WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 6/17: Complete coverage of the Capitol Punishment go-home show, including Christian vs. Sheamus
Jun 18, 2011 - 12:03:12 PM
WWE Smackdown review
June 17, 2011
Taped 6/14/11 in Providence. R.I.
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
- WWE Open.
- They began with a video package of Christian turning on Randy Orton, then his heel interview from last week. Pretty good package to hype Orton vs. Christian.
- In the arena, Tony Chimel introduced Orton. He walked out with the title over his shoulder. Michael Cole, Josh Mathews and Booker T were shown on camera during his entrance. Orton got the mic in the ring and said he was diagnosed with a concussion last week, but he doesn’t give a damn and is ready to fight tonight. He said Christian got what he wanted: another title match. So it’s only fair he gets what he wants: a chance to beat the hell out of Christian tonight. But instead, he got Teddy Long, who walked to the ring. Long said he doesn’t blame Orton for how he feels, but he hasn’t received Orton’s official medical clearance yet. He said he couldn’t let Orton fight tonight. Then Christian’s music played and he walked out, but stayed on the stage. Christian said he gave Orton something he needed: one hell of an excuse, since he’ll use it when Christian beats him for the title on Sunday. In reality, he said, he’s just plain better than Orton. Christian called Orton “The Legend Killer” (when was the last time anyone called him that?) and polled the crowd on whether or not they’d be less interested in Orton when he beats him at Capitol Punishment. Christian said if Orton’s polite, in five days, he’ll give him another rematch. He was about to walk to the back, but Sheamus came out.
Sheamus said everyone has apparently forgotten the big picture, in that last week, he beat the World Champion. He asked who deserves a shot more, the guy who lost fifty title shots in a row, or the guy who beat the World Champion? Christian complained that his title shot was already set, so “Strawberry Shortcake” will have to wait his turn. Sheamus and Christian argued off-mic, so Long made Sheamus vs. Christian for the main event tonight. If Sheamus wins, it’ll be a Triple-Threat title match on Sunday. If Christian wins, the match stays the same. He even decided to give Orton a ringside seat for the match. Long advised Orton that he better not get physically involved, or there will be “serious consequences.” Orton said tonight, there will be serious consequences. They played his music to end the segment. Nice segment, with Christian cleverly weaving Orton’s concussions into the storyline saying it’ll be a convenient excuse, and Long saying there will be consequences if Orton gets involved, which isn’t emphasized often enough.
- Cole complained about Christian having to fight a mere two days before his match with Orton.
- Still to come, a six-man tag match featuring Daniel Bryan, Zeke Jackson and Sin Cara taking on Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, a re-match from this past week’s Raw.
[Commercial Break]
- Cole plugged WWE.com’s list of Top 25 managers in WWE history.
Cody’s bag men were a little more casually dressed this week. Big beal out of the corner on DiBiase by Jackson. Cara tagged in, and he may be thrown off by the lack of his special lighting used during this match. Cara sent DiBiase to the outside, where he attempted to re-group. They went to break 1:00 in.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 5:15 of the match, with DiBiase in control of Cara. Rhodes quickly tagged in and did some damage as well. Cara fired back with kicks and completed a springboard take-down. However, Rhodes connected on a springboard of his own, the springboard kick, and that registered a near-fall. Barrett tagged in and suplexed Cara. Frequent tags by the heels. Cara dodged a pump-handle slam, but Barrett came back with it anyway. It was a mistake, as Cara turned it into a spinning DDT at 8:47. Both men needed to make tags. Bryan and DiBiase came in and Bryan did his running kick on DiBiase in the corner, among other things. That was enough to pick up the unexpected win though, as it looked like DiBiase was late in kicking out. Actually, upon replay, it looked like he barely kicked out in time, but referee Rod Zapata’s hand hit the mat anyway, so he called for the bell.
WINNERS: Bryan, Cara and Jackson, at 9:34. The other way you could tell it wasn’t the original finish: they didn’t do their trademark tag team finish were everyone gets involved at the end.
- Matt Striker was backstage with Sheamus. He asked Sheamus his thoughts about facing Christian tonight. Sheamus said he’s on cloud nine, and he’s sure Christian isn’t feeling good. He said on Sunday, he’ll take his rightful spot as World Champion.
[Commercial Break]
- They showed a replay of the finish of the previous match, and they threw the ref under the bus: Booker said he was looking at DiBiase’s eyes and not his shoulder, while Cole insisted the ref was simply looking at the wrong shoulder.
Kozlov was already in the ring for this one. Khali was out with Mahal, as usual. Headlock take-over by Mahal. Mahal escaped a powerslam and took over on offense. Vertical suplex in the middle of the ring, followed by a jumping knee-drop. Side Russian leg-sweep by Mahal, then a neck vice. Kozlov quickly escaped and came back with kicks and a headbutt. Mahal rammed Kozlov’s shoulder into the ring post, then worked him over in the corner. As the ref admonished him, Khali connected with a chop to Kozlov’s head. Mahal lined up for his finisher, then hit the full-nelson slam for three.
WINNER: Mahal, at 2:49. Mahal is slowly working his way up the food chain.
- They plugged the main event before the break.
[Commercial Break]
- Josh Mathews was in the ring, and he welcomed Big Show. Show walked to the ring, showing little effect from the car incident of a few weeks ago. Mathews asked Show what he was doing on Smackdown this week. Show said he heard a rumor that Alberto Del Rio was going to be there. Mathews sent it to a vide recap of the Del Rio vs. Show feud thus far. Show was asked how he felt after seeing that footage. “I feel fine,” he said. He seemed at a loss for further words and appeared to get emotional as he walked around the ring a bit. Show started to get angry when he talked about getting hit with the car. He began pacing, but before he could comment further, Long came out, making his second appearance in front of the crowd. Long said Show will not lay a finger on Del Rio if Del Rio shows up tonight. He said his office was informed that criminal and civil charges are being contemplated against Show for his brutal attack on Ricardo Rodriguez. Long said he was put on notice that if any incident occurs tonight on his watch, he’ll lose his job. The crowd cheered at that. He said Show would also lose his job. So selected an opponent for Show tonight: Mark Henry. Henry came out, so the match is next.
[Commercial Break]
- Strangely, Henry was in the same place at the entrance ramp upon return from break, that he was when they went to commercial. As Henry stepped into the ring, Show ran at him with a big boot. Show, his sweatshirt still on, attacked Henry with rights on the mat. Show gave him the knockout punch. So much for Henry sticking around the main events, I guess. No match, as trainers and referees (and EMT’s and a stretcher!) came out for Henry. Show walked to the back, with his hood over his head. They showed replays of the attack and stayed with the scene long enough to see Henry put on the backboard, then the stretcher, and rolled backstage.
- Striker was with Christian. Striker asked Christian his feelings on the situation. Christian said he was feeling nostalgic for the time when Long knew how to run a show. Christian was hot and said he shouldn’t have to prove himself for an opportunity that was owed to him in the first place. “This is ridiculous,” he said.
Fox went right after Kaitlyn with kicks, but Kaitlyn fired back with forearms and a clothesline. Tag to Tamina, who tossed Kaitlyn off on a lock-up. Natalya tagged in and dropkicked Tamina in a move that barely staggered the heel. It wasn’t a good dropkick, anyway. Rosa distracted Natalya, allowing Tamina to take over. Nattie blocked a legdrop and applied a sharpshooter. Rosa broke it up and Kaitlyn took her out. AJ tagged in and punched Tamina, but AJ fell backward off of it. She tried a crucifix roll-up, but Tamina dropped her with a Samoan drop for the win.
WINNERS: Tamina, Mendes and Fox, at 1:47. I thought giving AJ the win last week would set up some momentum for the babyfaces, and they’d roll off a few more wins to continue to get over, but I guess not.
- Sheamus vs. Christian is still to come.
[Commercial Break]
- Johnny Curtis was backstage with a putter and a golf ball. He said soon, he’ll make his Smackdown debut. And if you wonder if he has what it takes to survive such a harsh environment, the answer is yes. He putted the ball down the green and then bent over the hole. He picked out an ace of spades. “Because I have one of these,” he said. Hey, an ace in the hole. At least that adds some intrigue over what that might be.
- Cole said that at least Curtis is standing out on Smackdown. Booker sent it to his latest dream, where the Smackdown superstars asked all the questions.
- The announcers previewed the Capitol Punishment card.
- An ad for the Best of WCW Monday Nitro DVD aired.
[Commercial Break]
The Usos got half an entrance or so. They could really use a change in music if they’re truly babyfaces now. No more Corre music for Gabriel and Slater. They showed Barrett walking out on Corre last week to cause the break-up. Splash by Jimmy on Slater in the corner, and he did some dancing in between moves too. Slater crotched Jimmy on the middle rope and Gabriel tagged in, stomping him in the chest. Cole used the term “wrestling” while Slater and Gabriel double-teamed Jimmy. He tried to tag in, but Slater pulled Jimmy down by the hair. All of this writing “Jimmy” reminds me of “The Jimmy” episode of “Seinfeld.” Anyway, Slater came off the top and was slammed by Jimmy. Both men made tags at 2:30 of the match. Spinning forearm by Jey, who was really fired up. Running butt splash in the corner, shades of their father Rikishi. They set up for a double-team toss into a Samoan drop. Impressive. Pin was broken up by Slater. DDT by Jey on Gabriel. Jey splashed Gabriel off the top while Jimmy superkicked Slater. That got them the pinfall.
WINNERS: Usos, at 3:49. I have no idea what this means. You’d think they’d want to get Slater and Gabriel a win after breaking away from Corre, and instead, they lose to a team that have been virtual jobbers (or nonexistent) for the past several months. If they decide to get behind the Usos, fine with me, but I would’ve continued to build them up a little more before feeding Gabriel and Slater to them.
- A video package aired on R-Truth’s feud with John Cena.
- Sheamus vs. Christian, with Capitol Punishment implications, happens tonight.
[Commercial Break]
- Alberto Del Rio came out, in style, as is the norm for him. He said rumors are spreading on Raw that he’s negotiating his return to Smackdown, because word is he’s too afraid of Big Show. He disputed that rumor, saying his destiny is to be the next WWE Champion. He stuck to the party line, saying the incident with Show being run over was an accident. However, he did say bad things happen to bad people. He showed Show’s attack on Rodriguez this past Monday. He said what we just saw was not an accident. He said Rodriguez was his best friend and he was loyal to him. He’s not dead, is he? Del Rio hilariously said Rodriguez was like a dog in the way he followed and listened to Del Rio, but he said it as if it should be a compliment. ADR said Rodriguez has a young daughter and a wife who is the Deacon at her church. Therefore, he dedicated his win this Sunday to Rodriguez (as he pointed to the sky). He said the ring is not a place to slaughter a human being. Del Rio said if Show were standing in front of him, he’d spit in Show’s face. As he continued, Show’s music played and the big man walked out. Show chased Del Rio out of the ring and Del Rio scampered up the steps through the crowd. Del Rio taunted him from the crowd, so Show turned over the announce table in anger. He tossed some chairs around as well, and ripped down part of the barricade. Del Rio watched with horror, as that could be him on Sunday. Good build for tonight for this match.
- Sheamus vs. Christian is next.
[Commercial Break]
- They replayed some of Show’s house-cleaning from before the break.
After the participants were introduced, Randy Orton came out for his ringside seat. Short-arm clothesline led to the first pin attempt of the match, by Sheamus. Knee-lift got a two-count only 28 seconds in. Christian fled to ringside to avoid Sheamus, but he turned around and looked right into Orton’s eyes. Sheamus kicked him through the ropes and Christian went down. They went to break :55 in.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 3:47 of the match, and Sheamus was still going strong. Christian tried a comeback, but fell victim to the Irish Curse back-breaker for a near-fall. The story of the match was Christian trying to survive. Christian tried to use the ropes for leverage on a pin attempt, but the referee saw it. Sheamus recovered while Christian argued with the ref. Tornado DDT by Christian for a near-fall. Christian set up for a Spear, but was taken down with an Irish hammer for two. Counter after counter between these two. Flip kick in the corner finally caught Sheamus. He went high-risk, but Sheamus met him on the top rope. Sheamus took his time staring at Orton, so Christian dropped out of the ring and dropped Sheamus face-first onto the ring post. Nice spot. Christian then picked up the pinfall win upon coming back into the ring.
WINNER: Christian, at 9:03.
After the match, Orton charged into the ring to give Christian a receipt for hitting him with the belt, but Christian fled quickly. Crowd chanted “RKO,” but Orton instead decided to punt Sheamus in the head. Interesting decision, as it presumably takes Sheamus off TV for a few weeks. They replayed the punt and things ended with Orton holding the title above his head and Christian looking on from the stage.
What do you think? If you saw this show, we invite you to send your thoughts. Send your name, hometown, a 0-10 score rating the quality of the show, your picks for best and worst segments, and then a brief paragraph of thoughts on the show that we can publish in the Reader Reax segment later tonight or tomorrow. Send to pwtorch@gmail.com.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. His audio show, “Gonzo and The Greg,” is available for download on the Torch VIP page. Give it a listen! Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
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He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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