WWE Smackdown Report CALDWELL'S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 5/13: Complete "virtual time" coverage of Smackdown on Syfy - fall-out from Christian's World Title loss, Over the Limit, TNA commercial airs
May 13, 2011 - 9:00:14 PM
WWE Smackdown TV Report
May 13, 2011
Taped 5/10 in Nashville, Tenn.
Aired on Syfy
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor
PWTorch columnist Greg Parks is on assignment and will have his weekly Smackdown report later this weekend.
This week's WWE Smackdown opened with a video package recapping Christian's World Title victory at the Extreme Rules PPV, his opening speech on last week's Smackdown, the set-up for Christian vs. Randy Orton for the title, and Christian's sudden World Title loss setting the stage for this week's show. That consumed the first four minutes of the show.
Arena: Josh Mathews welcomed everyone to Smackdown with a reserved tone. Christian's music then hit to begin the show. Out came Christian looking determined, but also flashing his trademark smiles at times on the way to the ring. Michael Cole said the clock struck midnight for Cinderella rather quickly. In the ring, Christian took the mic and surveyed the crowd in Nashville.
Christian began his promo talking about Teddy Long's decision to let the fans decide who the new #1 contender should have been last week. Christian said his Peeps obviously weren't too happy with Long's decision. He said he actually agrees with and respects Long's decision. Christian said Long's duties are to put out a fun, exciting, compelling show each and every week for the fans. So, why not just "give away WrestleMania" every week? Christian said he's looking forward to his World Title re-match in two weeks at Over the Limit against Orton. He said a ready and prepared Christian can beat Orton.
Suddenly, Sheamus's music interrupted and the former two-time WWE champion confidently strolled to the ring. Sheamus commended Long as well because he enjoyed watching Christian's moment he waited 17 years for go away in a blink of the eye. Sheamus said he also agrees with giving the fans what they want. He said he knows what they want: the two of them one-on-one right now. Sheamus began ranting and raving, then Mark Henry's music hit.
Henry walked out to the ring flashing a big smile and shaking his head. The announcers talked about Henry's new attitude and Booker said Henry is here to win championships only. Henry told Sheamus to pump his breaks, but agree with him they enjoyed seeing Christian get his dreams shattered. Henry told Sheamus he's the red-headed stepchild who talks funny and these people came to see Henry compete against Christian. Sheamus had himself a good chuckle at that comment. Or, maybe the people want to see Henry against...Sheamus. The crowd liked that match-up. Sheamus said maybe the people came to see a handicap match against...Christian.
And the fight was on, with Christian battling a two-man attack. Suddenly, Orton stormed the ring and went right after Sheamus. Orton cleared Sheamus, then Orton and Christian dumped Henry over the top rope to the floor. The heels regrouped on opposite sides of the ringside area before Christian's music played. Cole called it an explosive way to begin the show. Orton and Christian stood tall together in the ring, with Christian nodding toward Orton. Fade to commercial.
[Commercial Break]
[Q2] Backstage: Long was with Christian and Orton in the hallway. Long booked a tag match for tonight: Sheamus and Henry vs. Christian and the World champ, Orton. Long left, then Christian and Orton came close together. Christian thanked him for the save, but Orton said he had his own reasons. Orton referenced Christian saying he could beat Orton at 100 percent, so Orton wants Christian at 100 percent for their re-match in nine days so there's no question who the better man is. Orton put the World Title belt over his shoulder and left as Christian smirked.
In-ring: Chavo Guerrero was given the ring announcing duty to introduce the "man who will follow in his footsteps," Sin Cara. Out came Sin Cara, who did his springboard trampoline dive into the ring. Chavo had a big smile ringside clapping it up for Sin Cara, who shook him off. Daniel Bryan then came out as the opposition, drawing chuckles from Cole. Chavo joined the announcers on commentary. This match could have been a big deal if WWE decided it was worth investing TV time in pre-match promotion, but, alas it's just another match.
The bell sounded and the arena remained bathed in the dark blue mood lighting. It looks amateurish. Bryan and Cara exchanged holds early on before Cara executed a handspring elbow smash that sent Bryan to the floor. Cara then came flying over the top rope with a flip dive that dropped Bryan on the floor. Chavo said that was impressive. They cut to break two minutes in.
[Commercial Break]
They returned from break four minutes later with Cara landing a series of head butts to the mid-section in the corner. Bryan then came off the top with a big missile dropkick for a nearfall. Bryan continued to play the aggressor landing multiple kick strikes in the corner. The crowd tried to rally behind Cara, who took a corner strike from Bryan for a nearfall. Bryan then applied a surfboard stretch center-ring as Chavo noted that's one of his moves. From the stretch position, Bryan then threw Sin Cara into the air into a bridge suplex pin for a nearfall. That was quite unique. Chavo continued to make notes on what he'll share with Sin Cara after the match.
Bryan wore down Cara some more before re-applying a submission hold targeting the left shoulder. Sin Cara then built some momentum with a comeback before Bryan landed a European uppercut. Sin Cara came back with an enziguiri kick from the apron before nailing a springboard cross-body for a close two count. Sin Cara then went for another handspring elbow, but Bryan blocked with a submission attempt. Sin Cara fought the hold, flung Bryan to the outside, then slid to the floor, but Bryan popped him with a kick strike.
Back in the ring, Bryan went for a springboard move, but Chavo grabbed his foot. Bryan flung Chavo away, but the distraction gave Sin Cara an opening to deliver a step-up enziguiri kick on Bryan. Sin Cara then approached Bryan up top, waited for the crowd to rise to their feet, and Sin Cara executed his back flip press slam from the top rope for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Sin Cara at 11:48. Very nice TV match that really could have made a difference for Bryan if promoted ahead of time. It was interesting seeing Bryan in the aggressor role being able to show off his offensive arsenal building toward Sin Cara's comeback in the underdog role. Chavo and Sin Cara have an interesting little story going with Chavo trying to hitch his wagon to a hot new star, which will lead to Chavo turning on Sin Cara for not accepting his counsel. (**1/2)
[Q3] Post-match: Chavo celebrated the win and tried to take credit for the victory ringside. They went to a replay of the high points of the match, then cut back to the ring where Sin Cara saw Chavo's interference during the match. Sin Cara pointed to Chavo and waved his finger not to do that. Chavo entered the ring and raised Sin Cara's hand, but Sin Cara yanked his hand down and waved not to do that. Chavo pointed back at Sin Cara that he doesn't have to help him. Sin Cara then shoved down Chavo and pointed down at him. Cole squealed that he wants to know what Sin Cara's deal is. He heeled that it's about wins and losses in WWE. No babyface response from Mathews or Booker T that it's about winning and losing with honor. Moving on...
Replay: They transitioned to a video recap of last Friday when Ezekiel Jackson defeated Big Show with help from The Corre that he didn't want. ... Next was a replay of the post-match in the locker room when Corre beat down Jackson. Tonight: the graphic leading to break: Will We Hear From Ezekiel Jackson?
[Commercial Break]
Ringside: Trace Adkins - The Undertaker of country music - was shown ringside. One of his daughters looks like a younger version of Taylor Swift. Cole referenced Trace's performance at the Tribute to the Troops show in December.
In-ring: Layla was in the ring after a quick cut to a graphic promoting Christian & Orton vs. Henry & Sheamus tonight. Layla referenced the Loser Leaves WWE match vs. McCool at Extreme Rules and noted she injured her knee. She said it was worth it because she finally got rid of that poison, McCool, from WWE. Suddenly, Michael Cole interrupted. Cole told Layla that no one cares about her, McCool, or the rest of the Divas. Cole said these people want him to talk about Tennessee's own, Jerry Lawler. Cole paused for a "Jerry, Jerry" chant before Cole went on a rant about having to face Lawler at Over the Limit next Sunday.
Cole then paused for a "You suck" chant before saying his mother is going to love the Hall of Ring he'll wear after the PPV when he beats Lawler. Layla acted mock interested before telling him to shut up. Layla told him to crawl back into his little glass box. Cole retorted that she's like the rest of the Divas: crybabies. He declared the Divas shouldn't even be in WWE.
Suddenly, Kharma's music interrupted to a reaction from the crowd. Layla and Cole both slowly turned toward to the entrance as Kharma stood on-stage staring right into the ring. Cole had a big laugh, thinking she was coming for Layla. Mathews recapped Kharma's path of destruction as she slowly entered the ring. Cole tripped Layla as she tried to leave the ring, allowing Kharma to drop Layla with the implant buster.
Cole then talked trash in Layla's face before Kharma slowly turned her head toward Cole, whos topped his ranting and raving. Cole scampered out of the ring and hid in his tool box. Kharma stalked Cole, who begged off inside his box. Kharma continued to stare down Cole before doing her maniacal laugh. Cole's lip quivered as he watched Kharma walk away. She stopped half-way down the ringside area and shot Cole a maniacal smile. They went to a replay of Kharma destroying Layla before scaring away Cole. Booker said if he were a Diva, he'd just ask for his release at this point. They cut back to Kharma staring down Cole as refs checked on Layla's injured knee.
[Q4] Backstage: Barrett, Slater, and Gabriel were shown walking down the hallway. Barrett has Kane next.
[Commercial Break. Bodies are breaking on Tough Enough. Who gets sent home this Monday?]
In-ring: The Corre's latest theme music played to inform viewers they've had enough. Barrett strutted to the ring flanked by the former tag champions before taking a mic in the ring. Barrett smiled for the crowd before addressing Kane. He said he's sure Kane is a bit nervous this week since Big Show is down in Mexico with the rest of the Raw roster. Cue up Kane's pyro to bring out one-half of the tag champs. The announcers debated whether Corre is better off with Jackson after he was cut last week.
2 -- Intercontinental champion WADE BARRETT (w/The Corre) vs. WWE tag champion KANE -- non-title match
Kane went to work on Barrett early on as the announcers continued to debate Jackson's cut. Booker then demanded Slater and Gabriel be removed from ringside since they don't have a manager's license. Cole of course jumped on that with a sarcastic laugh and said it's not 1985. Some of the follow-up commentary was disjointed, apparently from post-production edits, and the show cut to break with Barrett recovering on the floor.
[Commercial Break. Suddenly, Hulk Hogan's voice was heard, as he introduced a new "Impact Wrestling" commercial talking about TNA having wrestlers and them being a wrestling company. More of that faux "entertainment" vs. "wrestling" jibberish was included as part of the new marketing campaign promoting a new episode of Impact Wrestling next Thursday.]
[Q5 -- second hour] Back from break, Barrett was working on Kane's left shoulder, trying to wear him down. Cole continued to rant & rave that Corre does not need Ezekiel Jackson. Kane fought back from his knees against Barrett, who then caught him with a sidewalk slam for a two count. Kane then came back with clotheslines in the corner followed by his own sidewalk slam.
Corre provided a distraction, though, and Barrett teased Wasteland, but Kane slipped out and landed a boot to the face. Kane then bailed to the floor and smashed the former tag champs. Kane climbed back into the ring, climbed up top, and landed a flying clothesline. Kane called for the end, but Corre hit the ring for an attack, drawing a DQ.
Post-match: Corre went after Kane like a pack of wolves for a few moments. The crowd was looking for a save here. Barrett then lifted up Kane and delivered Wasteland center ring. Next, Slater positioned Kane in the corner and Gabriel made his way up top. Before Gabriel could set up, Ezekiel Jackson's music hit and Zeke stormed the ring to attack Slater and Gabriel. Jackson and Heath had a bit of an awkward tussle before Jackson cleared both of them from the ring. Barrett attacked Jackson, though, to cut him off. Barrett turned his back and Jackson attacked him before Slater and Gabriel saved Barrett.
Corre beat down Jackson like a pack of wolves. Ref Armstrong tried to get Corre out of the ring, but Slater delivered his finisher on Jackson. Gabriel then went up top and measured Jackson before delivering his 450 splash. Slater screamed down that Zeke's not so big now. Barrett, Slater, and Gabriel then stood tall in the ring before their music played.
WINNER: Kane via DQ at 8:57. Corre had a better week than Nexus, that's for sure. The match itself was above-expectations, although Kane remains physically limited in the ring. (*1/2)
Backstage: Sheamus and Henry had an inaudible conversation as the announcers talked over their match strategy discussion to promote the main event still to come.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: Great Khali's music hit as they returned from break. Out came Khali, flanked by Ranjin Singh, with both men sporting Cowboy hats. Booker and Mathews discussed Khali being drafted over from Raw before Singh took a mic in the ring. Singh introduced the Nashville edition of the Kiss Cam. He said Khali is also a big fan of country music. Cue up the love-making music as the camera tried to find some women in the crowd. Cole called this disgusting. Since Vickie Guerrero isn't on the show, they have to find other ways to incorporate fat jokes into the show. They found a woman named Joy and brought her into the ring. Khali leaned down and planted a kiss on Joy, who acted over-joyed.
[Q6] Suddenly, Jinder Mahal emerged with a stern look on his face. Cole said that was a buzzkill since he liked watching the fat lady. Jinder then walked up to Khali and slapped the hat off his head. Khali got fired up and showed fire in his eyes before Jinder screamed in his face. Jinder slapped him again. Khali huffed & puffed before Jinder shook his head and left the ring. Khali continued to stare him down as Jinder turned his back to leave.
Backstage: Christian walked up to Orton in the locker room to ask if he's ready. Christian said he'll keep up his end...pause...he told Orton to make sure he keeps up his end.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: Ted DiBiase was in the ring back from break. That's not a good sign. Cody Rhodes's music hit and Rhodes emerged on-stage. His bag handlers followed behind him as the dark lighting followed Rhodes down to ringside. Rhodes said he's not the freak here and removed his hood to show his mask-covered faced. Former Legacy partner DiBiase was shown staring at Rhodes, who told someone on the front row to shut up. Rhodes said that at great expense to him, he is providing the fans with these paper bags. He said that should be entertaining enough for the fans. Rhodes surveyed the ringside fans, noting they look unhappy. He said no one on Smackdown or in WWE is exempt from these paper bags. They cut to a shot of the handlers handing out paper bags. Rhodes slipped into the ring and said not even...not even a priceless friend. Rhodes produced a bag and handed it over to DiBiase, who slowly accepted it before throwing it away. No reaction since the crowd has no idea how to react to DiBiase.
The two men locked up as Cole recapped their Legacy background. Meanwhile, ringside fans were shown wearing the bags. In the ring, Rhodes and DiBiase traded pin attempts before Rhodes took time to scream out to the fans to put the paper bags on. Rhodes then blasted DiBiase with a step-up enziguiri kick out of the corner. Rhodes followed up with Cross Rhodes and it was good for the win.
WINNER: Rhodes at 3:15. Pretty much a squash win for Rhodes, who continues to carry himself like a future top heel on Smackdown. Meanwhile, DiBiase is stuck in no-man's land as neither face nor heel, nor relevant. (*)
[Commercial Break]
Announcers: Mathews and Booker were shown ringside before Cole interrupted to talk about what he's doing tonight after the show. He mocked Booker's all-white suit before throwing it to Striker backstage.
Backstage: Barrett said Corre has destroyed everyone, and now Zeke. Barrett said he would like to set up a match between them at Over the Limit. Slater suggested he put up the IC Title. Barrett seemed somewhat annoyed, but agreed to make it for the IC Title.
In-ring: Christian came out to the ring for the main event 25 minutes prior to the top of the hour. Booker said he believes Christian's nice-guy routine is an act to ease the pain from losing the World Title after 17 years. A little foreshadowing of a heel turn down the road? Randy Orton then came out holding the World Title belt. Mathews plugged their title match at Over the Limit in nine days as Booker said there's no way he would be tagging with the guy who took his title like Christian is. The main event is next.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: Back from break, Orton and Christian were shown sharing the same space watching a replay of Orton defeating Christian for the World Title last week. Christian tried to hold his emotions in check, then Mark Henry's music hit to bring out one-half of the heel tandem for the main event. Sheamus was out next.
Sheamus and Christian started things off in the ring feeling each other out. Meanwhile, Booker picked up a discussion disagreeing with Teddy Long booking the World Title match last week. Cole pulled a TNA defending Long that it's about business, TV ratings, and "the product." That unproductive "insider talk" on a wrestling show is made even more eye-rolling coming from Heel Cole. Orton tagged in and confidently decked Henry on the mat. Orton flashed a smile toward Sheamus, but then found himself on the floor. Booker halted the conversation to stress Orton was in peril as they cut to break.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break, Henry was dominating Orton center-ring. Henry missed with a big splash, though, and Orton made a tag to Christian. Henry wouldn't go down after some clotheslines, so Christian went to the second rope to deliver a big dropkick. The heels then cut off Christian and began working him over in their corner. Nice work from Henry and Sheamus keeping things interesting as they tagged in and out. Christian then escaped Sheamus and made a tag to Orton, who came in hot on Sheamus.
Orton knocked Henry off the ring apron, then caught Sheamus with the snap powerslam. Sheamus found himself on the apron, where Orton tried the spike DDT, but Sheamus slipped out and hit the Irish Curse backbreaker for a two count. Sheamus then stalked Orton for the Brogue Kick, but Orton ducked and Sheamus spilled over the top rope. Orton then capitalized with a spike DDT from the middle rope. Orton wanted the RKO, but Sheamus shoved him away and Christian blind-tagged in. Christian snuck up behind Sheamus and dropped him with the Unprettier as Orton simultaneously (off by a second or two) dropped a charging Henry with the RKO. Christian with the cover on Sheamus for the win.
Post-match: Christian and Orton had their hands raised before they came together for a friendly stare down. Orton extended his hand and Christian accepted. Orton then put the World Title belt out there for Christian to get a good look at. Christian smirked as the show closed with the two men standing tall center-ring.
WINNER: Christian & Orton at 15:02. Fine tag match continuing to build tension between Christian and Orton ahead of their face vs. face title encounter in nine days. The interesting story beneath the surface is Christian being too calm and respectable of Orton for someone who had his title dream shattered last week, as Booker pointed out. It makes Christian a subtly dangerous title contender capable of exploding at any moment, which is a nice touch. If Cole were removed from the equation distracting from the TV stories, the announcers could actually reinforce that intriguing plotline. Meanwhile, Sheamus could use a few credible wins to re-establish his dominance and finishing moves on Smackdown before he becomes a difference-maker on the show. (**)
We welcome your 0-10 score and comments on this show for a "Smackdown Reax" feature in the Torch Feedback section of PWTorch.com. To contribute your thoughts on Smackdown, email pwtorch@gmail.com using our Feedback form.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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