WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 6/8: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including Christian vs. Ziggler
Jun 8, 2012 - 9:00:32 PM
WWE Smackdown review
June 8, 2012
Taped 6/5/12 in Columbia, S.C.
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- Smackdown Open.
- After the requisite fireworks, Josh Mathews mentioned that No Way Out is just nine nights away.
- Tonight, we’ll look back to Raw to see what happened between Michael Cole and John Cena.
- The announcers were shown on-camera, and Cole was at the desk. Booker T. and Mathews got a few good laughs in at Cole’s expense early on.
- Alberto Del Rio rode into the arena in his latest car-of-the-week. Conspicuous by his absence: Ricardo Rodriguez. Del Rio cued up a video of what he did to Sheamus on Raw this past week, attacking the World Champion on the stage and placing him in the cross arm-breaker against the stage. Del Rio reminded Sheamus of his “never trust a hooligan” quote, then said if he thinks that was bad, just wait for No Way Out. He vowed to break the arm of Sheamus. Before he could expand on that thought, Sheamus’ music hit. Out walked Rodriguez in full Sheamus garb. Looks like they went to great lengths to imitate him, with the hair, beard and white tights to imitate the white body of the champ.
Del Rio admitted that was not Sheamus. He said anyone can be Sheamus: Anyone can punch his chest like a caveman and anyone can spike his hair like a little kid. On the other hand, there’s only one Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio told Rodriguez to show him the Brogue Kick. When he went to kick, he fell on his back. Del Rio said that’s exactly what’s going to happen at No Way Out: Sheamus falling on his arse. Then his music hit again and the real Sheamus walked to the ring. He was halted physically by Del Rio in the ring. Rodriguez was easily disposed of, leaving Sheamus and Del Rio. But he provided just enough distraction for Del Rio to work on the arm a little. Sheamus countered and hit Del Rio with the Irish Hammer.
Del Rio and Rodriguez attempted to retreat, but Sheamus chased them down. Rodriguez was knocked to the side of the stage while Sheamus tossed Del Rio into the WWE logo. Sheamus went to send Del Rio off the stage, but Rodriguez grabbed the legs of Sheamus in order to stop him. Del Rio went back to the arm with an assist from Ricardo, but referees ran out to put a stop to it. Teddy Long walked out with a mic. He said John Laurinaitis is not on the show tonight, instead preparing himself for a job performance evaluation. That’s how you know WWE is treating Laurinaitis like a really big star: He hasn’t been on Smackdown much lately. Long announced that, per Mr. Laurinaitis, Kane will face Sheamus, and Del Rio takes on The Great Khali. Khali made his way to the ring, as that one is next.
[Commercial Break]
The bell rang as soon as they returned from break. Hard chop to the head greeted Del Rio after he came off the ropes. Hard chop to the chest by Khali in the corner Big boot attempt by Khali missed and Del Rio kicked away at the leg. After working the big limb of Khali, Del Rio came off the second rope, only to be cut down with a chop to the chest. Khali signaled for the tree slam, but Rodriguez got on the apron. That distraction led to Del Rio bringing the arm down across his knee. Cross arm-breaker applied, and Khali tapped.
WINNER: Del Rio, at 3:23. Disappointing that Del Rio had to win via distraction; when was the last time Khali was relevant? Shouldn’t the challenger for the World Title be able to beat him cleanly?
- The announcers talked about John Cena vs. The Big Show, and Cole said despite what happened to him, he still blames Cena for the path of destruction Big Show has left the past few weeks.
- The Big Show video package aired with his pre-recorded comments over clips.
- Teddy Long was talking to Laurinaitis on the phone backstage when the Funkadactyls danced in. Brodus Clay followed, and seemed to be his usual jovial self. Long said he had good news and bad news: First, to protect Clay from Big Show, Clay isn’t allowed on Raw. From this week forward, he’s a permanent member of the Smackdown roster. Clay told Long to tell his opponents that when he sees them, he’ll be seeing the Big Show. Why even bother to come up with an explanation for Clay to switch brands at this point? Or is it just a way to tell fans, “if you want to see Clay, you better watch Smackdown”?
[Commercial Break]
[Commercial Break]
Clay pounded away on Bateman in the corner, then tossed him through the ropes. Clay gave Bateman a running headbutt to the chest on the outside, then sent him over the barricade and into the ring announcer/timekeeper area. Back in the ring, Clay splashed Bateman in the corner and followed-up with an overhead suplex. Big splash finished Bateman.
WINNER: Clay, at 1:06. I guess Clay being more aggressive is the change that we’ll be seeing from Clay after the attack by Big Show. Something had to change, but I don’t know if this is enough.
Clay danced with a bunch of kids after the match.
- Sin Cara takes flight next.
[Commercial Break]
- This week’s Raw 1,000 Moment: Booker T. vs. Buff Bagwell, the first WCW match on Raw. Booker did a voice-over talking about that night facing “Marcus Bagwell.” Wow, I’m surprised they even showed highlights of it, knowing what a dud it was.
Mathews plugged Cara’s Facebook page. Like Bateman, “Whatever Happened To” Drew McIntyre got no entrance. McIntyre tried to draw first blood (not literally of course), but Cara used his unorthodox style (and many arm-drags!) to neutralize McIntyre. On the apron, Cara was sent up into the air and kicked in the gut, sending him to ringside. Back in the ring, Cara fought out of a rest-hold and McIntyre stomped Cara. Cara with a headscissors that sent McIntyre into the post. Handspring back elbow for two. McIntyre followed up with a big boot that Cara sold nicely. Couldn’t get the pin, though. Cara dove off the second rope into a side slam, but Cara countered. McIntyre readjusted his grip, but Cara again countered and hit his single-arm face-plant for the finish.
WINNER: Cara, at 3:16. Nice little match there. Saw a few unique moves from both men.
- Tonight, Sheamus vs. Kane.
- Ryback is in action next.
[Commercial Break]
- Mathews thanked Charm City Devils for “Unstoppable,” the official theme of No Way Out.
Both jobbers were billed from Clemson, just to rile up the fans in the arena. The jobbers predicted they’d be the start of Ryback’s downfall. One of their last names sounds like a disease I wouldn’t want to catch. Cole did his own “mirror mirror on the wall” rhyme (as the jobbers did) where he cleverly rhymed “wall” with “wall.” One jobber was sent hard into the buckle, the other was given a fall-away slam right into the other. Ryback stacked them up in the corner and ran into them with a shoulder to the gut. He clotheslined one over the other, who was bent down behind him on his hands and knees. Hard powerbomb, then both were put on his back for his finisher and pinfall.
WINNER: Ryback, at 1:44. As I’ve said before, Ryback’s squashes themselves are entertaining, but I love seeing the different jobbers they bring out too.
- Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler will take place tonight, but first, The Peep Show with Cody Rhodes. Next.
[Commercial Break]
- WWE techies were shown setting up the Peep Show. WWE usually (purposely) makes sure we don’t see them. Before Christian could come out, Cody Rhodes walked to the ring. He shoved a stage-hand and tossed around some of the set. Rhodes said he doesn’t answer to Christian: Christian should answer to him. He said Christian is the one who is having a mid-life crisis, deciding to pander to the fans. Christian’s music interrupted and he walked out.
On his way to the ring, he reminded Cody that he beat him for the Intercontinental Championship. He said if Cody wanted to host the Peep Show, he should’ve just asked. Cody wanted to know who Christian is trying to fool. Before Over the Limit, he said Christian didn’t care about any of the people. He asked why Christian went soft. Christian said he had a moment of clarity. He talked of being injured for most of the year and inducting Edge into the Hall-of-Fame the night before Wrestlemania. He said it dawned on him while Edge was giving his speech that performing for the fans is a privilege that can be taken away in an instant. He said he didn’t want to be the sniveling guy who kept begging for one more match. Instead, he wanted to put together a Hall-of-Fame career just like his best friend.
“That is a load of garbage,” said Rhodes. Rhodes disputed the notion that Christian is a future Hall-of-Famer. He said Christian got lucky at Over the Limit. Christian angrily told Rhodes to shut his mouth and threatened to wipe the floor with him. Dolph Ziggler walked out with a mic and said he was there to wrap it up. He promised to do what he does best and show-off, beating Christian right now.
Rhodes joined the announce team. He said he’s asking for his rematch at No Way Out. Leapfrog by Christian into a face-plant. Cody said his Fave Five is a list of hypocrites and Booker is number one (after Cole said Booker put Cody at the one spot in his Fave Five of the week). It was a combination of great delivery and a great line for Cody. The two men fought outside the ring as they went to break at 1:30 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
They returned at about the 5:00 mark. Ziggler with a dropkick to the mid-section for a two-count. He torqued the neck and arm of Christian, then peppered him with punches and kicks. Monkey-flip into the corner by Ziggler, then he rammed Christian’s back shoulder-first. Flip kick by Christian. He made his comeback by grabbing Ziggler on a fameasser attempt and powerbombing him. Both m en were down at 7:30, but Christian bog up first. Springboard sunset flip, but Dolph fired back with a fameasser for two. Spear attempt countered by a dropkick by Ziggler for two. Christian shrugged off a Zig Zag and went to the top. He knocked Ziggler off when Dolph tried to meet him on the top, and finished him with a frogsplash.
WINNER: Christian, at 9:34. Fun match – I could watch these guys wrestle each other all day. Rhodes was fantastic on commentary.
- Next, reliving Cole’s encounter with Cena from Raw.
[Commercial Break]
- The Raw Rebound aired.
- The announcers at ringside laughed at Cole for what happened on Monday night and on the Raw Rebound. Cole took off his headset and got a mic. He said he hoped the fans would move on from what happened. He said he reached the bottom of his career with what happened, but then JR’s music hit. Hornswoggle came out dressed like Jim Ross. How do they put two dress-alike segments on the same show? Horny did his JR accent and had the video people play the segment of Cole getting chopped then BBQ sauce dumped on him again. He couldn’t stop laughing. This feels like it’s going on for years. As Hornswoggle went on and on, Damien Sandow’s music interrupted.
Sandow called Hornswoggle a “miscreant,” and said people like him have been elevated to cult-like status too often. Sandow said he will not allow this content to assimilate itself into our society. Preach on, Damien. He said he would teach Horny a lesson. He bent over and said “you’re welcome.” Hornswoggle taunted Sandow and Sandow went after him, but Tyson Kidd ran out. Sandow tossed him over the top, but Kidd landed on the apron and connected on a springboard dropkick. Sandow rolled to the outside as the two men trash-talked each other. Sandow disrobed, but decided to back away. As soon as Kidd turned his back, Sandow ran into the ring and ambushed him. Knees to the face, then a neck-brekaer from Sandow. He laid on top of Kidd like he was pinning him and put his fist under his chin to taunt. A cartwheel finished it as his music played.
- Still to come, Kane takes on Sheamus. Next, we’ll hear from Kane.
[Commercial Break]
- Backstage, the camera caught up with Kane in the bowels of the arena. He walked out and Matt Striker greeted him. Striker asked Kane about the possibility of defeating the WWE Champion and World Champion in the same week. He asked about Kane’s feeling on that, and Kane replied that he has no feelings. He suggested Striker ask Punk about what he did to him Monday or Sheamus about what he’ll do to him tonight. Striker next asked about the look Kane and A.J. shared on Raw. Kane just stared at Striker, who scampered away. As Kane walked down the hall, A.J. stepped out from between a few boxes and gave a somewhat bizarre look after Kane walked away.
- Jimmy Uso was in the ring for one-on-one action. Teddy Long came out and said he was asked to support the following Superstar. He read from a piece of paper, introducing the man along with “his lover” Aksana. As expected, Long was less-than-enthused about making this introduction.
Long came to ringside to watch his Laurinaitis-appointed new favorite wrestler. Uso with a kick to the gut of Cesaro, then a double chop to the chest and a diving headbutt. Quick cover for only one. Splash in the corner by Uso, but Cesaro grabbed his nose on a bodyslam attempt. He sent Jimmy into the air and caught him with a European Uppercut on the way down. His finisher was hit, and the pin was academic.
WINNER: Cesaro, at :58. Felt like this was a match that may have gotten cut down due to the show perhaps running long.
Long was invited into the ring to raise Cesaro’s arm in success. Aksana then made out with Cesaro. Long walked off in a huff.
- The next Raw 1,000 moment was courtesy of Sheamus, and it was the Breakthrough Battle Royal from December 2009 when Jesse Ventura hosted the show. Sheamus won, and went on to defeat John Cena at TLC. Of course, what made that Battle Royal truly memorable was the return of the Vince McMahon-Jesse Ventura commentary team.
- Sheamus walked out for the main event. During his entrance, they showed him getting double-teamed from earlier in the show. The match is next.
[Commercial Break]
A long lock-up led to a stalemate in the corner. Sheamus had his elbow taped but Cole said he refused medical attention after the incident with Del Rio on Raw. The two traded right hands and Sheamus was able to get a brief advantage. Kane followed it up with a corner clothesline and an uppercut. Kane ran into a back elbow and Sheamus attacked the knee. Kane grabbed the champ by the throat and knocked him to the apron. Sheamus tried to get back in, but Kane booted him to the floor. They went to break 2:36 into the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 6:21 of the match. Kane continued his offensive onslaught. Side-slam for a two-count. Sheamus worked out of a rear chinlock with shoulders to the bread-basket. He got his boots up on a corner charge from Kane and pulled himself up to the top rope. Flying shoulder tackle found the mark, but he couldn’t capitalize. High knee-lift, then a running Irish Hammer from Sheamus. Lateral press, but only a one-count at 8:51. Both men looked winded at this point. Kane came down off the shoulders of Sheamus and got in his low dropkick. Sheamus turned things around with an Irish Curse back-breaker at 10:00 even. Forearms to the chest with Kane on the apron. Kane blocked a suplex back in and brought Sheamus down throat-first over the top rope. Kane climbed to the top rope, but Sheamus stopped him. He tried to suplex Kane off but Kane blocked it. Sheamus was headbutted off the top and Kane missed the flying clothesline. The announcers noted that Kane tweaked his knee, and Sheamus hit White Noise. Sheamus got a disturbed look in his eye as he called for the Brogue Kick. Kane caught the boot and went for the chokeslam. Sheamus snuck out and the men collided with a double clothesline. Ricardo Rodriguez and Alberto Del Rio ran down for the DQ. Only Rodriguez made it into the ring, and he was quickly halted by Sheamus.
WINNER: Sheamus, via disqualification, at 12:57.
Del Rio looked on from the apron and as Kane was about to take advantage, A.J. skipped to ringside. Kane was frozen, staring at A.J. That allowed Sheamus to come to and Brogue Kick Kane. Then he did the same to Rodriguez as Del Rio looked on from the aisle. Mathews got in one last plug for Vince McMahon appearing on Raw and the special start time before they faded out.
What do you think? If you saw this show, we invite you to send your thoughts. Send your name, hometown, a 0-10 score rating the quality of the show, your picks for best and worst segments, and then a brief paragraph of thoughts on the show that we can publish in the Reader Reax segment later tonight or tomorrow. Send to pwtorch@gmail.com.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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