WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 9/24: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including Kane's challenge to the Undertaker
Sep 24, 2010 - 9:00:38 PM
WWE Smackdown review
September 24, 2010
Taped 9/21/10 in Bloomington, Ill.
Aired on MyNetwork TV
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
- WWE Open.
- Smackdown Open.
- Tonight, Kane is making a special challenge to the Undertaker.
Side headlock grabbed by Kane to start. Masters fired back with a swinging neck-breaker. Shoulderblock of the ropes and then he tried a Masterlock. He got it locked in in the center of the ring. Todd Grisham said this move hasn’t been broken in years. Well yeah, but he was also out of WWE for a big chunk of that time. Kane tried to back Masters into the buckle to break it, and finally did so. Chop and a right hand from Masters, but Kane kicked out the left knee of the Masterpiece. He continued to work the knee, then choked Masters in the ropes. This has already gone on longer than I expected. Masters struggled to get to his feet, but Kane was there to continue the punishment. Basement dropkick for two. He went to the middle rope, but Kane met him with a thrust to the throat. He signaled for the chokeslam, and connected. Next was the Tombstone. The three-count was academic.
WINNER: Kane, at 6:07. Fine showcase match for Kane. Masters really does nothing for me.
Kane got the mic and talked about his Night of Champions win over the Undertaker and talked about how the Undertaker is no longer feared- he is afraid, just like all the fans watching at home and in the arena. Kane went into the fans to talk about how weak they were and sat down next to some kid as he talked, and the kid looked like he was going to crap his pants. Kane addressed the Undertaker personally, saying he may have destroyed Taker’s body, but on his own terms, he will destroy Taker’s legend and his very soul.
[Commercial Break]
McIntyre was back in control out of break. Smith, though, surprised Mac with a jawbreaker. Rhodes was able to tag in and keep Smith from tagging the high-motor Kidd. Blind tag to McIntyre, but Smith didn’t realize it in time. Another quick tag, the heels trying to keep themselves fresh. Smith stood right up with Rhodes working him over, and gave Rhodes the electric chair. Both men made tags and Kidd used his educated feet to keep one-half of the tag champs off balance. Rhodes broke up a pin but Smith threw him out of the ring. Finish is coming. McIntyre pulled off the turnbuckle padding and sent Kidd flying face-first into it. McIntyre gave Kidd the Future Shock to finish them off.
WINNERS: McIntyre and Rhodes, at 7:34. Fine tag match-up. Hopefully this is the start of more of an emphasis on the tag division (I know, who am I trying to kid…).
- Undertaker was backstage, looking distraught, sitting on the stairs with his head in his hands.
- Alberto Del Rio ‘s face was shown in a close-up. He was in the parking garage. The camera panned back, and he was standing over a fallen Christian, who was holding his shoulder. Del Rio said he told Christian they’d meet another place and time…this was the place, and the time. Referees and the trainer came to check on Christian.
[Commercial Break]
- Grisham and Striker talked about Christian being ambushed backstage by Del Rio prior to the break.
- “Sacrifice” by Atom Smash is the theme for Hell in a Cell, and they were acknowledged here.
- The Raw Rebound aired.
- The announcers talked about the two Hell in a Cell matches announced so far.
- The Dudebusters were trying to get Hornswoggle to say their name. Teddy Long walked in and told them it was a stupid idea. They said they were getting ready for the move to SyFy and even had a giant box to put the Bragging Rights trophy in. Nice of them to remember. After they left, Long said he’d work with Horny later on the talking.
- CM Punk was in his locker room when Luke Gallows walked up to him. Punk stood up and reminded Gallows he was through with him. He told Gallows to get out and that he wasn’t worthy of Straight Edge. Gallows grabbed Punk by the throat and put him up against the wall. Gallows said Punk isn’t better than anyone and until he’s walked a mile in his shoes, he doesn’t have a right to pass judgment. Gallows said he knows he’s better than Punk, and after he beats Punk tonight, he’s going to go celebrate…with a beer.
[Commercial Break]
Striker mentioned that Kaval has competed against Eddie and Hector Guerrero, and now Chavo. Kaval ran right into a boot to the chest. Kaval held onto the ropes as Chavo tried to throw him out. He was not accompanied by LayCool, for what it’s worth. Dragon sleeper in the ropes by Kaval. Chavo kicked Kaval off the apron and to ringside. He whipped Kaval chest-first into the barricade in a brutal looking move. Back in the ring, Chavo went for a pin and got two. Rear waist-lock from Guerrero, but Kaval broke out and went after Chavo with a flying forearm and a springboard kick to the head. Splash in the corner missed and Chavo capitalized with the Three Amigos suplexes. He went to the top for a Frog Splash – Kaval rolled away and Chavo came down safely. Dropkick by Kaval for two, as Chavo got his foot on the rope. Kaval put Chavo on the top rope, but Chavo held onto the rope during a hurricanrana attempt. Chavo landed the frogsplash for a three-count.
WINNER: Guerrero, at 4:35. Kaval didn’t show a lot there, but it’s good to get him in the ring working WWE style with guys like Guerrero. I’m sure they’re testing him by having him lose out of the gate like this.
- An update on Rey Mysterio will be forthcoming, courtesy of Alberto Del Rio.
[Commercial Break]
- Ricardo Rodriguez introduced Alberto Del Rio to the live crowd. He talked about Christian badgering him for a match. He said he was ready tonight, but Christian isn’t around – instead, he’s crying like a little baby in the parking lot. He reminded people of what he did to Rey Mysterio, so they played it on the TitanTron. Del Rio said the fans would love him for his announcement….Rey Mysterio is coming back! No pop for that. He said Rey would be coming back next week. I don’t know if they’re not buying it because Del Rio is a heel, or if they just don’t care. I can’t believe it’s the latter. Del Rio said Rey challenged him to a match, but he doesn’t know if he should accept. Christian’s music interrupted and Christian walked out, holding his pectoral area.
He immediately went after Del Rio with a right and Del Rio was taken down, but Rodriguez jumped in and pulled a Jeff Van Gundy, grabbing the ankles of Christian. While Christian tried to get him off, Del Rio took off Christian’s head with a kick, then locked in the Cross Arm-Breaker. Christian flailed in pain once Del Rio let go, and things went to ringside. Del Rio put Christian’s arm in the chair and pushed him into the steel ring post with it. Rodriguez retrieved Del Rio’s suit jacket so Del Rio could put it back on as trainers once again checked on Christian.
- Taker was once again shown on the stairs, looking quite forlorn. Certainly not the Taker we’re used to seeing. He re-adjusted his seat and groaned in agony as he did so.
[Commercial Break]
Hawkins tried to take out one of the ham-hocks of Show, but that went about as well as you’d expect. Irish whip into the corner by Show, but Hawkins got his boots up on a charge. He avoided a splash and tried one of his own, but Show chopped him in the chest out of mid-air. Tag to Archer, who got run over by Show. Waist-lock take-down by Show, then he put Archer in his submission clutch and won.
WINNER: Show, at 1:20. So much for that tag division comment earlier. Because Big Show REALLY needed this win.
- Josh Mathews was backstage with Jack Swagger. Mathews noted that next week’s season premiere of Smackdown on SyFy will be in Oklahoma. Swagger said he is worshipped in Oklahoma, and showed off his high-school football jersey and letterman jacket. Behind him, the Dudebusters and Hornswoggle snuck up and took Swagger’s stuff. Mathews tried to interrupt to tell him, but Swager wanted to continue talking about himself. Mathews tried to interrupt again and they went to commercial at an odd time, before Swagger even caught the theft.
[Commercial Break]
Punk tried to avoid Gallows, but Gallows met him with a clothesline and a big boot. Face-first went Punk courtesy of his former lieutenant. Punk offered him back in the group, but Gallows shouted that he didn’t want back in. Punk came back with a springboard clothesline. Front face-lock, which brought out a “CM Punk” chant from the men in the crowd. Punk with kicks to the chest of Gallows, then a Vladimir Kozlov-like headbutt to the chest. Another one was attempted, but Gallows kicked him in the head. Running splash in the corner by Gallows as he initiated his comeback. Big splash for two. Splash in the corner missed, however, and Punk hoisted him up for t GTS. It was awful. It also won him the match.
WINNER: Punk, at 3:34. Crowd wasn’t buying Gallows as a face, thanks to proximity to Punk’s hometown, and the weak turn for Gallows.
- More emo Taker. He just looked really tired. Or maybe bored.
[Commercial Break]
- Grisham thanked the MyNetwork TV President for providing a home for Smackdown, as next week, they move to SyFy.
- Vickie Guerrero interrupted with her “Excuse me,” and she walked out with her NXT Season 3 rookie, Kaitlyn. Vickie was out to introduce Dolph Ziggler.
“MVP” chant from the fans as their man rocked his long-sleeve outfit for this how. Ziggler needed a break early on, so he went outside….and consulted Kaitlyn, and not Vickie. Vickie was not happy about that. Running kick to the head by MVP sent Ziggler clear out of the ring. Kaitlyn got tired of Vickie, so she shoved her NXT Pro to the ground, then headed to the back. Ziggler got up and went to tend to Vickie, but she walked to the back as well. Somehow, the ref was only up to a five-count as they went to break.
[Commercial Break]
More offense from Ziggler out of break. Big elbowdrop from Ziggler garnered him a near-fall. Ziggler kept MVP on the mat with a rest-hold. Big splash in the corner did not find the mark. MVP with an overhead throw on the Intercontinental Champion. Series of clotheslines by the baller. He waited for Ziggler to get out, but Ziggler slid out of the Drive-By. Suplex by MVP put Ziggler back down, but again, only two. Ziggler crawled to the corner and MVP met his face with a running boot. Ziggler got his foot on the rope on a pin attempt. He went to the apron and choked MVP on the top rope. He tried to follow with a Zig Zag, but MVP this time was the one that held onto the rope. He was going for his Ballin’ elbowdrop, but Ziggler left the ring. He retrieved his title from the timekeeper and headed to the back.
WINNER: MVP, via count-out, at 11:33.
- Rosa Mendes was jumping rope backstage when the Dudebusters came upon her. They took her jump rope and put it in a box, saying she’d see it next week. They helped Horny put it in the moving truck. Vickie Guerrero came up to them looking for Kaitlyn. She thought she heard her in the truck so she went in looking for her. The Dudebusters took the ramp and shut the doors. The truck then drove away with Vickie inside.
- Taker, draped in purple lighting on the stairs, felt someone’s presence. He told them to get out of there. When he looked up, he was intrigued. He had a look of surprise on his face, then did the eyes-rolling-back-in-the-head thing.
[Commercial Break]
- Kane came to the ring. Grisham wondered what Kane’s “challenge” would be for Undertaker. We got the mood music in the background as Kane said he delivered his personal Armageddon. He said the ring was now HIS yard. He said Taker does have questions, and he’s wondering how he fell so far so fast. Kane said the fun has just begun and that it’s time the stakes get raised. He said the end of the Undertaker will come in a place Taker made famous. That being, of course, Hell in a Cell. He said the creatures of the night answer to him now. Even Jeff Hardy? He said Taker needs to understand that he has no choice and that he will face Kane at HiaC. He said the epilogue will read: “Here lies The Undertaker. He will never rest in peace. He will forever burn in hell.” The Undertaker’s bell tolled and the druids began their chants. They walked out next to a casket that was already on the stage. They walked it down to the ring. Kane did not look happy in the ring. The lights came on and Kane assumed it was Taker in the casket, but it turned out to be his father, Paul Bearer. Bearer sat up, urn in hand. The bell tolled again, and the lights went out again. When they came on, Bearer was in the ring on one side, Kane was in the middle, and the Undertaker was on the other. Kane turned around into an offensive onslaught by Taker. Kane shot Taker off the ropes, but the Dead Man came back with a flying clothesline. He went for a chokeslam, but Kane escaped the ring and backed away in horror. Taker posed in the ring as Bearer held the urn above his head, hearkening back to a simpler time in wrestling.
- One more plug for the move of Smackdown to SyFy. John Cena and Nexus will be there.
PWTorch editor Wade Keller has covered pro wrestling full time since 1987 starting with the Pro Wrestling Torch print newsletter. PWTorch.com launched in 1999 and the PWTorch Apps launched in 2008.
He has conducted "Torch Talk" insider interviews with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, Lou Thesz, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley, Jim Ross, Paul Heyman, Bruno Sammartino, Goldberg, more.
He has interviewed big-name players in person incluiding Vince McMahon (at WWE Headquarters), Dana White (in Las Vegas), Eric Bischoff (at the first Nitro at Mall of America), Brock Lesnar (after his first UFC win).
He hosted the weekly Pro Wrestling Focus radio show on KFAN in the early 1990s and hosted the Ultimate Insiders DVD series distributed in retail stories internationally in the mid-2000s including interviews filmed in Los Angeles with Vince Russo & Ed Ferrara and Matt & Jeff Hardy. He currently hosts the most listened to pro wrestling audio show in the world, (the PWTorch Livecast, top ranked in iTunes)
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