WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 9/30: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including Randy Orton vs. Christian in the main event
Sep 30, 2011 - 9:00:33 PM
WWE Smackdown review
Sept. 30, 2011
Taped 9/27/11 in St. Louis, Mo.
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
- WWE Open.
- Smackdown Open.
- Right into the arena they went, and Booker T’s music played. He walked out, dressed to announce. Josh Mathews called it “an intriguing way” to start the show. Apparently, Booker has a big interview tonight. While Booker made his entrance, Michael Cole plugged Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes for the IC Title, as well as Randy Orton vs. Christian in the main event. In the ring, Booker welcomed the fans to Smackdown, then introduced Mark Henry. They did the same camera angle for his entrance as they did on Raw. Booker first asked Henry about beating Orton, then said he was the first one to congratulate Henry. As a former six-time World Champion, Booker said he knew how tough it was to climb that mountain, then again told Henry he earned it.
Henry asked if he’s supposed to think that, since Booker won the title six times, that he’s six times better than him? Haha, great. Booker said he didn’t mean it as an insulted, but Henry interrupted and said he’s not finished. He asked how Booker can kiss his ass while insulting him in the same sentence. Booker said there was no insult, and if he was to do so, Henry would know it. Henry said if he was to pick Booker up and put him through the announce table, he would know it. Another good line. Henry turned his attention to Orton, whom he wanted to deliver a message to. Crowd started chanting “Randy” as he gave his address. “You can call him, but he ain’t comin’ out here,” Henry told them. He said Night of Champions was about the title, but at Hell in a Cell, he’s going to induct Orton into the Hall of Pain. I’d say Booker has lost control of this interview. Henry talked about Big Show, Kane, and Jerry Lawler being a part of the hallowed Hall. But he said he has a special place for Randy’s head: Right above his mantle. He made a vow to end Orton’s career Sunday.
Booker then asked Henry, “why?” He asked him why he can’t just concentrate on being the best champion he can be. Henry told Booker to lower his tone. He said for 15 years, he did the right thing: taking pictures, shaking hands, kissing babies. But he said it got him nowhere. Henry said it’s about dominating, and he’s going to be the most dominant champ in WWE history. There was one stray “what” chant that I assume was missed in the editing process. Booker asked what happens if Orton hits him with the RKO, but Henry angrily interrupted and said he won’t, because if he could, he would’ve done it already. Henry said he wouldn’t have the title if Orton could hit the RKO. “He can’t beat me, Booker,” Henry said. Henry said everyone knows it. He said Orton won’t win Sunday, and neither will Great Khali tonight. Henry told the “ugly” giant to come out so he can take out the trash. “Thank you very much Mark,” said Booker to end the interview. He extended a hand for a shake, but Henry wasn’t having it. Another awesome performance from Mark Henry.
Oh joy, I can own Khali’s theme music on the latest WWE record release! Khali went after Henry aggressively to start, knocking him off-balance briefly, but Henry fired back. Clothesline by Khali sent Henry to the mat. Khali cornered Henry and chopped him in the chest. Henry fought back from a knee, but Khali nailed him with two chops, the first one not even knocking him off his feet. A pin attempt only got two at 1:16. Henry lifted Khali off his feet and drove him into the corner. Headbutts by Henry, then a big splash. A second one only registered him a two-count. Khali took Henry by the throat, but Henry kicked Khali in the legs to break it. World’s Strongest Slam for three.
WINNER: Henry, at 2:51. Some impressive power displays by Henry.
Henry went to ringside after the match and grabbed a chair. He re-entered the ring with it and hit Khali and the arm. He set Khali up to Pillmanize the ankle, and did so, splashing the chair. A trainer came in to check on Khali as the big man writhed in pain on the mat. A number of referees joined in as well. They began to put Khali’s ankle in an air cast as Henry left the ringside area.
[Commercial Break]
- Khali was being wheeled through the backstage area with Teddy Long at his side. Jinder Mahal walked up and screamed at Khali in a foreign language. Long tried to restrain him so Khali could be wheeled to the ambulance.
- The announcers discussed the previous segment on-camera.
They showed highlights of the six-man (or five-man) tag match from this past Monday during Swagger’s entrance. Kofi Kingston came out with Evan, and Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler both accompanied Swagger to the ring. Swagger went on offense first, and hit a back suplex for a one-count 30 seconds into the match. Bourne fought out of a rest-hold, but Swagger countered Bourne’s high-impact offense by giving him a sidewalk slam. Vader Bomb failed, as Bourne got his feet up. Signature offense by Bourne short of 2:00. After a near-fall, Vickie got on the apron to distract the referee. Ziggler interfered and brought Bourne down throat-first over the top rope. Swagger tried his finisher, but Bourne hit a knee to the face. Kofi Kingston attacked Ziggler at ringside. Vickie then interfered, knocking Bourne off the top rope. Swagger hooked in the ankle-lock for the tap-out win.
WINNER: Swagger, at 2:33. Too much going on in this match once again. The constant interference has hampered this little mini-feud.
- The announcers talked on camera again and Cole said there’s a new cameraman to make him looking really good tonight. Then they discussed the Sin Cara situation, and they showed highlights of Cara beating Daniel Bryan last Friday.
- Just announced: This Sunday at Hell in a Cell, Sin Cara vs. Sin Cara. One of the Caras is in action next.
[Commercial Break]
It was the original Cara, to start at least. I wonder how long I’ll have to type that to clarify. Cara did a springboard and basically tossed his body at Slater. Kick to the head, then a Swanton bomb by Cara and that got the win.
WINNER: Cara, at :43. The “real” Cara hasn’t gotten much traction of late, with the “fake” one taking the win last week and his spot in the Battle Royal on Monday, so this was a necessary back-to-business win.
The fake Cara was on the TitanTron after the match. It was a close-up, and he took off his Cara mask, revealing a different one underneath – it was black, pin and a little blue. The fake Cara said Cara once stole his identity as “Mistico” and now he’s doing the same to him. He said we’d find out Sunday who will be truly worthy of being known as “Sin Cara.”
- They showed cilps of Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes from Monday, with Christian getting involved. Tonight, Cody puts the IC Title on the line against Sheamus.
[Commercial Break]
- Cole plugged WWE.com for exclusive analysis of the WWE Championship Match taking place at Hell in a Cell.
- Mathews quizzed Cole about his outspokenness in terms of Triple H as COO. Cole said Hunter has lost control of the company and isn’t even in the arena tonight. Then they went to a video package of heels and babyfaces questioning and getting in Hunter’s face. After the package, Cole called Hell in a Cell “one of the most chaotic nights of the year.”
- Johnny Ace was backstage with Rhodes, Christian, Ziggler, Vickie, and David Otunga. They tried to argue over each other, but Ace said he hasn’t been able to get a meeting with Hunter all week, which frustrates him. Otunga thanked Ace for allowing him to flex his legal muscles. He said he’s put together a proposal that should make everyone happy. Christian said Otunga, who graduated from Harvard Law, makes him comfortable. They had something planned for Monday, and they all agreed on whatever it was.
[Commercial Break]
- They showed the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, where the taping was taking place. Cole called Mathews a “loser” for knowing when the Arch was built. No comeback from Mathews about how Cole is basically embracing ignorance.
Beth Phoenix was on headsets for this one. Natalya was already in the ring. Kelly hit a Thesz Press off the second rope, but Nattie came back with a clothesline. Nattie tied Kelly’s arm up while applying a rear chin-lock. Kelly fought out and was then slammed down by her hair. Kelly climbed on Nattie’s shoulders and got a victory roll for the win.
WINNER: Kelly, at 1:25. Didn’t even really give Beth much time to expound on what the losses to Kelly have done to her and whether or not Kelly has her “number.”
Beth attacked after the match and put Kelly down with the Glam Slam. Nattie then locked Kelly in the leg-hold she used Monday night. Kelly screamed in agony into the mic that Beth had and Beth said that’s the sound Kelly will make on Sunday when she takes the title from the “undeserving, screaming little Barbie Doll.”
- Sheamus was walking backstage. His match with Cody Rhodes is next.
[Commercial Break]
- Cole thanked Black Veil Brides for the theme to Hell in a Cell, “Set the World on Fire.”
- Cody Rhodes and his baggers came out for the IC Title match. They showed what happened on Monday night during his entrance. Rhodes got the mic and said he’s being discriminated against by WWE. After all, he had to have nine staples put into his skull after Randy Orton’s attack on him last Friday. In fact, not only was Orton not punished, but Rhodes had to put his title on the line in a Battle Royal. And now, Rhodes has to face someone he beat in the Battle Royal on Monday, Sheamus. Man’s got a point. He called Sheamus an Irish beer-guzzling, bar-brawling, 270-some-odd-pound braggart. So Rhodes said he was defending his title under protest.
Sheamus then came out and recited what Rhodes called himself and said him beating Rhodes tonight is not Irish folklore.
Sheamus shoved Cody down after a lock-up, but Cody took advantage in the corner. Sheamus countered and took Rhodes to the mat with forearms to the mat. After the first pin try 45 seconds in, Rhodes went to ringside. He came back in and fell victim to a back body-drop. Cody brought Sheamus arm-first across the top rope, then hit his springboard kick to the head. He tried to get something going as they went to break at 2:26.
[Commercial Break]
The show returned at 5:56. Sheamus was working out of a rest-hold as Booker said he hoped Sheamus would “beat the dust off of” Rhodes. Dropkick by Rhodes, lateral press for two. Rhodes choked Sheamus with his boot. Cole and the announcers used this time to discuss Triple H’s effectiveness as COO. Rhodes kept Sheamus down with a wrist-lock. Rhodes made a mistake just shy of 10:00 in when he ended up ramming himself shoulder-first into the ring post. Sheamus began to build momentum and connected with a knee-lift. He went to the top and nailed Cody with a flying shoulder tackle. It got two at 10:34. Another near-fall followed soon after. As Sheamus got Rhodes up for the Irish Cross, Christian ran out and attacked Sheamus, causing the DQ.
WINNER: Sheamus, via DQ, at 11:38. Not a satisfying ending, but it makes sense in the storyline that Christian would continually interfere to cost Sheamus a title, especially if there are no consequences in doing so. Christian told a fallen Sheamus that Sheamus cost him the World Title, now he’s returning the favor.
- Randy Orton vs. Christian is tonight.
- A special inside look at “Inside Out” was shown, with Triple H talking to Michael Rappaport behind the scenes.
[Commercial Break]
Cole plugged NXT with the rare Smackdown appearance of JTG. Swinging neckbreaker by JTG, followed by some mocking of Ryder. JTG put Ryder up for a suplex and brought him down with a neck-breaker. Ryder got stuck in a rear chin-lock, but eventually worked out and got his knees up on a JTG charge. Ryder began a comeback and white-washed JTG with a kick in the corner. Cover got two. “Are you serious, bro?” he asked the ref on the near-fall. Rough Ryder leg lariat out of nowhere for the win.
WINNER: Ryder, at 2:55. Not much to complain about here.
- Johnny Ace was on his phone backstage when he was approached by Triple H. Ace said he didn’t expect Hunter. Hunter said he also didn’t expect the VP of Talent Relations to hold secret meetings with disgruntled talent. Ace assured Hunter he’s got his back and he’s “as loyal as they come.” Loyal to McMahon perhaps? Hunter said with loyalty comes trust, and if there’s no trust, they may as well be wished well in their future endeavors. Hunter then walked away as Ace went back to texting.
[Commercial Break]
- A view was shown from outside the Scottrade Center in St. Louis. Mathews threw it to a video package on Hell in a Cell.
- The announcers discussed the Hell in a Cell card.
- Matt Striker was backstage with Randy Orton. Orton said he’s not intimidated by Mark Henry, as he’s committed some of the most heinous acts in WWE history. He reminded people of what he did to Rhodes last week, and said he has no remorse in doing so. He said he’s been in Hell in a Cell three times, while Henry has been in zero. Orton said Henry better hope and pray he ends the match early with an RKO, because there are a number of ways he can hurt Henry. He said something will end Sunday, but it won’t be his career: It’ll be Henry’s reign as champion.
- Christian came out for the main event. It’s next.
[Commercial Break]
Some back and forth action early on, then a dropkick off the second rope. Christian had the advantage as they went to break at 2:50.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 6:18 with Christian in control. Inverted DDT by Christian for two. Orton came back with a Thesz Press, but his offense was short-lived. Back to the chin-lock for Christian. Orton fought back again at 9:26, trading blows with his opponent. High dropkick that almost overshot a charging Christian. Orton punched at the skull of Christian in the corner. Flip kick by Christian in the corner, then Orton gave him a back-breaker. Christian missed a cross-body, and Christian countered with a back suplex. He set up for the spear at 12:26. The move found the mark, but Orton kicked out. Killswitch attempt, but Orton found his way out of it, then finally connected on the rope-assisted DDT. Orton set up for the RKO, but Christian ran out of the ring. Orton ran up the ramp after him and gave him an uppercut and a kick. Orton dished out more punishment, throwing Christian into the ringside steps. The ref counted both men out as Orton continued to stalk Christian at ringside.
WINNER: Double count-out, at 14:22.
Orton began to dismantle the announce table. No official announcement on the result of the match yet, as far as the ring announcer goes. Orton set Christian up on the table, but out ran Cody Rhodes. Orton saw him and jumped him, but Christian knocked Orton from behind. Springboard kick by Rhodes, using the apron to assist him. Christian, suddenly full of energy and life, and Rhodes attacked Orton in the ring. Sheamus ran out to make the save, giving Rhodes the Brogue Kick. He chased Christian through the crowd. As he did this, Mark Henry’s music hit. He walked to the ring with a purpose, but Orton greeted him with right hands. Henry dodged an RKO and hit the World’s Strongest Slam. Just when it appeared Henry was done, he got a steel chair from ringside for the second time tonight. As Henry entered the ring, Orton RKO’d Henry. Part of me feels like they should save that for Hell in a Cell, but with Orton standing tall here, it gives me more confidence that Henry will win Sunday. Orton celebrated as his music played while Henry recovered at ringside.
What do you think? If you saw this show, we invite you to send your thoughts. Send your name, hometown, a 0-10 score rating the quality of the show, your picks for best and worst segments, and then a brief paragraph of thoughts on the show that we can publish in the Reader Reax segment later tonight or tomorrow. Send to pwtorch@gmail.com.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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