WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 7/9: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including another Big Show vs. Swagger match
Jul 9, 2010 - 9:00:05 PM
WWE Smackdown review
July 9, 2010
Taped 7/6/10 in Atlanta, Ga.
Aired on MyNetwork TV
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
- They showed clips of Jack Swagger injuring Big Show’s leg from two weeks ago. Show’s selling there was almost comical. Then they showed Swagger ankle-locking Rey Mysterio in their tag match from last week. They were really putting him over as a strong challenger for the title at the next PPV.
- Smackdown Open.
- Fireworks shot off from inside the arena in Atlanta, Georgia. Todd Grisham and Matt Striker opened the show by plugging Big Show vs. Jack Swagger, billed as “The Rematch!”
- Drew McIntyre was in the ring, dressed to compete. Before he could speak, Teddy Long’s music played and the Smackdown General Manager came out. Long asked him what he was doing out here, since the last time he saw him was when he was being deported. McIntyre said all of his citizenship issues have been resolved. What hasn’t been resolved, he said, was the relationship between the two of them. He called Teddy “Mr. Long” and “sir.” Drew said in his time off, he realized that he has wronged Teddy lately, and that it’s never too late to say he’s sorry. Crowd wasn’t buying it and Teddy called him on it. He said McIntyre used to have Mr. McMahon in his back pocket; but now that “he’s not here anymore” (what exactly does that mean?), Drew is going to be on the same playing field as everyone else on the roster.
McIntyre said he couldn’t agree more. He said he also came out to announce that he was going to nominate Long for the Hall-of-Fame Class of 2011. Well, they are in Atlanta, home of Wrestlemania 27. McIntyre told Long to picture getting his HOF ring in his hometown, while he main events the show as World Champion. Long said he’d like nothing more than to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, but McIntyre would have to win the Smackdown MITB Ladder Match to get a shot at being champion. Long said if McIntyre were in, he could win. Mac thanked him, but Long said there’s one thing he wants McIntyre to do for him. He smiled as he told McIntyre to get on his knees and beg for it. “You can’t be serious,” said McIntyre. Long ran the video of him begging for forgiveness from three weeks ago, as an example of how to do it. Why would you show that again, if you’re Long? He said if McIntyre wants to be the chosen one, he better get down on his knees. I could make a few jokes about that line, but I’ll keep it PG. McIntyre dropped to his knees and Long ordered him to call him the most handsome, debonair, high-class, sharp-dressed and intelligent. McIntyre did so, and Long said he wanted him to add that it’s an honor and privilege for him to have Teddy Long as his boss. Teddy said he appreciated it and that McIntyre could get back to his feet. McIntyre asked if he was in the MITB match now. Crowd was vocal about this, and Long said he wasn’t in by a long-shot. He said he still needed to earn his way in…by beating Kofi Kingston tonight. Long then headed to the back as McIntyre stewed in the ring.
- Up next, a Triple-Threat qualifying match for the MITB: MVP vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Chavo Guerrero.
[Commercial Break]
- The announcers hyped WWE on YouTube.
Ziggler was accompanied by a black-haired Vickie Guerrero. She joined the commentators at ringside. Chavo and Ziggler double-teamed MVP, but he was able to fight away and T-boned Ziggler over his head. Tandem suplex by the heels on MVP. Ziggler got a two-count as Chavo looked on and didn’t even try to break up the pin. MVP back-dropped Chavo out of the ring, and Ziggler soon followed. MVP signaled toward the gaudy-looking briefcase that hung over the ring and then posed as they went to break about 2:00 into the match.
[Commercial Break]
It was Ziggler and MVP in the ring out of break, with Chavo nowhere to be seen. Oh, there he is, popping up at ringside and grabbing MVP’s boot when he tried to come off the ropes. More double-teaming by the heels. MVP again attempted to fight away, but Chavo took him down with a drop-toe hold. MVP pushed Chavo into the corner, where Ziggler was perched on the top rope. He then superplexed Dolph off and to the mat. Chavo got to his feet first and noticed both men down. Apparently, he was only in this to ensure a Ziggler win, since Vickie was not happy that he was going for a pin. He slowly went down and hooked the leg of MVP for only a two-count. Well, he shouldn’t have wasted so much time looking at Vickie for her reaction before doing it. Vickie went to ringside and screamed at Chavo. Ziggler attacked him from behind, throwing out the game plan the three had. Guerrero fired back and went for the Three Amigos. I don’t know if this is supposed to be his face turn, but the crowd was chanting for MVP. Speaking of, he awakened from the suplex and took out both men, sending Dolph to ringside. Overhead throw to Dolph briefly interrupted the “Ballin’!” elbowdrop. Play of the Day on Chavo and as the ref was counting, Vickie pulled him out of the ring. They argued, allowing Ziggler to lock in the sleeper and the ref called for the bell before he had it on for long.
WINNER: Ziggler, at 9:10. The right man went over here. Main point was to tell the story of Ziggler/Chavo/Vickie.
- The updated MITB graphic showed there was only one man left to get into the Smackdown MITB match.
- The Big Show vs. Jack Swagger rematch is tonight.
[Commercial Break]
- Alberto Del Rio on: Inspiration. It was the second vignette from last week.
- Rey Mysterio was backstage, in the trainer’s room, with Josh Mathews. Mathews said Mysterio was being worked on by WWE’s Dr. Michael Sampson. He asked for the diagnosis and prognosis. He said there was a tear around the ankle and used a lot of big words. He said Rey needed rest and compression. Mysterio said he did feel a lot of pain. Just then, Jack Swagger barged in and ordered everybody out. It was like a scene out of a horror movie. Mathews fled, of course, but the doctors stayed, at least until Swagger applied the ankle-lock. He dragged Mysterio out of the room in the move and through the hallway and past slack-jawed onlookers. Rey tried to grab anything he could to fling at Swagger. Swagger finally let go of the move, but then grabbed Rey by the ankle and flung him into a piece of flimsy wood. Swagger dragged Rey by the foot further down the hallway. Again, he put the ankle-lock on, and dragged him through the curtain, which led out into the arena via the side of the Titan-Tron. The doctors were shown back further, waiting for Swagger to let go. Finally, Big Show chased him off. Medics and referees checked on Mysterio. Hopefully, this isn’t just an excuse to get the belt off Mysterio and back onto Swagger. Too many title switches!
[Commercial Break]
- They showed what happened moments ago, when Swagger charged into the trainer’s room and attacked Rey Mysterio. Big Show ended up carrying Mysterio backstage.
I noticed last night on Impact that Jeff Hardy must be on his brother’s diet now. Matt worked over Curt Hawkins, but Hawkins was able to back Matt into their corner, tagging Archer in the process. Double-team by the heels, where Archer whipped Hawkins into Hardy in the corner. Archer trash-talked Matt, but Hardy got a boot up on a corner charge. Tornado DDT by Hardy. Are the announcers not allowed to call it a tornado DDT anymore? Matt went for a tag, but Christian grabbed his arm and pulled him over the top rope and to the floor. He then walked out on the match, as Striker referred to it as “a little Papa Shango voodoo there from Christian.” Archer gave Hardy his finisher back in the ring, then Hawkins landed his top-rope elbowdrop for the win.
WINNERS: Archer and Hawkins, at 2:55. Good storyline advancement for the MITB PPV, and a decent win for Smackdown’s newest tag team as well.
- Big Show vs. Jack Swagger is still to come.
- But next, Drew McIntyre will have to beat Kofi Kingston to earn a spot in the MITB match.
[Commercial Break]
Kingston went for a quick roll-up and got a two-count. Side headlock by Kingston, and he worked that for a bit, with the crowd behind him. Flying cross-body for two by Kofi. McIntyre took over, pulling Kofi’s hair and slamming the back of his head off the mat. He got a two-count off of that. Monkey-flip by Kingston on McIntyre – that got him a near-fall. After some back-and-forth, McIntyre again regained control. Neck-breaker over the near for a two-count. Lots of near-falls here in the early going, from both men. Flip-kick by Kofi in the corner, but as he went to the top, McIntyre kicked the top rope. After Kofi took a spill, McIntyre got a two-count. They went to break about 4:10 into the contest, with McIntyre seething over not getting the pin.
[Commercial Break]
McIntyre had Kingston in an abdominal stretch out of break. Kofi fired back with chops, but his dropkick was brushed aside. Kofi went for the S.O.S, but McIntyre managed to back Kofi into the turnbuckle. From the second rope, Kofi frog-splashed the back of McIntyre, with Mac on his feet but leaning over. Kofi successfully hit the Boom Drop and set up for Trouble in Paradise. He missed, but hit it coming back the other way. McIntyre kicked out at two. He hit a sweet-looking wheelbarrow-like maneuver on Kingston for two. More back-and-forth, and McIntyre ended up being kicked to ringside. Kofi hit a suicide dive through the middle rope, connecting with McIntyre. Drew tried to get back into the ring, but Kofi pulled him back. Then he threw him into the ring. Why? Take the count-out win, Kofi! On the apron, McIntyre shoved Kofi head-first into the ring post. Then he pulled him into the ring and nailed him with the Future-Shock DDT for the victory.
WINNER: McIntyre, at 12:58. Really good match here. McIntyre winning was no surprise, but this loss didn’t really hurt Kofi, either.
- Another updated graphic with now all eight spots in the MITB match taken up.
- Grisham and Striker touched on the Kane vs. CM Punk feud, and how Punk is innocent of what Kane was accusing him of. They showed what happened last Friday, when Serena came to Punk’s rescue.
- Backstage, Rosa Mendes was doing step aerobics when Luke Gallows and CM Punk passed her. They stopped to watch her for a second, and seemed dumbfounded at her actions. They’re going to address the Serena situation next.
[Commercial Break]
- A new Alberto Del Rio vignette aired. Of his many attributes, he said he was proudest of his intelligence. He said he went to the finest universities in Mexico and the United States. He had a white-haired man-servant pouring him wine. Del Rio said so many of us have squandered opportunities for education. He compared his opportunity for education to a lactating mother. That’s…interesting. I’m expecting him to end his promos with, “stay thirsty, my friends.”
- Gallows and Punk (arm still in a sling), two members of the drug-free dragnet, were in the ring. Gallows said that we saw a side of the Straight Edge Society last week that we were never supposed to see. He called Serena out to presumably face her punishment. Serena walked out, mic in hand. She said this has been the hardest week of her life. She said he is more than a leader to her, he is her world. She said she made a terrible mistake when she allowed herself to get drunk, as well as when she decided to disobey him. Serena said she did it to save and protect Punk. The dissimulated Punk showed little emotion. She said she had to put a stop to the madness that took place last week.
Gallows called her the most pathetic person he’s ever seen in his life after she asked Punk for forgiveness. He said he wanted to kick her out of the SES after finding her in a bar last week, but Punk talked him out of it. He said she was supposed to set an example for women all around the world, but she ruined it. She apologized again and Gallows said if she was truly sorry, she’d leave the Society forever. Punk took the mic and said the only good thing she has said so far tonight is that it’s not her decision, but his. He appeared to be speaking to Serena, but turned to face Gallows. He said he forgives her. Gallows looked unhappy, and left the ring. Serena promised Punk that she would never fail him again. Punk got in her face and told her, “you better not.” Serena then hugged Punk, in tears, as Gallows looked on from the top of the ramp.
[Commercial Break]
Rhodes had new theme music and even had a digital mirror on the Titan-Tron he could look into, and it showed his reflection on the other side. Neat. Jury is out on the theme music. Couple arm-drags by JTG, but Cody grabbed the ropes to break. Shoulder in the corner by JTG, but Rhodes shoved him off the second rope. Rhodes showed some aggression and bodyslammed the former Cryme Tyme member. Flying back elbow by JTG as he upped the tempo a bit. Grisham said he was hoping Christian would win the MITB and finally get a World Title shot. I bet that set off Vince’s Independent Thought Alarm. Rhodes turned the tables and hit the Cross Rhodes for the win.
WINNER: Rhodes, at 2:41. Good, decisive win for Rhodes heading into MITB.
- Josh Mathews was backstage with Kelly Kelly. She faces Layla for the Women’s Title at MITB. Before Kelly could get more than a few words out, Layla interrupted with a few “Smelly Kelly” insults. Layla said the only way she would lose is if she passed out from Kelly’s bad smell. Kelly went after Layla, but Michelle McCool came from out of nowhere and attacked her. Two referees and Tiffany came to Kelly’s aid.
[Commercial Break]
- Striker thanked I Fight Dragons for the MITB official theme, “Money.”
- Once again, they showed Jack Swagger attacking Rey Mysterio from earlier tonight.
- Big Show was backstage, towering over Josh Mathews. Show said he’s well aware of what Swagger did to him two weeks ago, and he’s never felt pain like that before. He was very somber during this interview. He said Swagger wants to make people suffer, and Rey is suffering right now. He’s almost in tears. Show said when Swagger put him in an ankle-lock, it was the closest he came to feeling his bones break. Tonight, he said he was 100% and that he’d put some fear into Swagger. He said he’d make Swagger suffer.
[Commercial Break]
Swagger went for the leg immediately, but Show wasn’t having it. He went again, but Show picked him up for a slam. Swagger worked out of the hold, but was caught by Show and dropped soon after anyway. Big right hand in the corner from Show, then a frying pan-like chop. Back to the middle of the ring, and another chop. He put his boot right in Swagger’s throat. Big splash in the corner, followed by a running shoulder tackle from Show. Swagger rolled to ringside. He picked Swagger up by the hair, but he choked Show on the top rope. Swagger pounced, grabbing Show’s leg and throwing it against the steel post. He applied the ankle-lock, but Show reversed and kicked Swagger off and to ringside. Swagger tried to come back in and was summarily thrown out again. Show went after him on the outside and the two fought in the aisle. It was back-and-forth, and both men were counted out by the referee. For some reason, there was no bell though.
WINNER: Double count-out, at about 4:10 (no bell).
Show followed Swagger up and onto the top of the ramp, where Swagger slammed Show’s ankle into the steel grating. Swagger left the area through the same curtain he dragged Mysterio into the arena from earlier. The camera found Swagger backstage coming through that curtain, and Kane grabbed him by the throat. Kane said that they need to talk, and he took him into a room with red lighting. He sat Swagger in a chair and Kane claimed it was Swagger all along, and that Swagger proved it by making people suffer the past few weeks. Swagger cried that it wasn’t him. Kane said what Swagger did to Taker is nothing compared to what he’ll do to him. Kane continued to call Swagger a liar. Swagger said he had an alibi and Kane told him to prove it. He said he would next week. Kane said Swagger’s alibi better be a good one, as if there is any doubt in his mind, he would be condemned to hell. Kane left the room and Swagger continued to convulse in fear.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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