Money in the Bank, and Orton poses on the ropes as Smackdown fades out.
Mike's Reax: Decent enough match from these guys; nothing I haven’t seen before. I thought it was okay, but it continues the trend of Dolph Ziggler always losing to Orton. I think Dolph needs to start winning some matches if he is going to be credible as a champion once he cashes in Money in the Bank.
Overall, I thought Smackdown was a below-average episode, as the wrestling was a little boring and nothing really happened to further any storylines. All in all, this was a skippable episode.
Thank you for reading, please follow me on Twitter @MJCupach. I tweet live during Raw and all WWE PPV’s! Also check me out of the FTWPodcast as a semi-regular guest and for preview shows for all WWE PPVs. Go to ftwpodcast.com for more details!
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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