WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 4/27: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including Sheamus vs. Henry
Apr 27, 2012 - 9:00:16 PM
WWE Smackdown review
April 27, 2012
Taped 4/24/12 in Grand Rapids, Mich.
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- WWE Open.
- Smackdown Open.
- Fireworks exploded inside the arena, 48 hours away from Extreme Rules. Michael Cole introduced the show and plugged Sheamus vs. Mark Henry. The announcers were shown at ringside as they discussed the incident from Raw where Brock Lesnar attacked Josh Mathews. Cole said Mathews was resting at home and suffering from stiffness in his neck and abrasions. The Extreme Confrontation from Raw will be shown tonight.
- Daniel Bryan came out in his “Yes” t-shirt. He entered the ring with a mic. Bryan claimed he cut the umbilical cord and finally got rid of AJ. But he said there was still something bothering him – his Wrestlemania loss to Sheamus does not count. He said the loss should go on AJ’s record, not his, because she lost the match, not him. Interesting theory. Bryan complained about Sheamus running around with his championship. He vowed to rectify the situation at Extreme Rules and said Sheamus can’t even beat him in one match let alone two out of three falls. Bryan discussed his guest ref stint on Raw during Sheamus’ match with Henry. He claimed he called it right down the middle and refuted the idea that he quick-counted at the end. They showed the finish with the count done in slow motion.
Bryan then cued up footage of the post-match situation, where Sheamus went on the attack, only for Bryan to turn the tables. Bryan had the production people pause it with him wrenching on the face of Sheamus, his foe stuck in the Yes Lock. Bryan did his own Q&A session with himself, all of the answers being “yes” of course. Bryan tried to lead the crowd in a “yes” chant, only for them to chant “no,” specifically when he asked if he would regain the title on Sunday. Eventually, Alberto Del Rio’s music hit, and he was introduced by Ricardo Rodriguez.
Del Rio talked about being the #1 Contender to the World Title, then Rodriguez tried to lead the crowd in a “Si” chant. Big Show interrupted and asked if it’s “yes” or “si.” Show ended up chasing Del Rio and Bryan out of the ring, but collared Rodriguez. Rodriguez ended up being chokeslammed. Del Rio vs. Show is next.
[Commercial Break]
This match was joined in progress with (what else?) hard slaps to the chest by Show. Show was building momentum, but Cody Rhodes came in and attacked for the disqualification.
WINNER: Show, via DQ, 1:54 shown. Not a lot to say about this one.
Cody Rhodes took a kendo stick to Show’s back after the match. Show no-sold it, and Show knocked a chair out of Cody’s hands. Before Cody could use his belt as a weapon, Show got the better of him and whipped Rhodes with the belt. Strap match on Sunday?
- Backstage, Eve Torres was taking notes as John Laurinaitis was talking her up. He told her to come to him if she sees something that needs to be changed. Eve said it’s awkward seeing all the crew people and not knowing their names – she suggested name-tags. That’s an Elaine Benes move right there. Teddy Long walked up and sullenly asked if Eve is his executive administrator, what is he? Laurinaitis said he’s simply an employee – and he’ll report to Eve. Eve told him to go get a name-tag.
- Cole and Booker were again shown at ringside, and discussed Eve’s first executive order, making Nikki Bella vs. Beth Phoenix a Lumberjill match on Monday night. Cole said Beth’s injury was a severely sprained ankle.
- The Bella Twins were shown walking backstage. Match is next.
[Commercial Break]
- Damien Sandow quoted Buddha in the latest pre-tape. This week’s discourse: Enlightenment. He promised that salvation is one week away.
Fox was already in the ring. Cole said Beth will be invoking her rematch clause at Extreme Rules despite her injury. Jaw-breaker by Nikki, then a kick. Cover got one :16 in. Nikki settled into a rest-hold, stretching the right arm of Fox around her neck. Hair-pull take-down by Fox once she got to her feet, then she followed it up with dropkicks. Back elbow, then a matrix-like avoidance of a clothesline (how many Divas have done that now?). A switcheroo allowed Brie to come in. Face-buster and pin.
WINNER: Bella, at 1:48. Decent enough, considering the skill level of those involved.
- Tonight, Michael Cole has an exclusive interview with Randy Orton.
[Commercial Break]
- Yoshi Tatsu was warming up backstage when Titus O’Neil and Darren Young walked up. O’Neil asked Tatsu is he knows he’s in the presence of the fastest-rising superstars in WWE. O’Neil then asked who his partner was, then tried to imitate a Japanese person doing some Japanglish. Ezekiel Jackson walked up to answer the question. So are Titus and Young playing loud-mouth frat-boys? O’Neil and Young sang a derogatory song toward Zeke. When they walked off, he assured Yoshi they won’t be joking after their match.
- Teddy Long was dusting in a maid’s outfit and giant “Hello My Name is Teddy” name-tag. Aksana walked in and Teddy thanked her for supporting him. Aksana said it’s great what he’s doing, but she didn’t know he was old enough to have grandkids. Laurinaitis walked in and told Long Aksana’s friend Antonio Cesaro will get a tryout match. And if he likes what he sees, he’ll be hired. Aksana thanked Laurinaitis as he rubbed it in to Teddy about Cesaro and Aksana’s past. Also: Aksana will be guest ring announcer. Eve revealed that Teddy will have his own ringside commentary table, “The Teddy Table.” She said that since Mathews is out, they need another voice on commentary and he starts next. Laurinaitis promised to produce Long to where Long won’t be able to say anything with Laurinaitis telling him to say it. Laurinaitis instructed Long to where a “People Power” shirt.
[Commercial Break]
Cole called Tatsu and Jackson WWE’s answer to Rush Hour, while Teddy Long was playing Mrs. Doubtfire backstage. Long was at ringside parroting Laurinaitis’ comments from backstage. Young hot-shotted Tatsu off the top rope. Hard shot to the back by O’Neil. Quick tags by the heels and a double shoulder-knockdown on Tatsu. Near-fall got two at 1:08. Jackson was knocked off the apron as the heels tried a different version of their finisher from last week. It looked just as bad, but had the added advantage of almost breaking Tatsu’s neck too.
WINNERS: O’Neil and Young, at 1:46. Sorry, still not feeling these guys. I like Young as an individual, but don’t have much use for Titus at this point.
- Next, Michael Cole interviews Randy Orton. It’s an exclusive, because no one else interviews Randy Orton, ever!
[Commercial Break]
- Michael Cole was in the ring for his interview with Randy Orton. The Viper then made his entrance. Cole said despite what happened on Raw with Brock Lesnar and Josh Mathews, he was confident that he and Orton could conduct this interview with class. Cole bragged about Laurinaitis’ ruling that states if any Superstar touches an announcer, the Superstar will immediately be suspended. Crowd already began to chant “RKO.” Orton said when he’s pushed, he tends to not act rational. Cole noted that statement and sent it to a video package chronicling the Orton vs. Kane feud to this point. It was a longer one than you’d expect given how this feud has gone so far. Cole asked Orton how he feels about facing a monster in Kane that he reignited. Orton mocked Cole by saying that comment was “deep.” Another “RKO” chant. Orton said Kane messed with his family, so he won’t just pin Kane. At Extreme Rules, it’s Falls Count Anywhere. As he continued, Jinder Mahal’s music interrupted. He walked out.
Mahal said he thinks Orton and Kane will both take each other down. He entered the ring and said when they both take each other out, a new breed of Superstar will emerge. He told Orton Randy’s time at the top is over. Mahal said he’s younger, richer, and hungrier than Orton. Mahal said he’ll be waiting for Orton on the other side of Extreme Rules. “USA” chant. Mahal went to leave, but Orton wasn’t going to have that. He asked Mahal if he was an announcer. Mahal said no, so Orton RKO’d him. That’s a strange way to end the segment with an RKO without doing it to Cole.
- Mark Henry vs. Sheamus, in a rematch, is tonight’s main event.
[Commercial Break]
- Aksana introduced Antonio Cesaro.
Cole said Cesaro was kicked out of a rugby league for “excessive aggressiveness.” That’s pretty mid-90s for me. Cesaro picked Kidd up and suplexed him. He wore rugby-like socks around his quads. Kidd was thrown up into the air and Cesaro gave him a European Uppercut. Cradle pile-driver into a face-buster for the win.
WINNER: Cesaro, at 1:10. Nice debut for the former Claudio Castagnoli.
Teddy Long was told by Laurinaitis apparently to enter the ring and raise the hand of Aksana. Cesaro and Aksana then made out in front of Teddy as he looked like he was on the verge of tears.
- Cole and Booker talked about Cena vs. Lesnar at Extreme Rules. They showed Lesnar’s video package again, with clips of the last few weeks thrown in too.
- Cody Rhodes was walking backstage. He faces Great Khali next.
[Commercial Break]
Khali chopped Rhodes in the corner. Rhodes responded by dropkicking Khali in the leg. Dropkick off the top took Khali off his feet. Two-count after that. Khali looked to put Rhodes away, but Rhodes kicked him in the leg and tried a Disaster kick. Khali caught him and hit the Khali Bomb for the clean win.
WINNER: Khali, at 2:01. Rhodes has to win at Extreme Rules now, right?
- Abraham Washington was talking to Primo, Epico and Rosa Mendes again. He called them “an amazing talent” and said they need to be utilized. AW asked for a decision from the champs by Monday. As they were talking, Ryback walked up. He sniffed and walked away. AW wanted to do lunch with him and followed him as he walked off.
[Commercial Break]
- The Usos were watching backstage.
Kaye got the mic and talked about all those ahead of him who have failed miserably to make a name for themselves. He talked about wanting all his life to escape Grand Rapids. He said tonight, he’ll be the first to score a victory over Ryback. I don’t really like how they’re doing the same thing every week, the jobber grabbing the mic (how come only guys against Ryback do that?) and showing people gathering to watch backstage. Does that only happen during Ryback matches? Other than that, I like Ryback’s actual squashes. Kaye tried to, I guess jump on Ryback, but Ryback tossed him away. Ryback put a boot to Kaye’s throat, then pressed him and brought him down in a slam. Clothesline took Kaye nearly out of his boots. “Finish him!” shouted Ryback. Then he did.
WINNER: Ryback, at 1:08. The Usos joined me in being impressed with Ryback’s match.
- They showed AJ’s confrontation with Daniel Bryan on Smackdown last week as well as AJ’s match with Natalya.
- Matt Striker approached AJ backstage and asked for an update of her relationship with Bryan. She turned the cold shoulder to him and Striker continued to question her despite her not wanting to answer any questions. Kaitlyn finally walked up and told Striker off. Kaitlyn tried to tell AJ that Bryan is a jerk and he didn’t lover her. “He did nothing for you” said Kaitlyn. AJ then hauled off and slapped her. AJ seemed shocked that she did that.
- Sheamus came out for the main event. It’s next.
[Commercial Break]
They once again replayed Bryan’s fast count on Henry’s pin Monday night. Henry took Sheamus to the mat but missed a short clothesline. Sheamus took Henry out at the knee and got a two count. Sheamus found himself on the apron and propelled himself in with a shoulder knock-down. Cole acted like it was the first time he had seen that. Both men eyed each other as they went to break at 2:29.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 6:07 of the match. Henry fought off a Sheamus attack and whipped Sheamus from inside to outside the ring. Back in the ring, Henry stayed in control. Sheamus made his comeback around 9:30 and landed a short DDT for a two-count. Sheamus lined up for the Brogue Kick but missed and Henry clotheslined him down. Sheamus got his boot up on a running splash attempt. Sheamus rolled through after missing a tope-rope move. Henry turned around into a Brogue Kick for the finish.
WINNER: Sheamus, at 11:04.
Daniel Bryan came out after the match and mockingly slow-clapped for Sheamus. Sheamus got a mic and invited Bryan to the ring. Sheamus asked if Bryan was afraid because he couldn’t hide behind a ref’s shirt…or was it because he was afraid Sheamus would beat him in 18 seconds? Sheamus desperately tried to get an 18 second chant started, and it only caught on mildly. He said Bryan won’t get off easy at Extreme Rules. He asked if he was going to kick Bryan’s arse to remain champion? The answer: Yes, yes, yes, yes.” Crowd caught on and chanted along with Sheamus as the show ended.
What do you think? If you saw this show, we invite you to send your thoughts. Send your name, hometown, a 0-10 score rating the quality of the show, your picks for best and worst segments, and then a brief paragraph of thoughts on the show that we can publish in the Reader Reax segment later tonight or tomorrow. Send to pwtorch@gmail.com.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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