WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 6/25: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including Kane vs. Punk in No-DQ match
Jun 25, 2010 - 9:00:09 PM
WWE Smackdown review
June 25, 2010
Taped 6/22/10 in Manchester, N.H.
Aired on MyNetwork TV
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
- Backstage, Teddy Long addressed the camera, talking about the Money-In-The-Bank match and pay-per-view. He and Vickie Guerrero said that they would be keeping an eye on the roster for the next month to decide the eight competitors in the Smackdown MITB match. He said the winner can cash it in any time against the World Heavyweight Champion. The camera panned back and Vickie Guerrero talked about Mr. McMahon getting attacked by the NXT Rookies on Raw. She was about to announce something when Drew McIntyre interrupted and asked Long while he was smiling. McIntyre tried to intimidate Teddy again, but Long interrupted and said that he met with the WWE Board of Directors, and since Mr. McMahon is incapacitated, he can run things however he wants. And tonight, he’s reinstating Matt Hardy. He’ll be competing tonight…against McIntyre. Long made fun of McIntyre’s Scottish-ness and the face he makes, and told him to get out. Vickie backed up Teddy, surprisingly.
- Smackdown Open.
When Show was making his entrance, the announcers plugged Punk vs. Kane in a no-DQ match tonight. Swagger got the mic during his entrance and said he has filed a protest against WWE. Not only for having to fight Big Show tonight, but also for having to defend his title in a “lawless” match like a Fatal Four-Way. In other words, he was cheated out of the World Title. He invoked his rematch clause for the MITB PPV. He said until then, he’s going to make everyone suffer, just like his dad suffered on Father’s Day. And first up is the Big Show.
This was just Smackdown’s main event on a PPV like a month ago, and now it’s the opening match on an episode of Smackdown, with no hype at all? Boy do those people who paid to see this match feel like fools! Show dominated as the bell rang and Swagger ended up falling to ringside. He brought Swagger to the apron, but Swagger hot-shotted him. Swagger was crotched on the top rope via Show. Superplex by Show. They went to break about a minute into the match.
[Commercial Break]
Show continued his onslaught in the ring, working the left arm, then stepping on and over his upper torso. Swagger fought back with some weak right hands and Show responded with a body shot. Matt Striker speculated that Swagger may have a ruptured triceps. Swagger applied a front chancery, but Show just tossed him off with ease. Big splash in the corner by the big man. Swagger went after Show’s knee, and he fell to the mat in pain. The former champion smelled blood and tried to twist around Show’s knee. Middle-rope shoulderblock from Swagger, only getting a two-count. High legdrop followed. Running Vader Bomb found the mark. But on a second try, Show reached out and grabbed Swagger by the throat. Swagger countered with a roll up and turned it into an ankle-lock. Show finally reached the bottom rope, but Swagger wouldn’t break and ended up getting disqualified.
WINNER: Show, via DQ, at 10:35. Not really fun to watch. A typical Big Show match.
Show was assisted by two referees in the ring. He got to his feet, but collapsed in pain. The crowd cheered when he finally got to his feet, using the ropes as leverage, but again, he collapsed to the ground. Swagger looked happy with what was happening.
- Matt Hardy vs. Drew McIntyre is still to come, as is C.M. Punk vs. Kane in a no-DQ match.
[Commercial Break]
Ah, a good old-fashioned six-man tag. MVP went for an early cover on Hawkins for only a near-fall. Todd Grisham brought up Hawkins’ past as tag-team champion with Zack Ryder. High dropkick by Christian for two. Hawkins made the tag to Ziggler and they tried to double-team MVP, but were unsuccessful. MVP knocked them all to ringside. Each of the babyfaces also hit a move on the heels on the outside. The good guys stood tall as they went to break.
[Commercial Break]
Faces still on the advantage after break. Kingston hit the world’s ugliest sunset flip into a roll-up for two on Ziggler. His high energy offense led Ziggler to stay on the defensive until he finally got a knee to the stomach. However, Kingston replied with a dropkick and a side Russian leg-sweep. Hawkins tried to interfere, giving Ziggler the momentum. Rolling neck snap by Ziggler, as Striker wondered aloud what Michael McGillicutty thinks of Ziggler’s offense. Hah. Archer came in and felled Kingston with a back elbow for two. Hawkins then came in and landed a neck-breaker. Big elbowdrop from Ziggler as the heels seem to be trying to wear Kingston down with pin attempts. Ziggler got cocky and taunted the crowd, but Kingston sprung up and took him down with a hurricanrana. He dodged a Ziggler charged and tagged Christian. Face-plant by Christian on Ziggler, then he stood on Ziggler’s back with his throat draped across the middle rope. Christian knocked Archer off the apron after a two-count. Springboard sunset flip, but Ziggler landed a fame-asser for two. Christian went to the top, but Ziggler went up to greet him. He ended up greeting the canvas and Christian landed a missile dropkick, with a pin broken up by both heels. The match broke down, as usual, and Ziggler couldn’t hit the Zig-Zag. Instead, the Killswitch was engaged, and the faces got the win.
WINNERS: Christian, MVP and Kingston, at 11:54. I thought they’d use this as a showcase for Archer and Hawkins, but they were kept in the background. Good mid-card tag match.
- Still to come: In a no-DQ match, Kane tries to get revenge on C.M. Punk.
[Commercial Break]
- The Raw Rebound aired. Or at least, highlights of the attack on Mr. McMahon. Grisham said he had no updates on Mr. McMahon’s condition, but they did show the e-mail from the general manager, that told of consequences for the attack by the NXT rookies this past week.
- Backstage, Kane was ranting to the empty coffin, saying he would eviscerate, decapitate and pretty much destroy Punk.
- Matt Hardy was walking backstage. He shook hands with some production assistants backstage (and JTG), who were welcoming him back to the roster. The match against Drew McIntyre is next.
[Commercial Break]
Hardy and McIntyre yelled at each other before the match. Hardy fought with a black undershirt on. McIntyre was kicked into the announce table by Hardy, then his head was smashed into the apron. He speared Mac right out of the ring, and Hardy fell out with him. He rolled McIntyre back into the ring, but McIntyre shoved Hardy back-first into the ring post while Hardy was on the apron. He followed it up with a belly-to-back suplex on the floor. Back in the ring, McIntyre demanded the ref count Hardy out. Matt got to his feet at nine and was able to make it back in before the ten count. Mac aggressively went after Hardy with kicks and punches. Hardy perched himself on the second rope, but McIntyre hit what Striker called a Michinoku Driver (but obviously, not a pure one given restraints on the moves impacting the neck) off the top, only getting a two-count. McIntyre looked frustrated at not being able to put Hardy away. He continued to pick apart Hardy. Another suplex off the second rope for only two. Hardy grabbed the rope to break up the pin. In a change-of-pace, they went to break about 7:00 in here.
[Commercial Break]
McIntyre was still on offense back from break, still unable to get that three-count. Side Effect by Hardy. He couldn’t follow up, though. More kicking out from Hardy, thought the crowd wasn’t really into some of these near-falls. McIntyre set up for the Future Shock, but Hardy back-dropped him to ringside. He tried to set something up outside, and McIntyre backed him into the steel steps at ringside. McIntyre stood on the steps ready to stomp Hardy’s skull and got his legs swept out from underneath him, falling back-first into the steps. Both seemed out of gas here. Out of nowhere, Hardy landed the Twist of Fate for the win.
WINNER: Hardy, at 15:50. Match kinda dragged during some of the points they were trying to raise the drama with.
As McIntyre was recovering in the ring, Teddy Long came on the Titan-Tron. He said he’s sorry that McIntyre lost, but while he was doing some research, he found that McIntyre’s Visa expired, so he’s in this country illegally. He advised security to send him back to Scotland. I don’t think security as the authority to do that. McIntyre ranted to Striker at ringside, then was escorted out.
[Commercial Break]
- Grisham thanked Toby Mac for the Fatal-Four Way theme, “Showstopper.”
- Striker plugged ringside photos of the PPV on WWE.com.
- Cody Rhodes came out, accompanied by Husky Harris. Rhodes got the mic and talked about his naturally sculpted facial features. He called himself WWE’s most attractive superstar. He talked about a WWE.com Diva’s Poll that asked the Divas who the most handsome superstar was, and Cody Rhodes won with 35%. John Cena got 28%. Rhodes made Harris show of his flabby mid-section and said that, unfortunately, Husky is the “average” male. He pointed out Harris’ horrible tattoos and dirty hair. He thanked Harris for his time and apologized to him. Harris then left the ring. Rhodes said his looks aren’t from genetics and pointed out how unattractive his father and brother are. He said sometimes a blessing can be a curse. He walked out of the ring and went to ringside. He asked a random guy if he knew how difficult it was to keep his skin so fresh. He went over to Grisham and asked him if he knows how long he spends in the gym while Grisham reads Superman comics and checks out rottentomatoes.com. That’s a weird thing to say. He went over to Tony Chimel and told Chimel he hasn’t had a carb since the Clinton administration, and said Chimel hasn’t had a donut since, what, the first match? Back in the ring, Cody thanked the Divas for having exquisite taste. He laid across the top rope a la Shawn Michaels. Rhodes said he’s the man with the money face and wanted Vickie and Teddy to consider him for the MITB. He told the fans to call him “Dashing” Cody Rhodes. He repeated it several times, with different kinds of inflection. Well, he handled himself nicely on the mic, but I don’t see this gimmick as something that will push him up the card. And what’s with the Smackdown writers’ obsession with looks?
- Vickie was staring at a picture of her and Dolph Ziggler in the locker room. Ziggler walked in and said it feels like all he does is give and give in this relationship and he wants something back. Gold. Vickie said she gave him a gold chain, but he meant a championship. He wanted an I.C. Title match or the two are history. Vickie pondered the ultimatum.
- Tonight, Kane vs. CM Punk in a no-DQ match.
[Commercial Break]
Rosa had a jump-rope in the ring, working out to presumably get into LayCool. LayCool came to the ring and did guest commentary. Tiffany was at ringside with Kelly. Anyway, Mendes put the jump rope away and Kelly gave her the K2 legdrop to end things quickly.
WINNER: Kelly, at :14.
Kelly jumped rope after the match in the general direction of LayCool, then threw the jump rope at them. As they approached the ring, Tiffany came in to even the sides. That caused LayCool to drop back down to ringside. Kaval was out there with LayCool (and his pink shirt) the entire time.
- They showed clips of Swagger vs. Show from earlier tonight.
- The main event no-DQ match is yet to come.
[Commercial Break]
- A vignette aired with Dos Caras reading a book in a nice home. I think he said his name was Alberto Del Rio. He said people talk a lot about his attributes, like his honesty. But people aren’t honest for long. “A liar is a despicable person.” He said some of us lie more than others, but we’re all liars. Except for one man: Alberto Del Rio. I’m not sure what that was supposed to be.
- Next week, Rey Mysterio will address the WWE Universe, after he captured his second World Title this past Sunday.
- Punk came to the ring alone for his match, and was watching his back for another Kane attack. He got the mic before the match and had a look of exasperation in his eyes. He said he had only one thing to say: His face is one of an innocent man. Then he dropped the mic. Kane’s entrance is next.
[Commercial Break]
The fight began immediately on the outside, with Kane tossing Punk around like a rag doll. The barricade got an assist in most of Kane’s offense. Luke Gallows ran down about 1:30 in and tried to help his fearless leader, but he didn’t do too well for himself. The crazy masked member cmae out, with no shirt, and he tried to help out. His fate was much like Gallows’. However, the distraction gave Gallows and Punk enough time to recover, and soon, all three were on the attack. Kane was whipped into the barricade, and the Society whipped each other into Kane. Only problem was, Punk got back-dropped into the announcers’ area. Punk pounded Punk’s left arm into the steps, then stretched it around the ringpost. Then, the Straight Edge Savior was sent into the steel steps. Kane began undressing the announce table. He chokeslammed the masked man right onto the floor. Gallows broke up a chokeslam attempt, but he himself was chokeslammed through the table. Kane began stalking Punk, who had escaped through the crowd. They went into the concourse of the arena and Punk tried to flee the building. Kane had other ideas. He threw Punk around some more, putting him through a merchandise table and the fight eventually went to the outside. Punk crawled away as Kane stood in the doorway. He began to run across the street.
WINNER: No Contest, (no bell), at about 7:47.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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