WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 10/1: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the live debut episode on SyFy
Oct 1, 2010 - 9:00:04 PM
WWE Smackdown review
October 1, 2010
Live from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Aired on SyFy
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
- WWE Open.
- New Smackdown Open aired, and I believe it was “Know Your Enemy” by Green Day.
- Picking up where the preview show left off, Tony Chimel began ring introductions for the Intercontinental Title Match, with both challenger and champion already in the squared circle.
Fireman’s carry take-over by Ziggler for a quick one-count. Standing elbowdrop for a two-count from the champion. Vickie Guerrero was at ringside with Ziggler. He went for a sleeper-hold early on, but MVP got out and landed a few German suplexes. Running boot to the face for a near-fall. Ziggler ducked a clothesline but fell victim to an overhead throw. Ziggler rolled to ringside when Nexus walked out. They (sans Wade Barrett) attacked Ziggler to draw the DQ.
WINNER: No Contest (possibly Ziggler by DQ), at 1:37. Interesting way to end the first match on SyFy. They’re positioning Nexus as a big deal here.
Nexus surrounded the ring, which still held MVP. He didn’t run, but that cost him, as Nexus out-numbered him and beat him down. David Otunga gave his spinebuster finisher to MVP, then Justin Gabriel landed his 450 splash. Big Show then walked out, without his music, and stepped up to the Nexus challenge. He initially fought off Nexus, but like MVP before him, the numbers were just too much. They ended up kicking the big man to ringside. Once they were finished with Show, John Cena’s music hit and he ran out to take on Nexus. After a brief spurt of offense, Cena was grounded by the group. Before too much damage could be done, Show re-entered the ring with a chair and nailed Heath Slater in the back with it. That caused the rest of Nexus to take off.
After a replay, Wade Barrett was shown on the TitanTron. He said this was the monumental evening, and that something monumental just happened – it was the last beating Nexus would be giving to Cena. Barrett reminded Cena of the stipulations for Hell in a Cell. Barrett said he had an announcement that would change Smackdown for good. The camera panned back to show Teddy Long standing beside Barrett, showing no emotion. Barrett mentioned Dave Howe, the President of SyFy, and a fellow countryman, who allowed Barrett to make some of the matches tonight. Long announced that Big Show would face Nexus five-on-one in a handicap match. Also, Cena would face Kane. Nexus looked on, happily, from the top of the ramp. Lots of “setting the stage” happenings here in the first segment.
[Commercial Break]
- Michael Cole had joined Todd Grisham and Matt Striker on commentary, to bring some journalistic integrity to the booth, as he put it.
- Tonight, The Undertaker faces CM Punk. The graphics are a bit different for the change over to SyFy as well.
Grisham and Cole once again discussed Mick Foley’s book, “Countdown to Lockdown,” out today. Natalya gave Maryse an impressive-looking sit-down slam and used some high impact moves to keep Maryse down. She went for the Sharpshooter early on, but McCool ran in and broke it up. The Bellas landed a double dropkick on McCool and the match broke down quickly. Layla celebrated taking Natalya off the apron, but Hornswoggle, from under the ring, grabbed her by the ankles and tripped her up. He ran after Layla, but McCool kicked him right in the chest to knock him down. Baseball slide by Natalya took out LayCool. Maryse, the other legal Diva, went for her DDT on Natalya, but Nattie countered and applied the Sharpshooter for the submission win.
WINNERS: Natalya, Brie and Nikki Bella, and Kelly Kelly, at 2:34. A lot going on in this one, and none of it too interesting.
- Jack Swagger’s All-American American Homecoming Celebration is next.
[Commercial Break]
- Striker plugged the move of NXT to WWE.com.
- The ring was set up for Jack Swagger’s celebration. The Oklahoma fight song played and fans immediately popped. He came out with an eagle mascot and Swagger walked out in a king’s robe. Striker called him a 2002 Heisman Trophy finalist, which isn’t even close to being true. Swagger got in the ring and asked what kind of show would the debut of Smackdown on SyFy be, from Oklahoma City, without Jack Swagger. He had a huge announcement, but first, he wanted to let everyone know that he had a problem with every Oklahoman in the building, and the state of Oklahoma itself. He said he put the state on the map, and when he returns to his home state, he doesn’t even get a parade or a Jack Swagger day. For shame, Oklahoma! He drew attention to his personal mascot, the Swagger Soaring Eagle, and said they’ve moved out of Oklahoma, to a place where things are bigger and therefore better: Texas. Big college football rivalry between those two colleges, for those who aren’t aware. In fact, they play each other tomorrow.
Swagger proclaimed himself the king of the fans in the arena. “By the power invested in Swagger, I hereby proclaim myself the official undisputed king of Oklahoma.” It’s power VESTED in me (or Swagger, in this case). Swagger then put on the crown as the eagle bowed to Swagger. Swagger told the fans to worship him. They did not comply. In fact, Edge’s music hit, and he came out. The eagle was taken aback by this development. Swagger told the fans to pay no attention to Edge, but Edge told Swagger the fans won’t listen. He said he was involved in the ridiculousness with the Raw GM on Monday, but now he’s on a mission to rid the WWE landscape of anything that is stupid. I don’t know if one man can handle that kind of job. Swagger said he has his own mascot, which is cool, not stupid. Edge made fun of Swagger’s lisp, which is hardly noticeable anymore. He said he was going to start his mission right now, and Swagger hid behind the mascot. The mascot gyrated in Edge’s general direction, but Edge nailed him with a right cross, causing Swagger to have a conniption at ringside. The eagle attempted to rise, but Edge speared it. Swagger was long gone from the ringside area.
- Tonight, John Cena vs. Kane tonight, with Nexus as the Lumberjacks.
- Wade Barrett was backstage, lauding Nexus’ attack earlier tonight. He did say they had to push the envelope further. If anyone from Smackdown lays a hand on Nexus, they will be suspended indefinitely. He said they have a chance to make something memorable tonight, so they discussed strategy.
[Commercial Break]
- Some grooming tips with Cody Rhodes, RE: armpits.
Nexus came out, and as they did, they showed a replay of Nexus’ attack from earlier tonight. Slater and Gabriel held Show’s legs from the outside as Show was stranded in the corner, at the mercy of the rest of Nexus. Each member of Nexus hooked an arm or a leg of Show as he laid on the ground, with Barrett putt Show in a head-scissors. He couldn’t tap out but seemed to lose consciousness, so the ref called for the bell.
WINNERS: Nexus, at 1:30. Not much to it, but it did put Nexus over strong.
Gabriel gave Show a 450 splash, and a second one. The announcers speculated about how strong Nexus would be with John Cena in the fold.
- Rey Mysterio returns to Smackdown tonight. That seems like an announcement worthy of some hype, not just thrown out there 47 minutes into the show.
[Commercial Break]
- They replayed the ending of the previous match. Grisham speculated that Show may have crushed ribs, as he was in pain walking to the back during the break.
- A video package on the Kane vs. Undertaker feud aired, including last week’s return of Paul Bearer.
- CM Punk walked out for his match against Undertaker. It’s next.
[Commercial Break]
Punk aggressively went after Taker in the corner until he was admonished by referee Mike Chioda. Taker grabbed Punk and just tossed him over the top rope and to the outside. Next, he threw Punk into the barricade. He did some of his vintage offense, including going Old School. He missed a corner charge, though, and Punk lightly applied the boots to Taker’s midsection. Shoulders to the gut in the corner, then a running knee to the face and a bulldog that Taker sold….well, not prettily. However, Taker did the zombie sit-up and Punk’s reaction was priceless. Taker went back on the attack and signaled for the chokeslam. That connected. It was followed successfully by the Tombstone for the victory.
WINNER: Undertaker, at 4:20. Not a great sign for Punk, but at least he got a high-profile match here. He seems to be in limbo right now without the Straight Edge Society with him.
- Rey Mysterio returns, next.
[Commercial Break]
- Ricardo Rodriguez introduced Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio introduced himself and said he was impressed by Smackdown’s debut on SyFy. Nexus, John Cena and Undertaker were all here, but so was someone else. A luchador, one of the greatest of all time….Alberto Del Rio. Zing! Del Rio said he’d introduce someone who hasn’t been seen in a while, someone who he put on the shelf. He said he’d give him a kiss on the cheek, and then introduced his personal friend, Rey Mysterio. Rodriguez walked out with a Chihuahua in a mask. The dog had one of his hind legs bandaged, as if it was his arm. Del Rio took the dog in one hand and started talking to it as if it were Mysterio. The dog refused to look at Del Rio, then Del Rio kissed it. Del Rio said he was kidding and said Mysterio would be here tonight…then Mysterio’s music hit and he walked out, much to the surprise (for some reason) of Del Rio.
Mysterio ran to the ring and dodged a Del Rio attack and went after him with forearms. He set Del Rio up for the 619. As he did, Rodriguez grabbed Rey’s ankles (like he did to Christian last week), and Del Rio escaped. Mysterio de-robed Rodriguez and worked him over as Del Rio looked on from the ramp. Rodriguez was dropkicked into 619 position and Rey Rey connected. Mysterio pointed to Del Rio as if to say that would be him someday.
[Commercial Break]
Interesting match here. Rhodes was seconded by Drew McIntyre. Orton got the early advantage, but as he stalked Rhodes on the outside, McIntyre distracted him long enough for Rhodes to shove Orton into the ring post. Orton worked out of a rest-hold, and dodged Rhodes’ springboard kick. He laned the back-breaker, then an RKO out of nowhere. That did it.
WINNER: Orton, at 2:22.
After the match, McIntyre attacked, but before he could stick Orton with his DDT, Orton reversed it and gave McIntyre the RKO. Sheamus ran out and showed off his fiery red hand that he talked about, with his right arm covered in red padding up to the elbow. He attacked Orton with it, then gave him a Brogue Kick.
- John Cena vs. Kane with Nexus as lumberjacks is the main event tonight.
[Commercial Break]
- A video package aired on WWE’s charitable efforts throughout the years.
- Kane came out for the main event against John Cena. It is next.
[Commercial Break]
Kane put the boots to a fallen Cena in the corner to start things off. Low dropkick from Kane, then a two-count. Kane continued the assault unabated for the first few minutes. He tossed Cena to ringside, where the sharks that are Nexus went on the attack. Eventually they did throw him back in the ring, where Kane took back over on offense. They went to break a little over two minutes into the match.
[Commercial Break]
Kane continued to hold Cena down on the mat as they returned from break. Cena finally went on offense after a missed move by Kane. He hit his pet moves and sent Kane to the outside. Nexus paused and Kane fought them off. Cena then went out on the other side and fought off Nexus himself as well. He started backing up the ramp, away from the match for some reason. As he did this, Undertaker’s bell tolled and the lights went out. When they came on, Taker was standing behind Kane. Taker went to work with rights on Kane. No bell, but let’s assume this was a DQ.
WINNER: Kane, at 7:51. This no-decision nonsense is exactly what James Caldwell and I discussed on the Livecast today. Once in a while it’s OK, but when every TV main event ends with no decision, it is certainly exasperating.
Kane and Taker continued to fight, going through the crowd. Taker seemed to have the advantage at first, but Kane did fight back and they continued to trade blows. Back at ringside, Taker slammed Kane’s head into the steel steps. Taker mounted Kane at ringside and reigned blows down upon his brother. Kane got the better of Taker once they got into the ring, but Taker did his sit-up and Paul Bearer entered the ring with the urn. He held it high over his head, and Taker grabbed Kane by the throat. He then hit the chokeslam. Kane slinked away from the ringside area as Taker stood in the ring. Kane vowed to finish Taker this Sunday, but Taker’s music played as he posed in front of Bearer and the urn. They signed off at this point.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
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He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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