WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 12/21: Complete coverage of the live Tuesday night show, including The Miz vs. Orton in a PPV rematch
Dec 21, 2010 - 10:09:54 PM
WWE Smackdown review
December 21, 2010
Live from San Antonio, Texas
Aired on USA
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
- WWE Open.
- The voice-over man plugged WWE Week continuing tonight with WWE Smackdown live on USA Network.
- Smackdown Open.
- After the camera panned the crowd and Josh Mathews plugged the live Smackdown, Michael Cole plugged a handicap match pitting John Cena against Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero. Matt Striker announced that we’d hear from the new WWE Champion, Edge, as well.
And of course, we’ll start things off with a Raw match. Miz escaped the ring not long after the bell rang, with Orton chasing after him. Orton then gave him a Thesz Press back in the ring. Outside they went again, with Miz throwing Orton against the barricades. Hey, the We Hate Cena guy is back! Orton catapulted Miz’s throat into the bottom rope. Cover got a two-count. Couple of hard European uppercuts from Orton. Miz created some separation by choking Orton on the top rope, then planted a big boot on Orton’s kisser. High knee-lift by Miz and the crowd reacted with boos. Orton came back with a vintage Orton back-breaker. Scoop slam and Miz found himself on the apron. This, of course, led to Orton’s rope-assisted DDT. But Miz countered and Orton ended up on the apron. That allowed Alex Riley to pull Orton down by his feet. Miz went to the outside to capitalize, and he threw Orton into the ring steps. They took a break about 5:30 into the match.
[Commercial Break]
Orton was working out of a rest-hold out of break, and he was able to turn things around with a sleeper. Miz countered with one of his own and Orton suplexed out of it. The announcers seemed to step over each other trying to get in the replay during break. Orton tripped Miz on the top rope, then superplexed him to the mat. Orton showed his aggression in taking the punishment to Miz in the corner. Angle slam for two. Back-breaker neck-breaker combo for two by Miz. High dropkick, textbook from Orton, for a near-fall. Riley got on the apron to distract Orton just enough for Miz to take over and nail Orton with the corner clothesline. Orton dodged a Skull Crushing Finale, and Miz countered an RKO with a backslide. Rope-assisted DDT by Orton, who then pounded the mat to ready for the RKO. He knocked Riley off the ropes, then RKO’d Miz. Riley made it back in to break up the pin at two, leading to a DQ finish.
WINNER: Orton, via DQ, at 13:54. Well, at least they didn’t job Miz cleanly here, which must’ve been tempting since it was a non-title match.
Orton set up for his punt on The Miz. Riley staggered back into Orton’s way and Orton RKO’d him. That split-second allowed Miz to escape with no further damage.
- They showed the clip of John Cena pulling the chairs down on Wade Barrett. If we’re supposed to believe that Cena really is trying to do damage to Barrett, why would he put the dolly on top of Barrett, so the chairs would hit that instead of Barrett?
- Tonight, Cena faces Ziggler and Guerrero two-on-one.
- Santa Show and Rosa Mendes were giving away gifts to stagehands backstage. Hornswoggle joined them. They’ll be out next.
[Commercial Break]
- Santa Show entered the arena with Rosa Mendes and Hornswoggle. The announcers were begging for gifts, including Striker asking for Goldust’s book, which must be the first time that book has been mentioned on TV. Santa tried to sit down, but the chair collapsed. Big Show was given a new chair and he successfully sat in it this time, to the delight of the crowd. He began reading a WWE version of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Apparently Hornswoggle wrote it, because it had a shot at Big Show’s weight in it. Most of the rhymes dealt with the TLC PPV from Sunday. The announcers yukked it up. Some of them were kinda funny, but obviously, not as funny as the announcers made it seem. They showed a replay of the chair collapsing…seems like that wasn’t on purpose. Big Show and Rosa continued to hand out gifts at ringside. As they did, Cody Rhodes ran in and attacked Hornswoggle, who was waving to the fans from the second rope. He knocked Big Show out of the ring when he tried to help, and knocked over the Christmas tree in the ring and several presents. Rhodes left the ring before any damage could be done.
- The new World Heavyweight Champion, Edge, will be on the show tonight.
[Commercial Break]
- Striker plugged “Coming Home,” by Dirty Diddy Money, the official theme to Tribute to the Troops.
- Cole plugged WWE.com for Tribute to the Troops photos.
- Orton, Cena and Rey Mysterio take on Del Rio, The Miz and Wade Barrett tomorrow night on the Tribute to the Troops special.
- They aired Cena’s promo from last night, taking a comedy tone with it. The dancing, the turdburglar comment, and the making fun of Vickie Guerrero’s weight added up to an awful night for Cena’s character.
- Tonight, in a handicap match, John Cena faces Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero.
- Todd Grisham was backstage with Beth Phoenix. They showed a replay of the spill she took out of the ring at TLC. She had a lot of makeup on here, and she said it taught her not to take anything for granted and she’s OK. Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov walked in. Santino acknowledged their past and said he just wanted to check on her to see if she was OK. Marella asked for a lip-lock for old time’s sake. How would Tamina feel about this? Beth mentioned her, but Santino said “what happens on Smackdown stays on Smackdown.” Santino put out his lips, but instead, Beth kissed Kozlov. Santino thought Beth just disappeared and Kozlov said she did, but Santino saw the lipstick on Vlad’s mouth. He started going off on Vlad in Italian.
[Commercial Break]
Take-down by Santino to start. He back body-dropped Chavo to ringside. Back inside the ring, Guerrero suplexed Marella down. Noggin-first went Chavo into the top buckle. Three Amigos suplexes by Chavo, but Marella the third one. Split Stunner by Santino, and he set up for the Cobra. He hit it and rolled Chavo up for three.
WINNER: Marella, at 2:54. More comedy for the Smackdown brand, which they seem to be going toward more and more lately.
- The World Champion Edge will address the WWE Universe next.
[Commercial Break]
- Mathews thanked My Chemcial Romance for “Na Na Na,” the official TLC theme song.
- Tony Chimel introduced Edge to the crowd. He came to the ring and said people have been asking if the insanity with Kane and Paul Bearer would pay off. He answered that question by saying yes, it was worth it, because he’s the new World Champion. He said the TLC match shortens the careers of everyone in it, saying it hurt to walk toward the ring tonight, and every inch of his body is in pain. But it was worth it. He said that 19 years ago, he got into the industry and told himself he’d get into WWE and win the Tag Titles with his best friend, Christian. He told himself he’d win the Intercontinental Championship, and then he’d go on to win the World Title. He said it was confidence that he needed to win the title. Then Kane’s pyro interrupted and he walked out with a mic.
“Enough! Enough!” he screamed. Edge said his story wasn’t finished. Kane disagreed. He said Edge doesn’t get to write the ending to his story…he does. He said the ending will not be of the happy kind. He said it will end with Edge’s body broken and the title back in his possession. Edge said nothing is more painful than having to listen to Kane’s psychotic ramblings. He wanted a match right there and now, for the World Title. Kane nodded and walked toward the ring. He got about two-thirds of the way down, but then walked back, saying Edge can’t manipulate him that easily. Kane said they’ve been playing the game according to Edge’s rules for six weeks, but no more. He said he’d win the title on his terms and when he’s ready. Hey, Edge just admitted he was in terrible pain; wouldn’t this be great opportunity for Kane to take advantage?
- Tonight, Jack Swagger and Alberto Del Rio face Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston.
- They again showed the chairs being dumped onto a table (which Wade Barrett was under).
- Also tonight, Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler & Vickie Guerrero in a handicap match.
[Commercial Break]
- A video package aired on Ezekiel Jackson.
McIntyre attacked before the bell. Kaval slowly got back to his feet, so the ref rang the bell. As he did, McIntyre booted Kaval in the face, then gave him the Future Shock DDT.
WINNER: McIntyre, at :28. Not sure how this fits into the suave McIntyre character we saw last week hitting on Kelly Kelly, but maybe this means they’re getting behind him again.
- Cole thanked Kid Rock for “Born Free,” the official Tribute to the Troops theme. I thought that was Diddy’s ditty?
- The announcers discussed Tribute to the Troops, then threw it to a preview video package of the show. It airs tomorrow night at 8pm on USA, and includes a six-man tag match.
- Ricardo Rodriguez introduced Alberto Del Rio. His tag team match is next.
[Commercial Break]
The match started with Swagger distracting Rey, allowing Del Rio to attack. He tried to take off Mysterio’s mask, to no avail. Kingston tagged in and dove at Del Rio in the corner, hitting him with a flying forearm for two. Mysterio dropped the dime on Del Rio, and Kingston came off the top with a dropkick for two, with the pin broken up by Swagger. That allowed Del Rio to take control, but only for a second: He missed a dive and went through the ropes to ringside. Mysterio low-bridged Swagger to the floor. Kingston and Mysterio got on the top and they landed stereo cross-body’s on their opposition as the show went to break.
[Commercial Break]
Del Rio had Mysterio grounded with a rear chinlock. Swagger came in and continued the offense for the heel team. Bearhug by Swagger and he stopped Mysterio from making the tag, albeit briefly. Kingston came in and showed off the springs in his legs, but Swagger booted him away in the corner. This time, it was Kingston who was in peril. That is, until he landed a springboard cross-body onto Swagger. Both men attempted to make tags – Swagger grabbed Kofi’s ankle, but decided to make the tag instead. That allowed Kofi to also make the tag. Mysterio with a DDT on Del Rio for two. Kick to the head and a beauty for another near-fall. Tilt-a-whirl back-breaker from Del Rio for two. Mysterio put Del Rio in position for a 619 but Swagger tagged in and knocked Mysterio on his keister. He set up for the Swagger Bomb, but Mysterio countered and put not only Swagger, but Del Rio in position for the 619. Del Rio dodged it but Rey hit Swagger. Kofi took care of Del Rio and Kingston hit the Trouble in Paradise on Swagger. Rey splashed him and picked up the win.
WINNERS: Kingston and Mysterio, at 13:42. Fun, high-energy match that was probably helped by being live. Everybody seemed to have an extra spring in their step.
- Another clip of Cena pulling the chairs down on Barrett. They’re really falling in love with that clip, so I guess we can expect to see that quite a bit in future months.
- Cena vs. Guerrero and Ziggler is minutes away.
[Commercial Break]
- Kelly Kelly was texting backstage when Drew McIntyre came up to her. He apologized for last week and said that in the ring, sometimes his intensity causes him to hurt his opponents…but he would never hurt her. He walked away and she went back to texting, with no reaction to what McIntyre said. I’m sure that wasn’t what they were going for though.
- Vickie and Dolph were backstage. He asked her if she really wanted to go through with this and she said if he loved her, he’ll defend her against Cena. He helped her stretch out, but she was her ornery self. The match is next.
[Commercial Break]
- Next week, Kane and Alberto Del Rio face Edge and Rey Mysterio on the New Year’s Eve edition of Smackdown. I’ll be live in Rochester, NY for that one.
Cena avoided a clothesline from Ziggler and took his foe down with a headlock take-over. Off the ropes went Ziggler, who ran into a shoulder tackle from Cena. Right hand by Ziggler in the corner, creating some space between him and Cena. More rights from Ziggler, who punished Cena with rights in the corner. Vickie tagged in and she cackled over the prone body of Cena. She stepped on Cena’s face and used the ropes for extra leverage. However, Cena lifted Vickie off of him by her shoes, and Ziggler tagged himself back in. Series of elbowdrops by the IC Champion. Crowd got behind Cena, who bulldogged Ziggler. Cover for a two-count. “Vickie sucks” chant from the Texans. Attitude Adjustment countered into a DDT. Vickie got in a weak kick behind the ref’s back. Neck-breaker by Dolph for two. Ziggler knocked Cena off the apron and to the ground. Ziggler slammed Cena’s head off the announce table, but Cena voided the stairs and sent Dolph head-first into them instead. Back in the ring, Ziggler dropkicked Cena for a near-fall. Cena started coming back, but he missed a diving shoulderblock. After getting back into the ring, Cena got his wits about him and after trash-talking Vickie, missed a charge at Dolph in the corner. After Ziggler regained control, Vickie tagged herself in. She missed a splash, though, after doing the “you can’t see me” routine. Ziggler begged for a tag and got it. However, the break was just what Cena needed and he took the punishment to Ziggler. Ziggler countered the AA with the fameasser for two. Ziggler lined up for the Zig Zag, but Cena grabbed a leg and hooked in the STF. Vickie came in before Ziggler could tap. Cena planted a kiss on her lips, then gave Ziggler the AA for the win.
WINNER: Cena, at 13:32. Good match to see the IC Champ hang with the WWE Champion here. Solid showcase opportunity for Ziggler, and he took full advantage.
Vickie went to slap Cena after the match, but he got her up for the AA. Instead, CM Punk ran out with a chair and belted Cena with it.
- A final plug aired for the six-man tag on Tribute to the Troops, tomorrow night.
- Cena slowly got to his feet in the ring as the show went off the air at11:09 PM EST.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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