WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 5/27: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including search for a new #1 contender to the World Title
May 27, 2011 - 9:00:36 PM
WWE Smackdown review
May 27, 2011
Taped 5/24/11 in Spokane, Wash.
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
- WWE Open.
- Smackdown Open.
- Fireworks shot off as Josh Mathews talked about new superstars getting new opportunities on Friday Night Smackdown.
- And speaking of new superstars and new opportunities…Randy Orton! He led off the show by coming out to his music, still sporting the World Championship. During his entrance, Mathews, Booker T, and Michael Cole were all shown at the announce desk. Orton soaked up the “Randy” chants by the crowd before he spoke. “My name…is Randy Orton. And I am still the World Heavyweight Champion,” he began. That’s about all he could get out before Christian’s music hit and he came out. He was all smiles, just like the week after he lost the World Title in the first place. Christian said he didn’t want to spoil Orton’s moment, but he did say that last Sunday’s match was one of the greatest of his career. He thanked Orton, congratulated him, then shook his hand. He said the outcome could’ve gone either way, but Orton was the better man and he won. But Christian said he knows he can beat Orton, so he issued a challenge for one more match. Before Orton could answer, Sheamus’ came out to his music. He walked to the ring saying this was painful to watch, as Christian has already had enough chances. He compared Christian to a gambling addict. Sheamus said Christian will have to wait 17 more for his next title reign, because on Sunday, he became a two-time loser. Sheamus said he’s a two-time WWE Champion and came to Smackdown to compete in epic matches with the likes of Orton for the World Title. He called himself the star of the show and said if anybody should be #1 contender tonight, it’s going to be him. Right on cue, Mark Henry interrupted. Great, another one of these segments.
Henry came to the ring and told Christian that Edge is on a golf course waiting for Christian. As for Sheamus, he said as the World’s Strongest Man, you don’t wait in line – you butt in. He told Orton he has just butted his way to the front of the line for the Championship. Then Teddy Long’s music came on and the Smackdown GM walked out. He said there’s some de ja vu out there, with those four again arguing about the World Title. Sing it, Teddy. Long told Christian that he agrees with Sheamus and Henry: Christian had his opportunity. But what really matters is what the people say. So Long polled the live audience who should challenge Christian, just as he did when Christian defended the title his first time. There were some boos (quite a few, actually) when he asked if Christian deserved another shot. He said if Christian gets another opportunity, he has to earn it. Therefore, there will be a Triple-Threat Match to determine the #1 Contender to the World Championship. It’ll be Henry vs. Sheamus vs. Christian. Mathews had the gall to call this “unpredictable” and “exciting.”
[Commercial Break]
- Cole plugged WWE.com for exclusive photos of Over the Limit.
Cara countered a hip-toss and took Chavo down with a few arm-drags. Chavo was at ringside and Cara feigned diving at him. Missed corner splash by Cara, and Chavo nailed him with a double-knee to the chest. European uppercut by Chavo on Cara, followed by a side slam for a one-count at 1:52. Chavo locked in a key-lock on the left arm of Cara. Cara took Chavo to the outside again and this time landed a springboard moonsault. Thus far, they haven’t addressed anything dealing with Cole’s new place at the announce table, though he still acted a little testy at times. Cara used his kicks as his primary offensive weapon. Springboard cross-body by Cara, but a jackknife cover by Chavo for two. “Chavo sucks” chant, then Cara did the move that won him the match at Over the Limit, and it got him the win again.
WINNER: Cara, at 4:47. Either that finisher wasn’t a botch at the PPV, or he has botched it twice now. Upon replay, it did look like he intended to face-plant Chavo, rather than having Chavo flip like a traditional head-scissors.
- Tonight, the #1 Contender will be crowned when Christian squares off with Mark Henry and Sheamus.
[Commercial Break]
- Cody Rhodes came out for a match, flanked by his bag men. He said if he didn’t know better, he’d think there is no God, because with each town he goes to, he prays he’ll see a mildly attractive face. And each time, he’s disappointed. He reiterated his paper bag line and told his baggers to do their work. “Shut up and bag yourselves!” Rhodes shouted. Rhodes’ speech was interrupted by Daniel Bryan’s music.
Cole went into full heel mode ragging on Bryan. Arm-drag by Bryan, but he caught an elbow charging in on Rhodes in the corner. Bryan countered Rhodes’ leg-lock and then applied a modified surfboard. Kick to the chest put Rhodes down for a one-count at 1:04 of the match. Bryan was hip-tossed over the top rope, leading to a break at 1:31.
[Commercial Break]
The show returned with 4:48 gone in the match. Bryan fired back with European uppercuts, but Rhodes countered and kicked Bryan right in the stomach. Rhodes continued working over Bryan. Rhodes appeared to be out-wrestling Bryan, but the announcers were too busy squabbling to get over any storyline in the match. Bryan got his boot up in the corner, then came at Rhodes with a flying leg lariat. Running clothesline took Rhodes down at 7:30. Dropkick in the corner, then Bryan went to the top. High missile dropkick for a near-fall at 8:03. Rhodes countered a LeBell lock attempt and rolled Bryan up for two. Bryan did the same for a near-fall. Springboard kick to the face by Rhodes. Cross-Rhoes countered into the LeBell Lock, and Rhodes immediately tapped.
WINNER: Bryan, at 9:08. Surprise win there, and a good one for Bryan over Rhodes, who has been a major player lately.
After the match, Rhodes got his heat back by attacking Bryan. Unfortunately, that mean the win by Bryan was overshadowed. Cross-Rhodes by Cody, then he put a bag over Bryan’s head. A Bryan vs. Rhodes feud would be one I’d look forward to. Did Mathews just say “symbolical”?
- The announcers talked about Capitol Punishment, and sent it to the Obama spoof video from the PPV. Coors Light did this so much better with the NFL coaches. Mathews talked about all of Washington being invited to Capitol Punishment. What politician would want to attend an event title “Capitol Punishment,” even if you are in favor of the death penalty?
- A Triple-Threat match to determine the #1 contender is still to come tonight.
[Commercial Break]
- Stone Cold Steve Austin will be on Jimmy Fallon tonight.
No entrance for Slater. Slater did his best to use his speed, but he was put down by a Zeke right hand. Jackson grabbed Slater in a choke and bealed him out of the corner. Slater stopped Zeke’s momentum and tried to stay on top of him, but Zeke kicked out of a cover with authority. Jackson made his comeback just shy of 2:00 in, splashing Slater in the corner. Big bodyslam from Jackson, followed by another. Torture Rack applied, which Cole called by name. But before Slater could submit, Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett ran out for the DQ.
WINNER: Jackson, via DQ, at 2:34. We still don’t have a really good reason to root for Jackson as a babyface. Mathews did try to get over the idea that he was being bullied by the Corre, which is something, I guess.
Jackson was able to fend off all three men, and Corre had to re-group outside the ring while Jackson flexed inside it.
- Christian was backstage with Matt Striker. Striker noted this could be Christian’s last chance at the World Title. Christian said he was always picked last for kickball in school, but he’d always kick the most home runs. He was also the last kid in his class to hit puberty, but by the time prom rolled around, he had the prettiest girlfriend there. And in WWE, he proved everyone wrong and won the World Title. The odds may be stacked against him, but he’s going to get the last laugh. Would be nice to see Christian show a more serious side, knowing what’s a stake as it relates to his Title chances.
- A Monster’s Brawl match is next between Kane and Great Khali.
[Commercial Break]
Ranjin Singh accompanied Khali. So apparently, there are no stipulations that would make this different than any other match, despite being billed as a “Monster’s Brawl” match. Khali shoved Kane down on a lock-up attempt. They went at it again and Khali elbowed Kane in the corner. Kane shot back with a big uppercut. Kane hit the ropes, then hit the mat after a clothesline from Khali. Khali whipped Kane into the buckle, then kicked at Kane. Nerve hold applied by Khali, as the announcers noted Singh was a bit more animated at ringside. At 2:00, Kane grabbed Khali’s throat. Khali did the same, and dumped Kane over the top rope. Kane caught Khali and brought him throat-first over the top rope. Top rope clothesline from Kane, which took Khali off his feet. Kane made the cover and picked up the win.
WINNER: Kane, at 2:35. Yeah, it was Khali vs. Kane. Fill in the blanks there.
Jinder Mahal’s music played, and he walked to the ring with a microphone. He spoke in a foreign language (possibly from the Foreign Land, Ishbu’s home). He got into the ring and slapped Khali across the face again. Singh then got in Mahal’s face, but Mahal shoved him. Khali returned the shove to Mahal and put a finger in Mahal’s face. Singh continued ranting in Mahal’s general direction, but Khali then extended his arms and applied the Khali Vice to Singh. Mahal was quite pleased, and they played his music to end the segment. Cole called it an act of cowardice on Khali’s part. Mathews questioned the relationship between Khali and Mahal.
- Still to come, the #1 Contender’s Triple Threat match.
[Commercial Break]
- They showed the outside of the arena in Spokane.
- A video package aired from Raw of Big Show getting run over by a car and he and Kane losing the tag titles.
- Cole talked about the situation being a “terrible accident,” and Mathews related an injury update on Big Show, saying he suffered a crush injury to the knee and will be out several weeks.
- Booker T’s music played, and he was in the ring. Booker asked us to bear with him as he had something he wanted to do. He asked Cole to come into the ring. Cole said he wasn’t going too, and Mathews egged him on by asking if he was afraid. Cole entered the ring and Booker reminded fans that Cole lost the Kiss My Foot match at Over the Limit. They showed the still of Cole eating foot. Booker asked him the best way to get toe jam out. Cole dejectedly walked to the ropes. Booker though, said he wasn’t going to let the fans say “kiss my feet.” Of course, the fans chanted it. Booker’s music then played as Cole walked back to the announce table. Well, they had to address it, but that didn’t seem to accomplish much.
- Striker knocked on Sheamus’ locker room door. Sheamus came out and said neither Christian nor Mark Henry deserve a title shot. He reminded Striker that he won his first title in only a few months, doing something that Christian and Henry strived their entire lives for. Sheamus then headed back into his locker room and slammed the door on Striker.
[Commercial Break]
Natalya accompanied the greenhorns to the ring, while the heels were already in the ring. They had an inset interview with Nattie, AJ, and Kaitlyn. They did acknowledge AJ and Kaitlyn’s NXT season three experience. Headscissor take-over by AJ on Fox. She tagged in Kaitlyn who hopped over the ropes and took Fox down with a headbutt to the mid-section. Kaitlyn grabbed a handful of hair as the announcers did a good job talking about what Kaitlyn and AJ did on NXT. Side slam by Kaitlyn, but Tamina broke up the pin. AJ fended her off and Fox beheaded Kaitlyn with a beautiful axe kick.
WINNERS: Fox and Tamina, at 1:36. No explanation for Tamina being a heel here. Kaitlyn’s offense didn’t look great, but she and AJ didn’t have a lot of time to establish themselves here. Still, good to see those two getting some TV time, although it’s probably mostly due to injuries to Layla and Kharma’s absence.
- The announcers plugged the WWE All-Stars video game.
- The winner of the Triple Threat main event will face Orton next week on Smackdown for the World Title.
[Commercial Break]
- They showed the animated poster for Capitol Punishment, the next PPV event for WWE.
- Mark Henry joined Striker backstage. He asked Henry for a response to what Christian and Sheamus said earlier. Henry told Striker to answer, since he probably agrees with what both men said. Striker clarified a point Sheamus made, and Henry took offense to it. He continued to intimidate Striker, then pushed him aside and walked off.
- Mathews, Booker and Cole reminisced about Randy Savage, and they sent it to the video package that aired on Raw.
[Commercial Break]
The heels double-teamed Christian as Booker predicted a win for Sheamus. Sheamus held Christian so Henry could punch him in the gut. Christian was sent into the ropes, but ducked under to get a breather. Sheamus tried to take the fight to him out there, but Christian landed a drop-toe hold on Sheamus into the ring steps. Henry brought Christian in the hard way, and picked him up, only to let gravity do the rest. He got a near-fall off that at the 1:50 mark. Henry choked Christian with his boot, then stood on top of him near the ropes. Henry charged, but Christian low-bridged him. Sheamus snuck up from behind and rolled Christian up for two. Brogue Kick missed, but Christian hit the Killswitch at 3:15. Henry pulled Christian out of the ring at the two-count. Orton’s music then played and he walked out, perhaps to get a closer look at his possible opponents next Friday. They went to break at 3:50.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 7:40 of the match, and Orton had joined the announcers at ringside. He did not, however, have a headset. Henry had Christian in a bearhug. Sheamus took the fight to Henry in order to get back into the ring, but Henry impressively belly-to-bellied Sheamus back to ringside. Henry slowly worked over Christian, concentrating on the back. A missed splash gave Christian a chance to recover at 10:30 of the contest. Dropkick off the second rope rattled Henry, and a second one felled him. He only got a two-count, though. Sheamus cut Christian off as he tried to go to the top rope, and Sheamus laid the knees in on Henry. Sheamus went to the top to suplex Christian off, but Christian knocked him off instead. He dove at Henry, who caught him and slammed him. Sheamus broke up the pin attempt. Irish Hammer knocked Henry right out of the ring. He then covered Christian at 12:15, good for a two-count. High Cross was set up, but Christian got out the back door. Flip kick in the corner, followed by a Tornado DDT. Henry went after the champ, then went back into the ring. Christian side-stepped Henry, who splashed Sheamus. Spear by Christian on Sheamus. Orton recovered and RKO’d Henry. That distracted the ref and didn’t allow him to see Christian covering Sheamus. By the time he realized it, Sheamus kicked out. Charles Robinson explained that Orton was in the ring and he had to get him out. Christian pleaded his case unsuccessfully, then turned around right into a Brogue Kick by Sheamus for the pin. Mathews shamelessly called next week’s match between Sheamus and Orton, “perhaps the biggest match in Smackdown history.”
WINNER: Sheamus, at 14:29. Sheamus vs. Orton didn’t exactly set the world on fire on Raw, so we’ll see what they can cook up here.
After the match, Orton held the title above his head in the ring as Sheamus backed up the ramp. Christian had a look of disbelief on his face in the ring. Sheamus pointed at Orton and trash-talked him as the show went off the air.
What do you think? If you saw this show, we invite you to send your thoughts. Send your name, hometown, a 0-10 score rating the quality of the show, your picks for best and worst segments, and then a brief paragraph of thoughts on the show that we can publish in the Reader Reax segment later tonight or tomorrow. Send to pwtorch@gmail.com.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. His audio show, “Gonzo and The Greg,” is available for download on the Torch VIP page. Give it a listen! Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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