WWE Raw Report CALDWELL'S WWE RAW RESULTS 8/31: Complete "virtual-time" coverage of Raw - Sting opens & closes Raw, Night of Champions hype, Beat the Clock, SSlam re-matches, more
Aug 31, 2015 - 10:06:36 PM
WWE Raw TV Results
August 31, 2015 - Episode #1,161
Live in Tampa, Fla.
Report by James Caldwell (@JCTorch), PWTorch assistant editor
- The Card: Sting on Raw and opening the show, Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev in a Summerslam re-match, Ryback vs. Big Show in an IC Title match, The Dudleys vs. WWE tag champions New Day in a non-title match, Dean Ambrose vs. Braun from the Wyatt Family, Divas Title #1 contender Beat the Clock Challenge, Night of Champions hype, more.
Live Raw on USA Network
Raw opened with Michael Cole, JBL, and Byron Saxton introducing tonight's card.
After a pause, the arena went dark and Sting's Crow intro played. Sting emerged on-stage and looked around the arena before howling. Sting continued to look around the arena, then he marched down to the ring as JBL hyped Sting's credentials. Cole said Sting is going for the one major title that has eluded him during his career - the WWE World Title held by Seth Rollins.
Once in the ring, Sting howled into the mic before pacing the ring. "Sting, Sting" chants. Sting said it feels good to be back in Tampa. He said the last time he competed in this ring was at WrestleMania against Triple H. He said he will always have respect for Hunter from that match, but this is now and this is Monday Night Raw. And now his sights are set on the sell-out Seth Rollins. He said Seth is no Triple H. And he's tired of watching Seth disgrace the WWE World Title - the greatest prize in wrestling today.
Sting said Seth now thinks he belongs in the same breath as Bruno Sammartino, Andre the Giant, or even The Ultimate Warrior. He said he's wrestled legends all over this world and won World Titles all over the world, but the one he is missing is the WWE World Hvt. Title. He said that's going to change at Night of Champions when he beats Seth for the World Title - the last chapter of his career.
Sting said that at WrestleMania, Hunter was man enough to stand up and shake his hand after defeating him. And at Night of Champions, he will prove that Seth isn't half the man that Hunter is. He warned Seth that he will expose him as a little boy in his world. Sting's music played and he walked up the entrance ramp to the back.
Backstage: Seth Rollins was shown shaking his head not believing what Sting just talked about. Stephanie McMahon was standing by to listen to Seth rant about Sting's promo. No sign of Triple H. Steph said a victory over a legend like Sting will only cement Seth's legacy. Seth missed the point, ranting about Sting not understanding that this is his year. He said that when he is in that ring, he is better than everyone. Everyone. Steph then used Sting's promo against Seth, saying they hope Seth will one day get to Hunter's level, but right now he has to agree with Sting that Seth isn't there yet. Seth took exception, then said he wants his statue from last week. Steph sternly told Seth to go ask Sting where it is. Interesting tension planting seeds for Seth vs. Hunter.
In-ring: Dolph Ziggler, along with Lana, was introduced to the ring for the opening match.
[Q2] [Commercial Break at 8:14]
In-ring: Rusev was introduced to the ring with Summer Rae after a look at Ziggler & Lana tweeting from Disney World over the weekend.
1 -- DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Lana) vs. RUSEV (w/Summer Rae)
Rusev over-powered Ziggler early on, then taunted him. Ziggler re-focused and nailed a dropkick to send Rusev to the outside to check his mouth. Back in the ring, Rusev smashed Ziggler with a kick of his own to the mouth. Rusev then knocked Ziggler out of the ring heading to break.
[Commercial Break at 8:22]
Back from break, Rusev was in control in the ring. Rusev slapped on a bearhug, then whipped Ziggler hard into the corner turnbuckle. Ziggler finally fought back, but ran into a side slam. Rusev followed with a flip splash to Ziggler's mid-section for a two count.
[Q3] Rusev bounced the ropes looking to follow up, but Ziggler smacked him in the face with a superkick. The match moved to the floor, where Rusev jabbed Ziggler in his injured neck, then ran him into the ring steps. Rusev missed the follow-up, though, and ate the ring steps. Both men sold on the floor as the ref applied a ten count. Rusev made it back in at eight and Ziggler dove back in right before ten.
Rusev threw a fit in the ring, thinking he had the match won via count-out. He then smashed Ziggler with a standing kick. Rusev said it's time to crush, then wanted The Accolade, but Ziggler slipped underneath Rusev, reached his feet, and snapped off the Zig-Zag. Ziggler draped himself over Rusev for a pin, but Summer Rae interfered and broke up the pin, causing a DQ.
Post-match, Lana hit the ring to fight Summer Rae. Lana got the best of Summer, then left the ring with Ziggler to celebrate on the stage while Rusev screamed and yelled from the ring.
WINNER: Ziggler via DQ at 14:17. Not much juice for the latest match between Ziggler and Rusev; the (subdued) crowd seemed more interested in seeing the women get involved.
Up Next: Beat the Clock Challenge Match #1.
[Commercial Break at 8:35]
Backstage: Dolph Ziggler and Lana were snuggly, then Renee Young walked into the shot for an interview. Lana walked off, then Ziggler talked about technically winning tonight, but wanting to win more decisively. Ziggler cut off the interview, saying he has to get ready for his date with Lana, then left to hit the showers. Ziggler walked into a locker room, then Summer Rae approached the door as Renee was still rolling. Summer tried to act like she was looking around the corner to make sure the coast was clear when a light was shining right there on Renee for the on-camera speech. Summer eventually walked into the locker room. Motive unknown - seduction or hi-jinks?
In-ring: The Bellas were standing by for a promo. Divas champion Nikki Bella said she wants to count down every moment until she becomes the longest-reigning Divas champion in WWE history. Nikki went to a countdown clock on the screen counting down to 14 days. More mixed signals acting nice, being clearly being full of herself. Very disingenuous character that the announcers did not know how to react to.
Becky Lynch's music then played to bring out Becky, Charlotte, and Paige for the first Beat the Clock Challenge match. In an inset promo, Becky warned Alicia Fox about tonight's match.
2 -- BECKY LYNCH (w/Charlotte and Paige) vs. ALICIA FOX (w/The Bellas) -- Beat the Clock Challenge Match #1 for Divas Title shot
Becky submitted Fox with the Dis-arm Her submission. Cole noted that Paige and Charlotte have to beat 3:21 in their matches later tonight to get a Divas Title shot. Charlotte and Paige were subdued in their celebration since Becky set a tough time to overcome.
WINNER: Becky via submission at 3:21.
[Q4] [Commercial Break at 8:46]
Backstage: Rich Brennan was standing by with IC champion Ryback. Brennan hyped Ryback's IC Title defense against Big Show tonight, then asked for his thoughts. Ryback said he has devoured every obstacle in his way since becoming champion. He imitated The Miz's voice, then got serious vowing to prove that he's bigger and better than Big Show.
Suddenly, the sound of squeaky heels was heard in the hallway. Summer Rae was shown running out of Dolph Ziggler's locker room still dressed in her suit, while Ziggler opened up the locker room to reveal he was naked other than a towel. Ziggler sold frustration, then slammed the door. The announcers said Ziggler has some explaining to do.
In-ring: After an awkward pause, Big Show's music played to bring out Ryback's title challenger. Ryback was out next as Cole hyped *every* title defended at Night of Champions in three weeks. So, will Seth Rollins pull double-duty defending both the WWE Title and U.S. Title?
[Commercial Break at 8:53]
3 -- IC champion RYBACK vs. BIG SHOW -- Intercontinental Title match
The Miz joined commentary during the break and instantly started complained about not getting a title shot. Once the bell sounded, Show took control, then yelled at Miz to mind his business.
[Q5 -- second hour] At the top of the hour, Show grabbed a mic to respond to "Please Retire" chants. Show yelled at the crowd to find someone to retire him because no one in WWE can do it. Ryback tried to take advantage, but Show escaped a pin attempt, then re-asserted himself. Show stared down Tye-Dye Guy in the crowd, then went back on the attack.
Ryback finally landed offense with a shoulder tackle, but Show got back to his feet and butt-splashed Ryback. But, Ryback came out of the corner with a Thesz Press, only to walk right into a chokeslam grip. Ryback escaped, though, and hit a spinebuster for a two count.
Ryback called for the Meathook Clothesline, but Show intercepted with a big chokeslam. Show covered, but Ryback kicked out. Show then slowly, slowly climbed to the top turnbuckle, allowing Ryback to bodyslam him off the top. Ryback tried to follow with the Meathook Clothesline, but Show lunged at Ryback with a big spear for a close two count.
At 7:00, Show stood up and called for the chokeslam. But, Miz suddenly hit the ring apron, which distracted Show. Ryback took advantage by dropping Show with Shell-Shock for the pin and the win.
Post-match, Ryback sold the effects of the match, Miz mock-applauded Ryback for his "retention," and Show sold the finisher on the mat. JBL wondered if Miz was rooting against Show or rooting for Ryback by interrupting the match.
WINNER: Ryback at 7:20 to retain the IC Title. And the IC Title situation must continue. Show and Ryback exceeded expectations here.
Still to come: Dean Ambrose vs. Braun Strowman. Ambrose
Up Next: Charlotte vs. Brie Bella in the Clock Challenge.
[Commercial Break at 8:07]
Back from break, Team Bellas were standing by in the ring. Charlotte's music then brought out Charlotte, Becky, and Paige. In an inset promo, Charlotte talked about seizing this moment.
4 -- CHARLOTTE (w/Paige and Becky Lynch) vs. BRIE BELLA (w/Divas champion NIKKI BELLA & ALICIA FOX) -- Beat the Clock Challenge Match #2 for Divas Title shot
Charlotte went right after Brie trying to go after the 3:21 time to beat, but Brie dodged and ducked and ran away early on. Charlotte finally got hold of Brie and beat her short of two minutes. Ringside, Becky sold a mix of disappointment and being impressed, then joined Charlotte to celebrate in the ring. Paige opened her arms like how am I going to beat that time?
WINNER: Charlotte at 1:40.
[Q6] Last Monday: The Dudleys returned to WWE TV to confront New Day.
Backstage: Renee Young brought in the Dudleys for a promo. Renee noted it's been over a decade since they competed on Raw. Bully Ray said they are here for two reasons: (1) putting everyone through a table and (2) most importantly to re-claim the WWE Tag Titles. Ray said the magic number is 10. He said they want to be the 10-time World tag champions and in order to do that, they have to go through New Day. Bully said New Day is sitting at the head of the table, so they plan on putting them through a table. Devon signed off and the Dudleys held up the 3D logo for the camera.
Up Next: Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro, which was not given advanced hype. Owens and Cesaro were shown walking down the hallway on a split-screen ahead of their match.
[Commercial Break at 9:19]
So far, no follow-up on Ziggler-Summer Rae.
In-ring: Cesaro was introduced first for his Summerslam re-match against Kevin Owens, who was out second.
As soon as the bell sounded, Owens cockily walked up to Cesaro to jaw with him. Cesaro answered with an uppercut, then knocked Owens out of the ring. On the floor, Cesaro landed a big running uppercut into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Owens caught Cesaro with an attack to the mid-section. Owens followed with his trademark cannonball splash in the corner, then taunted the crowd. Owens continued to punish Cesaro heading to break.
[Q7] [Commercial Break at 9:30]
Back from break, Cesaro and Owens were hanging out on the top turnbuckle. Owens knocked down Cesaro, who suddenly sprung on Owens with a dropkick. Cesaro then dead-lifted Owens into the air for a gutwrench suplex that resulted in a two count. Cesaro followed with a reverse torture rack slam for another nearfall. Owens recovered and went for another cannonball splash, but Cesaro rolled out of the way.
Reset at 13:00. Owens and Cesaro traded bombs and slaps, then Cesaro nailed an uppercut. He then dead-lifted Owens into the air, slammed him to the mat, and slapped on the Crossface submission. Owens used his legs to break the hold, though. Cesaro tried to follow with a suplex over the top rope to the outside, but Owens blocked, then bounced Cesaro off the ring apron into the announce table. Cesaro sold intense pain to his mid-section as Owens recovered in the ring.
Cesaro returned to the ring, then tried to set up for the Big Swing (which Cole called the Sharpshooter for the second time), but Cesaro sold pain to his mid-section. Owens took advantage of Cesaro's weakened state, then hit the pop-up powerbomb. It was good for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Owens at 15:40. Another solid match between them. Nice to see Owens get a relatively clean win to reinforce his credibility in the ring.
Up Next: Dean Ambrose vs. Braun Strowman.
But, first, a look at Ambrose starring in the next installment of "12 Rounds," due out September 11.
[Commercial Break at 9:42]
[Q8] Here's the follow-up. Dolph Ziggler was shown standing by with Lana, who listened to Ziggler explain that he was in the shower, Summer saw him coming out of the shower naked, and she ran off while he grabbed a towel. Lana asked how she's supposed to feel. Ziggler said she saw him naked for two seconds. That's it. And then he grabbed a towel. Nothing happened. Lana walked off, leaving Ziggler frustrated. On commentary, Saxton offered fake sympathy, saying he wouldn't want to be in Ziggler's shoes.
In-ring: Bray Wyatt's music played to bring out Wyatt through the darkness of the arena while Luke Harper and Braun Strowman stood by in the ring. After a replay of recent events between The Wyatts and Shield hold-overs, Bray spoke from inside the ring. Bray thanked Sister Abigail for giving him her greatest gift - the black sheep, Braun Strowman. Wyatt said this is Braun's moment.
Bray said for thousands of years, mankind has tried to predict when the end of the world will come. He said the seventh trumpet sounds tonight and they walk among the people undisguised. Bray told Braun to show the world the face of their destruction. Bray removed his sheep mask to reveal his bearded mug.
Braun spoke. He said it's not the beginning, but the end. "The apocalypse," he growled. Raw cut to break.
NXT plug: The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic kicks off this Wednesday on WWE Network.
[Commercial Break at 9:52]
In-ring: Dean Ambrose was introduced to the ring back from break. Ambrose paused on the stage, surveyed the scene, and marched down to the ring. Before hitting the ring, The Shield's music played to bring out Roman Reigns through the crowd to have Ambrose's back.
6 -- DEAN AMBROSE (w/Roman Reigns) vs. BRAUN STROWMAN (w/Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper)
Braun's TV debut match started with a giant shoulder tackle. Braun then tossed Dean across the ring. And again. Braun continued to look away from Ambrose and look out of the ring, as if he was seeking approval of the Wyatts. But, they were on the other side of the ring. Weird habit. Braun eventually knocked Dean out of the ring, then cheap-shotted Reigns. Braun tried to follow up on Dean, but Reigns attacked him, so the bell sounded.
WINNER: Braun via DQ at 3:08 when Reigns interfered.
[Q9 -- third hour] Post-match, Braun tossed Reigns aside, then he chucked Dean into the announce table. Braun chucked Reigns into the timekeeper's area, then bodyslammed Ambrose. No sign of Bray or Harper. Braun tossed Reigns into the ring, but slowed himself down returning to the ring. Reigns attacked Braun, but JBL said Bray and Harper are not concerned at all because of how powerful Braun is. Braun proved everyone right by wiping out Reigns, then no-selling a chair shot from Ambrose. Harper eventually hit the ring to take out Reigns with a big boot.
Down at ringside, Bray directed traffic. Braun followed by lifting Reigns into the air for a dominator. Bray then entered the ring to yell at the crowd. Braun was not done with Reigns, who was set up for Sister Abigail in the middle of the ring. Bray, Harper, and Braun stood tall over Reigns and Dean, then Bray shouted: "Follow the buzzards."
Raw cut to the announcers sitting in the dark reacting to Braun's path of destruction. Cole switched gears to a Summerslam flashback. They discussed Seth Rollins not getting his statue after winning the U.S. Title to go with the WWE Title at Summerslam.
Earlier Tonight: Sting vowed to prove that Seth Rollins is not half the man that Triple H is at Night of Champions.
Backstage: Renee was standing by Rollins to ask if he's had any luck finding his statue. Rollins angrily asked if she thinks this is funny. He said the statue represents all of the hard work that has gone into making this title reign possible. Seth vowed to call out Sting later tonight and demand that he return his statue. She then asked Seth about Sting saying he is no Triple H. Seth said Sting is delusional, then addressed the Hunter topic. He said Hunter was The Man back in the day, so no disrespect, but he is the first man to hold the WWE Title and U.S. Title. "I am the man. Now," Rollins closed.
Up Next: Paige has to beat Sasha Banks in 1:40 to get a Divas Title shot.
[Commercial Break at 10:10. During the break, WWE ran a local spot for Night of Champions in Houston centered on Sting challenging for the WWE World Title.]
[Q10] In-ring: Lilian Garcia was standing by to introduce the final Beat the Clock match. Paige's music played to bring out Charlotte and Becky Lynch. In an inset promo, Paige talked about the Divas division being mis-represented for too long, so now it's time to re-establish that it's her house. Sasha Banks was out next with Naomi and Tamina to face Paige. Before the bell sounded, Cole confirmed the Divas Title match at Night of Champions in Houston.
7 -- PAIGE (w/Charlotte and Becky Lynch) vs. SASHA BANKS (w/Tamina and Naomi) -- Beat the Clock Challenge Match #3 for Divas Title shot
Very quick pin attempts early on to establish this as not a standard match. Paige nailed a running knee for a nearfall with 40 seconds left on the clock. Paige hit the PTO, but Naomi and Tamina kind of dragged Sasha out of the ring. Paige got Sasha back into the ring, but the clock expired.
Post-match, Paige cried while Charlotte was announced as the new #1 contender to the Divas Title. Charlotte tried to act happy for the title shot, but not too happy to be a good teammate for Paige. The Bellas came out on-stage and Charlotte indicated from the ring that she wants the Divas Title. Paige eventually calmed down and hugged Charlotte.
WINNER: Draw at 1:40. What should have been a big moment for Charlotte came across depressing in the arena. Just a weird set-up to get the anticipated Divas Title shot for Charlotte against Nikki at Night of Champions.
Still to come: Seth calls out Sting. Also, the Dudleys vs. New Day.
[Commercial Break at 10:20]
Backstage: More Renee Young. Renee brought in Lana to follow up on the follow-up. Renee said she spoke to Summer Rae during the commercial. Summer made up a story about walking down the hallway, Dolph asking her to talk, and then showering in front of her. She said Dolph gave him The Look, but she ran out of there because she thought about Rusev. Summer said she will never forget the image of Dolph Ziggler standing in front of her. Back to Renee with Lana, who fought back tears, then bailed from the interview. The announcers had nothing to offer.
In-ring: New Day's music played. Xavier Woods spoke first. Xavier, sporting long hair that the camera zoomed in on, talked about the importance of tables. Big E. and Kofi Kingston also talked about the significance of tables. Like the Periodic Table of Elements. New Day then went under the ring to retrieve a "very special table." Xavier said this is the last table in the building. He said they would like the crowd to clap along with their call to "Save ... The Tables." The match is next.
[Q11] [Commercial Break at 10:29]
In-ring: The Dudleys's fireworks shot off and their music played back from break. Bully and Devon emerged on-stage and played to the crowd for their first match on Raw in 10 years. Down at ringside, the Prime Time Players were on commentary.
8 -- THE DUDLEYS (BULLY RAY & BROTHER DEVON) vs. WWE tag champions NEW DAY (BIG E. & KOFI KINGSTON w/Kofi Kingston) -- non-title match
The Players talked about having their Tag Title re-match when they want it. Big E. and Devon battled, then Kofi tagged in and Bully took a tag. Bully backed Kofi into a corner with the "New ... Day Sucks" chant, then Bully caught Kofi with a big lariat. Bully and Devon then stacked up New Day for a big corner splash and a second. The Dudleys tossed New Day out of the ring, then stood tall heading to commercial.
[Commercial Break at 10:37]
Back from break, the announcers hyped Dudleys trying to get a Tag Title shot by winning this match. Titus O'Neil became agitated since they have their own Tag Title re-match clause. Suddenly, Xavier pulled down the top rope to cause Devon to fly over the top rope to the floor. Kofi took advantage with a diving foot to Devon. Back in the ring, New Day tagged in and out working over Devon in the corner. Long beat down on Devon as Xavier talked non-stop at ringside.
Devon finally fought back, then tagged in Bully Ray. Ray ran over Kofi with clotheslines, then threw him high in the air with a back drop. Big corner splash, then a clothesline to Big E. on the ring apron. Bully suddenly tossed Xavier into the ring by his new hair. Devon then discarded him on the other side of the ring. Back to Bully, who dropped Big E. to set up the What's Up? headbutt, but Kofi broke it up. The Dudleys recovered, then dropped Kofi with the 3D. It was good for the pin and the win.
WINNERS: Dudleys at 12:37. Bully provided some needed energy on a sleepy show, but that long beat down on Devon was too much three hours into the TV taping.
[Q12] Post-match, the Dudleys grabbed New Day's bubble-wrapped "last table in the building" from ringside. They unwrapped the table, then set up Big E. for a 3D through the table, but Xavier pulled Big E. out of the ring to avoid an unfavorable fate. Xavier helped his teammates away from ringside, then the Dudleys posed in the ring. The Prime Time Players noted their presence at ringside, but the Dudleys ignored them and turned back to New Day.
Up next: Seth Rollins calls out Sting.
[Commercial Break at 10:50]
This Thursday: Miz TV with guests Dolph Ziggler & Lana on Smackdown.
In-ring: WWE World Hvt. champion Seth Rollins was introduced to the ring for the main event segment. Rollins had a mad, smug look on his face. The WWE Title belt was over his right shoulder and the U.S. Title belt was around his waist. Cole hyped Raw in Baltimore next Monday night, then wondered if Rollins will leave Houston as WWE champion at Night of Champions.
Notably, hardly anything on John Cena tonight.
In the ring, Seth Rollins said that up until last week, he had no problem with Sting. As a matter of fact, he revered Sting as a legend and icon in this ring. But then Sting hi-jacked his statue, ruined his ceremony, and it became painfully obvious exactly why WCW went out of business. Seth said he is nothing like Sting - he is a real man.
Seth said he wants Sting to take back what he said earlier tonight that he is not as good as Hunter. He said that is not true because he is just as good as Hunter and might one day be better than him. More importantly, though, he wants the statue that represents him being the greatest WWE champion of all-time.
Instead, Stephanie McMahon's music played. Light reaction from the crowd. Steph marched down to the ring to have a chat with Rollins. Steph said she did tell Seth to call out Sting, but she suggests Seth stop talking about her husband. Seth did his "you have it all wrong" deal about Steph misunderstanding him. Steph told Seth that he is letting Sting get in his head because it's not about Seth vs. The Authority or a statue, but about being WWE champion. "You are The Man!" Steph said.
Seth said that's right because he is The Man. But, he still wanted to know where the statue is. No Sting. Instead, John Cena's music played for his first appearance of the night. Cena woke up the sleepy crowd, posed on the stage, and stormed the ring for a little talk.
[Q13 -- over-run] Cena said Seth probably thinks Stephanie is going to throw him out of the arena, like last week, but this is a lesson about how expendable Seth is. He said Steph is going to make Seth's life miserable right about now. Cena said Seth is talented in the ring, but he is the biggest idiot he's ever met in his entire life. Cena said Seth thinks The Authority is his friend, but they picked him because he's the only one who would stab The Shield in the back.
Cena told Seth to ask Randy Orton, Dave Bautista, and Kane about The Authority squeezing everything out of him before letting Seth go. Cena said if they really had Seth's back, they wouldn't let him do what he's about to do. Cena brought up The Authority booking every title on the line at Night of Champions, and he just so happens to have a re-match for the U.S. Title. Cena said Seth is going to face Sting for the WWE Title and him for the U.S. Title at Night of Champions.
Seth shook his head, saying there's no way that's happening. Cena said it's time to talk to Steph about this. Steph, trying to hide in the ring put in a difficult spot, was asked if Cena has the match at Night of Champions. Seth tensed up, winced, and quietly said, "Yes." Seth went off, Cena left the ring, and Seth argued with Stephanie. Steph tried to calm down Seth, who pointed out that he has to make two title defenses on the same night. "No, no, no," Seth mouthed.
Sting's music then played and they had a Raw Moment with Cena and Sting standing together on the stage. Cena, who is more Sting than Hulk Hogan, stood tall with Sting as Seth tried to muster some courage from in the ring. Cena posed, Sting howled, and Seth seethed in the ring to close Raw six minutes past the top of the hour.
[ REAX: The show had its ups and downs, but was really hurt by a sleepy crowd. Overall, it just felt like a show despite WWE trying to juice things up with Sting and teasing tension between Seth and The Authority. When the default #1 babyface and next challenger to the WWE Title starts the show endorsing one-half of the crooked, heelish, no-good Authority, it makes things a little fuzzy for the rest of the show. ]
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