WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 8/5: Complete coverage of the Friday night show, including Orton & Morrison vs. Christian & R-Truth
Aug 6, 2011 - 12:42:12 AM
WWE Smackdown review
August 5, 2011
Taped 8/2/11 at the University of Kentucky
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
- WWE Open.
- They aired the Mark Henry video package, adding Sheamus and his interruption of Henry from last week. The voice-over-man (and the graphics) made it seem like the two men would be fighting tonight.
To cement Sheamus’s face status, the camera showed several fans in the crowd cheering for him during his entrance. Michael Cole announced that Sheamus and Henry would square off at Summerslam. Khali came out with Jinder Mahal. Khali sent Sheamus to the mat after a lock-up in the early going. Sheamus hit the ropes, but was knocked down again, this time by a forearm. Sheamus went for the eyes of Khali and clubbed the big man in the chest with forearms as Khali was stuck between the ropes. Running knee-lift to Khali, then Sheamus went to the top. Khali just slapped him in the chest with an open right hand, sending Sheamus to ringside. Khali grabbed Sheamus and brought him back in the hard way. Khali kept up the offense and Sheamus fought out of the corner with sledgehammers. Josh Mathews relayed the background of Khali and Jinder Mahal. Brogue Kick by Sheamus, but Khali instead gave him the brain chop. That got a near-fall at 4:07. Khali locked in the Vice Grip, taking Sheamus to his knees. The fans became vocal in cheering on Sheamus, aiding him in getting to his feet. He broke free, then gave Sheamus a Brogue Kick (with Khali on one knee) for the win.
WINNER: Sheamus, at 5:21. Good match-up to prepare Sheamus for facing another big opponent in Mark Henry. Khali took the loss, but didn’t look bad at all.
- After replays of the finish, they showed a graphic for tonight’s main event, Randy Orton and John Morrison against Christian and R-Truth. Feels weird to not have the main event (a) actually made during the show or (b) addressed during a show-opening promo.
[Commercial Break]
2 – AJ vs. NATALYA
No explanation for why these two are fighting after teaming up in recent weeks. They shook hands to start the match. Mathews and Cole gave out both women’s Twitter accounts before the match. They went to a stalemate in the first minute. Headlock take-over by AJ, then an arm-drag. Booker talked about “Cowboy” Scott Casey training him, just as Nattie had been training AJ. Booker was all messed up describing what organization they were in, saying “World Class” then saying it was in “WWW….” instead of “WCCW.” Cole called him out on htat. Oh, and Nattie won with a Sharpshooter.
WINNER: Natalya, via submission, at 1:57. These two could have a pretty good match if they were able to go even 5:00.
After the match, Natalya attacked AJ, throwing her out of the ring and ramming her back-first into the apron. Suplex by Natalya on AJ on the outside of the ring. Natalya got a mic and said, “Beth Phoenix, I’m with you sister. The days of the cute, perky little princesses are over.”
- Still to come, Zack Ryder gives his “State of the Showski Address.” You know it.
[Commercial Break]
- Cole plugged Swimsuit photos of WWE Divas past and present on WWE.com.
- Matt Striker was backstage with Randy Orton. With the rolled up sleeves and loosened tie, Striker looks like a newspaper writer staying up late to finish a big story. Striker cued up footage of Orton attacking R-Truth last week on Smackdown. Striker asked if that was a message to Christian but Orton said there was no message. He said he does have anger management issues, but Christian will help him work through those issues at Summerslam. He said Christian has to beat him by pinfall or submission at Summerslam, something he’s never done and will never do.
- The announcers talked on-camera about the title match.
- They aired a video package on Justin Gabriel’s return to South Africa.
- Back in the arena, Wade Barrett came out. Mathews called him the Gordon Gekko of WWE. During Barrett’s entrance, they showed Bryan and Barrett going at it during an interview last week. Barrett joined the announce team to commentate Daniel Bryan’s match, which is next.
[Commercial Break]
Kidd was already in the ring. “Ride of the Valkyries” is no more for Bryan. Some chain wrestling to start, including a bridge by each man on pin attempts. Barrett continued his verbal assault on Bryan, as if Cole doing it on a weekly basis isn’t enough. Bryan dropkicked Kidd off the apron and to the floor. Suicide dive by Bryan took out Kidd. Leg-whip by Kidd on Bryan as Bryan entered the ring. Kidd continued to work the left leg of Bryan. Kidd wrapped the leg around the ring post. He was in control as they went to break shy of 3:00 into the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 6:12 with Kidd continuing to work the leg. Snap suplex by Bryan, but the comeback didn’t last long. Kidd ripped him up on the top rope and went for a superplex, but Bryan blocked it. Kidd was headbutted off the top rope and Bryan landed a missile dropkick. Match reset at 8:00 with both men down. Kicks to the chest by Bryan, but Kidd blocked one and got a dragon-screw leg-whip. Half-crab by Kidd, but Bryan got to the ropes at 9:01 of the match. Barrett said he sees holes in Bryan’s game that he can exploit. Springboard elbow-drop by Kidd, but Bryan got his knees up. He tried the Lebell Lock, but Kidd rolled through. The men exchanged roll-ups for near-falls. Hard kicks by Kidd, but Bryan returned the favor with one of his own to the head. Bryan grabbed a guillotine submission (which Booker called an “anaconda” choke) and got the win.
WINNER: Bryan, via submission, at 10:23. Kidd shines in the enhancement role he’s in now, but shows flashes of being something more down the line. Obviously, his size will hold him back.
- Zack Ryder was shown walking backstage. He’s coming to the ring for the State of the Showski Address.
[Commercial Break]
- Zack Ryder came out, and he was dressed to compete. Ryder took the mic and welcomed fans to Zack-Town. He said the ratings went through the roof last week (usually when wrestlers say that, it’s to make up for ratings that actually went down, but this time, he’s more right than wrong) after Triple H put him in charge. He did the “Woo Woo Woo” and paused, with some fans even shouting “you know it” in return. Ryder was about to go into some changes to Smackdown, but Ezekiel Jackson’s music interrupted. Jackson came to the ring with the IC Title overs his shoulder.
Jackson asked why Ryder put him in a two-on-one match last week. Ryder seemed to indicate there was a miscommunication, but before they could get much further, Cody Rhodes came out to his theme. He was seconded by Ted DiBiase. Rhodes said Jackson had sour grapes after his loss. DiBiase was dressed to wrestle, Rhodes was in a suit. Rhodes said he resurrected DiBIase’s career. Jackson said all Cody is doing is using DiBiase, and he knows about being used after being a part of Corre. Jackson said there was nothing greater than freedom, then he lifted up his IC Title. Rhodes said Jackson’s ignorance is turning that title into a memento of mediocrity. He said DiBiase will beat the champ out of Jackson…but it’s up to Ted and the assistant General Manager. Ryder was cool with it, but Teddy Long’s music interrupted, and he thugged-and-bugged his way out. He said it doesn’t matter what sounds good to Ryder – he’s Long’s assistant, not the assistant GM. So Long put Ryder in a match against Zeke, with Rhodes and DiBiase banned from ringside. He ended by reciting Ryder’s catchphrase.
Shoulder knock-down by Jackson, who then whipped Ryder into opposite turnbuckles. Sidewalk slam for two. Ryder took Jackson down in the corner, then gave him the Broski Boot (the running boot, white-washing the opponent in the face). Neck-breaker by Ryder, but Jackson came back by countering Ryder and running over him, then clotheslining Ryder in the corner. Bodyslams by Zeke, to complete silence from the crowd. Torture Rack and Ryder gave up.
WINNER: Jackson, at 2:27. There’s something poetic about someone the fans get behind, someone who isn’t cookie-cutter and hasn’t been handed anything, losing to WWE and Vince McMahon’s image of what a Superstar should look like, despite having no other discernible talent.
- Teddy Long was in his office when someone knocked on the door. He told them to come in. He dropped the pen, picked it up, and the camera panned her from her feet to her head. Some cheesy music played in the background as well. It was Aksana from NXT Season Three. She had black hair and wore a black outfit. She said she wanted to do business with Long. Long gave her his office phone, but Aksana asked for his personal number. Long said she could call any time. He seemed impressed by her looks.
- Mark Henry was walking backstage. He’s in action next.
[Commercial Break]
- Mathews thanked Cee Lo Green for providing the Summerslam theme, and also mentioned he’d be performing at the show.
This will be Kozlov’s last TV appearance after being released by WWE today. Kozlov did not don the hip-hop gear he wore during his match with JTG on NXT this week. Cole suggested Henry would try to one-up Sheamus after Sheamus beat Khali earlier in the night. Kozlov went after Henry in the corner, but Henry got a boot up on a charge. Headbutts to the chest by Kozlov, but Henry just ran Vlad over. World’s Strongest Slam by Henry for the win.
WINNER: Henry, at 1:16. If this was a few years ago, this would’ve been a heck of a win. At this point, Kozlov doesn’t mean much.
Henry brought a steel chair into the ring after the match. He dragged Kozlov into the corner, and put the chair on the ankle of Kozlov. Henry came down off the second rope and onto the ankle. Before he could do any more damage, Sheamus ran out with a chair (a little late). Henry bailed to ringside and angrily tossed the announce table cover at Sheamus. “Sheamus” chants by the crowd. Henry walked to the back as a trainer and referee looked at Kozlov. Henry passed a stretcher that was being brought to ringside.
- John Morrison was doing his Parkour training backstage. He teams up with Randy Orton tonight in the main event.
[Commercial Break]
- The camera showed the outside of the Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky.
- Back inside the arena, Todd Grisham caught up to Sheamus. Sheamus asked what type of beast Mark Henry was. He said he shouldn’t take away the heard and the will of people like he’s done to Big Show, Kane, and Kozlov. He said that won’t happen to him at Summerslam. Sheamus also said he’s Irish, which means he’s lucky, and can beat Henry with the golden horseshoe he was born with. He said he’d throw Henry into the Pacific Ocean where Henry could swim with the rest of his friends. First part of the promo was fine; second was too gimmicky.
Mathews said it was “only a matter of time” before JTG teamed up with the tag champs. Not sure why he thinks that. The Usos did their Polynesian war dance during their entrance. I’m glad they’re doing that; these two needed something to set them apart from everyone else. Mathews did say, like the tag champs, JTG craves the spotlight. Wouldn’t that make it less likely that they’d team up? More spotlight to share. Anyway, both teams made quick tags early on, with David Otunga registering the first near-fall short of one minute into the match. Cole got on Booker for Tweeting that Cole is a “tool” during the show, saying the same thing happened to him on Raw with JR. Double-teaming by the tag champs in the heel corner. Barreta got to shine for the babyfaces, until JTG broke up a pin. Things broke down from there, with everyone getting involved inside and outside the ring. Barreta went to the top, but missed a moonsault on McGillicutty. The champs hit their tag finisher (back-breaker/elbowdrop combo), shades of Demolition, for the win.
WINNERS: JTG, McGillicutty and Otunga, at 3:47. Fine match to showcase the tag division, and I like utilizing lower-to-mid card guys in six-man tags like this.
- The main event tag match is still to come.
[Commercial Break]
- Johnny Curtis was backstage. He said we’ve heard him do play-on-words over the past few weeks, but the time for playing is over. He said the writing was on the wall, then the camera panned over to show writing on a wall (more like a chalkboard) that said he’d debut next week. And for some reason, they added the sound of crickets in the background when it was shown.
- The announcers talked about Curtis debuting, then transitioned to what happened on Raw.
- The Raw Rebound aired.
- The announcers previewed Punk vs. Cena for the WWE Title at Summerslam.
- Christian was backstage with Matt Striker. Striker asked Christian about Triple H’s decision to make his match with Orton No Holds Barred at Summerslam. Christian complained that Orton has had Teddy Long, referees and fans in his back pocket, and now he has Triple H too. R-Truth walked up and asked Christian if that means there’s a conspiracy. Christian said there appeared to be. Truth said Christian sounds like The Miz last week on Raw. He said he’s a good R-Truth, then said Orton is gonna get got. Truth walked off, leaving Christian to ponder who exactly Little Jimmy is.
- Randy Orton made his entrance for the main event. The match is next.
[Commercial Break]
Orton got the better of Truth early on. Christian tagged in to face Morrison. Morrison took Christian down and got a quick two-count. Another take-down by Christian for two. Christian came back with a type of hot-shot, zeroing in on Morrison’s neck. Truth tagged in and dished out some more punishment. Morrison with a counter to take over. Running knee to a seated Truth for only two. Christian interfered to break up the pin, and he was chased around ringside by Orton. Christian found safety in the crowd as Orton was admonished by the referee. They went to break at 3:58.
[Commercial Break]
Morrison went for a springboard kick, but Truth pushed him over the top rope and to the floor. Truth patiently waited for Morrison to recover and re-enter the ring. Once he did, Truth continued the assault. Christian tagged in and stayed on offense. Neck-breaker found the mark for a two-count. Morrison took advantage of an opportunity and both men were down at 11:00. Christian got up and knocked Orton off the apron to prevent a tag from being made. C4 by Morrison put Truth down, and this time, both men made the tags. Crowd was hot for this as Orton scoop slammed Christian. Charge in the corner, but Christian got his boots up. Dropkick missed, Orton jackknife cover for two. Killswitch countered into a back-breaker for two. Side roll-up by Orton in the corner. Spinebuster by Christian. Booker called it a sidewalk slam and Cole corrected him. Orton dodged the spear, but the RKO was avoided as well. Orton pulled Christian’s leg off the second rope and lined up for the punt. Truth came in to stop it, but Morrison took care of him. Rope-assisted DDT by Orton on Christian. RKO for the interfering Truth, so Christian took advantage of the opportunity and gave Orton the Killswitch for three.
WINNERS: Christian and Truth, at 15:07.
Christian celebrated as if he had won the title all over again, standing on the announce table and dropping to his knees on the entranceway. Orton looked on in disbelief that Christian could actually pin him as the show ended.
What do you think? If you saw this show, we invite you to send your thoughts. Send your name, hometown, a 0-10 score rating the quality of the show, your picks for best and worst segments, and then a brief paragraph of thoughts on the show that we can publish in the Reader Reax segment later tonight or tomorrow. Send to pwtorch@gmail.com.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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